Legolas sat beneath an elm tree, fiddling with his bow. Gimli came and stood beside him.
"What are we going to do?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you are ready and able to travel. Are we not going to go sail the seas, as you have long talked about doing?"
"Of course! What would make you think otherwise?"
"Well, it's's just she's back. Doesn't that change our plans?"
"No, it will not." Legolas' eyes widened as he looked up and saw Stacie standing there. "Go on as you have planned. Do not let me be a bother." She knelt besides him. He was a little surprised, for his elven senses did not warn him of her presence.
"Um, pardon me. I think I need to go find some more fire wood!" With that, the dwarf hurried away. Legolas laughed and stood up, as did Stacie. He noticed she was dressed differently. She had on a dark blue dress, that looked as though it was made of saphires.
"It is the sea your heart wants. You will be happy once you are there, riding its waves on a boat with Gimli. I cannot stand in your way." He looked into her eyes. She wasn't joking or being the least bit sarcastic. He cocked his head to the side. Did she not love him? Did she not want want him to stay?
"It was not being without the sea that made me nearly ill to my death." He laughed lightly. "I can live without its waters, but I cannot do so with you." She smiled
"You can now. Trust me. I will not let you die if you leave me. Go, sail the seas with Gimli." His once expressionless face gave way to sorrow and confusion.
"But when I got back you'd be-"
"No." She laughed. "Not anymore. I promise, I will still be here when you return. Without age, and just as beautiful!" She joked. "And that's all I'm tellin' you!"
"But why? Why do you persist that I leave? Will not come with us?"
"I can't, Legolas. I've taken care of the other business, but now that business has grown more important."
"What other business do you have?" He stared long and hard at her. She shook her head.
"Can't tell you. Look, go sail. I'll join you whenever I've got the time. But now, there are some really pressing matters I just can't ignore."
"Forgive me for asking so many questions, but just how do you plan on joing us if we are in the middle of the sea? Unless you have some magic that allows to go where ever-" She pressed her fingers to his lips. She simply smiled and gently took her finger away.
"I have my own ways. No more questions, though I know that is nearly impossible for you." She smirked. "But I gotta go now. Be a good boy while I'm gone!" She kissed him and turned to go, but he wouldn't let you. He gently grabbed hold of her arm and turned her towards him.
"Not yet."
From that point on you can use your own imagination. For I wish to give the two lovers their privacy. For it is well deserved. Since I suck at love scenes...(a/n: I refuse to let that go!)
Stacie, queen of the faerie creatures who handed out death and terror, returned to her elf and his friend every once in a while. The dwarf was a little frightened upon her first visit and accused her of being a sorceress. This is how the scene went just about...
"Surely you did not hear her correctly! Your ears fail you, my friend." Legolas glared at him.
"I hear just fine! Stacie told me she'd visit us whenever possible. That she had her own ways and not to question her."
"Oh, so she's just going to appear on board-when we're in the middle of the sea like we are now?!"
"Of course! Why not?" The poor guy nearly fainted when he turned around and saw her standing there. "Are you frightened?" She said in her best Aragorn voice.
"Not nearly frightened enough." She laughed and patted him on the back and walked towards Legolas. "Hey, Gimli, don't you have fire wood to go get?" Gimli was a little mad at how she mocked him.
"I knew it! You are a sorceress. How could you fall in love with such an evil wench?!"
"HEY! I may be evil, but I refuse to be called a sorceress and a wench." She poked him in the chest to emphasize her words. "Now where were we?" She turned her attention back to the elf, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed at Gimli's uneasiness as the two continued. The little short dude turned away, mumbling as he went beneath the deck. (a/n: short people rule!!! we shall soon take over the world. =) )
Stacie continued going back and forth, between the boat and her little realm of death bringing faeries. Eventually Gimli was okay with her, though he had nightmares about her throwing his clothes overboard. Each time two little demons accompanied her. Quite odd, really. Legolas only laughed hysterically when he first heard of Gimli's dreams. Of course the dwarf felt like reaching for his ax at this reaction. Though thankfully, Stacie wouldn't allow all hell to break loose. Gimli kept his cool, and Legolas poked less fun. That was hard for him, of course.
Stacie did favors in other worlds. She 'assissted' certain girls in the death of their science teachers, the cops the finding and 'acidental' shooting of a girl named Jennifer, then there was the explosion of the building of that one corporation. The police later found out about the killings the little corporation did. All was well.
Middle Earth did well in the Fourth Age. Earth was doing okay. Could've been better. Could've been happier. But there wasn't much the queen of death could do about that. Just as a wizard once said. Some who live deserve death...some who die deserve life. Not everyone gets second chances.
A/N: Y'know, I felt like writing a big THE END. But as an English teacher once said, a good ending doesn't need that. Don't know if that was a good ending or not, but I refuse to add any more to this story! This is my first FINISHED fic!!!! Think I'll go celebrate. Go to Mirkwood and still some of King Thranduil's bottles of Dorwinion. He won't miss it! Oh, and DON'T FORGET THE PRETTY BUTTON!!!
"What are we going to do?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you are ready and able to travel. Are we not going to go sail the seas, as you have long talked about doing?"
"Of course! What would make you think otherwise?"
"Well, it's's just she's back. Doesn't that change our plans?"
"No, it will not." Legolas' eyes widened as he looked up and saw Stacie standing there. "Go on as you have planned. Do not let me be a bother." She knelt besides him. He was a little surprised, for his elven senses did not warn him of her presence.
"Um, pardon me. I think I need to go find some more fire wood!" With that, the dwarf hurried away. Legolas laughed and stood up, as did Stacie. He noticed she was dressed differently. She had on a dark blue dress, that looked as though it was made of saphires.
"It is the sea your heart wants. You will be happy once you are there, riding its waves on a boat with Gimli. I cannot stand in your way." He looked into her eyes. She wasn't joking or being the least bit sarcastic. He cocked his head to the side. Did she not love him? Did she not want want him to stay?
"It was not being without the sea that made me nearly ill to my death." He laughed lightly. "I can live without its waters, but I cannot do so with you." She smiled
"You can now. Trust me. I will not let you die if you leave me. Go, sail the seas with Gimli." His once expressionless face gave way to sorrow and confusion.
"But when I got back you'd be-"
"No." She laughed. "Not anymore. I promise, I will still be here when you return. Without age, and just as beautiful!" She joked. "And that's all I'm tellin' you!"
"But why? Why do you persist that I leave? Will not come with us?"
"I can't, Legolas. I've taken care of the other business, but now that business has grown more important."
"What other business do you have?" He stared long and hard at her. She shook her head.
"Can't tell you. Look, go sail. I'll join you whenever I've got the time. But now, there are some really pressing matters I just can't ignore."
"Forgive me for asking so many questions, but just how do you plan on joing us if we are in the middle of the sea? Unless you have some magic that allows to go where ever-" She pressed her fingers to his lips. She simply smiled and gently took her finger away.
"I have my own ways. No more questions, though I know that is nearly impossible for you." She smirked. "But I gotta go now. Be a good boy while I'm gone!" She kissed him and turned to go, but he wouldn't let you. He gently grabbed hold of her arm and turned her towards him.
"Not yet."
From that point on you can use your own imagination. For I wish to give the two lovers their privacy. For it is well deserved. Since I suck at love scenes...(a/n: I refuse to let that go!)
Stacie, queen of the faerie creatures who handed out death and terror, returned to her elf and his friend every once in a while. The dwarf was a little frightened upon her first visit and accused her of being a sorceress. This is how the scene went just about...
"Surely you did not hear her correctly! Your ears fail you, my friend." Legolas glared at him.
"I hear just fine! Stacie told me she'd visit us whenever possible. That she had her own ways and not to question her."
"Oh, so she's just going to appear on board-when we're in the middle of the sea like we are now?!"
"Of course! Why not?" The poor guy nearly fainted when he turned around and saw her standing there. "Are you frightened?" She said in her best Aragorn voice.
"Not nearly frightened enough." She laughed and patted him on the back and walked towards Legolas. "Hey, Gimli, don't you have fire wood to go get?" Gimli was a little mad at how she mocked him.
"I knew it! You are a sorceress. How could you fall in love with such an evil wench?!"
"HEY! I may be evil, but I refuse to be called a sorceress and a wench." She poked him in the chest to emphasize her words. "Now where were we?" She turned her attention back to the elf, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed at Gimli's uneasiness as the two continued. The little short dude turned away, mumbling as he went beneath the deck. (a/n: short people rule!!! we shall soon take over the world. =) )
Stacie continued going back and forth, between the boat and her little realm of death bringing faeries. Eventually Gimli was okay with her, though he had nightmares about her throwing his clothes overboard. Each time two little demons accompanied her. Quite odd, really. Legolas only laughed hysterically when he first heard of Gimli's dreams. Of course the dwarf felt like reaching for his ax at this reaction. Though thankfully, Stacie wouldn't allow all hell to break loose. Gimli kept his cool, and Legolas poked less fun. That was hard for him, of course.
Stacie did favors in other worlds. She 'assissted' certain girls in the death of their science teachers, the cops the finding and 'acidental' shooting of a girl named Jennifer, then there was the explosion of the building of that one corporation. The police later found out about the killings the little corporation did. All was well.
Middle Earth did well in the Fourth Age. Earth was doing okay. Could've been better. Could've been happier. But there wasn't much the queen of death could do about that. Just as a wizard once said. Some who live deserve death...some who die deserve life. Not everyone gets second chances.
A/N: Y'know, I felt like writing a big THE END. But as an English teacher once said, a good ending doesn't need that. Don't know if that was a good ending or not, but I refuse to add any more to this story! This is my first FINISHED fic!!!! Think I'll go celebrate. Go to Mirkwood and still some of King Thranduil's bottles of Dorwinion. He won't miss it! Oh, and DON'T FORGET THE PRETTY BUTTON!!!