Hermione still felt dizzy after her last potions class and extremely embarrassed,
No matter what she did she just could not get rid of the fuzzy feeling surrounding her.

The potion had worked out perfectly as usual, her well-being potion designed to soothe and get rid of tension was a welcome relief after all the exams, Hermione was in her last year at Hogwarts and 2 months after she arrived all the exams started, she did not really need to worry as she had studied hard for every subject, especially dreaded potions!

The thought of failing that subject and Snapes reaction would be worse than anything she could imagine,
Snape was cold-hearted mean sadistic nasty always preferred his own students, to any other, this showed in the way he dealt out points,
She remembered the last lesson,
"10 points deducted from Gryffindor miss Granger!"
"What for?"
Hermione had demanded rather carefully. This seemed to infuriate Snape more, she really should learn to glare and nod like Ron did!
"My potion worked perfectly she stammered,"
Trying to keep as much courage and dignity as possible. Snapes lips curled in that evil smile that all students feared.

This meant he had something condescending or extremely sarcastic to say not a good sign.
"I am well aware miss Granger that you ARE the only student in this class to have made an acceptable well-being potion, but I will not tolerate you sitting there all prim and looking SMUG about it,"

His voice raised on smug, and although Hermione did not look, she could feel all the Slytherins smirking behind her back, She looked to Harry, and could have sworn she seen fire in his eyes directed at Snape.

"And Harry the insufferable know it all's best friend, 10 points from Gryffindor for daring to look at me like that."
Snape sneered and walked away,
Hermione was fuming inside despite the well being potion, If it hadden't been for that potion she had just sampled she would have done something she would likely regret calling him something sounded good.
Snape walked away to Miraia Hoglle's potion,

She was almost as bad at everything as Neville was, picking up on that Snape had paired her and Neville together in potions, most likely so he could shout at both of them at the same time.
She heard Snapes voice over the rest of the class room
"Miriah I know Neville is your boyfriend, I think you're well suited to each other!"
There was a pause the whole class looked at them
"Just never have children you might pass your idiocy and incompetence to them!"

She could see the embarrassment creeping up Mirias and Neville's cheeks.
Before the Christmas break Snape had caught them behind a hedge getting frisky with each other,
He still liked to bring it up whenever possible.
Hermione glanced over to the Slytherins and seen Malfloy with a sneer on his face, obviously he had been practicing his Snape impersonations in the mirror again, she commented to herself.

However she really did not like the way Malfloy was looking at her, through 6 years experience she realised it was the "I know something you don't know!" Look he had on, Hermione looked away and shivered, she knew she would eventually find out what it was and through experience she realised it's never good.

Right now she was walking quickly through the corridors to the library,

She picked a book to read, *Animagi the potions way by Hilgarda Hegglethwait *
She sat down but could not concentrate she was still thinking of her latest back clash in potions class,
Slamming her fist on the table she muttered
"That Snape is a condescending nasty Miserable jerk who needs a good slap, Im sure his mum dropped him on the head as a baby"

She let out a sigh,
"I can assure you my mother did no such thing!"
Said a silky voice, sitting in a deep armchair reading was none other than Snape himself sitting next to the fire, he turned the chair around and looked at her there was silence ...his eyes narrowed.

Hermione only sat there too afraid to look away from Snape and to afraid not to.
Snape calmly with no hint of malice but with an edge to his voice that was probably worse than blatant sarcasm continued

"Do you usually talk about your superiors that way"?

Feeling brave though no idea why Hermione replied tremblingly

"No only people whose sole purpose is to make my life a living hell"

Snape smirked in a way that sent a shiver down her spine,

But also a heat through her body she had never felt before,
"Believe it or not my sole purpose is not to make your live a living hell"... there was a chilling pause accompanied by a sneer "Its just a side benefit. But really Hermione Nasty miserable jerk, I would have expected better from you!"

His eyes narrowed but he never blinked once, Hermione did not think this was normal, all of a sudden the fuzzy feeling returned and without realising what possessed her, slowly she walked up to Snape.

Her heart was going a mile a minute but she never lost eye connection with Snape, she knew what she was about to do but could not stop herself.

Whatever he was expecting he did not expect her to get up and come closer to him, he actually expected her to bolt when he had made his presence known, the sultry way she was walking did nothing to ease him.

Hermione stood in front of Snape and placed her hands on the armrest and bent down and kissed Snape quickly licking his top lip. Gently and before she realised what she was doing had brushed her hand over his sensitive lower region, and let she let out a small mmmm.

Snape was startled and was frozen to the spot.

Hermione as if in a daze snapped out of her fuzzy well-being and looked into Snapes impassive face, he looked totally unaffected, she was hit by a wave of embarrassment and confusion and guilt at what she had done, she then and bolted out of the library leaving all her things behind.

When Hermione had left the library Sevarius Snape let out a suppressed groan and a look of total puzzlement came over his face.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, though quickly quelched.

Hermione Raced through the halls right up to the Gryffindor common room, what had she done?
She thought the heat in her body was still present but what had caused her to, for a better word comes on to a teacher, and Snape of all people for god's sake!

She remembered the look on Malfloys face,
"I bet he had something to do with it, She went up the stairs to her room and sat on her bed.
She concentrated on anything that would give her a clue,
Then she remembered that Malfloy had some crushed rose petals on his desk in potions, but they were not part of the ingredients to a well being potion.
She got out her books and started to look for rosé petal qualities.

She looked it up, After some careful reading it dawned on her, Malfloy had spiked her potion with Red rose petals
She read out the passage again and again.

Red rose petals or more commonly known in the wizarding world as alamara da lokada have and nothing magical about them, however they are a key ingredient to an inhibitions potion.

A potion? Hermione had never heard of that before!

She frowned at this she looked in her potions book, and sure enough there was an inhibitions potion the ingredients were exactly the same as a Well being potion apart from the addition of rose petals finally crushed, she read on...

The inhibitions potion although easy to make "I see way Malfloy could do it!" Have averse side effects, it gives all the elements of a well being potion page 450 but takes away a persons inhibitions . The potion is not precise sometimes the inhibitions can be completely taken away and makes the person inflicted do things they would be too afraid to do or through a moral or ethical standing would refrain from. Although this potion makes the inflicted act in a way that would not be a normal behaviour pattern, it does however not make the inflicted do something they would not want to do.

Hermione read this about five times before it sank in, she would act on impulse for Merlin knows how long.
Then something else hit her, She wanted to kiss Snape, some part of her must have wanted to, the potion does not make someone do something, and they don't want to do!
The way his eyes glared at her made her want to kiss him! She could tell Snape that it was another potion that made her act this way and everything hopefully would be fine, after he had shouted at her that is.

Hermione set about looking for a counter potion. It was on the next page.

Although the inhibitions potion is easy in its own right the counter potion is decidedly more difficult and few manage o make it perfectly. The ingredients are rare and difficult to mix.

Hermione felt a sinking feeling in her stomach that meant that
1. If she had the ingredients it would be very difficult to make so would need to ask for Snapes help
2. To get the ingredients she would need to steal the ingredients or ask Snape

Neither seemed like a good idea, she then had the urge to go to sleep naked, what is someone seen her or was caught? This sounded exiting,
"Oh my god I never realised how many kinky thoughts went through my head, now I might act on them oh god!"

She sighed and went to bed. Tomorrow she would have to tell Snape what was wrong.
This was going to be a long night!

In the evening after all the classes were finished, thank god on Fridays she did not have potions.
In transfiguration she told Mcgonagall her glasses made her look really old, she was told off for that. She told a boy from ravenclaw his hair was sexy in the corridor as he passed, and to top it off laughed out loud when Professor Flit wick fell off his stack of books much to his annoyance.

She had to fight the urge not to show what colour knickers she had on to the passing slytherin quiditch team, flying outside her dangerous creatures class, Harry had noticed Hermione's odd behaviour and was worried, Hagrid noticed her staring at the quiditch team and not at his flapped hairy rat and Ron was really not talking to her at all after she had made that comment to that pretty boy in Ravenclaw.
After that she made her excuses and headed to the one person who could get her out of this mess.

She slowly walked through the corridors towards Snape classroom; her adrenalin was pumping,
Was he going to be furious or tease her like he did Neville and his girl? She shuddered anything but that embarrassment!
She was now in the dungeons section and slowly walked up to Snapes door and knocked quietly, she held her breath and hoped he was either not in or did not hear her
"Come in" said Snapes harsh voice from inside"
Hermione swallowed and turned the latch.