More notes at the end. For now, enjoy after my very long absence.

Past and Present

Escaping his cell and his guard was easy now that the moon had risen. Shiro tore through the streets of Sereitei, uncaring of any who saw him. His former plan be damned. There was no need to ravage the slayers when they did not have what he wanted. He needed to speak to Leo. Even if the old man refused to listen, Shiro would keep going. Perhaps bug the old Zodiac until they found Ichigo.

The vampire effortlessly propelled those against him away. Distractions to his mission. Guards yelled, trying to stop Shiro from reaching the head Slayer. It wasn't until some Zodiacs blocked his path that he stopped.

"You may not pass from here." This came from the slayer under the protection of Saturn, the planet of punishment: Capricorn. She wore a sleeveless ensemble and had dark hair cut at sharp angles.

Shiro laughed as he set his sights upon the small woman, "You think that such a puny human such as yourself could defeat me?"

Capricorn visibly bristled and went for her sword. The vampire merely smirked, opening a palm to reveal a white hell butterfly. Here, another slayer stepped forth. This one tall with dark spiky hair. He bore a striking resemblance to Ichigo. This must have been Shiba Kaien, Zodiac Acquarius, under the protection of Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion. He perhaps, was the closest after Ichigo to his deity. Having the Planet of Rebellion and the Acquarius the Water Bearer, his temperament was more progressive than most. Kaien turned towards his fellow Zodiac.

"He has not yet attacked us. This must mean something."

Curiously, the young man looked to Shiro.

"What is your purpose, vampire?"

Shiro cocked his head to the side. Interesting. A slayer wished to speak to him.

"I will speak to your leader, Leo. I have no intention of destroying you people, but if one may fall into my path, I cannot guarantee that they will be safe from me."

As Kaien simply listened, the other Zodiac grew restless. One of the Zodiac who had captured pushed his way forward, Sagittarius. The man placed a hand on his eyepatch, grinning at Shiro.

"I don't care what you want to do. I just want a good fight!"

Just as he was about to unsheathe his sword, Kaien stood between them. He unsheathed his sword and swung it, the metal glowing until it elongated and became a double ended trident and spear. All movement ceased as Kaien stabbed the weapon's spear end into the ground. He looked between the slayers and the vampire.

"Kenpachi-taicho, you cannot kill the vampire until we have the whereabouts of Ichigo."

The rest of the slayers around them stilled at the mention of the orange haired zodiac. Shiro snarled and glared at the humans around him. Kaien sighed, focusing his blue-green eyes on the vampire in front of him.

"Please. All we want is to have Ichigo back."

The vampire curled his lip, eyes flashing red.

"You dare accuse me of -! All I need is to speak to your leader." He hissed out between clenched teeth.

Kaien observed the vampire for a second.

"I will concede to your wish if you agree to guards to escort you there as well as some restraints."

Shiro nodded once, not trusting his voice. Capricorn chanted a couple of words and glowing bands of light encircled his wrists. Thus the slayers formed a sort of square around the vampire, Kaien in front, Capricorn to his right, Saggitarius to his left, and a short, white-haired slayer behind him that hadn't spoken through the exchange. Shiro hadn't had much time to observe this child nor did he care at the moment. They traveled this way, much to the displeasure of Capricorn all the way to the meeting hall. A bell was rung and suddenly, all the zodiacs - minus the ones around him - were lined up with Leo at the front. Like this Shiro could recognize all the zodiacs through their presences.

"Shiba-taicho. I believe you have a good reason for bringing the prisoner here?" Leo grumbled, face impassible. Kaien inclined his head.

"Sotaicho, I have listened to this vampire and I do not believe that he currently means us harm. He claims that he has something he wishes to discuss with you."

The old man nodded and dismissed the slayers around the vampire so that they could return to their proper places.

"Vampire. Why have you come before me."

Shiro looked around the room before settling his gaze upon the "King" of the Zodiacs.

"I come bearing news of your beloved Cancer."

Shiro watched as all bristled. Leo made no move save for a slight twitch of his brow.

"He has been kidnapped."

Capricorn stepped forward, rage written across her features.

"By you, you despicable creature!"

She fell back when the sotaicho raised his hand.

"Vampire, Cancer himself foresaw your arrival here. He claimed you came here to lay siege to Seireitei. Your hell butterfly even informed us of your attack should we not concede to your conditions."

Shiro stared up into the Sotaicho's face, unmoving, betraying no emotion.

"Speak, Vampire, or I will have you removed."

The pale vampire shook his head and turned in a slow circle to look into each of the eyes of the Zodiac. All had various expressions, varying from indifference, rage, curiosity, to worry. He could tell that Ichigo meant a lot to these people. He finally turned again to stare at Leo. Under that gruff appearance, he knew. Shiro knew that this old man's heart and ideals had been touched by Ichigo. Ichigo hadn't thought that his becoming a slayer would achieve the peace he was seeking, but Shiro knew that each and every slayer in the room had changed somewhat through the young Cancer. Maybe his plan could work after all.

"Yes, I had originally been planning on taking Ichigo away from this place. But, I knew that he would come to me willingly. That there would be no need for bloodshed -"

The Zodiacs watched in confusion as Leo, the old slayer opened his eyes in shock. The vampire before him had suddenly stopped speaking, eyes unseeing and glowing as Yamamoto had often seen Ichigo do. The vampire blinked and suddenly snarled.


The vampire suddenly undid the binds on his wrists, much to the surprise of Capricorn. Shiro stepped even closer to the Sotaicho and hissed in his face.

"You will help me get Ichigo back."

The head Zodiac raised a brow.

"What did you see?" He asked calmly.

Shiro grumbled but raised a pale hand, hell butterflies interlocking together to form a vision of some sort. They all could see the carnage that was Seireitei, dead slayers everywhere through the window of the first division's office. They could see Ichigo's pained face as he gripped the windowsill. Suddenly, he turned towards the doors and concealed himself. The doors flew open, a body flying through to land with a sickening thump. Many in the room gasped as they realized that is was Leo, body badly damaged.

The one that had thrown the Sotaicho spoke, a voice that sent a dark shiver to go through everyone present.

"I ask one more time, where is he?" The vision of the Sotaicho said nothing, glaring at the intruder that none could see.

"Alright was your choice."

A dark, blurry mass of something charged the head slayer when spikes of ice shot from where they'd seen Ichigo last and imbed themselves at the intruder's feet.

The mass shift a bit, revealing a face. A face that turned the blood in everyone's veins to freeze. Multiple eyes and a mouth with sharp teeth which smiled wickedly.

"I knew you were here, Cancer."

The vision faded. Silence.

"That bastard was blocking me from Seeing this! Ichigo Saw this and immediately set off, where that creature captured him when I was most powerless."

According to Shiro's anger, the hell butterflies flew in agitation.

Leo frowned, replaying that scene in his head. If this vampire hadn't caused that siege to Seireitei, then what had? Scorpio, or Aizen spoke quietly.

"What exactly are you speaking of? Who is this creature?"

Shiro growled, eyes glowing red in anger. He took a couple of calming breaths, but all could see that rage and power was just simmering under that calmness

"I came here to propose a truce. A way to save Ichigo. I will not answer your questions until I know that you will cooperate with me. Ichigo believed in you foolish humans and I decided to give you a chance. Decide now or leave me to find him myself."

Chaos erupted in the meeting room, several people voicing different opinions at the same time. Some in favor, others not. The pale vampire growled, once again silencing all in the room.

"Whether you help me or not, I will leave and rescue Ichigo. The time I am wasting to request your help is less time to bring Ichigo into my arms."

Yamamoto frowned.

"Why do you care so much for the boy?"

Shiro's golden eyes softened, causing many in the room look on in surprise. This vampire had only shown animosity to them, but had such tender feelings for Ichigo.

"Because he can see, feel me. He knows of my presence. He is my one and only."

Here, Soi fon stepped out, "You are a vampire. A slayer cannot love a vampire and a vampire cannot love."

Shiro turned towards the woman and snarled viciously.

"Do you not know what I am? Where you came from?!"

She fell silent, glaring defiantly.

"Yes, I am a vampire, but I am also the moon deity, the one who watches over Cancer. Ruler of the night, keeper of hell butterflies, the invoker of spirit, and the diviner of the stars."

Utter silence. The slayers were shell shocked. Shiro's eyes glowed unnaturally.

"And you. All of you know what that means. The mighty slayers watched over by a planet, a star, are ones with the blood of their deity. We deities made you and you turned your backs on us. But not Ichigo. He resisted your brain washing. He is closer to me than all others. Blessed by my very spirit, my soulmate. And you have the gall to challenge my words!"

The vampire sneered and turned, the pale moonlight seeming to gather towards him as it did Ichigo.

"I knew it was useless to try to convince you stubborn asses."

He held out a hand and multiple hell butterflies appeared to answer his call.

"Wait!" The butterflies stilled.


Shiro turned to the doors, which had opened, a short raven-haired girl stood in the opening, panting. All occupants of the room shifted to gaze upon this woman. The vampire tilted his head.

"You are...Rukia."

Libra and the young woman stiffened.

"How do you know my name?" Shiro smirked.

"Ichigo speaks to me often. He may not know that someone listens, but I do."

Rukia nodded in determination then, mind set.

"Please, let me help you get Ichigo. He is my friend and I won't stand for him to get hurt." Another stood with her now, coming from the shadows.

"I'll go too."

It was the red-head. Shiro raised a brow and turned to stare in challenge at Leo. The old man sighed, fixing his sharp eyes upon the vampire before him.

"How do I know we can trust you?" Shiro grinned.

"You can't - but you have to."

Yamamoto scowled but nevertheless nodded his head the smallest amount possible.

"All disposable Zodiac slayers and their squad members are to report for a special meeting regarding the rescue of Kurosaki Ichigo."

Leo's cane banged on the floor and all was set into motion. It was a scramble to bring all squads together. The meeting had to be moved outside as there wasn't building large enough to hold all 12 squads. Shiro merely continued to stare up at the moon, hell butterflies floating idly around him. It was then that Shiba Kaien silently came to stand next to him.

"Do all of you deities have names besides your planetary or astrological name?"

Shiro nodded.

"A name of the past. A name not spoken."

The pale vampire stared at Kaien, eyes thoughtful and assessing.

"There was a time that humans knew our names for we created humans after our own likeness. However, we replace a need for subsistence in blood and therefore made you more susceptible, weaker. To live fuller, happier, lives."

Shiro's expression became wistful.

"We ruled the humans, and soon we became more of allies - not just deities. When our ties with the humans were at their strongest, we created the Zodiacs. Each of us chose a human - excluding Gemini - with whom we shared a bond. They held a soul most compatible - soulmates if you will. But, not in a romantic sense. They then became holders of our powers. Every time that human died, another with a compatible soul would be born. That is why you cannot replace a Zodiac easily. You humans flourished under the Zodiacs' powers and the deities handed over the control as we thought it would be for the best."

Kaien said nothing, absorbing the information, Thinking back to some of the facts Ichigo had given. They matched.

"All was well until the Zodiacs became power hungry. They craved the one thing we did not want to wish upon anyone: eternal life."

The pale vampire clenched a hand, fangs lengthening. Kaien glanced around, seeing many of the Zodiacs standing close by, listening aptly.

"We loved our creations, so the deities gave them what they wanted. The first Zodiacs became vampires. We never imagined that after the change...that they would become angry, mad, bloodthirsty. They attacked Seireitei and created vampires that knew nothing but thirst and death. They became the mindless killing machines you hunt today."

"Finally, new Zodiacs were blessed, as we hoped for peace once again. But, these Zodiacs turned on us and denied our existence as deities. Vampires were enemies and nothing more. So we receded back to our homes, wishing for this bloodshed to end. We continued to extend our powers, our guidance to the slayers, hoping for a day where we could work together without fear.

"Many years passed, the war between vampires and humans ever increasing. Kin fighting kin. Then, Ichigo was born. He is the catalyst for ideas of change. He was the chance that you Slayers were to take. The chance to reconcile."

Shiro stopped speaking to glance over at the slayer. Kaien seemed to be deeply in thought. The vampire waited, sensing that the other had something to say. Turquoise eyes rose to look into deadly gold.

"I have spoken to Uranus before...but I have never received an answer."

Shiro looked into clear, blue-green eyes, deep into the golden soul within. 'I can see why you like him, Uranus. Not as perfect as Ichi, but close.'

"We are not often spoken to, but do know we are always listening. We have been ignored for so long that we know not how to respond."

Aquarius nodded.

"Thank you. Do you have an idea as to what took Ichigo?"

Shiro paused and looked around, assessing the amount of people.

"I believe it is best to announce that aloud to all."

Kaien frowned but relented. Shiro turned towards Leo once all had settled. The old slayer revealed no expression.

"Slayers! You have been summoned today regarding the capture of our Zodiac, Cancer. Letting one of ours, especially Cancer, to fall into the hands of enemy is unforgivable. It will result in the fall of Seireitei. This man here," Yamamoto gestured towards Shiro, "Is the moon deity."

Gasps filtered through the air while others stares distrustfully.

"He will aid us in our quest to rescue Cancer. Any objections to this plan will be silenced. Our dear Cancer is in need of help and we will find him."

Grim nods met them. Shiro stepped forth.

"I am ruler of the moon, the deity which blesses Cancer."

This was met with scoffs of disbelief and whispers of doubt. One man yelled out from the rest.

"But you're a vampire! How do we know you're not lying to us so you can kill us all?"

Shiro scowled, lifting his arm and opening his palm up to the moon. Black hell butterflies appeared, twirling quickly in his hand, the moonlight turning their wings white. They continued to twirl until they merged, forming a white sword, one that strangely looked the opposite of Ichigo's. It glowed faintly and exuded a feeling of raw power. The stranger then turned his golden eyes onto the man who had spoken. Pressure alighted on the man's shoulders, making him crumple to the ground, gasping for air.

"Do not question me, mortal. I speak the truth."

The vampire's voice was deep and dark, letting no room for argument. Shiro closed his eyes, calming himself. The man slowly stood on shaking legs.

"I am here only for Ichigo. Because Ichigo placed his hope in you weak-minded humans, I will fight alongside you, but I am not here for you; Ichigo's safety and well-being is my priority. Do not think for one second that I will bend to your will."

Shiro looked around once more, waiting for more objections. There were none. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Long ago, we deities created you humans. Molded after ourselves, and 12 were selected to bear our powers. The 12 Zodiacs were created, extraordinary humans who had the ability to connect with us. But you humans began to doubt us. Craved more power. We granted the first Zodiacs immortality - they became vampires. And war arose. The changed Zodiacs became mindless and killed everything on sight."

Shiro sighed, opening his eyes to the moon.

"Vampires became enemies after we blessed new Zodiacs. We deities disappeared and our involvement was forgotten...but along with that forgotten past you forgot the 13th Zodiac."

The assembled slayers shifted, some gasped. Shiro turned to Yamamoto with blazing, gold orbs.

"You remember, Leo, do you not? Though you were young, I have no doubt you recall it."

The old man said nothing, though his grip tightened on his staff. The pale vampire waited, unwavering.

"The same man you threw out. The man that now craves Ichigo for himself. The man you couldn't bring yourself to kill."

The sotaicho finally opened his eyes to stare into hard gold, memories swirling in his mind. A name slipped from between his lips, a name that had been forgotten by many, but not by Yamamoto.


Hello my beautiful readers! I have missed all of you! I'm finally in college (yay!) and have been swamped by my classes. Please review and send me some love to encourage me!