WARNINGS: m/m sexual intercourse description.
Author's note: The words in bold belong to the lyrics of "Puzzle of my heart" by Westlife and they were suggested by my dear friend Annie. There are some changes due to the change of gender and historical reference.
Thanks Lysis for your reviews and so happy to know you liked it.
From that day onwards, blond end brunette were always together and everyone was much happier seeing those tormented young men getting back to what they used to have. It was still slowly but every step they gave was firmer than the previous one.
Hephaestion did not remember all but he suspected that his heart did remember well his time with Alexander. Some days after their first kiss at the baths, Hephaestion started to have very vivid dreams; some of them were really erotic and they always involved a strong blonde prince with warm lips and wandering hands.
The last three nights in a row had been too much, the poor brunette had woken all sweated and hard, with images of Alexander invading his still fuzzy mind.
That morning, not even the most disgusting images in his mind had been able to help him get rid of his hard erection so he decided to take the problem in his hand … and he came seconds later with Alexander's name on his lips. He felt embarrassed in spite of being alone but what he did not know was that Alexander had been listening to him behind the door. The young prince had heard Hephaestion's moans and he had stayed there until he discovered that they had nothing to do with discomfort or pain. The blonde was so happy that he could have fought the Persians all by himself; his Phai was falling in love for him again and that was all what Alexander wanted.
It's the way he fills my senses
It's the perfume that he wears
I feel I'm losing my defences
to the colour of his eyes
and every little piece of him is right
just thinking about him
takes me through the night.
Both young men met at the breakfast table and Hephaestion blushed as soon as his blue eyes set onto mismatched ones; a flow of erotic images had invaded his mind again and he felt his treacherous body betraying him.
Alexander did as if he had not noticed anything strange so his brunette could calm down and have a quiet breakfast.
They were eating when the far away whispers started to raise in volume; it was not frequent for the king to come and share the morning meal with the prince and his companions but there he was, accompanied by Cleitus. Both warriors sat at one end of the table and ate with the young men already sat there.
King Philip talked to Alexander and shared some of his ideas with his son and heir. The king realized that Hephaestion was paying attention to what he was saying and he liked that. He had been worried about the youngest Amyntoros; he had always showed so many skills to be a warrior that he had doubted his total recovery.
Philip also saw Hephaestion nodding to one of his observations and immediately after that, he saw a look of doubt in his blue eyes when he continued talking.
"Don't you agree with me, Hephaestion?" the king asked.
"I'm sure you know much better than me but don't you think it'd be better if we …?" and king and brunette were lost to the surrounding world for the following twenty minutes.
Philip patted Hephaestion's back and congratulated him for such fantastic ideas. Hephaestion thanked him and remained silent. Suddenly the king stood up and with his deep voice, he announced:
"Young men of Macedonia, the time to prove yourselves in battle has finally arrived. In two months' time, we will be invading Persia and you will have the chance to become true Macedonians warriors; but before that I have organized a big banquet to honour the gods and myself as the future king of Persia"
The companions started to cheer Philip's name and clap madly. Everyone was happy except a brunette with deep blue eyes because he was the only one of the companions left behind.
King Philip and Cleitus saw the sad expression and Cleitus nodded slightly, confirming the king's sudden decision.
Before crossing the door on his way out, King Philip turned round and shouted with his thunderous voice:
"Amyntoros, polish your sword and shield, you are coming too"
Hephaestion's smile was so big and bright that he could have lit the whole known word with only that one. Without thinking too much, he turned round and hugged Alexander who was smiling as much as Hephaestion was.
When the hug was over, Hephaestion took Alexander's lips in a toe-curling kiss and the blonde prince kissed him back with the same ardour and love. More cheers were heard again and the brunette blushed immediately; he tried to get loose from Alexander's embrace but the prince had another idea and did not let him go. He pecked his lips again and with his arm around the slender but strong waist, they headed to the training grounds.
Every time we meet
the picture is complete
Every time we touch
the feeling is too much
He's all I ever need
to fall in love again
I knew it from the very start
He's the puzzle of my heart.
The day went by quickly and the training was really hard but Hephaestion was happy because he had been able to keep his companions' fast pace and he had made no mistake at all.
Evening found them tired and dirty so they decided to take a bath in the lake, as the weather was still warm.
All of them took their dusty clothes and entered the water as naked as the day they were born. They were frolicking and splashing water to each other as if they were, at least 15 years younger.
Alexander was partaking with his friends enjoying the water and relaxing his tired muscles. He was giving his back to the forest so he did not see what was approaching until a sudden silence took him by surprise. He turned round to see what had happened when he got lost of words as the rest of his companions.
There, just standing at the border of the lake was Hephaestion, in his loincloth, and untying a leather cord that kept his bronze tresses away from his face.
The slender brunette shook his head and a mass of auburn wavy hair fell onto his shoulders blades. He opened his cyan eyes, turned round and found the companions looking at him. He blushed and carefully entered the lake, looking with attention where he was stepping, and walked until the water reached his thighs.
"When did you get those muscles, Hephaestion?" Nearchos asked while admiring shamelessly the tone body.
"I have been practicing a lot, Nearchos" the brunette answered back.
"Thank Zeus for that, you look like a water nymph!" the future admiral stated.
"Are you calling me a woman?" Hephaestion asked and anger could be listened in his baritone voice.
"No … no, Hephaestion, but you look … you look so …" Nearchos stuttered.
"So what? Feminine? Androgynous?" Hephaestion said while standing in his full height, a few inches taller than the Cretan.
"Handsome, Hephaestion, really manly and handsome" Nearchos finally said and in spite of being much older, he blushed deeply.
"Ah … thank you?" Hephaestion was puzzled and it was his time to blush.
Hephaestion lifted his gaze and found Alexander's eyes on him, discretely feasting on the tempting body he used to know by heart and that he had not tasted in more than one year. The prince turned round; he knew he would not be able to look at Hephaestion without lust and desire in his eyes and he did not want to scare him at all, not now, when the brunette was getting a bit closer every day, at his own pace and will.
Hephaestion looked at Alexander with confusion and wondered why the prince had found his body so disgusting that he did not dare to look at him. His wishes to become more intimate with the prince crashed and burnt and he only wanted to get out of the water and ran back to his room so he could rant at his bad luck.
He had started to move away but a soft pat on his shoulder made him stop and turn round; a pair of blue eyes, a shade lighter than his, made contact with his and a whisper reached his ear:
"Don't look so sad, my friend. Alexander does not find you repulsive but too tempting and you had never liked public displays of affection before, that is why Alexander retreated to get his desire and feelings under control instead of jumping your bones as he secretly wanted. Don't you ever doubt that you rock his world, Hephaestion, and that you are the only one he loves. I never thought that I'd say this but he had been loyal and faithful to you since you two became lovers; he had never found any other that he wanted to be with, and due to his big love and deep respect for you is why he has remained in the shadows, waiting for you to make the first move. He loves you so much that it hurts him. I have seen him fighting to keep his hands for himself, trying hard not to touch you so you can remember him; biting his lips so he could not pronounce the words of love he had stuck in his throat. He is trying so hard to give you the space and time you need … that is honourable and speaks volume about this dedication and love for you. My friend, take your time but don't waste it, life is too short for warriors like us "
When Ptolemy stopped speaking, Hephaestion could see everything clearer and a decision was taken in that precise moment. He patted Ptolemy's shoulder and gave him his thanks. He then entered further in the lake water and walked towards Alexander; he stopped in front of him and brushed his prince's cheek with his thumb.
"You had dirt smeared on it" he said, casting his eyes down.
"Thanks, I thought I had washed my face well" Alexander said.
"Let me?" Hephaestion asked and blushed deeply and Alexander just nodded.
Hephaestion took a piece of linen he had around his waist and after wetting it in the water, he used it to wash the prince's face while his other hand was resting on the prince's shoulder.
Alexander thanked the gods that the water reached his waist and covered his ardour but he did not know how much longer.
Hephaestion took his time and when his prince's face was cleaned, he moved towards Alexander's back his fingers caressing his side tenderly and the brunette repeated the same soothing movements along his back. However, the movements changed when the cloth was replaced by tender hands and wandering fingers.
Alexander gasped lowly and let his head fall onto his chest: Hephaestion then snaked his arms around the blonde's waist and rested his forehead between Alexander's shoulder blades. After some minutes, the brunette kissed him there and let Alexander go.
Alexander turned round slowly and whispered:
"Xander, what's the problem?" Hephaestion asked.
"None" Alexander replied.
"Ready to get out of the water?" the brunette asked.
"Not yet" Alexander replied plainly.
"Oh … well, see you later" Hephaestion said and started to turn round when a hand on his waist stopped him.
"Your hair is dusty and knotty. Don't you want to wash it?" Alexander suggested.
"I haven't brought anything for that" Hephaestion said and he pouted.
"I did, just turn around" Alexander said, smiling.
"Do you want I wet my hair first?" Hephaestion asked and immediately after, he submerged and reappeared quickly all wet and gasping because of the change of temperature on his skin.
"Well, now turn round, please" Alexander said and Hephaestion felt hands caressing his scalp.
Alexander lathered the long tresses and then he began caressing the scalp with rhythmic and soothing movements and Hephaestion could not help moaning.
Alexander got more confident, let his fingers caress the nape and the shoulders and Hephaestion instinctively moved backwards until his back found Alexander's chest, and leant onto it, showing him how comfortable he felt while they were skin to skin.
Suds were rinsed from the long mane and hands accompanied them while they ran down along the strong back.
Hephaestion let a long low sigh escape from his mouth and let his hands move backwards and tenderly caressed Alexander's legs under the water.
A shiver ran along the brunette's body so Alexander started to walk, while pushing Hephaestion towards the shore.
They got out of the lake, without realizing that they had been left alone, they rinsed the extra water, fastened their chitons over their loincloths, and went back to the palace.
Alexander was going to pass by Hephaestion's bedroom when the brunette grabbed him by his hand and led him to his own bedroom.
It's the way he's always smiling
that makes me think he never cries.
I feel I'm losing my defences
To the colour of his eyes
And every little piece of him is right
Hephaestion closed the door, pushed Alexander against it, and kissed him to an inch of his life and Alexander could not help himself but kissing the brunette back.
Wet chitons fell to the floor and they were followed by damp loincloths as well, leaving a pool of water on the marble floor. Eager hands travelled along chilled skins that rapidly were blushed and warm.
Alexander claimed his soon-to-be lover's lips into a deep kiss and then swept Hephaestion up into his arms. Their bodies were humming and throbbing with the need to make love to their partner.
Hephaestion's hands roamed along the prince's back, teasing and caressing the shivering flesh. The prince looked him into his eyes, gave free rein to his yearning, and kissed him deeply until the brunette had to gasp for air.
They lain on the bed and Hephaestion nodded at Alexander giving him his silent permission to take things further. The brunette's heart raced madly inside his chest but he sighed confidently when more experienced fingers moved along the inside of his legs and ran over his length, caressing it softly until it got as hard as rock.
Hephaestion whispered a muffled "please" so Alexander prepared him thoroughly and then entered him slowly, giving Hephaestion time to get accustomed again to his body being invaded and also to himself because it had been long since he had felt Hephaestion's hot hole stretched around his own manhood.
When they felt that they were doing fine, Alexander speeded up his movements, his hard thrusts made Hephaestion shout, and a loud "My lion king" left the brunette's mouth.
Alexander stopped his thrust as he released his warm seed inside Hephaestion's tight hot channel and in that moment, a string of images flooded the blue-eyed man's mind and five years of memories became vivid.
"My lion king?" Alexander asked Hephaestion, kissing him tenderly.
"Yes" the brunette replied and smiled back.
"You came back to me!" Alexander shouted excited.
"I will always come back to you" the brunette promised and sealed it with a long and slow kiss.
A second round of lovemaking started after that promise and it surely lasted until the end of times and one day more.
Like a miracle he's meant to be
He became the light inside of me
And I can feel him like a memory
From long... ago
He's all I ever need
to fall in love again
I knew it from the very start
He's the puzzle of my heart.