Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters that are in Naruto. Only using them for non-profit entertainment!

A/N: Welcome everyone to the rewrite of 'Trust in the Demon'! I had written that fic quite a long time ago, and it had actually been classified as abandoned as I had lost interest in the fandom.

However, I'm proud to have come back to it with the help of Ranma 1/2!

There will be many changes made, but let's not get too in-depth into that. If you wish, you may read 'Trust in the Demon', but this story is turning out to be very different!

Nevertheless, I hope this story will be bigger and better to its predecessor.

Warnings: There shouldn't be anything too major. AU/AR, possible pairing Naru/Hina, Yondaime Hokage will now be a predominant character. Also this story will now be set in an earlier timeline at first.

Oh yes, and I have not kept track of the manga series for over a year, so I apologise if there has been some intense revelation that I have not acknowledged in this fic. Though technically this is quite an alternate reality, so I can just pretend it didn't happen or something. I do plan to try reading the lest maybe 100 chapters just too follow along a little better. I just kinda rage quit when I discovered that he killed Neji.

No Beta, but I (hopefully) thoroughly proofread.

Summary: Naruto was normal. If you ignored that fact that he was the son of the Nine-Tailed Fox. Oh and his foster father is the 4th Hokage. Life is good, until tragedy strikes. Naruto resolves to become a ninja, to find his saviour.

Chapter 1

It was raining on this day. The streets of Konoha were mostly empty, as the civilians avoided the heavy shower. However this was just a façade. If one knew where to look, figures in green flak jackets would appear in the corner of one's eye, hopping over rooftops. They were the patrol, ninja of Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

A mountain cliff stood on one side of the village, with the faces of four Hokage carved into the rock. A wall several metres tall protected the village, with one large entrance.

This was a ninja village, but for now, there was peace.

A figure walked along the road leading up to the entrance to Konoha, his feet leaving small imprints before being washed away by the rain. The man himself didn't seem to acknowledge the presence of the water, as he held no umbrella. His red hair was soaked, falling over his eyes, and long enough to reach his lower back. He wore black robes with dull gold trims that billowed gently as he walked. Around his neck were dark red beads with black seals, and around his waist rested a sword in its sheath, one with red and gold carvings.

And behind this figure, a much smaller, shorter one walked, taking many more steps to keep up with the other. This one was perfectly aware that it was pouring down with rain, and clutched a large green leaf over his head. From under the leaf, golden yellow hair could be seen spiking out, almost covering the faint lines on his cheeks, 3 on each.

This boy who couldn't be more than three years old pattered along, much less elegantly than the other, dressed in plainer clothes as well. His were grey, though looked much darker thanks to the rain drenching it. Barely noticeable was a pout on the boy's face.

They neared the gates.

"Man, I hate the rain!"

Izumo raised an eyebrow at his companion, who was balancing precariously on his seat with his hands behind his head and elbows sticking out, and glaring at the clouds.

"I don't know… I think the rain is rather peaceful. It feels like its washing away all my troubles…" Izumo responded with a grin. Kotetsu scowled back.

"Stop being so deep, it's freaking me out."

Rolling his eyes, Izumo opened his mouth when he noticed someone coming towards the gates they were stationed at. Kotetsu noticed afterwards and stood up, ready to perform the usual drill of finding out who they were, what business they had in Konoha etcetera… but for some reason he felt a little nervous. The way the figure moved suggested that they were a shinobi. Much more troublesome then a normal merchant. Izumo also stood, curiously watching them approach.

When the person almost reached them, Kotetsu finally noticed the kid behind, but didn't get to scrutinise him as the two now stood before them. 'He has red eyes,' Kotetsu thought. It was a little unnerving, but not completely uncommon.

"Hello, welcome to Konoha. Could you please state your name, and your business in Konoha?" Kotetsu asked, as Izumo prepared to write down the answers behind the stand counter, thankfully out of the rain.

The taller one inclined his head, before quietly murmuring something. The rain prevented the pair from hearing it.

"My apologies, could you please repeat that?"

The man seemed to tsk, but then repeated louder, "I would like to request an audience with the Yondaime Hokage."

The two gate wardens glanced at each other warily, and Izumo asked, "What business do you have with Hokage-sama?"

"My business with the Yondaime does not concern you."

Izumo and Kotetsu tense, preparing for the worst.

"I'm sorry, but you cannot enter Konoha without a valid reason."

The red haired man didn't respond, the only noise was the sound of rain pattering on rooftops and the ground. Then he moved, walking into the village.

"Hey wait! Stop!" Kotetsu shouted, as Izumo leapt in front with a kunai out.

Suddenly what could only be described as a burning cold aura flickered, but this was all that was needed for the foreign pair to be immediately surrounded by five figures in black with animal masks. They were the ANBU, elite shinobi. One wearing a dog mask stepped forward, his posture appearing casual yet anything but.

"Please follow us quietly. Comply or we will not hesitate to use force."

Silence. No one moved, except for the little boy, who peeked out from behind the older man. Not scared, just curious. Then… Dog tilted his head to the side. He paused, as if sensing something further away, before signalling to Owl with some small hand gestures. Owl and Raven disappeared. The robed man raised his eyebrows a little at that.

"This is your last warning. Come with us quietly or we will use force."

"Where did your two companions go?" was the reply. Dog growled slightly.

"Will you comply or not?" he asked as he raised his short sword, the others following suit.

Finally the man raised his hands in a sign of peace. "Very well, I do not want to cause a disturbance."

"Too late for that."

Everyone turned to the new person, one in a white cloak with flames on the bottom, and on the back was written '4th Hokage'. He was followed by Owl and Raven, who quailed under a glare sent their way courtesy of their ANBU captain.

I thought I told you to keep him away.

We tried. Owl signed back.

The red haired man turned fully towards the Yondaime, and gave a small bow.

"Yondaime Hokage," he spoke, "I have come to seek an audience with you…" He glanced around at their unreceptive company. "…Alone."

"Hokage-sama-" Dog started, but was stopped by the blond haired Hokage.

"Sure," the Yondaime answered, almost cheerfully.

"Hokage-sama I really don't think-"

"I have a feeling that this is a very important person," he cut in, his face serious. "Am I right?"

The other hummed contentedly. "I hope you will believe me when I say I do not desire to harm you nor your village. I just want to talk."

The Yondaime nodded. "However I would like a name. Mine is Minato Namikaze."

"…You can call me Kurama."

Minato smiled, though he suspected the name to be fake; an alias. "And," he turned his attention to the blond boy, who actually looked eerily similar to him… "Is that your son?"

Kurama patted the boy's head, earning a pout. "Yes, he is."

The Hokage nodded, respecting the other's decision not to say his name. "Follow me, we can talk in private at the Hokage Tower."

They travelled quickly, the Hokage in front flanked by several ANBU guards. Kurama himself was also surrounded by ANBU, all ready to retaliate if he made a move.

Once inside, the ANBU swiftly set up the private chamber, where seals created a barrier so no one could listen in. The Yondaime and the ANBU captain with the dog mask stood to the side.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dog gritted out.

Minato grinned. "Oi oi, have a little faith in me. If anything does happen, I'll get myself out."

Dog sighed, but he was well aware of the blond's capabilities. After all, you don't become Hokage without being the best. But still…

"Just be careful, Sensei-"

"Hokage-sama, the room is ready," an ANBU member reported.

"So," Minato started, "why don't you tell me who you really are."

The room they were in was completely empty, and the three had to stand. This was to prevent any hidden traps being placed. There were no windows, and only one door.

"I am surprised you let me keep my sword," Kurama noted, his eyes roaming, scanning the room.

"Yes, well taking away your weapon seemed pointless, judging from the little spike of chakra you displayed."

"That was an error on my part," he replied, surprisingly abashed. "…I miscalculated."

"…Alright," Minato said calmly, "I'd appreciate it if you answer my question."

Kurama smiled faintly. "Humans call me several names."

Minato stilled, his brows furrowed in thought. "…What would most call you then?"

Kurama opened his mouth but was distracted by an insistent tugging on his robe. The boy beside him whined. His father raised a questioning eyebrow, which was met with a strange guttural slur emanating from the boy's throat, which made Minato blink. It was unlike any sound he'd heard. Almost animal like, but seemed to contain words of another language.

"Is there something wrong?" Minato asked, deciding to ignore the foreign language for now.

"No, it's fine," Kurama said, "He is just hungry." Kurama directed an irritated look to his son, who looked away, dejected. Kurama continued, "You may know me as the Nine-Tailed Fox."

'…WHAT.' Minato was not expecting that.

"Uh, would you mind repeating that last bit?"


"And the bit before that?"


"Oh Kami…" Minato felt like he really wished there was a chair in the room. Outwardly he bit his lip. "How come I cannot sense your chakra at all? If you are who you say you are…"

Kurama pointed to the beads he wore around his neck. "A gift. It renders my infinite chakra undetectable, though while activated I cannot use chakra."

"…I'm sorry, but you will have to prove this claim," Minato eventually said.

Kurama bowed his head, his eyes closed. When he brought them back up, his eyes were glowing slightly and had changed into a larger shape rimmed with thick black and black slits for pupils. "I am hesitant to show much more, as your bodyguards might misunderstand," he said, almost incomprehensible because of the deep, rasping voice. Black whisker lines began appearing on his cheeks, and when he opened his mouth his fangs were visible. Slowly they faded out again, and his eyes returned to its original colour and form.

Minato took a shuddering breath. He couldn't deny it now. The transformation he just witnessed could not have been possible for shinobi without chakra, and he hadn't sensed a single thing. 'This has turned into a very interesting day.' He meandered over to a wall and leant against it, partially to save himself the humiliation of collapsing in shock or something.

"What is your purpose here then? You are… the King of Demons, aren't you?" Minato asked, afraid of the answer.

"Ah yes," Kurama clicked his tongue, and ushered the blond child forward. "My child is the reason for my visit."

Minato took a closer look at the child. He appeared to be perhaps two years old, with bright blue eyes. You wouldn't even be able to tell he was different if it weren't for the faint whisker marks on his cheeks. With the blond spiky hair and the blue eyes…

"Why does he look like me?"

At this, Kurama shuffled nervously. "Please listen to what I have to say… There are turbulent times ahead in the Demon Realm. It is not… safe… for my son to be there right now. I cannot protect him all the time. And that is not the only reason, for I believe demons have many things to learn from humans. While almost all demons see humans as insects, humans have qualities demons would benefit greatly from. First and foremost is love; the mere thought! If we had the capabilities…"

The red haired Demon King continued to ramble on as Minato stared. Even the little boy was ogling at his father. Minato held up his hand, halting the long tirade. Kurama ducked his head in embarrassment.

"…I'm not certain about this," Minato began, "but are you wishing to have your son live here?"

"That is correct," he replied, regaining his composure.

"So he looks like me because…"

"I was hoping you would take him in as your son."

"Excuse me?"

"You are… excused?"

Minato groaned, very glad for the wall he was leaning on. This day wasn't interesting… it was insane. "Why… why me?"

Kurama smiled, almost wistfully. "Your soul… it radiates."

"…Okay…?" Minato was at wit's end. It was evident that neither the Demon King nor his son had any hostile intentions, and although having them as enemies was a worst case scenario, he had no idea where to put the current one on the scale.

Kurama carried on. "It is hard to explain to humans, but essentially your soul is quite special, and so I chose you to nurture my child."

Minato sighed in contemplation. Demons were creatures that usually dwelled in their own realm, which was similar to where summoned animals lived. However the Bijuu were the top 9 demons, with the Kyuubi being King. They were well known, having been in the human world in the past. Notoriously powerful beings.

Minato glanced again at the child. Their eyes met, and the boy stared with an innocence that Minato couldn't believe belonged to a demon. In fact, the look was suspiciously blank. 'Wait…'

"Can he understand us at all?" he questioned.

"Ah," Kurama blinked slowly. "No, he cannot. Well, he can understand certain words that I taught him, but other than that, no." Kurama took in the other's look. "In most ways he is a normal human child, who will grow and learn just like a normal child, albeit more clever. He has been transformed using a very complicated and proficient spell. He will bring no harm, and in reverse he will not so easily come to harm himself."

Minato said nothing.

"…I hope you will consider this request. I will be indebted to you."

The Yondaime Hokage was silent for a moment, before he said quietly, "I have a question. Do you want him to be a ninja?"

Kurama instantly realised that his answer would likely dictate whether the Hokage agreed or not. However Kurama had decided long before.

"No, I do not wish for that. That is not the life I want to give him. I do not know how long he will have to stay in the human world, but this is still temporary. The rules may be harsh in the Demon Realm, but I do not want the same be present here. Instead, let him be… warm."

Minato didn't respond for a while, and Kurama was beginning to think he had made the wrong choice when a large smile stretched across the older blond's face.

"You seem to speak highly of us… and of me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree to your terms. If you told me you wanted him to be a ninja I would have declined."

Minato walked to the door and opened it. He was promptly met with several ANBU darting in, making sure everything was OK.

"Could someone bring three chairs? We have a lot more to discuss…"

A/N: And that was the first chapter! Was meant to call it a prologue but then it would mess with the chapter numbers. Writing way past my bedtime, but I really wanted to finish this. I'm very excited for this story, and I hope readers will be too!

P.S. Sorry if I have Izumo and Kotetsu's personalities completely wrong!

-sama – A suffix signifying respect. I probably wont be using Japanese suffixes too much, but it felt right to have it for the Hokage.

Sensei – Teacher. You can probably already guess who Dog is. *pssst* its Kakashi.

Kami - God

Bijuu and Kyuubi – Kyuubi is Nine Tails, shortened from Kyuubi no Kitsune/Youko I think. Bijuu was sorta explained, but there are different theories on it I think, and who the 9 really are. Again, I don't know too many canon bijuu, such as Killer Bee and stuff, so they probably wont come into my story…. Maybe. Shukaku should though.

Stay tuned for more! Reviews of all types are welcome! Except maybe needless flames, since I'm a believer in constructive criticism instead of just saying it's bad.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I will answer, as long as it doesn't include future spoilers~!