Dear family and friends,

This is Amu, if you haven't already guessed well, I'm dead.

My lifeless body is laying next to this note. Let me say sorry, I… I'm sorry, Yaya, Nagi, Rima… Don't think that this was my first option, I tried cutting, to deal with my pain, smoking, it just didn't work…

So, first off, I'm going to write to Yaya. Yaya, thank you, for being a good friend and not struggling to put a smile on my face, you're so strong, and I admire that, you're a beautiful little girl and I hope you live a long life and get married and have plenty of babies. (:

Nagi, thank you for being my friend, and always standing up for me, dealing with bullies, fighting beside all of us guardians. Please, ask Rima out. For me? See how your relationship goes, I would really love to see how you all work out, maybe… Just maybe if you have a little girl in the future, you should name her Amu, in my honor.

Rima, my dear, dear best friend. I'm going to miss you, so much. But, I felt like this was the right thing to do, you are so amazing in everyway, and I hope that you and Nagi get together. I wanted to thank you for keeping somewhat of an spark alive inside me.

Momma, Daddy, please forgive me. Don't cry, don't grieve, stay strong and stay alive for Ami. I know Ami doesn't understand, but please tell her that I am on vacation. Please?

All the kids at Seiyo Academy, thank you for supporting me in everything I did as a guardian. I don't have much to say to you though.

Ikuto… Um, please don't care to much. I know that sounds horrible, but please, just forget I was even alive, make sure you find a girl who truly loves you. Like I did. I will really miss you, all those days of kissing, snuggling, hiding our relationship from my parents, those were the days I honestly felt happy. I will remember the day I almost gave my virginity to you, then… You had to go home, I felt like you didn't want me. I was unloved, please for me, forget me.

Kukai, stay amazing dude. I love you.

Utau, thank you for not hating me all the time. (:

Kairi, you're a real man to me.

And finally Tadase, make sure the guardians, always stay together, no matter what.

Love, and strawberry kisses. Amu Hinamori.

P.S. I love you Ikuto…