STOP! Read the It's a Meaningful Life first before you read this. It has a reference there. But that's just optional. If you want to read this first, fine. No one will blame you. Enjoy!

At the wedding reception, while eating, Bob grabbed the mike for the best man's testimony.

"Well, well, well." Bob began. "Larry the Cucumber. My best friend, younger brother in faith and wingman. You finally tied the knot with the girl of your dreams and… well, I can't help but feel happy for you. I'll miss those bachelor days when we teased you often of your crush and those silly pranking nights of sleepovers with the guys while watching the Lord of the Rings. Just a piece of advice, buddy: enjoy your life. God's given you a great one, make it greater for Him."

Near Petunia and Larry's table, Archibald was choking up silently.

"Archibald, are you crying?" Larry whispered.

"I don't cry! I'm British!" Archibald replied.

"Okay?" Petunia said, not understanding her godfather.

"Don't look at me. I didn't get it either." Larry muttered.

It was Esther's turn to testify.

"Hi, Petunia. Larry. When I see you guys, I can't think of anything more romantic and sweeter. You are lucky enough to be best friends who love each other. And thank you for still accepting me to be your friend when I was down. The two of you turned my whole world to a better place. And I wish that you would have lots of years together and that you would remain intact in those years. May God bless you and I hope you remain as you are."

Petunia smiled at Esther.

"Thank you, too." Petunia mouthed.

Esther smiled in return.

After the testimonies, the couple had to sing a song for their partner. Larry was first up. He stood in front of their table and the spotlight was on him. But singing for Petunia made him more nervous that the people watching him. Still, he gathered his courage and cleared his throat.

"Um… I had a really hard time finding the right song for you, but I think this will do, Petunia." Larry chocked.

Larry started to strum his guitar for the song's intro.

"You think that you're insignificant and the good parts 'bout you, you skip

You are really special when you think you are a 'trip'*

I think your hair is perfect and you're picky when it comes to clothes

You're kind, you're sweet, you're my everything, but you don't need to know

'Cause you're you

You're you

And that's what makes me smile

You're you

You're you

Just stay that way you are

You don't have to say a thing

I know the way you feel

Your heart is like an open book

So honest, true and real

Other people lie and cheat

When push may come to shove

But your heart doesn't work like that so you're the girl I love

You're you

You're you

That's how I hope you stay

You're you

You're you

Sadly, anyway, I don't have more to say"

While the other people whooped and cheered, Petunia blushed and came up to Larry. Larry thought Petunia went there to sing her song to him, but to his surprise, she hugged him. Larry smiled warmly and hugged back. Then he left her on the spotlight to perform her song to him.

"Larry, I'm not singing this song long." Petunia giggled. "But it's all I have to say."

"Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a song

A beautiful melody, when the night's so long

'Cause there is no guarantee, that this life is easy

When my world is falling apart

When there's no, light to break up the dark

That's when I

I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I

I look at you

When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth

You love me for who I am like the stars hold the moon

Right there where they belong

And I know I'm not alone

When my world is falling apart

When there's no light to break up the dark

That's when I

I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I

I look at you"

At the last stanza, her eyes settled on Larry who smiled at her.

For the last moments, the couple had sliced the cake and did all those wedding traditions. Okay, maybe not all. But the point is they did some of the wedding traditions and a little games until it finally came down to the most awaited part of the day, the couples' dance. Once the song "Hundred More Years" strummed in, Larry and Petunia took their place in the middle of the room and started dancing.

At the middle of the dance, Larry slowed his pace and remembered something. Then he smiled.

"Larry, what's wrong?" Petunia asked.

"Remember how I told you that I promised to dance at your wedding?" Larry reminded.

"Yeah…" Petunia recalled.

"I lied." Petunia looked at him in the eyes with surprise. Her husband was smiling widely. "I meant to say that I promise to dance with you at our wedding."

Petunia smiled back and they continued swaying with the music.

And so they dance under the moonlight

God is smiling down on them tonight

And they want to stay right here

For a hundred more years

The party was over, the guests prepared to leave… so did the couple. They were already heading to the Veggie Tales van which they borrowed for driving to their honeymoon. They said their final goodbyes, but before they left, Petunia turned around and threw her bouquet to the crowd. The bouquet split in two and the halves were caught by Madame Blue and Katherine. Madame Blue giggled and Katherine blushed.

"Lucky girl." Petunia giggled.

"Not as lucky as you." Larry whispered.

"See you in the next weeks, sweetheart." Pa Grape said to his adoptive daughter. "We're all gonna miss you."

"Bye, Daddy." Petunia grinned.

She bent down and gave her family one last hug. While hugging, Pa peeked at Larry who was just standing there, touched by the love of the family.

"That means you, too, Larry." Pa chuckled.

"What?" Larry asked before being pulled down to join the family hug.

After the hug, Chuck came up to his son and gave him a playful nudge.

"Take care of Petunia, son. You prayed for this." Chuck advised.

"Oh, did I?" Larry replied sarcastically.

"I'm proud of you, Larry. You listened to me."

"You did, too, Dad. Thank you."

"Why don't you just say you love each other?" Petunia interjected.

"I thought we just did." Larry said.

As the sun began to set, the couple got in the Veggie Tales van and Larry started the engine. The crowd behind them shouted their farewell. The newlyweds bid goodbye, too. The van was about to move when someone called their names.

"Excuse me! Larry and Petunia?" someone called.

"Yes?" Larry asked.

It was a fan. She held a notepad, a pen and a piece of paper. She was about Katherine's age and she brought a bright gleam in her eyes that the couple wondered why she wanted an autograph of them on their wedding day.

"I just… wanted an autograph from the both of you." She passed out the notepad that had Petunia and Larry's wedding picture pasted. "And I wanted to give you this."

She gave them the light green piece of paper that turned out to be a card. On the front was their names and when Larry opened the card, it read:

Thanks for all those times you inspired us! We hope you have a meaningful life as well! God made you very special and He loves you very much, indeed.

Love, Joyce.

Larry and Petunia smiled at the letter and handed Joyce back her notepad.

"Your name is Joyce?" Larry asked.


"Thank you. We hope to see you again someday." Petunia acknowledged.

"It's you, guys who I need to thank."

The couple looked at each other. They've never met a fan so grateful of what they did that s/he considered them a blessing and even had the guts to give a simple card. They turned to Joyce to bless her, but she disappeared.

"Do you think she was shy?" Petunia asked.

"Nope. I thought she was just happy."

And that's when the couple took off and rode away to the sunset.

Sorry if it sucks, guys. Writer's block. And sorry for the late update. (Check BTS for info). And to random guest who flamed me, I forgive you for the misunderstanding. Ramona and Beezus isn't a Veggie movie. It's a Walden Media movie. That movie about two sisters? FYI, not EVERYTHING in my fanfics are based on just Veggie Tales. There's really no need to flame me. Just leave a question.

Anyways, sorry about the rant. Search YouTube for the songs. I know When I Look at You is a Miley Cyrus song and she's not Miley we knew, but you have to admit: most of us miss old Miley. The song Larry sung is a changed version of the song entitled You're You, an outtake song from Disney's Frozen. Happy New Year everybody!