FAGE Six Pack
Title: Only for Her
Written for: Laurie Whitlock
Written By: Speklez
Rating: MA
Summary/Prompt used: In light of a commonality they hadn't known about, two enemies must band together to save the one person they both care about the most. Changing POV's, AU/AH/OOC/OC... FAGE Written for Laurie Whitlock
They have faced off before, the collision nearly catastrophic. It was only through clearly divine intervention that both of them were still alive to tell the tale after the devastation they left in the wake of their last interaction.
What could make two men that pledged to kill the other not only form a truce, but actually work together?
It all started with a phone call.
Demetri POV
I stood in the doorway of the hospital room, eyes narrowed and lips pursed. I hated that I had to bring him here. I really didn't care about their relationship at this point. I knew Newton had something to do with this, he basically said as much. The problem was... I didn't get a chance to find out what that was.
Forcing my attention to move from Newton to the bed, what I saw there only served to further piss me off. Naturally pale skin was covered in dark bruising and littered with cuts. Even from this distance I could see the finger shaped bruises around her neck. If it wasn't for the fact her eyes were open and bright as she looked at Michael, I would have gladly thought he was a fucking liar when it came to the two of them.
When he went to touch her, I had had enough. I didn't want to see it so I spoke up, stopping that shit quick, fast and in a hurry.
"Make contact and I break whatever it is you touch her with, Newton."
There was a sadistic pleasure that dripped down my spine at the way his hand snapped back and he turned his attention from the bed to me. He stared at me for second before he clicked his tongue a few times, I would assume thinking about testing the validity of my threat that was actually a promise.
"Metri, be nice."
I glanced at my sister for a moment before locking eyes on Newton. "I was." I glared at Mike a second longer before I moved to stand on the other side of the bed from Newton and looked down at her. "Lexi, start talking. What happened, Agapimenos? The officer I spoke with said you didn't remember much. Tell me what you do"
I saw something spark in Lexi's eyes before she looked away from me and down to her lap. Once again her voice went quiet, forcing both me and Mike to strain to hear her. " I lied."
I have never actually been that surprised before. My eyes went wide and jaw slightly lax. "You lied? Alexis, that's not like you. If you know who did this, you should have told them."
She nodded and swallowed hard. "I know and I'm sorry, but they can't help. You and I both know that."
Now it was Mike's turn to speak up. "What do you mean?"
She glanced at him for only a second before she looked back at me. "He said he worked for you. The last time someone said that, Daddy was arrested and I didn't know if that cop was one of yours or not. So, I lied and said I didn't remember anything. But, I do. I remember it all."
My left eyebrow slid up my forehead and vanished behind my bangs as I stared at her. I was in no way expecting that answer, but the shock wore off pretty quick, though. "Give me a name."
Alexis licked her lips and let out a shallow breath. "He said his name was Garrett and that I needed to go with him because Afton was compromised. He said you sent him. He had the same insignia tattoo on his forearm the other guys do. I said I had to call you and he said I could do it from the car, he just had to get me safe first, that you said if anything happened to me you would sic Felix on him. He said all the right things. Everything he said was something you have told him to get me to go along with it without it coming directly from you."
As I listened to her recount, I figured out which Cullen was about to die. Emmett wouldn't have used mind games, though I have no doubt he could. It just wasn't his style. This was just too elaborate. No, this was Edward's work and before I put bullet in his skull, I would get him to admit it.
I'm not back. I live elsewhere now. However, this story will be updated every hour, on the hour until It's posted completely. It is going up unbeta'ed due to a few issues that have been going up in my life the past few days and the chapters will be replaced once it's been through a beta.