'Viola' stumbled around, blood dripping from her stomach. Her 'father' had just stabbed her. What was the meaning of this.

Her 'father' had a cold look in his eyes that pierced into 'Viola's' soul. She back away, trying to escape those evil eyes.

"Why...?" was all 'Viola' could ask as she breathed hard, more and more blood flowing and staining her dress and skin.

"You aren't her," 'father' replied simply.

What? He knew? He knew that she wasn't really Viola? No way. She played the part so accurately. Why was this happening?

She coughed out some blood. Flashbacks began racing into her mind. All the terrible things she'd done. All the time she'd spent laying in her bed. She also remembered the real Viola's death.

Viola had been her only friend. Yet, she'd killed her and let her suffer as she stole her body. Ellen. That had been her real name.

How long could Ellen have lived if she hadn't stolen Viola's body? Probably not that long, so it was okay that she stole this body right? Then why did she have so many regrets?

She stared up at Viola's father, his eyes growing more intense. She flinched at the expression.

She would die at this rate. With all the blood spilling out. Maybe if she played innocent, he would save her.

"You aren't her? What are you talking about dad? It's me, Viola."

She spat up more blood, gagging at its foul metallic taste. Had Viola felt this way when she had died? Her own father had killed her and now her father might kill Ellen as well.

"You aren't Viola," he growled. "I know you're that...that WITCH."

How had he found out? How?!

Ellen began getting dizzy. She stumbled around, barely keeping her balance. Her vision was getting blurry. Could this really be the end for her?

Viola's father glared at her. "You monster! Posing as my daughter and...and...making me kill the real Viola..."

Tears were gathering in the man's eyes. Suddenly, Ellen felt an overpowering wave of regret. Why had she done all of this? To escape her own pain? Now she was only feeling more.

She fell to her knees, too weak to stand. She examined her stab wound, holding in a gasp. Her dress was completely soaked in blood as well as her hands. She had never felt pain more bitter than this.

She looked up at her 'friend's' father. "If you're going to kill me...do it now! I can't stand this pain anymore!"

"I'm not going to kill you," he replied. "At least, not yet."

Ellen's eyes widened in surprise. "Then what will you do with me?"

"I'll let you suffer for a good long while. You deserve to feel the pain Viola felt."

Then, he grabbed the witch by the hair, holding her tightly. He grabbed his knife and did to Ellen what she had done to Viola.

Now, she was in a bigger mess of blood. Her eyes and legs were now missing. She screamed out in agony, begging for death to take her away.

Then, at last, the hunter pulled out his gun, pointing it at Ellen's head. He scowled at her. He'd finally take his revenge.

"Good-bye witch. You can join the demons you plotted with."

He shot her in the head multiple times. Ellen now lay there, lifeless and bloody. She died as Viola had.

Just before Ellen had died though, she casted a spell. A spell known as a do-over spell. Soon, the spell would take affect. It would take everything back in time.

If she relived her life again, maybe she could make the right choices this time and no one would get hurt. Maybe this time, her and Viola would live together in peace.

If you want me to add on to this, please add that to your review. Thank you for reading!