Blind faith 8
Over the next days Harry recovered from what had happend. They all took turns reading to Harry and when the healers said it was alright they started the youngster on the regiment of scar reducers that would hopefully recover his voice. The mind healer did her visit and agreed with Severus, right now Harry needed to recover physically and when he recovered his ability to communicate she would come back to work with the small boy.
'I found it!' Narcissa looked up startled at the sudden shout and glared at Severus from across the library where she was working on learning sign language.
'We can now turn his books to Braille, it was so stupidly simple.' Severus said, wander over.
'So?' Narcissa asked, frustrated that Severus would not just tell her what he found.
'It is a basic translation spell, I just had to introduce the language into it and the added part about making it a physical sensation.' Severus said elated. He had forgotten what a kick he got when he managed to craft a spell or design a potion. Over the last weeks he had gotten the opportunity to do both amply and he felt better for it.
Lucius came in looking startled and confused seeing them talking, 'The house elves said you were shouting.' He asked bewildered. Severus smiled at pulled him in a deep kiss.
'I figured out the spell for Harry to read his books in Braille.' He told his lover excited, showing him the reading book he had been working on that now had normal text but over it Lucius could feel the strange bumps that formed the language for the blind.
'So how do we teach him?' The blond asked, always practical.
'I guess we could try to ask him to follow along the words when we read.' Narcissa suggested. Looking at the book.
'And maybe even spell out some of the words for him so he gets to know the alphabet. He seems to have a hard time learning the letters in sign language as well.' Narcissa said. Since the men had been so busy she had been doing the teaching with Harry. Draco had had the best tutors they could buy but she now realized how much she had missed with her son.
'We have the court case in three days, I would prefer it if he regained some of his voice but it will be most important we can show him making any advancement towards adjusting and coping.' Lucius said, though he had told the others not to worry he was concerned with Dumbledore's demand that Harry be turned over to his custody.
'We have the medical papers to show he is physically much better, he is starting to communicate with sign language and we still have good hopes that he will regain is voice.' Severus said, feeling confident it would be enough to show the court they have been doing well for the boy.
'It should be like that but Dumbledore is also trying for custody and he has his reputation on his side which we have against us after we have been accused of being death eaters.' Lucius shared his worry.
'Surely they will understand that Harry cannot he placed with that man. He was the one who left him there in the first palace!' Narcissa exclaimed shocked but Lucius sadly shook his head.
'It is not that simple. Dumbledore has the influence and standing. And the wizengamot works in strange ways. Their rulings have become unpredictable and difficult to understand.' Lucius sighed, it had been exactly for that reasons he had stopped working as a solicitor when it seemed that no matter what evidence he presented the verdict seemed to be decided ahead of time.
'We will manage somehow. I can think of no one Dumbledore can put forward as guardian for Harry and he cannot take guardianship himself since he is needed at the school and Harry clearly cannot go there.' Severus said, worried seeing Lucius so doubtful.
'In the worst case I will apply for refugee status with one of the other wizarding communities for Harry and get him out of the country to safety, what is most important is that we do not let them take him from us.' Luicius said in warning. He had already several contingency plans in place in case the British ministry decided to be uncooperative.
The three adults looked up startled to see Harry in the doorway, shifting in a way they had learned to recognize that the boy was worried or frightened. Shaking himself a little Severus smiled at his young charge.
'Yes Harry, how can I help you?' He said, wondering silently if he imagined the soft word but fearing to put too much pressure on the boy.
'Hun,' the boy grunted, at the same time making the symbol for food.
'Are you now, what would you like to eat?' Severus said, his smile getting bigger as he beamed at the others.
'Yo.' Harry said, slowly approaching them. Gaining confidence now that they were not angry at him for making sounds or for interrupting them. Severus thought what Harry wanted, Harry rubbed his fingers together before bringing them to his mouth and it suddenly dawned on him.
'You mean yoghurt?' Severus asked, receiving an excited nod from Harry.
'Can you say Dobby?' Severus asked, hoping to introduce Harry to the elves and help the youngster gain some independence.
'Dhob?' Harry asked, imitating his intonation. A loud pop followed and the bat eared creature appeared besides them.
'Good, Harry, I want you to meet Dobby. Dobby, this is a house elf. If you want something, like food or drink or something you are looking for you can ask him.' Severus said, hoping the boisterous elf would not be too much for the shy withdrawn boy.
'Yo-ghe?' Harry asked, adding a second syllable uncertainly. The elf looked at him for a moment before popping away reappearing only a moment later with a bowl of yoghurt with a large drop of what looked like jam in it.
'Sits Master Harry,' the elf squeaked, startling Harry a little but the boy obeyed and as soon as he was comfortable Dobby handed him the bowl. Severus was proud to see Harry search the rim for the spoon and use it to eat the yoghurt, though he was still fairly messy when eating.
When the bowl was empty Dobby took it from him and with a snap of his fingers cleaned Harry's clothes before popping away.
Together they encouraged Harry to speak as well as use his sign language. Severus noticed that harry seemed to have trouble getting more syllables strung together and that he would get breathless when trying to speak. He did not want to pressure Harry now but after the court case if everything went well he would have to see a specialist to see how to help him further. But there was a chance that Harry would forever have a hard time speaking.
A day before the hearing they sat down with Harry, the boy proved intuitive and was nervous sensing they were nervous as well.
'Harry, tomorrow we have to go see a judge. Do you know what that means?' Lucius asked calmly, watching the youngster for signs of confusion. Harry shrugged and shifted nervously.
'It means we go to court to decide who is best to take care of you. We hope to make it official that you can stay here. That you become my son.' Severus said.
'Why?' Harry breathed.
'Because that's the rules.' Lucius said. Hoping on the child's adherence of rules would help them.
Harry whined a little, shrinking into the couch but he nodded.
'I want to promise you that we will make sure you are cared for.' Lucius promised. 'Just trust us to take care of you.' Harry shivered lightly but nodded.
That night the house elves reported that Harry had been up several times. At breakfast they were all silent, Harry poked around at his food but didn't really eat, not noticing the worried looks he got from the adults. Seeing as the boy would not really eat any more Severus conceded.
'Harry, why don't you go get your bag together, pack some of your books and your stag and make sure that Jacob has his jacket and harness on.' Severus said, smiling when Harry hurried away.
By the time they arrived at the floo Harry was waiting for them. Severus quickly checked to see if he got everything he needed before making sure Lucius would take Jacob and he pulled Harry tight against him and flooed to the ministry.
The ministry was always a bustle, especially early in the morning and Harry shrunk against Severus trying to make sense of what was happening around him. Severus saw Lucius appear with Jacob and hurried over. Harry seemed to relax a little when he took hold of his guide dog. When Narcissa joined them last they made their way to the check in desk. Lucius already had his security card but they needed visitor passes made for the others. The stern wizard looked at the boy and dog doubtfully but still handed out the visitors passes after checking the wands.
Lucius led them to the elevators and up to the floor level 2 where the department of magical law enforcement had its offices and where they would find the custody department. Though he expected it to be a high interest case so he was prepared for anything.
He told the others to wait in one of the more secluded waiting rooms and headed off to see Madame Bones who was in charge of Harry's case.
'Good morning,' he said, walking in, seeing her behind a paper strewn desk like always.
'Good morning Lucius,' she said with a little tense smile. 'All prepared for the court case?' She asked but Lucius could see she was worried and distracted.
'We are all here and confident. What are our chances.' He asked, hoping to ferret out what had her so worried.
'I don't know, Dumbledore is a strong opposition but you have proven that Harry is recovering and doing much better.' She said. Knowing she should not be discussing the case with him.
'Do you know who Dumbledore suggests as guardian for Harry, he cannot think to take guardianship himself?' Lucius pushed, hoping to get ahead on the case.
'I think I saw Molly and Arthur Weasely with him but I don't have conformation. Don't take it for granted.' She cautioned. 'Your court case is in half an hour in room 6.' She said, handing him the appointment slip with a smile. 'Good luck.'
Back with the group they got a cup of coffee and some hot chocolate for Harry before heading to room 6 well in advance. Severus made sure Harry went to the bathroom and was comfortable with his books and toy's in a silence bubble at their table when people started to flood in. Lucius frowned when he watched the reporters and goggling people. He had assumed that the case would be closed like it usually was with minors.
The regal blonde glared at Dumbledore when the man waltzed in in fluorescent pink robes that should be illegal. The man arrogantly made his way over to the other table. Sending them a small glare before smiling brightly at the assembled press and audience. Harry looked at him a little confused, before turning back to his book, listening to the story and at the same time following along with the words in braille.
The last witnesses filed in and Madame Bones came in with two other men in judge's robes.
'Order in the courtroom.' The stern women demanded and it quiteded down.
'In the custody case of Harry Potter in order to determine the best place for him now after the unfortunate treatment he received at the hand of his uncle and aunt who will be in criminal trails soon.' Madame Bones opened the case.
'We have Severus Snape, who has had temporary custody for the last two months. And Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Howarts both offered to take custody.' The second judge, a large set wizard droned.
'Let's have opening statements by the potential guardians. Albus Dumbledore?' He said, nodding at the older wizard who got to his feet smiling brightly.
'As all assembled here know I was close friend to Harry Potters parents and have been acting as a goodfather to the boy since Sirius Black was arrested and send to azkaban for his betrayal. I had placed Harry with the Durselys in complete confidence in their ability to care and love the boy because of the family connection. Harry should be allowed to grow up without being influenced by dark magic towards goals not his own that would not suit his parents. An appropriate light family with much experience raising children have agreed to take Harry in and raise him like one of their own.' Dumbledore said, smiling, his blue eyes twinkling brightrly when he motioned at the Weasly copple siting behind him, who were currently glaring at their second oldest son who had taken a seat behind the Malfoy's and was distracting Harry by making silly faces.
'Severus Snape.' The judge said.
'I was a close friend to Lilly, we lived near each other in our childhood. Though there was no love between James and I, I believe his son deserves a break. I have extensive experience with helping abused children at Hogwarts where I have been a teacher and head of house to Slytherin. But other house heads also referred their abused victims to me. Harry has been making great strides towards recovery but needs a lot of personal attention and constant supervision.' Severus said.
'We will start with the medical professionals. I understand mediwich and school nurse Poppy Pomphry administer the first examination with professor Snape?' Madame Bones asked and when she received conformation she summoned Poppy to the stand.
Over the next hours the judges heard from Poppy, Severus, healer Smite and the healers at Mungoes who treated harry after falling off the stairs. Severus was glad when they finally broke for lunch. This was going to be much longer and difficult than they had predicted. They took Harry to a small cafe near to the ministry, wanting to take the boy out of the pressured environment and to a place away from the prying eyes.
Severus spelled the menu into Braille and gave it to Harry so they could read it together and continue his education even when not at the mannor.
'What would you like?' He asked when they finished with the lunch appropriate choices, Harry shifted uncomfortably, trying to sense what his guardian wanted to hear but failing and choosing disambiguity instead.
'How about a tuna sandwich and some tomato soup?' Severus asked. Harry nod odded a little. 'But you have to promise to eat the soup with a spoon.' Severus continued while ordering.
Harry ate his meal with enthusiasm which made Severus think about adding more fish to the boys diet, it could provide Harry with healthy fats that he desperately needed.
After the meal Severus was proud that he only needed to spell a few pots off harries dress shirt before they returned to the court room.