To be completely honest, I forgot about this story. I graduated college last year with a degree in writing (super dangerous telling people that) and I did this for mostly selfish reasons. I recently looked at my junk email (the email I used for this website) and found a lot of emails from the site. I decided to come on and see what was going on. I am beyond shocked. A story that hasn't been updated in months (the first chapter was put up over a year ago) and it has 47 followers and 45 favorites? Even though there are a lot of stories who have clearly surpassed those expectations, I can only feel awful about forgetting the story. Had I payed attention to it and really kept it going, it may have had a lot more than this.

Right now, I am a high school teacher and even more shocking: no, I do not teach English or writing (math, actually. Ironic, huh?). I know it will take a while and a lot of patience but I can't possible leave this unfinished for those of you who took the time to follow and favorite recently. I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you for the kind words in reviews. Feel free to PM for suggestions (I'll even answer to those) and don't lose faith in me!