Surprise, surprise! New story! This is just short, but I hope you'll like it! Plus, this can make you look forward to my MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle story at Behind the Scenes. Review!

It was an ordinary day for the Veggie Tales gang. The boys had lunch in the conference room of the studio while the girls decided to have lunch in the mall. The guys laughed, chatted and elicited their favorite memories.

"Ha! What about the time Billy and I pranked Bob with his Oreos!" Harry laughed.

"That prank never gets old!" Billy chortled.

"I have to admit, that prank was a genius; replacing the filling with toothpaste?" Bob giggled.

The guys laughed with them.

"It tastes awful, but it did remind me to brush my teeth. So it has kind of a plus side on it. Any thoughts about that, Larry?" Bob asked his best friend who sat beside him.

Larry seemed to be quieter this day. He didn't laugh with the guys and his mind was wandering off. He barely touched his food and stared to space. Bob wondered what he was thinking so he nudged at Larry which got his attention.

"Larry?" Bob asked again. "Earth to Larry. Come in, Larry."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was somewhere else." Larry's voice trembled.

"What were you thinking?" Archibald asked.

"Um…" Larry mumbled nervously. "It's about Petunia."

"Is there a problem between you two?" Harry asked.

"No. It's just that—"

"It's just that what?" Pa Grape interrogated. He did this usually to Larry because Petunia was Pa's adoptive daughter.

There was a long pause in the room. All eyes settled on Larry. But Larry didn't mind the attention. What he minded was his own thought. He gathered up his courage and took a deep breath.

"You all guys know that we were celebrating our ninth-year anniversary since we met with a multi-date picnic with you guys, right?" Larry asked.

"Yeah." The boys replied.

"We suggested it." Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"Well… we've been going out for forever and you've been pushing us to go out for a long time and it has been a very long time since we've been going out. I finally got a clue… I'm gonna ask her to marry me." Larry muttered.


"Seriously?!" Billy beamed.

"That's awesome!" Harry cheered.

"Finally!" Archibald smiled.

"W-w-w-w-wait, hold on a second. You're gonna ask my daughter, Petunia Rhubarb, to marry you?" Pa Grape made sure.

"Um… yeah? Why? Are you not okay with that?" Larry asked nervously.

"No…" Pa Grape gave Larry a stern look, a look Larry never saw before.

And it kind of scared him. How can he marry the girl of his dreams if her father won't let her? Larry gulped down his fear, but it was only replaced with pain and anxiousness. He and Pa Grape had been friends for so long and he's even with him in the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. Pa Grape opened his mouth to speak up which made Larry's heart pound harder.

"Of course, I will let you marry her, numbskull! I was only kidding!" Pa Grape laughed. "I mean, why wouldn't I? You've been out for way too many years. It's about time you got married."

Larry let out a sigh of relief and fell on the floor, exhaling and moaning.

"Don't do that to me, Pa! You scared me half the time we were filming the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything! Now, you're just giving me a heart attack!" Larry whined.

"Ha! I just wanted to make sure you really want to marry her and you really love her." Pa smiled.

"I do love her." Larry stood up.

"Ohhhhhhhh…" the boys teased.

"Now, that's the first time you publically said that to us. Did you tell her?" Scallion 1 questioned.

"I didn't have the guts then." Larry bowed his head.

"Ha! What a baby! Go ahead and tell her, man!" Lunt yelled.

"Yeah!" Jerry agreed.

"I will. When I propose at the picnic," Larry assured.

Pa gave Larry a determined look and stood up on the long table, facing the boys.

"Well, then, fellas, we have to make this picnic perfect! Plus, it's only a week away! I want everybody to contribute to cooperation, but no telling Petunia. If I hear or see you tell anything—ANYTHING— I promise you that you'll regret it. Understood?!" Pa declared.

"Yes, sir!" the guys replied, standing up.

The boys began to group with Bob who came up with the idea in the first place and Larry asked him a favor to plan the party to him since Bob was really good—no, excellent—in those things. Larry gave Pa a grateful smile with a hint of wondering how he did that.

"I was a General to the Veggie army. Long story," Pa explained.

"How can I ever thank you?" Larry said.

"Simple. All you have to do is take care of my daughter, life or death. And you better will 'cause she's precious to my family." Pa answered.

"Like I wouldn't do that. But how will I say it? Do I just blurt it out or practice a line?" Larry panicked.

"Just let it happen. First, get everyone's attention. Then, tell us about your love life." At this phrase, Larry smiled and rolled his eyes, used to the fact people say that to him. "Third, tell her your feelings for her. Next, ask the question. Lastly, wait for her respond. It's just simple. Don't make it too hard for her. But I'll tell you, she will love it if you surprised her."

"Thanks, Pa."

"No problem."

"You love her! You love her!" Junior interrupted Pa and Larry's conversation with a song. "You really, really love her. And now you're getting married 'cause you really love her!"

"Guys?" Petunia's voice came in.

"Boys, act natural!" Pa Grape instructed.

The boys sprang to action and the studio became a normal place. The girls entered the studio, wondering what the noise was about. Petunia went to the Conference Room to check in with the guys. Larry was holding Junior and covering his mouth with a napkin while Junior squirmed playfully, laughing muffled.

"Larry, I heard someone singing." Petunia wondered.

"Oh, Mr. Lunt and his music. Boyz in the Sink stuff," Larry lied.

Petunia looked over to Mr. Lunt and spotted him sitting on a chair with his earphones plugged and the music loud enough to be heard by the couple. She also noticed Junior squirming in Larry's "arms", if you will.

"Why's Junior like that?" Petunia probed.

"Oh, hehe… we… um…" Larry said nervously.

Man, can you come up with an excuse and stop staring at her?! Larry mentally slapped himself.

"Truth or Dare," Pa Grape interjected. "Junior won't tell the truth so his consequence was to cover his mouth until two minutes later."

"Oh, okay." Petunia replied. "So, Larry, I was—"

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. We have to go. Your mom left her penicillin again and we have to buy some at the drugstore." Pa Grape interrupted.

"Fine. I'll talk to you later, Larry?"

"Um… uh… sure. See you later." Larry replied.

Petunia gave him a sweet smile that just made his heart melt. He wanted to ask her now, but it was too soon. Plus, he didn't want to waste Pa's plans.