This was written in about an hour. I wanted to write something and dedicate it to the most wonderful person to ever step foot in my path. You never know how just saying a few words to someone can form something greater. This is dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend, Darkmoon2222. I love you so much and thank you for everything you have done for me. You have really shown me that I can write anything I want to if I set my mind to it.

Looking back at everything that has happened in my life, the one thing that I never expected was to fall in love with my best friend. The first day we met wasn't anything special. He was hurt after having an experiment blow up and I was still training as a doctor. It was my shift to sit in with the nurse on duty and learn how to handle patients at the university. As I treated him, I found out that he was in the same grade as I was and attending school to work in science. All too funny was the fact that we were in the same dorms. I wouldn't even have betted a drink that anything more would have come from meeting him that day, but to my surprise I was wrong. We hung out more after classes and enjoyed the little time we had together. When it came time to sign up for the next set of classes and renew our dorms, we decided to select each other as dorm buddies. That year was the best of all my university days. We had our science parties and our late night studies. We taught each other basics in our own fields. But as that set of classes came close to an end, the Decepticon army had risen and taken hold of our planet. The last time I saw him on Cybertron was when the school was attacked. He took one of his newest experiments and rushed out to the war. I rushed out after him with my medical equipment knowing that things usually don't go to well with his experiments, but when I reached the war, he was no where to be seen.

Years passed. It felt like almost a lifetime. I started to work for the Autobots as their medic. I was the best one they had and strived to learn more with every passing hour. I kept telling myself that I had to save everyone and maybe one day I would get to see my friend again. What I didn't expect was the feelings that came when he finally arrived on Earth. I kept them a secret from everyone. I let everyone think that I was upset and didn't want to be around them. Even when he left to be a loner, I kept in touch with him. It was always small things that got mentioned. Things like 'remember when...' and 'one day when...' stories. We laughed about the days in the past and shared stories that the other missed. I told him all about the journey to this new planet and how we met the organics that call Earth their home. He told me about all the adventures he had gone on and how he gave up science the day the Decepticons attacked our school.

As things progressed slowly, we started to see more in each other than the friendship that our relationship started out as. We still wouldn't let the others know of this, but we started to see each other on our spare time and our relationship started to bloom nicely. But come today, I know there is something that must happen. Something that I never thought I would do. I watched as my love, Wheeljack, moved to talk to the others. Quietly I slipped into his room that we shared far to often and placed a datapad on the head of the berth. Turning around I came face to face with the owner of the room.

"You left this," I looked up at his optics as I moved my hand to hand him the datapad instead of leaving it.

Wheeljack took it and glanced down to see the writing on it saying "Will you be my bondmate?" and the drawing of a organics wedding band.

"Of course," Wheeljack smiled as he kissed the love of his life.

Thanks for reading this. Title came after the song "Yours Alone" by Valerie Miller and William Wilkerson.