So, guess what muse finally decided to dance back into my head last week? Oh yeah, ASCENSION! Yep, it is back. Back with a BANG. To all those who message me so frequently asking, no begging me to update, this one is for you. And all the chapters after this one.

So... read on guys! Read on! And don't forget to review! x

Jace is awake before me the next morning. Actually, it's him that wakes me up.

At first, I think the racket is someone trying to break in. The glass of water next to my side of the bed does the whole Jurassic Park thing with the water. After coming to, I realize that the thumping is nothing more than bass accompanied by an electric guitar.

Great. Jace is practising and ruining my beauty sleep. The moment I swing my legs out of bed, feeling distinctly grumpy, the music stops.

"Jace!" I yell, roughly brushing the curling strands of ginger hair to my eyes, getting to my feet. "Must you be so fucking loud?!"

"Sorry! I forgot these walls aren't the soundproof ones" is his muffled reply from the living room. "But there's much worse ways to be woken up."

Yes there are. Like the time Jace had moved around so much in his sleep he'd actually managed to turn a hundred and eighty degrees. I'd woken up with my nose pretty much brushing his perky ass.

It's as I step into the kitchen that I realize something; today is cruise day.

When I finish cooking breakfast, Jace wanders into the kitchen with his guitar – the white one I'd bought him what feels like forever ago now – and sits down at the table, grunting out his thanks when I set the food down in front of him.

"Right," he says crisply after swallowing a rasher of bacon. "Everything is ready. I couldn't sleep last night, so I went ahead and packed pretty much everything except my guitar. I packed your sexiest dresses, don't you dare take them out." I don't know how he can sit comfortably with that monstrosity on his back, really.

Before I can reply, Jace's phone buzzes. He groans and rams it to his ear with a pained expression. "Yeah?"

From the sound of Jace's grumpy tone, it's Magnus. Jace nods frequently, muttering "yeah... yeah sure. We'll be ready to go in an hour. Hang on-" his gaze flickers to me. "Think we'll be ready in an hour?"

I arch a brow. "It takes you an hour just to brush and style your hair."

"Yes" Jace tells Magnus, a smirk broad on his lips. "We'll be ready. All the equipment is ready to be loaded. Laters." He ends the call and makes to lean back, but his guitar stops him.

"You are awful at timekeeping" I remind Jace sweetly, finishing off my own breakfast. "Without me, you would-"

"And that is why I love you" Jace interrupts, his grin wide and cheeky. "For your timekeeping skills. And your blowjobs. What do you love me for? My big dick?"

I force my expression into one of great puzzlement. "You have a big dick? Really? If you did, I'm sure I would have noticed by now."

Jace's eyes glint playfully. "You're really going to regret saying that tonight my fiery little ginger minx."

"Bring it" I reply casually, dropping my gaze down to my now empty plate. Something tells me that First Class is going to be relieved to get rid of us when the cruise ends. Jace doesn't do quiet sex. The louder the better is how he thinks, I'm sure of it.

"Anyway," I say now, rising to my feet. "Finish your breakfast and go and get ready. Be quick about it."


To his credit, Jace is ready by the time the cars arrive. He oversees our stuff being loaded while I put down fresh food for the kittens. Only, they're not exactly kittens anymore. They're getting so very big. Our little kitty Katniss is no longer palm-sized. Mom will be feeding them while we're away. The last time she had them at her house they'd taken great pleasure in climbing the curtains and using the mahogany as a scratching post. Something mom really wasn't happy with, no matter how cute they are.

"Be gentle-!" I hear Jace almost whimper as they load his guitar into the small van that will be accompanying us to the docks. He's very overprotective of his baby.

Adjusting my cute little straw sun hat, I call "Jace, let the men do their job without you hanging over them." Unwillingly, Jace turns away and slips into the back of the car next to me, wringing his hands. Rolling my eyes, I slip a hand into his own. It has the desired effect in quietening him down and stopping his nervous fidgeting.

It's funny how Jace can command an arena full of thousands upon thousands of girls with ease, but as soon as it comes to someone other than himself touching his precious guitar, he freaks out and barely sits still.

"We're okay now, right?" Jace murmurs, leaning over and touching his lips to the spot under my right ear that makes my toes curl within their boots, a rush of heat shooting to my core. I nod, not able to form words. Even after all this time together, Jace still has the ability to turn me on within seconds. It's a talent he's never likely to lose.

We spend the half-hour journey to the docks on the other side of New York kissing, the driver pointedly ignoring us. Our hands rove each other, soft, gentle teasing touches. They're a promise of more to come when we're alone tonight. Much more.

My cheeks aren't the only ones spotted with red when we reach the bay in Roxbury where the colossal ship floats upon completely still water, gleaming brilliant white in the bright sunlight. I don't think I've ever seen such a big ship before in my entire life, even on TV. The name Oceanstar is written in glossy black upon the side. There are passengers and staff bustling around, some looking bored while others seem excited. Next to me, Jace lets out a low whistle. "Damn. Sometimes I really love being famous." With a smile, Jace makes his way over to the barriers where his fans are calling his name. They also call mine, something I just cannot get used to. Fighting back the nerves, I follow Jace.

The bunch here today are lovely. One even has the newly released first volume of my Manga. I sign it without hesitation, nerves a thing of the past.

Finally I feel as if I'm amounting to something, not being known just as Jace's girlfriend. It feels horrible being famous by association. It makes me feel like a sham.

When we board the cruise ship, Jace chuckles. "Wow. You'll be more famous than me when everyone gets your Manga."

We both know I'll never be as famous as him. And that is completely okay. My eyes spy photographers in the crowds, snapping picture after picture of us as we walk onto the ship. We have no privacy, that is a drawback of fame; Every single little moment of our lives is constantly under scrutiny. It's not very nice.

I take Jace's hand, my mood descending into crappy territory. When Jace frowns and asks what's wrong, I shake my head. The peer pressure is something that Jace understands only too well. Actually, he probably feels it much more keenly than I do.

"Welcome!" the woman next to the door exclaims when we enter the reception area of the ship. It has a reception area? "Welcome to the Oceanstar. Your belongings will be taken to your room in a jiffy, and your guitar will be placed behind the stage."

"Hey!" Jace scowls, looking far from pleased. "That guitar is very special. I don't want it lying around, put it in our room as well. Jesus..."

The young woman flushes. "I do apologise. Your suite isn't actually ready just yet, but the bar area is open and you may explore the ship until it is. Someone will find you and give you your suite key when the cleaners are done."

Jace simply nods. His expression might be blank, but his eyes give him away instantly if you know him – he's beyond pissed off.

"Come on Mr" I say hurriedly, tugging Jace down a corridor that leads up to the top deck according to the neat little sign.

Jace's mood improves greatly when we emerge onto the deck, the smooth wooden flooring beneath our feet absorbing every sound we make, even my small wedge heels.

It's beautiful up here. The weather is warm, sky a perfect cloudless periwinkle blue. I sigh in contentment and wander over to the side of the ship, gazing out over the open water. There's barely even a breeze to ripple the doldrums-calm water. Behind me, arms sneak around my waist, lips touching my cheek.

"Mmmn," Jace murmurs, dropping his head so he can bury his face into the crook of my neck. "This is really nice."

I twine my fingers with Jace's and lean my head back against him, letting my eyes flutter shut. He's right, this really is pleasant. It's calming, the only sounds the soft swells breaking against the boat, the calls of the staffing and passengers and the distant hubbub of New York.

We stand like that for nearly forty-five minutes, saying absolutely nothing. Our little bubble of silence is only popped when a tinkling laugh sounds behind us.

"My my, Jace Herondale. It has been a while, hasn't it?"

Jace stiffens slightly before withdrawing his hands and turning along with me. I jolt in shock; stood before us is a woman that I know well. Not personally, but from the Oscar-winning movies, the photoshoots and endless fashion magazines.

Seelie Queen holds up a hand, a key dangling from a slim finger tipped with scarlet nails that match her tight curls in colour. "Your room is ready" she smiles, too seductively for my taste, looking directly at Jace. She doesn't pay me the slightest bit of interest. It's like I'm nothing more than part of the décor.

Jace doesn't take the key, but merely frowns. "What are you doing here? This isn't your scene. You hate cruise ships."

My stomach flips – they know each other? And that well?

Seelie's smile widens. She steps forward, her long and elegant emerald halterneck dress fluttering as she walks, heels clacking against the decking. Jace doesn't move as she presses the key into his hand, tittering out "Darling, I've changed since our last meeting. Just like you have." She glances up at the clock next to the door leading below deck and sighs delicately. "I'm afraid I must leave you now. Until we meet again."

The moment she vanishes I turn to Jace and arch a brow. "And what was that all about?"

Jace looks visibly uncomfortable, his lips pressed into a thin line. After wetting his bottom lip a little, he speaks carefully, slowly. "She's someone I once knew."

"As in you've fucked her?" I guess, resigned while the beast that is jealously snarls away in my stomach. Jace really has banged a whole variety of girls...

He doesn't even try to deny it when he shrugs, avoiding my eyes. "Yes. But it's more than that. Just stay away from her, she's bad news. She's a snake, Clary. Pretty to look at, but get too close and she'll bite you." Jace's gaze flickers down to the key in his hand. "Come on, let's go and check out our room."

I nod, following him in silence. It's becoming clear that no matter where we go, Jace's past will always come back to haunt him, us, in some way or another. And it sucks.


The suite is gorgeous. I can suddenly see why First Class costs so much; the entire place is the very definition of Luxury. Done in a beautiful contemporary style, the walls are white wooden panelling, the carpet a very soft gold. I take off my heels just so I can revel in the carpet's softness, burying my toes into it. The sofa is large, ivory and suede with a widescreen TV set on the wall before it. Our belongings are sat next to the cream table before the sofa.

The bathroom is a wetroom that is much smaller than the living area, but still has a large round bathtub sunk deep into the floor, big enough for three people plus a walk-in shower complete with jets. Even the toilet screams Perfection.

Our bedroom is the best, that is for sure; the truly massive four-poster bed takes up most of the room, the covers white and hangings like clouds. I catch sight of Jace's dirty little smirk out of the corner of my eye at the sight of the bed. It's not hard to imagine what he's thinking, because I'm most likely thinking the same thing.

Attached to our bedroom is a balcony. When we push open the door, the wind caresses our skin instantly, nothing but open ocean ahead of us. Jace places his hands upon my shoulders, gazing out at the view with the wind ruffling his tawny hair.

"How do you fancy messing up that bed for an hour?" Jace whispers into my ear, his hands sliding down my bare arms to rest at my hips. I turn within his arms and reach up, plucking my hat from my head and tossing it into our bedroom where it lands at the foot of the bed.

"Lead the way, my lover."

It's like our argument never happened as Jace's grip tightens upon my hips, hitching me up onto his own. His lips crash against mine as he presses me against the soft and unfamiliar covers, a hand sliding up the inside of my thighs. Within seconds my panties are gone and his fingers are inside of me, soft gasps of delight slipping from my lips with every move they make. We are a frenzy of limbs, driven by the need to be as close as possible to each other. When he's done with his hands, my body trembling and back arched from the wave of pleasure that had just peaked, he rips my dress off, kneels before me and begins to devour me like he's some starving half-wild beast, his growls reverberating against my core while I cry out his name repeatedly, fingers painfully tight in his hair.

We make love for much more than an hour. It's only when I've rode him and he's taken me hard from behind that we stop, completely spent with our bodies glistening with sweat and chests heaving.

"Whew," Jace pants, his eyes closed, a hand fisted in his hair lank hair. "What's my name again? I'm not sure I remember."

He's not the only one there. My heart is hammering so hard it actually hurts, the tips of my toes numb.

A knock sounds on our door. It's hesitant, and so is the voice that follows. "Umm... Mr Herondale? Uhh, we are... I mean, you will be performing in half an hours time. You didn't turn up for any of the um, meetings. And uh, we have had noise complaints that..." he doesn't continue and we hear the sound of retreating footsteps.

Jace smirks broadly, tugging me into his warm embrace. I snuggle into his chest, allowing my eyes to close for five minutes. We could be miles away from our house, but as long as I'm in Jace's arms, I'm home.

After a shower involving extremely friendly hands from Jace, we finally start to get ready with only half an hour to go.

"I look like an idiot" Jace grumbles, adjusting the cuff of his crisp black suit. "I can't sing in this. Fuck this." He strips off and pulls on black jeans and a plain white button-down shirt instead, making sure the top two buttons are undone. After putting on some cologne, Jace smoothes his hair back and finally remembers to zip up his fly.

He smiles when I step into the living room after getting changed and curling my hair. "Clary, you look beautiful. Seriously."

"Thank you" I smile, glancing down to my full-length dark sapphire dress. "I'm still not sure if the colours go."

"You look radiant in any colour" Jace assures me, pressing his lips briefly to my cheek. "Now, are you ready to rumble?"

I nod. "Just please, please catch me if I trip in these heels."

"Nah, I'll let you drop."


People stare as we walk arm-in-arm through the opulent ship, the females blushing at the mere sight of Jace. When he winks at one of the girls I arch a brow and he smiles apologetically.

I'm left alone to brave the dark and packed entertainment room alone as Jace heads behind the stage to get ready. He never did get his guitar delivered to our room. We'd probably not heard them due to our volume.

We're very late and it's like I'm not there as I pick my way through the tables, looking for the one with my name plaque on. No one moves to let me through, merely watching me as I try my hardest not to trip over in my heels. If anything, they glare.

This isn't relaxing, it's mortifying.

"Clary? Clarissa! Oi! Over here!"

Through the crowd I see a figure waving, just visible in the low light. His voice sounds British with a hint of Welsh. William.

"Thank God" I breathe as I seat myself next to the young man, smiling at Tessa next to him who is in a pretty pastel pink dress. "Hello Tessa! Why are you both here?"

William replies, looking dashing in his black tux, midnight hair smoothed away from his face like Jace's. Also like Jace, he scrubs up very well indeed. "Well... The Clockwork Angels are back. In a way-" he glances to Tessa, his smile so wide that it warms my heart; William is a completely different person now he and Tessa are together. Like I had saved Jace, Tessa had saved Will.

"You and Tessa are-?" I guess, genuinely excited. "You're performing together as a pair? Wow, congratulations!"

Will shrugs. "Someone has to try and tone down Tess's wailing sometime after all. Seriously, I think her mother might have been part banshee." Tessa slaps his arm, causing Will to snigger.

I want to ask about Jem, but I don't. From the way Will is fidgeting with his wine glass, he doesn't want to talk about him.

"So wait," I frown, glancing around the room. "What is this, exactly? If you're here?"

Will shrugs, taking a brief sip of his drink. It looks like red wine. "Some charity event, I think. There are a lot of sponsors here, plus actors and stuff. Seelie Queen has never been one for throwing a decent party. She just invites everyone and of course they all come. It's her. Personally, I'm here for the free food."

It seems like everyone knows Seelie except for me. And from the sounds of it, she's the one hosting the party.

I must look confused because Will snickers. "Relax. She just likes to show off how rich she is."

Tessa looks how I feel with her face twisted into a disgusted expression. "She's disgusting-!" she hisses under her breath. "I feel as if I might catch an STD just by looking at her."

"My Tessa," Will muses, raising a hand of hers to his lips. "Don't talk about STD's, yeah? It's very unladylike."

I'm prepared to bet Jace's career that William has at least one. You can't be a total manwhore and not pick one up. But then... Jace never picked one up. Maybe gambling his career is a bad move.

The lights on the stage suddenly turn on and the audience whoops in delight, clapping their hands. Seelie steps onto it, smiling at the crowd. The smile doesn't touch her freezing cold eyes one bit.

"Welcome, my friends" she says, brushing a stray lock of hair from her eyes and tucking it behind her ears. She makes it look so sensual, the way her fingers caress her hair. "I thought it was high time we all gathered together and enjoyed ourselves. So without further ado, Jace Herondale!"

I'm really, really not keen on that bitch. There's something about her that makes me feel extremely uneasy. But nevertheless, I join in with the loud clapping when Jace takes to the stage. Jace on a stage is the most natural sight in the world. He flashes a wink at me before taking up his guitar, grinning widely at the cheering crowd.

A screen the size of the wall slides down behind Jace as he plays the first notes on his guitar, the music rippling out over the room like a tsunami.

But then the backing track starts up... and it's not music. The bottom of my stomach seems to drop out as the volume increases. Is that...? It can't-?

The whole room gasps when the screen flickers into life.

I can't breathe, think or feel anything but horror and mortification. For on the colossal screen is me and Jace in our cabin earlier, not a scrap of clothing on us as we make love. My own cries of pleasure echo loudly in my ears and through the room, the glass of wine of Will's shaking slightly from the volume. "Well fuck" Will himself mutters under his breath, sounding as disgusted as I feel.

A crash from the stage breaks me from my stupor; Jace has turned to face the screen, his guitar on the floor as if he's dropped it without realizing. The moment his on-screen version turns on-screen me around and begins to roughly take me from behind, he shakes his head a little. Without a word he walks off the stage, leaving his guitar lying where it fell.

No one laughs. No one makes a sound as I rise to my feet and dash after him, my hands clenched in anger and tears burning in my eyes. My own moans follow me as I run through the corridors, Jace always one step ahead.

So much for a relaxing cruise.

-Don't forget to review! :)