I know it's May but due to some personal issues I haven't been able to write since Christmas. This was one of the last pieces I started before everything went to hell in a horribly gaudy hand basket. Luckily, things seem to be better and I'm sailing in smoother water so I went back and started pulling out pieces to finish, and this one was the first one completed.

Thank you to the ever lovely Illusionsfire76 for editing this for me!

So, without further ado, MERRY CHRISTMAS! (in May)

"A little to the left," Jane motioned with her free hand.

"I just moved it a little to the right," Garrus grumbled.

"And you moved it too far," Jane explained. "So please move it back a few inches to the left. Also, I think it needs to be turned, don't you? Could you turn it just a bit while you're moving it?"

Garrus huffed as he crouched in front of the Christmas tree. As carefully as he could, so as not to disrupt the ornaments, he moved the tree an inch to the left and then turned the stand to the left as well.

"No! No!" Jane called from behind him. "Turn it the other direction, please."

"Jane!" Garrus growled.

"I'm sorry," she apologized quickly. "It's just that it's the baby's first Christmas and I want everything to be perfect."

Garrus shoved himself up from the living room floor and came over to where she stood cradling their first born.

"I understand," he spoke as he wrapped his arms around Jane, encompassing her and their child. "But he's only a few months old. He won't remember this Christmas; if the tree is a little crooked it won't bother him."


"Shh," he interrupted her by pressing his finger to her lips before lowering his forehead to hers. "The tree is perfect, the presents are perfect, and the cookies are perfect. Stop worrying."

"The cookies are burned," she muttered against his finger.

"They're perfect."

He pulled his finger away from her lips and replaced it with his lip plates. She leaned into the kiss, her head tilting to the side as her free hand came up to his neck. She ran her nails lightly along his hide there, tracing maddening circles as she worked her way around to the back of his neck and the soft patch of flesh hidden below the spines of his fringe.

The kiss wasn't meant to be more than a peck, but her reaction spurred Garrus on. It had been months since the attack that had caused Jane to go into labor; long months since he'd been able to do more than kiss her. Everything that had happened during his swearing in and the following weeks had resulted in Jane's recovery taking longer than usual; frustrating them both to no end.

The arm wrapped around her lower back tightened, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss. He lapped at her lips, tickling the seam with the tip of his tongue until she opened for him. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue slid along hers; the talons of one hand tangled in her hair as he held her head still so he could plunder her mouth.

It was the baby's squirming along with his unhappy mewls and grunts that brought Garrus back to the present. He pulled away with a light gasp when a small foot slammed against his stomach.

"Come here, you," he growled playfully as he reached for their son. Jane relinquished her hold on him and Garrus positioned the child against his shoulder where his small hand wrapped around Garrus' cowl.

"You're determined to make sure I never kiss your mother again, aren't you?" Garrus asked playfully as he bounced the child in his arms. He turned his attention to Jane then, "Why don't you go get ready? Our guests will be here soon. I'm sure we'll be okay alone for a few minutes"-Garrus turned to the child in his arms-"Won't we?"

"Oh my goodness! Look at him!" Samantha Traynor squealed. She was barely two steps in the door of the Vakarian household, her coat still on, and already she was cooing at the baby.

"Any chance we can move this along? I'm still standing in the cold," Steve Cortez spoke up so he could be heard over Sam.

Sam and Steve were the first of their guests to arrive but were there before Jane had finished getting ready so Garrus answered the front door-baby in his arms. He moved to the side holding out his free arm to gesture that Sam should keep moving through the foyer and into the house. She took a few more steps, allowing Steve to get out of the cold and snow, but stopped short in front of Garrus. Her gloves were already off her hands as she reached for the baby.

"Oh! Look at those cheeks," she cooed again before looking up at Garrus. "Can I hold him?"

"Why don't you warm up first," Jane suggested as she came up behind the group.

Sam turned from Garrus and the baby to greet her old Commander.


The two women embraced and Jane laughed as Sam squeezed her tightly.

"You look fabulous," Sam crowed as she pulled away. "You'd never believe you just had a baby."

"Thank you," Jane blushed crimson at the flattery.

Garrus watched the exchange, his mandibles flared slightly in a small grin. Sam had been the only member from the old crew who'd not been with them four months earlier. She'd been transferred from the Normandy crew soon after Jane retired and the ship was handed over to Ashley Williams; Jane believed the transfer request was because of her retirement, though Sam was adamant that was not the case.

"How's the Agamemnon treating you?" Jane asked as she took Sam's winter wear and stowed it in the front closet. She led the younger woman out of the foyer and toward the dining room where they had snacks and beverages set up.

She'd decided to wear the dress. Earlier that evening, Garrus had come into their room to find Jane staring at their closet; glaring at it to be more precise. When he'd asked why she seemed so upset she explained that she had nothing to wear. That's when he'd noticed the Christmas green dress hiding in the back, behind piles of black yoga pants and maternity t-shirts.

"I can't wear that," Jane had groused. "It's too form fitting."

"Try it on, please?" he'd asked, drenching his words in pleading sub harmonics, knowing that she'd cave under the sad trilling.

"You don't fight fair."

Maybe that was true, but when the results were as spectacular as watching Jane walk around in that dress, he couldn't find it in himself to be upset that he'd cheated. The dress hugged her body; the bow securing the material at her side teased him. All it would take was a gentle tug on one end and he would be peeling the material apart, baring her body to him as he dragged the silky fabric from her arms.

"He's pretty damn adorable," Steve spoke up, pulling Garrus away from Jane's retreating form. He'd already removed his coat and was hanging it along with his scarf in the closet.

Garrus shifted the child in his arms as he turned toward Steve.

"Thank you."

Steve was just opening his mouth to say more when there was a knock at the front door.

"Why don't you go join Jane and Sam?" Garrus suggested, stepping toward the door.

Steve motioned toward the baby before asking, "Do you want me to take him?"

Garrus hesitated a moment before relinquishing him. He gently set the baby into Cortez's waiting hands.

"Watch his head," he instructed as Steve cradled the child in his left arm.

"Calm down, Garrus, I've held a baby before," Steve chuckled as he nestled the child closer to him. Looking down into the child's pale eyes he smiled as he walked away. "We'll be fine, won't we, buddy? Let's go find your mama and make Auntie Sammy jealous because I got to hold you before her."

Garrus shook his head at Steve's antics as he went to answer the knock at the front door. Joker and EDI were waiting on the other side.

"A top hat?" Garrus asked as he took in Joker's appearance.

"It goes with the cane," Joker explained, tapping the cane on the tiles of the foyer as he came in. "The cold weather makes my bones ache, which means I have to use the cane. I think the top hat makes me look like a gentleman instead of a cripple."

Garrus stepped out of the way so the couple could come in. He closed the door behind them before helping EDI out of the wool coat she wore. He gathered up their jackets and other winter apparel and hung everything in the closet before ushering them toward the dining room where everyone else was milling about.

"I assume I'll get to see the little monster tonight," Joker teased.

"I believe Traynor and Cortez are fussing over him right now. If you're lucky, you might be able to pry him away from Sam at some point," Garrus answered, grinning.

Joker and EDI headed toward the dining room and Garrus was just about to follow them when another knock sounded at the front door.

"Here we go again," he muttered as he went back to answer the door.

Jack, Samara, and Kasumi were standing on the front stoop this time.

"Zaeed is parking the car," Kasumi explained as the three made their way into the home. Before Garrus could take their belongings, they were stripping them off and hanging them up themselves.

"Don't worry about us; we know our way around your place," Jack smirked as she closed the closet. As she was passing Garrus, she punched him lightly on the arm. "Where's the little woman and the brat?"

"Jack!" Kasumi gasped, gawking at the woman. "He is not a brat!"

Jack just shrugged, grinning widely at Garrus. "You'd swear I'd just insulted her kid, or something."

Garrus shook his head as he grinned at Jack. The crazy biotic lived to tease everyone, especially those that she was close to.

"Everyone is in the dining room, I believe."

It was almost a half an hour before Garrus could finally join everyone in the dining room. He ushered Liara and James, the last of their guests to arrive, through the house toward the dining and family room where everyone was gathered. Zaeed was playing bartender, mixing up drinks at the small wet bar that Garrus had set up in one corner of the room.

"Name your poison," Zaeed barked as Garrus came up next to him.

Garrus shook his head as he reached for his bottle of Turian brandy and a glass. He dropped an ice cube in the bottom before pouring the spirit into the glass.

"So, Liara opted for water," Jane whispered as she came up next to Garrus, their son in her arms again.

Garrus tilted his head, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. Her lips were tugged into a small smirk, one side higher than the other as she bobbed her eyebrows twice.

"Maybe she wanted water," Garrus responded as he replaced his bottle of brandy next to the other spirits at the small bar.

"Yeah, right," Jane scoffed. "When has she ever chosen water when a bottle of Asari wine was available?"

Garrus turned away from the bar, cradling his glass of brandy as his gaze traveled over their guests. Everyone was mingling and moving around the room. Cortez was in the center of Kasumi, Jack, and Samara, his left hand held tightly in both of Kasumi's as the thief let out a happy shriek. Garrus lifted a brow plate as he turned his confused gaze to Jane.

"The wedding was two days ago, apparently," Jane explained. "His husband wasn't able to make it tonight because he ships out early tomorrow and the whole squad is on lock down for the evening."

Garrus nodded in both acknowledgement and understanding and when Cortez looked over to him he raised his glass of brandy slightly, toasting the man. He looked over to Joker who was sitting on the couch; EDI was propped against the arm rest next to their former pilot. She leaned down to Joker, presumably to hear him better though her hearing was perfect.

"EDI's been working on her human traits," Garrus observed.

"They're going to adopt," Jane replied. "He asked if we could be character references for them."

Jack cut away from the group of girls cooing over Cortez's wedding band and came to stand next to Jane.

"Hand him over," she demanded, her arms already outstretched and reaching for their son. "I haven't had a turn holding the little tyke."

Jane settled the baby in Jack's arms, explaining that Jack needed to watch his head.

"He's not a football, Jack, be careful with him," Jane warned. "I want him back in exactly the same condition I gave him to you."

"Aye, aye, Commander," Jack barked, snapping off a sarcastic salute with the hand that wasn't cradling their son before she looked down to the child.

"You're pretty cute," Jack said to the baby, "and you don't have your father's eyes, which is great."

"What do you mean?" Garrus asked. "His eyes are blue."

Jack looked up at him from under thick eyelashes meeting his gaze momentarily before she rolled her eyes. She flipped Garrus off as she moved away from them. Garrus snickered quietly as the younger woman walked away, a slight bounce in her step as she jiggled the baby in her arms. After a moment he turned to Jane, wrapping his free arm around her waist and tugging her closer to him before he pointed upward with the hand that held his glass of brandy.

"Would you look at that?" he chuckled deeply, his voice dropping an octave into the smokey, gravely tones that Jane loved. "I wonder how that got there."

Jane tilted her head back as she looked up to the mistletoe hanging above them.

"I wonder, indeed," she murmured as he lowered his face to hers, pressing his lip plates to her mouth gently. She smiled against his mouth, pressing closer to him and flicked her tongue against his softer mouth plates.

Garrus noticed the quiet in the room a moment before the catcalling started. Joker's "woo!" was drowned out by James' deeper hoots and someone whistled sharply which caused the baby to cry.

"Dammit!" Jack barked. "You assholes scared the baby!"

Jane pulled out of the kiss slowly, sighing in frustration before she spoke.

"He's probably ready for bed anyway."

She left Garrus and made her way to Jack to gather up the child before heading to the nursery.

It was hours later as the party was winding down and the guests were leaving that Garrus got a moment to talk to James. Liara was inside helping Jane clean up while James was out on the back patio leaning heavily against the railing and staring out into the black of the back yard, his eyes unfocused and unseeing. He barely twitched when Garrus closed the patio door and walked across the deck.

"When's she due?" Garrus asked as he leaned his back against the patio railing next to James.

"How'd you figure it out?"

"Water instead of wine," Garrus said, "and this is the first time you've left her side all night."

"No it isn't," James denied.

"Yes, it is," Garrus countered. "You hovered."

"We weren't sure if we should say anything tonight," James confessed with a sigh.

"Asari gestation is different. If the baby comes on time, we'll probably miss his first birthday," James explained, jerking his head toward the nursery window to signify he was talking about their baby.

"It's funny isn't it?" Garrus let out a short chuckle. "Their lives are ten times longer than ours and yet they are pregnant for a shorter period."

"Yeah, it's crazy. The baby's already so big," James turned around, leaning back against the railing next to Garrus as he looked up at the stars. "We could see everything at the last ultrasound, her fingers, her toes; I swear I could see the beginning of fringe."

"That was a shadow on the ultrasound," Garrus corrected. "Asari infants aren't born with fringe."

"I know what I saw," James defended.

"Okay, okay," Garrus held his hands up in surrender. "You saw fringe. My species has only been mating with asari for centuries, what would we know?"

James glared at Garrus for a moment before sighing again.

"I'm going to be a dad," he let out a quiet almost hysterical chuckle. "I'm going to have a little girl."

"Yep," Garrus agreed. "A blue little girl."

James nodded, inhaling a shaky breath through his nose as he did.

"Someone who's going to look up to you and call you daddy," Garrus continued, clamping down on his subharmonics so his friend didn't catch on to his ribbing.

"I think I'm going to throw up," James whispered.

"No you're not," Garrus assured him, all humor gone from his tone as he filled his subharmonics with happy, calm tones. "C'mon, let's go have a drink and celebrate."

Jane placed the last plate in the dish washer before turning to her friend.

"Congratulations," she blurted.

"Thank you," Liara answered quietly as her cheeks darkened with a blush.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," Jane said, hurt tinging her voice as she walked over to the kitchen island where Liara was sitting.

"We weren't sure if we should say anything yet," Liara explained. "You're still basking in the attention of being a new mom. I didn't want to overshadow that with our news."

"Overshadow all you want," Jane replied. "Please, I'm begging you, take some of this attention off of us-off of me!"

"I thought you loved being a mom."

"I do! I love having this tiny human being to take care of; I love everything about being a mom. I don't love being a celebrity. I'm tired of posing for magazine covers. I'm tired of interviews where they ask me if I think breast is best and want to know what his favorite color is. He's three months old! He doesn't have a favorite color!"

"He has a favorite uncle though," James teased as he and Garrus came into the kitchen.

"That's what you think," Jane teased back. "Once he has to share you, I bet you won't be his favorite anymore."

Jane and Garrus watched as James made his way to Liara's side, almost as though she were a magnet. They shared a knowing smirk as the younger male wrapped his arms around his wife and leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek before asking her if there was anything she needed.

"I'm fine, James," Liara answered. "But if you keep this up I'm going to go crazy inside a week."

"If he gets out of hand, just let me know and I'll make a few calls. I'm sure Hackett can find something for him to do," Jane said, smirking when James' glare landed on her.

"The whole fifth fleet won't be able to pull me away from her side," James rebutted.

Liara sighed, resting her face against her palm as she shook her head slowly.

"Well, when she kicks you out for being overbearing, you'll always have a place on our couch," Garrus chimed in. "Rent can be paid in diaper duty."