Lucy Heartfilia,

I know that a lot has happened in such a small amount of time. Honestly, I didn't know what to do if and when I would run into my younger self. I'm sure you know the reason as to why I just happen to be in your time. Anyway, I figure I might as well write a note to you in case anything should happen to me while I am here.

The future I came from is full of danger. Fiore experienced a rather devastating event that put everyone throughtout the land in danger. It was because of the actions of one person that managed to stop such a disaster from worsening. As Rogue may/may not tell you, that one person is you, Lucy. Not far from now, the eclipse gate will be opened and several dragons will threaten the survival of the entire kingdom. Thanks to your actions, the gate is closed, preventing more dragons from making their way into your time.

Another important thing, live for your friends. I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but's important. Be there for them and protect them as always. I've been through almost losing one of my closest guildmates before, so you can never know what will happen.

Despite the rather dark future, know that darkness cannot exist without light. There were still a lot of happy times for myself. If you are wondering why I am telling this to you...well...Rogue and myself's appearance in the past may have forever altered your future and you may never get the chance to experience the moments I have.

Cherish your friends. Your friendships will strengthen; some even more than others. Also, keep Natsu close to you. You may not know how important he will be to you in the future! There are several moments that I find hard to describe to you in this letter alone. I have brought a few of my letters (for our mother) to this time and I want you to read them. The times I've had in these letters alone will so you the future you may never get to experience. Whether you choose to read them is your call and yours alone. Be careful if you decide to share them with any of your guildmates; you may not know what might happen later.

Never give in, Never lose hope, live for your friends and cherish every moment of your life with everyone!


Lucy Dragneel (Heartfilia)

P.S. Yes. In my time, my last name is Dragneel and Natsu is my husband.