Disclaimer: I do not own PoT...just the OCs and the complex!
Chapter 1: Complex Meetings
The building can be found one block from the famous Tokyo University. A fifteen-minute walk from the main campus. It has two-stories, a total of ten rooms. It has five bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a nice porch at the front. It has a good water supply, it's own back-up electricity supply (the owner was generous enough) and is close to a convenience store, the station, and a couple of other establishments. Currently, it has six occupants: a law student, a fashion student, two engineering students, a business management student and one majoring in International studies. All of which are female.
Mr. Aikano, the owner, is a fifty-eight year-old who owned a couple of apartments around the campus.
The apartment is fairly new, and the rent is expensive. But the six girls all wanted privacy and space for their studies, so they decided to pay for the rent of ten people. They get to have their own rooms, enough space to move without bumping with each other and making things uncomfortable.
All in all, it was a pretty good deal.
But on this beautiful Sunday morning, all that is going to change.
"You say WHAT?!"
Kaede sighed for the umpteenth time. She was hoping that her Sunday would at least be normal. Is it too much to ask for a silent morning where she can peacefully sip her coffee while reading the latest on Hollywood gossip?
"Dammit KAE! Tell me they're JOKING! Tell me this is a prank!"
She watched as her friend and housemate flail around the living room of their boarding house/apartment.
"You know I hate lying, Risa."
"NOOOOOO!" her friend shouted as she dramatically slumped on the ground.
Kaede rolled her eyes heavenwards. Why is she stuck with this girl again? She turned to the males who were currently standing frozen at the door. Some were staring at Risa as if she's an alien, some are openly scrutinizing the room, while some are...
Kaede sighed once more. She just hopes she would survive this ordeal. Where was her coffee anyway?
"Well, come in you lot." She invited in a tired voice. "Or would you rather become a part of that door?"
Tezuka Kunimitsu let his eyes look over the whole room. It was a big enough living room-big enough that it can actually accommodate all of them.
There are two couches-comfortable they seemed- a center table with glass top, two settees, a t.v., a DVD player and a stereo. There were some framed photos atop a long, brown table at one corner. The whole room was decked in muted colors of gray and burgundy, a combination he found weird.
"So," a voice cut through his thoughts-"Why are you here again?"
He stared at the girl-Kaede Furokawa, who is currently sitting at one of the settees. Her dark hair is pulled in a messy bun at the top of her head, her startling violet eyes peering at him through thin lenses much like his own.
He cleared his throat when he caught Fuji smiling at him mischievously. "Well, you know Mr. Aikano, right?"
The girl nodded.
"We were renting his apartment two blocks from here." The girl blinked. "He recently divorced his wife. The apartment went to her, and she doesn't wants us there."
"So Mr. Aikano sent you guys here."
"To live with us here in this apartment."
"An apartment where-just to inform you-six girls are currently residing."
Crickets chirping.
Mumble. Mumble.
"Perfect. Should I say that I was actually happy to welcome you here?" Kaede asked with a raised eyebrow at the male inside their apartment. "And where is Mr. Aikano? And how do I know that you guys aren't pulling my leg or something?"
"Those are beautiful legs..." Yushi Oshitari murmured from his place, "I wouldn't mind pulling them."
Kaede chose to ignore the remark. Tezuka and Sanada threw him a dirty look...which pretty much went unnoticed. Yagyuu sighed on his spot. This is all so troublesome.
Tezuka brought out a folded paper and pushed it towards Kaede. "Here. Mr. Aikano is currently at the hospital because of a recent heart attack. He couldn't come here to explain things to you so he chose to write a letter instead."
The girl gingerly picked up the letter and immediately scanned its contents.
He watched as the girl brought up her hand to her face and rubbed it, taking out her glasses in the process. She looked distressed.
"Is it that bad, Furokawa-san?" Fuji asked the girl silently. To which Kaede chuckled dryly.
"Not really. I mean," she shrugged, "I don't have any problems with this at all. It's just that...I worry about the other girls' reactions."
A bluenette smiled at her charmingly."Why is that Furokawa-chan?"
Kaede frowned. "Well, you see..."
Misaki smiled as she tugged a piece of her strawberry red-hair behind her ear. Finally-she was finally free from her shift at the coffee shop!
"FREEDOM!" a shout from the door of the locker room startled her, but she didn't need to turn her head to know who the culprit is.
"Oh Freedom-My Lovely Freedom! How I long for you all night long!"
Misaki smothered a grin before turning around to look at her friend, co-worker and former classmate. "Kari-chan, have you been drinking too much caffeine again?"
The beautiful brunette stuck her tongue playfully at her, "Misa-chan~~! Stop being a spoilsport will you?!" she then opened her locker and pulled her shoes and scarf. Methodically putting both items on, she continued. "I need my caffeine so I can function well. And besides," she straightened up and fixed her hair in a ponytail, "You drink it as well!"
"But I don't drink it as much as you do." Misaki reasoned as they started walking out of the room.
Kari scoffed while tossing her nose up in the air. "Whatever!" she grinned once more.
The pair walked out into the kitchen of their cafe, where their co-workers grinned and smiled at them both.
"Well, are you going home now Misa-chan? Kari-chan?"
Misaki smiled softly at the kind older woman. "Hai, Chiyo-baachan. Kari here needs her sleep so she can get her mind out of the gutter."
The rest of the staff laughed while Hikari pouted and crossed her arms in front of her.
Chiyo chuckled at the childish look of her employee. "Aw, don't be like that Kari-chan. Here," she picked up a box from the table close to her, "take these home with you. I know your friends would love them."
Hikari squealed as she jumped and grabbed the box from the older woman, prompting another laugh fest from the rest.
"Well, I guess it's better for us to go now. Ja na, minna-san." Misaki bowed to her co-workers. Hikari was sniffing the box like a cat.
Outside, Hikari wound her scarf around her face, making sure her nose is well hidden.
"Damn pollen!" she muttered beside her friend.
"Don't be like that Kari-chan." the other girl chided.
Hikari rolled her eyes but remained silent.
"By the way, didn't you say you're meeting with your childhood friend today?"
Hikari blinked at her friend. "Huh?"
The other girl sighed. "Remember...you said yesterday that your friend is coming to our apartment today?"
Hikari blinked. Once. Twice...
Misaki hid a sigh. Sometimes she felt like Risa is a bad influence on Hikari.
"I remember now!" Hikari clapped her hands, eyes wide. "Yuki-chan said he'll be coming with his friends to our apartment today!"
It was MIsaki's turn to blink. "His friends? Wait-I thought your friend was a girl?!"
"EH?! Yuki-chan?" Hikari asked in a surprised tone. "No-No-No! He's a guy! Although he really looks like a girl-but he's a guy I SWEAR!"
Sweat drop. "Oh. Okay. So uh...he's visiting you?"
The other girl nodded vigorously. "Yup! Although he didn't tell me why." She frowned at the end of her sentence. And then, grinning once again, she winked at her friend. "But it's okay! I've been asking him to come visit me for a loooong time now but he was always so busy so he didn't have enough time and so when he told me he will visit today I got so excited!"
Another sweat drop. "Uh...is that why you forgot?" Misaki asked.
Another long sigh. This is going to be a long walk home. She really do need to sleep.
Misaki heaved a sigh of relief upon reaching their apartment. Hikari is already nodding off on her feet. Working the night shift was just tiring. But the pay was good, so they didnt mind (as if they really needed the money).
Taking out her key, she was surprised to see shoes line up near the door. Men's shoes to be exact. And then remembering what Hikari told her earlier, she shrugged and turned the knob, gently pulling Hikari behind her.
"Tadaima-" she stopped as several heads turned to wards her. She blinked. A couple pairs of eyes blinked back at her. "EH?!"
A beat of silence...
Hikari snored.
And then she heard a sigh: long and suffering. Her eyes flew towards the single girl who is sitting cross-legged at a settee, a book propped open in her lap.
And then there was a chuckle. Misaki snapped her head towards the voice...only to find two pools of brilliant blue-sapphire, amusement dancing, a twinkle of several stars.
"Saa...I think it's better to start from the beginning...again, na Furokawa-chan?"
So yeah...I posted another OC story (gasp!).
This will be a lot different from the two other. A little bit more mature (not in that way though).
And not all of the PoT characters are thrown in here.
Anyways, enjoy reading guys! Let me know about your thought on this.
See you soon (I hope).