AU Modern Day World

Pairings: TykixAllen/ Poker Pair

Tyki Mikk: Yakuza part of the Noah Clan; aged 24

Allen Walker: Apprentice chef, age 19. Bakeneko (wiki it if you don't know what this is) or cat-shifter.

Hello Readers :D Thank you to those that reviewed! Enjoy the 2nd Chapter!


To my lovely Readers :D Male Preg? Or Not? Still debating :D

Chapter 3

(Allen's POV)

A week has passed since Allen picked up Tyki Mikk whom he learned was part of the Noah Clan, a large infamous yakazu group and one of the most powerful clans in Japan.

Allen slowly got used to waking up to being grouped in multiple areas in the morning and found out that Tyki is infatuated with his tail which the handsome perverted yakazu held in his hand like a leash, following him around the house. His left arm was also found out but Tyki never mentioned it to him when he saw the charcoal black arm which he was glad for and begin to open up to the man a bit more.

After being molested in the morning, Allen would go to his part-time job working at the Black Order, a Japanese themed restaurant that served all kinds of different Japanese foods, from appetizers to entrees and desserts. While he was away learning how to be a better chef, Tyki would usually laze around the apartment and just watch t.v. until he returned but after the third day, Allen finally got the lazy (only when he was molesting Allen did he seem energetic) Portuguese man to go out and buy groceries and at least help do some chores around the house.

During night time, Allen was once again subjected to some sort of sexual harrasment from Tyki, whether it be being peeked at in the shower (sometimes the man wanted to join him which he refused multiple times), being licked or kissed on the mouth or cheek because there was "food", or sharing a futon with the man and being cuddled to death. The Portuguese always had different ways of pestering him and getting him flustered.

But after a while Allen grew fond of the man's antics, though he didn't understand why. Spending time with the older man made his life a bit brighter and reminded him of the time he spent with his late father back in the days, though those days didn't include the perverted parts, the occasional hug and kiss felt nice.

Allen yawned and rubbed his eyes from were he sat curled up on the couch.

"Tired, Shounen?" Tyki asked noticing the yawn.

"A b...bit" Allen droned his eyelids drooping and slowly sinking down. He allowed his ear's and tail to show as Tyki seemed to be perfectly fine with his differences.

Allen wondered about this as it seemed that both he and the man were getting quite close, like family, but it felt different. His heart seemed to beat a bit faster around the man even without the sexual advances and flirting, he just felt loved.

The man chuckled and shut off the t.v. before nudging Allen awake from his thoughts and they both headed to the futon they still shared as there was no point in getting an extra one if Tyki was going to head back home...

Allen trailed off in his thoughts, his ears laying back flat against his head while his tail tucked between his legs, I...I don't want Tyki to go he thought pouting. He had become used to the company and liveliness and realized how lonely he was after his father died and also, even though he didn't want to admit it, the red-haired womanizer whom had left him the apartment before going out on some trip.

"Shounen? What's wrong," Tyki mused softly stroking his head.

"...Nothing..." Allen replied back still holding back his feelings which he was still unsure of, "Just tired."

"Your ears are drawn back, kitten," Tyki observed softly rubbing the soft fur on top of Allen's head.

"...Are you going to stay with me?" Allen asked quietly turning his back towards the man who had to lean forwards and really listen to hear the whisper.

The man paused a bit and Allen froze tears already starting to creep forwards as he awaited the answer he knew was coming, "No."

His entire body froze up, his tears frozen in place as he stared wide eyed at the opposite wall, Someone else is going to leave him alone again...

"But if you want, I'm sure I can take you in, " Tyki said pulling Allen against his chest.

Allen was frozen once more but this time instead of being in a depressed state, he was elated and turned around to face Tyki, eye's wide with surprise, "I-I can go with you?! Live with you?!"

The dark-skinned man let out a chuckle at Allen's cute response who blushed as he was laughed at, "Would you like to? You would make a good wife."

Allen turned scarlet at that,"W-Who would want to marry a perverted man like you!"

"Oh? You say you wouldn't? Why, Shounen your blushing mad like a maiden in love," the man retaliated with another laugh, "Care to be my lover, Allen?"

Allen let out a purr when he heard his name and the man burst into a full blown laughing fit.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" Allen all but yelled as he couldn't help the purr that just came forth on its own.

Tyki's side heaved as he tried to control his fit, "S-Shounen, you p-purred, actually purred" another chuckle came from him, "I'll take that as a yes then."

"Stop making fun of bully," Allen pouted turning his back on the man once more, "I'm not going to let you play with my tail anymore," he huffed with a smug look as he thought of the punishment for making fun of his cat-side.

"I see, Shounen. Bully, huh?," Tyki said a full blown smirk on his face, "Instead of your tail, I'll be playing with this..."

Allen shrieked and tried to get away from Tyki whose hands grouped him once more. This time one fondled his butt while the other slipped around into the front of his food pajama (Tyki howled with laughter when he first saw this on his Shounen) bottoms and rubbed his member.

"TYKI!" Allen growled playfully as he got the perverted hand to remove itself from his private part, "Don't do that! It's bad manners to grab other's privates!"

For the second time that night, Tyki almost died from laughing.

(Tyki's POV)

Early in the morning, Tyki woke and felt comfortable with the weight on his chest, the HIS Shounen was now his very own. He watched peacefully as the boy slept and was glad it was a weekend as today he could spend the entire day with his new lover.

Or so he thought so...


Oh. Shit. Tyki thought as he heard the apartment door slam open and in just a few seconds something seemed to fall from the sky...or the ceiling and onto him...him and Allen.

The boy let out a yelp and wiggled himself from between the two Noah's completely startled and still half-asleep.

"Aww~ TYKI HE'S SO CUTE! CAN I HAVE HIM?!" the girl screamed before using Tyki himself as a spring board and launching herself at his white-haired lover who fell back in a daze.

"Ugh, Road? No you can't have him," he groaned from the impact, "Don't strangle him."

He got up to detach the blue-haired girl from Allen who was being squeezed to death by the hug. "...Tyki?..." Allen questioned moaning as Tyki managed to get his niece to release his cute Shounen.

"Yes?" Tyki responded shifting the boy up so he was sitting in his lap.

"~I'm...huunnggrryyy~" the boy moaned flopping his head back to he was looking up at Tyki who almost chuckled before he stared at the boy's head...and stared...and stared...

"Hahaha~ Tyki you naughty boy," Road grinned, "I never knew you were so kinky, doing that to your lover. One of those sex toys with the tails huh? You even got the ears!"

And that concludes the third chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Still debating about the whole male pregnancy thing. Got some strong requests for it not be in the story yet a lot of requests for it. Anyway's there will be a plot soon, so it's not going to just be pointless smex :D Until next time :) R&R!