"A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing in the orange suns rays and dares to claim the sky."

"I can't believe Daddy and Papa let us come by ourselves!" A tall sixteen year old Omega smiles watching the foreign sights of the western kingdom, "This is just awesome!"

His younger brother nods slowly as he takes in the smells and sounds around them, "It is but Zach we're here to for a reason." Their parents have arrived two days before and after a long discussion the twins were allowed to come along.

"I know that…" Zachary sits back, "I mean it took what five years for all of Papa's laws to really sink in and I know they'll work here too."

Joseph just shakes his head, "It wasn't just laws it was education, talking, discussing and you're not listening are you?"

"Nope." Zachary's attention is drawn to a large crowd growing outside, "Joey can you hear that?"

The blind Alpha moves closer to the window, "Yes I can…Driver stop the carriage." The carriage stops and the Alpha Prince opens the door to get a better sense of what's going on a top of a large platform. "Are they going to hang someone?"

"Yeah it's a young woman with long black hair and…wow she's gorgeous." Zachary instantly hands his brother a long white cane before offering his arm which the younger twin refuses, "Joe…Dude we have ta let it be. I mean we're Princes but…this isn't really our place."

The hangman turns to the crowd, "Xiu Wang you have been charged with the act of refusing to mate. Therefore you are deemed useless to our kingdom." He lets out a sweet laugh as he turns to his noose, "You have one last chance for there are countless suitors out there for you."

Xiu stands nearly defiant as she turns to the cheering crowd as many young and old Alphas alike cry out for her, "Is there no Alpha out there that wants me more than for what I look like?" Her charcoal eyes narrow with disgust until she hears a light tapping sound as a young blonde man with dull emerald eyes walk up on the platform.

The hangman turns and lets out another laugh before granting the man a bow, "Prince Joseph it's so nice to see one of the Kirkland Royal families here to see our humble Kingdom."

He can hear the crowd around him whisper as he smiles, "It's nice to be welcomed with such open arms and if you don't mind since every Alpha here is willing to take you as theirs I find myself as no different." The whispers turn to light gasps and snickering, "Although I'm afraid I cannot see if you are a lovely as they say."

She doesn't know what to say as the hangman smiles, "So what do you say Rebel? This Prince has just asked you a question."

To the surprise of the crowd she nods slowly, "I…will take this Alpha as my mate…if he'll let me." She gives him a light bow as the Hangman removes the noose he placed over her neck. She reaches out her hand for him and waits for him to take it, "Sire?"

"Sorry Love." He reaches out his hand and quickly she takes it, "I'm sorry to say that there will be no hanging today." He calls out to the crowd before moving back down the platform his new mate by his side. It's not until the now trio is inside the carriage does he speak, "I'm sorry but what was your name again?"

She stares at him before she smiles, "I'm Xiu Wang…the last member of my clan." She looks down and while she's grateful to the man she's somewhat ashamed, "I'm sorry but I don't think you want me as your mate. I have nothing to give you or your kingdom."

Joseph takes her hand, "And who said I wanted anything from you?" He gives her a kind smile before sitting next to her, "But um…you don't mind if I know what you look like do you?"



She closes her eyes as his fingers lightly touch her tan skin, "Okay Joey." She feels his delicate touch as his fingers slowly move from her chin and cheek bones up to her closed eyes and finally to her forehead and down her long silk hair. "What do you think?"

The carriage stops outside a tall palace, "I think my fathers will love to meet my new mate." She takes his hand and squeezes it tightly as the doors are opened, "Just take my arm. Let's go Zach."

She's at awe as she takes the crook of his arm and the trio walks within the place. Suddenly they hear a loud voice followed by an equally loud laughter, "Love honestly?"

"What? Arthur relax I'm sure our boys are nearly here." Alfred looks up at the door, "There they are…um Joseph who's your new friend?" The Queen asks watching both his sons enter slowly almost instantly knowing the answer.

She stands before the blonde pair before giving them a slight bow, "I'm…I'm…"

Joseph finishes for her, "She's my mate Daddy and I her Alpha."

Arthur stares at the pair before taking his own mate by the hand and giving them a light smile, "I see my young prince." He can feel his Omega squeeze his hand gently both had prayed this day would come for their son, "Did you find your equal?"

"Yes Papa." Xiu looks at him in wonder at this Alpha prince yet she finds herself already loving this man and his kind voice, "But more importantly I found my songbird."

She's surprised by this, "Songbird? So does that mean you're going to cage me?"

He can't help but laugh, "No it means…I want to let you sing."

A/N: Thank you to all that read and reviewed my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Cat