Chapter One: Runaway Rain Cloud

I flew as far away and fast as I could from home. I knew there was nothing for me there.
Well, nothing but my father King Thunderhead, High Ruler of all the Cloud Kingdom...

Who wants to force me to get married to some stupid suitor from the Water Kingdom, I thought, angry tears forming in my eyes. I let them fall, happy to let my frustrations out. My father was so controlling. He was constantly telling me what to do and how to act and who to talk to, who not to talk to... Ugh, he drove me crazy! It was always "Cloudy, do this" and "Cloudy, do that" and "as Princess of the Cloud Kingdom you must do such and such"... I never had any fun.

Well, that was about to change. I was running away. And there was no way I was going to go back!

As I was flying I grew more and more angry. I knew that was bad, that I should have stopped while I had more control over it, but I was so upset that I didn't even care.

Suddenly, as I was passing over the Candy Kingdom, my emotions took over and I was having an emotional breakdown. The tears began to fall, the storm clouds began to gather, and suddenly I was caught in the midst of a storm of my own making. I shouted out, pain and frustration fueling me on.

"WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!?" I flew on and on, the storm flying with me. I had no idea where I was, or where I was going. I was just there. Storming around wreaking havoc as usual. Finally I was too exhausted to move anymore and I landed on the top of a big tree... I must be over a forest, I thought... And then I just collapsed there and cried.

I laid there for... I don't know how long. Minutes. Hours. I didn't know. All I know is that one moment I was laying there by myself, crying underneath my cloud cover, and the next moment a powerful blast of wind (wind that smelled oddly enough like ham) had blown my storm completely away and exposed me to my surroundings.

I looked up, caught off guard, to see a giant orange dog staring down at me. I stood up and was about to take flight when-

"WAIT!" I stopped, and stared at the young man who had just jumped off of the dog's head and onto my tree. He was wearing simple, childish clothes and a funny white hat with ears. He had a friendly grin and sparkling blue eyes; he looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old. I was about to ask him who he was and why he was bothering me when he took explaining all that upon himself.

"Hi, I'm Finn the Human," he said, then pointed at the giant dog, which in an instant shrunk to the size of a normal dog and stood next to Finn on the tree. "This is Jake the Dog. We are heroes here in the land of Ooo! The people of this land have been complaining all day long about your cloud, because it was raining on all their parades. I'm sure you didn't mean to rain on their parades, but you did; and they'd like you to please stop."

I looked at him, this boy, this Finn the Human. There was something about him that just completely calmed me down. All traces of anger and sorrow had vanished from my mind. Now I was simply curious.

"Wait, you mean I'm in Ooo?" I asked him. He laughed. He has such a nice laugh, I thought.

"Yeah! Of course! Where else would we be?" He continued to laugh for a moment but stopped when he realized I was serious. "Wait, you mean you've never been here before?" I blushed.

Of course I haven't been here before, I thought. My father never let me leave Cloud Kingdom.

"No, actually, I haven't," I said softly. "I'm from the Cloud Kingdom. We are independent from the land of Ooo, although I guess you could consider us part of it since we are in the SKY of Ooo. I've never been outside the kingdom before." Jake the Dog spoke up, obviously excited.

"Whoa, you're from Cloud Kingdom!? I party there sometimes!" He began to dance. "Hey, you don't know Chinook and Willy the Wisp, do you? I love those guys!"

My heart sunk. Of course I don't know those people; my father never let me affiliate with the citizens, I thought.

"No, actually, I don't... I don't really know anybody. I haven't actually ever been outside the Castle in the Sky... You see... My father..." Finn interrupted me.

"Whoa, hold up! Castle? Are you a princess?" He seemed shocked.

"Yes, of course I'm a princess! I am THE Cloud Princess, actually," I huffed. The nerve of this guy, I thought to myself, completely annoyed. Finn tried to apologize, stumbling over his words.

"I'm sorry! Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. I just thought, that, you know, with no crown and all, I just assumed that-"

"What do you mean no-" I gasped as I reached up and realized my crown was gone. "My crown! It's GONE!" I leapt down from the tree top and began to search the surrounding area frantically. In my panic I hardly noticed the boy and his dog searching also.

"No, no, no, no..." I groaned, "I have to find it, it's all I have left!"

"Hey, Cloud Princess!" Finn called to me from a short ways away. "I think I found your crown!" I ran to him, and found him standing knee deep in a river.

One moment he was there, the next he was gone. I almost went in there after him when he didn't come back up right away, but something told me to stay put.

Suddenly he came back up, gasping for air.

He swam towards the shore and I ran over to meet him... However I wasn't yet quite used to using my legs on such rough ground (really, earth is so much different than the cloud I am used to) and I tripped and fell face first into the water.

I sputtered when I came back up, and found myself face to face with Finn.

"Check this out," he said, holding my crown above the water and placing it crookedly on my head. "Found it."

I smiled at him and grabbed him by the shoulders, then launched up into the air, spinning around in a flying corkscrew, spraying water in every direction. I gently landed us back on the ground and moved my hands from his shoulders to around his neck in a hug.

"Thank you so much, Finn," I murmured. I held him there like that for a minute. He didn't seem to mind all that much, since he hugged me back.

"You're welcome," he said. When I let him go and stepped back he was blushing. For some reason I thought that was funny and started to laugh. Hysterically. Which made him blush even more.

"What are you- are you laughing at me?" Finn asked.

"No," I gasped. "Yes! Hahahahaha! This is so great, Finn!" I said, jumping up into the air about ten feet and staying there for a moment before flying around his head. "I've never had a real friend before."

Finn's blush was fading as he began to laugh as well.

"What! No way," he said. "Seriously? You've never had a friend before?" I flew upside down over to him so that I was looking him eye to eye.

"Nope. Never," I said. And I was happier in that moment than I had ever been before when I said my next words: "Until now."

And Finn the Human, my first real friend, smiled at me. Yes, I thought. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

If only I knew how much trouble this friendship would eventually cause...

Hey, guys! I am so glad you all are reading this story. Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been really focused on my other fic Amantha Time: My Life In The Land Of Ooo.

I will be working on my fics more evenly now, though. This next chapter may still be a bit slow-going... I'm having writer's block! ARGH!

Anywaaayyyyy, please R&R. Maybe you all have some ideas that could help me get the flow of the story back. Cloudy and Finn are friends... So what happens next?