Unless i'm mistaken, this is the last new story that i need to post. HP/DGM this time. Enjoy!

HP and DGM are owned by someone else.

Harry's feet hit the ground as the heavy golden wizard's head crashes to the floor. His heart was numb. Less than an hour ago, his foolishness lead to his godfather's death. He should have listened to Hermione. Should have trusted that the order knew what they were doing.

"Sirius…" he croaks as tears well at his eyes, waiting as the moments tick away towards Dumbledore's return, "I wish you were here…"

"I can help with that." A kind voice says from behind him. On sheer reflex Harry draws his wand, and turns, curse right on the tip of his tongue as he sees a strange fat man in a top hat, hands up in surrender, "I've watched you, Harry Potter. Your life has been cruel, and that damnedable god has taken everything from you. Your parents, your childhood, and now even your dear godfather."

"How do you know all of this?" Harry whispers, eye never leaving him.

"I was once like you, a child born into suffering. But I gained great power. Power that even god does not possess. Now, I offer you the chance to do as you like. Take back your godfather from that detestable god and forge your own path, becoming who you are meant to be, just as I did."

The man waves his hand, and a black skeleton appears from the black mist that suddenly filled the room, "Simply call out to your godfather. Recall him to your side."

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was flashing back to his first year; to Voldemort offering him his parents back. He still knew that it was wrong, but the wound was too fresh. He could still hear Sirius' voice from behind the veil. "Sirius…" he mutters.

"Put more feeling into it." The man smiles widely, "show god that you won't allow him to run your life."

"SIRIUS!" Harry yells and the skeleton's head flashed slightly, a crimson star forming on its head. Underneath it, in perfect calligraphy, was written, Sirius Black.

"Harry?" It asks, "What's going on? Why am I here?"

"He summoned you here." The man smiles viciously, "So why don't you kill him and where his skin?"

"What?" Harry gasps as Sirius struggles.

"Harry…Run!" Sirius growls, still struggling against himself.


"Go!" he roars, "I can't… control myself anymore." With one last shred of resistance, he stops moving. The next moment, he moves slowly towards him.

"What's going on..?" Harry asks, backing away from the black skeleton, "Sirius, answer me…"

"Sorry, boy, but your godfather belongs to me now." The fat man laughs, "His soul is mine, and my order is for him to kill you and wear your skin. It's your own fault, you know. You made him an akuma because you were too weak."

"No…" Harry gasps as Sirius moves ever closer.

"Good bye, Harry potter." He sighs, waving him off.

Harry was backed against Dumbledore's massive bookshelf, unable to move any further as Sirius lunges at him. One hand pierces straight through his chest, and he nearly coughs up the blood that filled his lungs if not for the second hand closing around his throat.

"Happy birthday to you…" the fat man sings as Sirius' hand closed tighter around his throat. Behind him, something moves, but he barely notices as the life flashes before his eyes. The bookcase behind him sunk into the floor, dragging Sirius' first hand with it until he removed the hand from his chest. The blood that had been kept inside rushed out, soaking into the carpet as Sirius pushed him further into the room, hands still around his next.

'So this is it…' Harry thinks as his eyes grow dark, but the strangest thing happens. The gaping wound in his chest starts to burn, and a strange power flows through his veins. His vision clears, and he begins struggling, grasping at the cold metal hands around his neck. The grip only tightens further and Harry's hands again fall to the side. All the while, Sirius was chanting in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Even with the strange burst of power, he couldn't last long, and his hand brushes up against his pocket, which still held the hilt of Sirius' knife. 'I wish I hadn't tried to open that door.' He sighs as his left hand takes a hold of it. If nothing else it was better than nothing. Harry forces everything he had into his hand and slams the hilt into Sirius' skull. The body goes limp at once and he drops to the ground. After many deep breathes, he looks back towards the boy, which was now disintegrating.

"Innocence…" The fat man grins, "Well, this is an unexpected bonus. I may have lost an Akuma, but I've gained something far more valuable."

"Harry?" a kind voice says from Dumbledore's office, "Where are you?"

"Oh well." The fat man sighs, "We'll meet again some other time…" and he disappears into the same black mist that summoned the black skeleton.

"Who's there?" Dumbledore says suddenly, eyes burning as he looks back into the room, "Merlin! Harry!" he cries, rushing to Harry's side just as he passes out.

"He's late…" the grey skin girl whines as she twirls the talking umbrella.

"Road! The earl won't like that you took me without permission – Lero." It whines.

"Shut up, Lero." She glares, "He wouldn't hurt me."

"Hello, Road." The earl smiles as he walks into the room, "So that's where my Lero went to. It was quite unfortunate that I didn't have him a minute ago. I might have been able to destroy a piece of innocence."

"Don't lie." She scalds smugly, "You could have destroyed it easily if you really wanted to."

"Maybe, but that's of no concern." He shrugs, "How is the ark working out?"

"The piano is tuned, and everything is ready." She smiles, "Our spy in the order has given us everything we need."

"Good. In one week, we attack the Black order's HQ." he laughs, joined quickly by the girl and the umbrella.

"How is he, Severus?" Dumbledore asks as he walks into the hospital wing, where Madam Pompfrey and Professor Snape had labored day and night to heal Harry's wounds.

"He'll survive, though that is a true miracle." Snape sneers, "Somehow, he was deprived of oxygen for over five minutes and still had the strength to not only remain conscious, but fight back. That's not even touching on the wound that should have killed him within a minute, yet he endured for the same time, and survived until we could close it."

"Have you any idea what happened, Headmaster?" Poppy asks as she wipes the sweat off of Harry's forehead.

"Only guesses at the very best." He sighs, "I wish that I had come with him. Perhaps I might have stopped this."

"Tell us your guesses." Snape glares, "Something happened that night that rivaled even potter surviving the killing curse!"

Dumbledore withdraws his wand and casts his strongest privacy wards not only on the door, but every privacy curtain, "What I'm about to say does not leave this room." He warns and both nod in agreement, "ten years ago, while I was musing by the lake, a ghost the likes of which I've never seen appeared before me, in the shape of my dear sister. I could hardly believe my eyes at the time, yet she was easily not just visible, but she could interact with the world!"

"Impossible." Snape growls, "A ghost could never…"

"Indeed. Such a thing is truly a miracle, isn't it? She remained for three days. During that time, I spoke with her about many things. Only one that was touched upon was Harry Potter. She assured me that the boy was very important to the course of history."

"The prophecy." Snape nods, "So, you've confirmed that it was Harry?"

"Yes, but that isn't where this story is going." Dumbledore says grimly, "The day that she left, she simply faded into a green mist that moments later reformed itself as some kind of stone. Simply by being near it, I could feel the great power it possessed. It was so great; I would say that it Voldemort could not stand against it if he were allied with merlin himself. The stone could hold the key to so many things, and I was determined to use its power for good. Using my most powerful charms, I formed a secret chamber In the back of the headmasters study to house it. Since then, I've discovered many things, and none of them are of interest now. What is of interest is that it disappeared after Harry somehow found his way inside."

'So you're saying that this stone was responsible for his miraculous recovery?" Pompfrey asks.

"It is certainly a prospect worth looking into." He admits, "It's also possible that the person responsible somehow learned that I possessed the stone and sought it for themselves, and Harry, being the noble Gryffindor that he as, attempted to stop him. His recovery could be the same as it's always been, perhaps helped along by Fawkes' tears. IT is unknown how phoenix tears affect healing in the long run."

"We'll have to wait until he wakes to know for sure." Snape growls, glancing at the bed until he stops dead in his tracks, "Poppy. The boy's forehead. It's bleeding."

Both of them turn to Harry, who, sure enough, was bleeding. The odd thing was that the blood looked almost black, and it was accompanied by the faintest of screams.

"I can't believe my eyes…" Dumbledore smiles brightly, "Somehow, Harry has been freed."

"Freed?" both stare at the aged man.

"This will take some time. Perhaps I should draw up some chairs?" without waiting for an answer, he flicks his wand to conjures three comfy armchairs and three bottles of wine, "Now, Both of you are familiar with what happened during Harry's second year?"

"The chamber of Secrets?" Poppy asks, and Dumbledore nods.

"The final cause was a diary of a student named Tom Marvolo Riddle, who is the heir of Slytherin. By possessing that book, Ginny Weasley's soul was taken over and forced to attack other students." Dumbledore explains, "Harry, thankfully, destroyed it before it could cause any lasting harm. Does anything about that strike you as odd?"

Poppy shakes her head, though Snape nods, "There shouldn't be any magic strong enough to subjugate a soul."

"There is only one." Dumbledore sighs, "An Ancient Magic called Horcrux."

Snape gasps, "You can't be serious!?"

"What is a horcrux?' she asks in confusion.

"A horcrux is the very darkest of arts, one so evil very, very, few even among dark wizards have even heard of them, let alone made one. Severus likely only knows because of his hobby of studying the dark arts. They are an object that is the container of their maker's soul, binding their very existence to this plain."

"Binding their… They're immortal?"

"In a manner of speaking." Snape nods, "Certainly, killing one with a horcrux is difficult, but not impossible. When their body is destroyed, their spirit would linger on, unable to pass. One could, with the right preparations, recreate their body as the dark lord did last year. What speaks to me is that the horcrux had already been destroyed for two years when the dark lord returned. His spirit should have moved on without something anchoring it."

"Unless he made more than one." Dumbledore says as his eyes twinkle, "Voldemort is by no means stupid, but he has always trusted, to a certain degree, concepts over facts. It's made him a supremely powerful wizard, but also incredibly simple to read if you've met him. Tom riddle had a desire to live forever even as a student, something I picked up on. He was also quite the avid scholar of Arthimancy. During his seventh year, he began asking very deep questions about the magical sets, in particularly which is the most powerful. As I know that you two never took the class, I shall enlighten you. Seven is the most supreme magical number, thus a seven part soul split would be quite appealing to him."

"Seven of them…" Snape sighs, "No wonder he didn't die. He still has six more."

"Yes and no, Severus." He says as his eyes keep twinkling.

"Can you please get to the point about how this affects Mr. Potter? And what does this Tom Riddle have to do with You-Know-Who?" Pompfrey glares.

"Tom Riddle is Voldemort." He says simply, "And I was just getting to that. Severus said that Voldemort has six remaining, but that was not his plan. One part must remain inside of his body, thus lowering it to five remaining. However, on Halloween fifteen years ago, when the Killing curse rebounded upon him, his frail soul was ripped away and a piece anchored itself onto the only thing strong enough to sustain life. The baby boy he had just tried to kill."

"Potter is a horcrux?" Snape asks in disbelief.

"Was." Dumbledore says happily, "That black blood is a substance that is well recorded to appear when a horcrux is destroyed; Harry himself noted it when he destroyed the diary. Whatever miracle saved him is still working. I feared when I discovered this after Harry gave me the diary that Harry would be forced to face him and die, so that another might end his reign of terror, but now, with that horcrux gone, Harry is free."

"Well, that's good to know." Pompfrey smiles, "What of the others?"

"I can only speculate, but Riddle was known to claim trophies, proof of his accomplishments, and I've been able to confirm that he has several items of great value, that, in his arrogance, would like turn into horcrux. A gold Cup of Helga Hufflepuff, The Locket of Slytherin, and the ancient ring of the peveral family. I also suspect that he turned that snake that attacked Mr. Weasley, as even for a parseltongue, such control should be impossible. Finally, He likely uncovered an item that belonged to Ravenclaw."

"What do we do now?" Snape asks, glancing at Harry, who wasn't sweating nearly as much as more, "Shall I continue play the role of the faithful spy, or will I return to the light?"

"I shall need to consider this." Dumbledore nods, "And Harry must be told of many things. Until he wakes, we can only wait."

He was flying. Not with a broom, or on a thestral, but simply floating through the air. He felt peaceful, like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. As he slowly drifted through the air, he allowed his mind to wander. Could he be dead? Was this limbo? Suddenly, after seeing this place, Harry actually misses Number Twelve Grimmauld Place.

No sooner did the place enter his mind then his head crashes into a wall and he hits the dusty rug in the foyer by the troll leg umbrella stand.

"Need some help there, pup?" A jovial voice says from above him as Sirius' mangy face grins down at him.

"Sirius!" he yells, wrapping his arms around him, "I'm so sorry! It's all my fault… I-"

"Don't even think it." He says sternly, "I'd never want you to change. The fact that you rushed off to save a man that, let's face it, you've known for less than two years, and were willing to fight Voldemort himself to save me makes me prouder than I can say. If I died helping you, well, it was well worth it. Just promise me that you'll be alright, and that you won't try and summon me again. I'm dead, and that's all there is to it."

"You talk like I'm going back." Harry says, slightly confused.

"No son of mine is going to give up like that." A playful voice says from behind him.

"James! Behave!" a female voice scalds as he turns towards them.

"Mom… dad…." He stares, awestruck by the very thing that he always wanted in his childhood.

"Harry…" Lily smiles, wrapping her arms around him, "I'm so proud of you."

"We both are." James adds, "And to answer your question, yes, you're going back. Your innocence has brought you here so that we can have a quick talk."

"I killed Quirrell, and my blood is in a murder. I don't know about being innocent…" Harry mutters.

"You misunderstood." Lily says calmly, "Innocence is the crystal of god, a living miracle that now lives within your body. It will give you the strength to move on, even without us there to support you."

"But we will always be rooting for you." James says as he hugs him, "No matter what, don't you dare forget that."

"What do I have to do?" Harry asks as his three parental figures look down at him.

"That's up to you." Sirius barks out laughing, "Like Lily said, we aren't there to support you, so we don't really have any right to tell you what to do. If it were me… I'd say to enjoy yourself and use some of that fame of yours to shag every witch at Hogwarts… but that's just me."

"What you chose to do with this power is up to you." James nods, "and I second Sirius' motion to shag your way through Hogwarts."

"Men." Lily scoffs as all three of them laugh, "Harry, just be yourself. You have the power to make a difference, but whether you chose to or not is up to you. Voldemort isn't the only evil in this world, nor is he the worst."

"Remember that we'll always be with you." Sirius adds as the walls starts fading, "Whoops. Looks like you're out of time. Remember what we said, and bag a hot babe for me- Ow! What was that for lily?"

"We love you Harry!" all three of them say as they disappear.

Harry's eyes open easily, almost as if he was blinking instead of sleeping. His bod felt sore, but overall he felt great. Across the way, he saw Hermione sleeping peacefully and he smiles, 'at least they all made it through in one piece.' Realizing what he'd forgotten, he reaches over to his nightstand to get his glasses when he notices something. He can see them. Not as blurry shapes but clear as if he were wearing them already. Hermione too, was visible as clear as day.

"Harry?" the voice of the headmaster says from the door, "Thank goodness you're alright. How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful." He smiles, "I saw them. Mom, and Dad, and Sirius too."

"What?" he gasps. "Please, explain."

"It was a dream. It felt the same as when I saw Voldemort's thoughts. Everything was so real. I was drifting in a white space, thinking that I'd died, when the next thing I know, my head crashes into the wall at… er. The headquarters." He stutters, unable to say the name, "Sirius helped me up, and then my parents showed up."

"What happened?" He ask, eyes twinkling.

"We just talked. They told me that what I did was up to me, that I had the power to make a difference, and I should use it."

"I see…" he says thoughtfully, "Did they say why you could see them? Since you weren't dead, I mean."

The said something about innocence." He mutters, "The crystal of god or something along those lines. They said that it was letting me talk to them."

Quickly schooling the expression of shock, Dumbledore smiles, "That's wonderful Harry. I'm truly happy for you. Now, I believe I shall inform Pompfrey that you are awake, so that she may fuss over you. Please come to my office when she lets you go. We have much to talk about, and I want to get it out of the way before school lets out tomorrow."

"Yes sir." He nods as he knocks on the matron's door.

Next timr, Harry's brought to the attention of members of the black order. It'll be up in just a little bit.