HI! Sophia Rose Skies here and behold!

THE NEXT CHAPTER OF LOOKING FOR YOU! Yeah, Ashley isn't really using the computer so I am taking as much as advantage as possible!

Nick: Which I hate...

Sophia: OH! Ash knows about the story.

Nick: HA!

Sophia: But I told her it was a humor story...

Nick: Crap...

Sophia: Were dead.

Nick: We? YOU are dead.

Sophia: LOL.

Nick: Geez you're weird.

Sophia: I prefer "Special"

Nick :( rolls eyes. )

Sophia: Any who, let's start the SHOW!

I see it, I see it now, and now it's all within my reach. Endless Possibility.

"Mr. Hedgehog!" Mrs. Perez yelled. Sonic took his ear phones off. "What?" The teacher glared at him. "You may not have music while you are in detention. Understand?" The teen gave her a smirk. "Why not? It's a free country." Ashley snickered when he said that, only to get a grunt from Mrs. Perez and a glare. The Tiger Fighter then clamped her lips together and stood there silent. Suddenly, after wheat felt like an hour, a woman with big glasses poked her head into the room, "Mrs. Perez, your husband is on the phone." the fat teacher looked at the two trouble makers and left, closing the door behind her. "Wow, it's a miracle that she's married." Sonic said once the teacher was out of ear shot. Ashley grinned at the boy with speed, "You better shut up before she starts screaming in our faces again."

Sonic rolled his eyes in a small circle and put his hands behind his head and looked up at ceiling. The pretty girl could tell that Hedgehog was bored, but then again, so was she. Suddenly, he stood up and opened the window and jumped out of the room. "Sonic? What are you doing?!" Ashley whispered-screamed as she saw Sonic. He gave her a smile "What? You think I'm going to sit on my butt for two more hours? I got to run!" the girl just glared at him, "What? You're not coming?' Ashley shook her head "You choice." Sonic said and ran off, leaving her alone. After a few minutes, she started to get up, but then fell back to her chair. No, you're not going to get in trouble. No! Don't think about...just be the good girl you always had to be...


Suddenly, she found herself glancing at the teacher, she seemed like she could talk with her miracle husband all day. Ashley sigh and got up from her seat and headed to the window, cursing Sonic quietly.

Sonic felt good running through the grassy hills and sniffing the fresh air. Plus, he did needed some time alone to think about some things...like...Ashley Tigers. She was so different from other girls. Sure, they just meet but there was this feeling that he had every time he saw. Usually, pretty girls were snobby but like he said earlier, she was different. He also remembered those times when they stared deeply into each other's eyes. He could barely breathe...those beautiful, beautiful eyes. Every time he looks in them he feels like he could just ki-


The speed demon turned around and saw Ashley Tigers. He gave her a smile as she ran up to him, but she returned his smile with a punch on the arm. "OW! What was that for?" Sonic asked, rubbing his injured arm, "That's for making take this decision." the Tiger Fighter said with a smirk. The boy with speed just rolled his eyes, after that weird moment, they stood there in silence. Both looking everywhere but themselves, after what felt like a solid five minutes, Sonic asked, "So...you want to race?" Ashley raised an eyebrow like she was saying "Are you serious?" Sonic could tell she was going to reject, so he thought a little teasing would help, "You're scared you might lose huh? Well, that's fine with me." he said with a grin. Tigers clenched her fist and bit her bottom lip. Don't do it don't do it don't do it...

"Fine..." Ashley sighed, "You win, but get ready to eat my dust for dinner!" the handsome boy chuckled, "That's over used." and he zoomed off, the fighter growled and caught up with him, her long hair flowing behind her. It was going pretty good in the beginning, nobody was winning so nobody was eating someone's dust (LOL!) but what they didn't notice was they were heading toward a hill the lead to a steep lake and Sonic+water=disaster. Sonic finally realized this when they were speeding down the hill and were pretty close to the water. "Um...Ashley...were heading toward a lake, you think we should stop?" Ashley looked at him with confusion, "Why? It's just water it's not like you can't swim, right?" Hedgehog gave her a nervous smile to answer her question, which made her really shock. How could he not know how to swim? It's not like...wait...what if...he really is- Ashley! Right now is not the time to think about the blue rat! Maybe it is...Ashley!

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she lost her focus on her running and tripped on her own feet, to make things worse, she fell on Sonic who also fell. Now they both are rolling down the hill and to their near death (Well Sonic's XD). Suddenly, an idea popped in Ashley's head...but it was too weird, though in this point there was no option. "Sonic! I need you to push me down!" "What?! No way! I might hurt you!" she looked at him straight in the eyes, "Just do it! Unless you want to drown and die!" she wrapped her arms behind his neck which made him blush a little. He sighed, he surely didn't want to die but he didn't want to hurt his girlfrie- I mean friend either. Finally, he made a decision. The speedster closed his eyes tightly and push down on Ashley with all his strength.




Nick rolled his eyes as Sophia kept on putting dots. "Just tell us already!" he cried, throwing up his hands, but Sophia just smiled with a twinkle in her eye, "Not yet! You just have to wait, you too readers!"

Meanwhile, Amy Rose was calmly (Not really) shoving her books in her locker. She was beyond angry that her Sonic got in detention just because he was doing what he does best. It was so...so...so. Bizarre! Plus, it wasn't his fault, it was that Ashley Tigers that caused all this. Her pretty face might have fooled everyone, but surely not her! Just when she was about to get calm, a well-known friend of hers ran up to her and she looked much panicked. Amy noticed this and asked, "Cream, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" the girl known as Cream shook her head, "No, something happened! Mr. Sonic and Mrs. Ashley disappeared from the detention room and all the teachers are searching for them!" Once the Sonic's girlfriend wannabe heard this, she EXPLODED!

(With words people. BTW I copied that from a book that isn't published yet!)

Sonic slowly opened his eyes and saw Ashley wincing in pain. "Ashley! Are you ok?" she weakly nodded and looked up and saw a pair of worried green emerald eyes, which looked away once it caught those beautiful brown eyes staring at them. Hedgehog really tried to look away but he couldn't resist so he let his eyes explore the wonders of the light brown color. Ashley felt heat on her cheeks as the green eyes looked in her soul. Then, before he realized what he was doing, Sonic softly pulled Ashley's blackish brownish hair behind her ear, his voice was even softer, "I hope I didn't hurt you a lot. Do you still feel pain?" the Tiger Fighter could barely speak, but she was about to whisper something until...


The teens immediately separated from each other less than a second. They knew that voice, in fact, it wasn't very pleasant to hear. A pink-haired girl appeared on top of a hill and her eyes were narrowed. Oh crap! Ashley thought, did she see us?! She was about to find out, Amy ran down the hill and tackled Sonic. "Sonikku! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in detention, remember?" she asked as the handsome boy got up. Suddenly, she realized the girl she hated staring at them. Rose walked up to her and gave her the meanest glare. "What are you staring at? Don't you see I'm trying to spend time with my boyfriend?!" Ashley crossed her arms and glared back, "Yeah, I saw, but who said I care?" with that she stormed off while Sonic watched, she didn't know why but she was very mad at those two, Amy mostly. Sure she respected if those two were a couple (even though there not) but shoving it in her face was not cool. The worst part was that Hedgehog did nothing about it! He just let that crazy pink girl do whatever she wants, but her madness soon turned into worried as she saw Mrs. Perez waiting for her and boy was she mad! "Ashley Tigers...where were you?" she asked, her voice was calm but her eyes were screaming at her.

Ashley became nervous, she couldn't tell her the truth, it would lead her into another week of detention, but what if she blamed it on the stupid one himself? It was his fault anyway, all she did was follow. "Well, Mrs. Perez, Sonic Hedgehog came out of the room to fool around and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. I swear I tried but like the stubborn boy he is, he didn't listen." she said with a straight face. Not True. She made most of it up but he is stubborn, and he was foolish to stay with that Amy Rose. Might as well blame her too, but she felt pretty bad already snitching on Sonic. The fat teacher looked like she wasn't going to believe the lie, but then she sighed, "Ok, thank Mrs. Tigers." and she told her to take her seat. When Sonic came, Mrs. Perez took me to another room and closed the door, but Ashley could still hear the screeches from the teacher. Now she felt way more horrible than before, but she didn't show it. Once the teacher was done with him, Sonic quietly took his seat and started working without even looking at her. So much for trying to save herself, talk about being selfish... Ashley sadly thought.

The next day wasn't any better, she found her "Friend" waiting at her locker. "What do you want?" Ashley muttered as Amy narrowed her eyes, "I will only say this once," she said while lifting up her finger, "stay away from my Sonic.". The Tiger Fighter gritted her teeth as she tried to prevent herself from yelling, "I will only tell you once, I have no interest in 'your' Sonic, now can I go to my locker?" the pink haired girl gave her a last stare and left. At 5th period was even worse, Sonic didn't even bother to see if she was here today, all he did was sat in his seat and paid attention to the teacher. Sophia noticed this and mouthed, "What's wrong with him?" Tigers just shook her head and looked down at her papers.

Finally, Detention came. Now Ashley had the chance to talk to Sonic and to solve this mystery, even though she already knew why he was giving her the silent treatment. Heck, even she would be mad at herself. That act was so selfish so...stupid! She never did that act before that just wasn't her personality, but why now? Why now she's acting like this. Is it because she was in love with this Sonic Hedgehog? No...She wasn't even sure if it was actually him, he could be just some crazy dude...or not. The pretty girl shooed the thoughts away and entered the room. Ashley could tell that Mrs. Perez was still a little angry because she greeted her with an evil glare.

Like yesterday, her husband called again and they were left alone. The fighter thought this was a good time to talk about the 'problem'. "Hey Sonic." she said and waited for him to answer but all he did was scribble on his paper. She got a bit annoyed that he was ignoring and like I know, she has a temper. "Sonic, I'm talking to you!" "I know, I just don't want to respond." he simply replied. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was pretty mad that you and Amy were rubbing your relationship in my face." he looked at her with a look of anger and confusion, "So you blamed it on me?" she cringed as she heard this, "Well what do expect me to do? I was angry..." suddenly, his frown turned into a smirk, "Are you jealous?"

Her face was flushed, "What? Of course not! I...why do you like her? What do you see in her?" he shrugged, "She's a pretty good friend if you know her. Amy can be mean but that's because she feels threatened, but overall she's a pretty sweet and cheerful girl. Though, I wouldn't want her as a girlfriend." Ashley lifted an eyebrow, "Really? Than who would you like as a girlfriend?" Sonic thought for a moment, "Well...she hast to be cool, funny, pretty (Nick: Ashley totally has that quality!)hard-working, fast, and big-hearted." the girl with speed thought about those adjectives for a second, and to her surprise, she had all those qualities, which was pretty weird, but she decided to tell him anyway, "You do know I have all those things you said, right?" Hedgehog stood there silent for minute, finally he spoke up, "Your right, you have all those things..." she grinned "...except one." now Ashley was confuse, "What? Which one?" he looked at her with a serious face, "Think about it, you told on me just because you were jealous" "I was not jealous!"" she literally screamed but covered her mouth when some teachers gave her the evil eye. All Sonic did was shrug and continued with his work. Suddenly, Ashley realized what he meant.

Big Hearted: A person who is willing to give of oneself and one's possessions: generous, great-hearted, large-hearted, magnanimous, unselfish.

Now she understood what he meant, she was so selfish to get herself from trouble but not him, she wasn't even honest! The Tiger Fighter was angry at herself, what type of fighter is she? Ashley stood up and walked outside the room and to Mrs. Perez, who was obviously still talking to her husband. When she came back, she had a satisfy grin as she put her arms behind her head. Sonic was about to ask what she did until the teacher opened the door and called him. He groaned and glared at the pretty girl who was still grinning. "Mr. Hedgehog, my apologies." the boy with speed was shock, "Wait, what do you mean?' "Mrs. Tigers told me that she misunderstood the event that happened yesterday, you thought that you saw a boy drowning in a lake so you ran out of the room, but it was actually a bag. Your two extra weeks of detention are canceled. You may go back to your seat." All he could do was nod and leave. When he returned, Ashley was silently writing on a piece of paper. "Why did you do that?" he whispered, taking his seat. "I was big-hearted." she said, with that, she placed her papers on the teacher's desk and left, leaving him there. Man, she can be mysterious...but she really does have a big heart. She just did that for me? Wow...how good does that feel. A hot girl protecting me...wait, what am I thinking?! She's just my friend! I can't think of her that way... but she does have everything I need for a girlfriend...

I have to go after her.

"Ashley! Wait!" Sonic said, running to his friend. She looked at him, "What?" "You want to go somewhere tonight? Like a restaurant or something?" Ashley raised an eye brow, "Wait...are you asking me out?" he sweated a little, "Um...I guess?" Tigers gave him a 'are you serious?' look. He sighed, "I know we just met but after all you did you deserve something in return, so I'm taking you to a restaurant." she thought about it, sure, she liked him but she wasn't really sure if he was really Sonic the hedgehog. Usually when boys asked her (which are millions XD) she would say no, but this boy was different. Man, love is complicated...Finally, she responded "I'll think about, but I'm not making any promises." she said as Sonic smiled. "Well, if you do come, we meet at the park at 6:00." Ashley grinned," Is it always even numbers?" "Fine, 6:05, exactly." he grinned back as the girl with speed laughed, "Alright, but don't get your hopes up." she said and ran off as Hedgehog stared.

"He WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY YES?!" Sophia screamed, Ashley rolled her eyes in a circle, "You expect me to say yes to a guy I just met?" she thought about it for a second, "Yes?" the beautiful girl threw a pillow at her friend, "You're crazy." the romantic one threw it back at her. "No I'm not, it's a risky thing but sometimes great risk can have great rewards." At first, the Tiger Fighter was surprised that Sophia said those words of wisdom, then she said, "You got that from 'Married At First Sight?' didn't you?" the hyper girl just gave a nervous smile, "Maybe..." Tigers stood up "Either way, I'm not going." the crazy girl gave her friend puppy eyes, "Come on! It could be fun!" she shook her head. Suddenly, a light bulb appeared above her head, "What if he's the one?" Ashley's eyes widened as she heard this and slowly faced her romance adviser, "W-what?" "What if he really is Sonic the Hedgehog?"

She could be right she thought to herself but he isn't real! He's just a blue hedgehog made by Sega. Plus, there are millions of girls who like him, why did he choose me. This makes no sense! In the other hand...it makes perfect sense... "No" Ashley said, "He isn't real. That Sonic is just some Sonic the Hedgehog fan who's on drugs!" Sophia stuck out her tongue "You never know." Then, there was a knock on the door, "I GOT IT!" the romantic one cried and dashed out of the room. The girl with speed opened her window and stuck out her head. "Hey Ash." Nick called, waving. She waved back, "What's up, Nick? What brings you here?" he smiled, "Well I-" he got interrupted by someone pulling him in the house and shutting the door. Tigers sighed and closed her window then she waited...

Sophia dashed back into the room and threw a confused Nick on the bed. "You were saying?" Ash said as her crazy friend was giggling, "Oh, um...I wanted to know if you're free tonight?" the romantic girl looked at her brave friend with a pleading look but she just ignored it, "No, why?" Starstricker smiled got even bigger, "You want to go out with me?" The Tiger Fighter groaned, this was like the 10th time he asked her, but she really didn't want to hurt his feelings again, so with no other option, she sighed "Actually, I think I do have to go somewhere tonight." Soph squealed and started jumping everywhere.

"No, I will always be with you forever!"

"Same here, Lilly, I will never leave you!"

"Aww!" both Amy and Cream Rabbit gushed as they saw the movie. Finally, the screen turned black and showed "The End." The two girls applaud and had big smiles on their faces. "Wasn't that romantic, Cream?" Amy asked as the six-year-old nodded. The pink haired sighed dreamily, "I wish that would happen with me and Sonic, it would the best movie ever!" Then, the girl with the long pig tails smiled changed into a worried look, "Where is Mr. Sonic? He isn't here." a boy with blond hair and blue eyes who was working on a strange-looking thing responded, "He said he was going to eat dinner out tonight." he said without looking up from his machine. Rose slowly turned around to face him, "And where did he say he was going, Tails?" she asked with one eye twitching. The boy known as Tails shrugged, "He said somewhere close." after those words came from out, the crazy girl let out a loud shriek. Cream looked at her with concern, "What's wrong Amy?" It's obvious that he is going on a date! And it's with a girl that's not me!" then, a horrible thought came into her mind. What if she's with that Ashley Tigers!

Just in that moment, a boy with black hair and looked kind of emo like passed by to get a soda and overheard the conversation, "You know that the Faker doesn't want anything to do with you. He already gave you lots of hints." he said, "That is not true Shadow! He's just too shy! If he was a little braver he would have asked me out a looooong time ago!" she argued. Shadow shrugged and left the room, leaving Amy very frustrated until something accrued in her mind. She faced Cream with a wicked smile, "Cream! What if I did what Lilly did in the movie? When she kissed her crush while Rebecca watched which caused Jim and Rebecca to break up? Then Jim realized he loved Lilly! I could do that with Sonic!" Rabbit knew that was a bad idea, but she knew that there was no use of persuading, so all she did was gave her a quick nod. With that, Rose left, "This won't end well." Tails said with a sigh.

Sonic tapped his foot very fast on the ground with his arms folded on his chest, what's taking her so long? He thought as he looked around for any sight of her. "Hey Sonic." he smiled at the figure in front of him, "You're late." Ashley rolled her eyes, "Its 6:03 Mr. Know It All." "Well sorry I don't have a watch." he said with a chuckle," So, shall we begin?' Hedgehog said, holding out his hand, Tigers gave him a smirk and placed her hand on top of his, then in a funny English accent she said, "Why, you're such a gentlemen!" The boy with speed laughed and played along, "You're happiness is my priority, ma'am." they both laughed and started walking to a restaurant, "So, where do you want to go?" the boy with the looks asked. "Chilies' is close, how about there?" "Whatever you want to go, I'm fine with." Sonic gave her a wink which made her roll her eyes with a smile. Suddenly, Sophia appeared a foot away from the couple of hanging from a tree branch wearing all black, "Oh! How cute!" she squealed, clapping her hands together. Then, she putted a straight face and wore some shades, "Time to spy Sophia Skies."(Hey! That rhymes XD!) The hyper girl did a front flip and fell safely on her feet. (Yes, I can do a front flip, LOL.)

After they chose a table and ordered their drinks and meals, the two speeders stood there silent, waiting for their food. It was pretty awkward no talking and looking around, "So..." Ashley said "Do you have any siblings?" "Yeah, a little brother and he's really smart, probably smarter than me." The Tiger Fighter nodded "I get that feeling a lot. I have an older brother who is way smarter than me, and he's a genius." she nervously started playing with her fingers, she really wanted to ask him if he really was Sonic the hedgehog but it would sound too weird, so she asked something similar to that. "Do you the video game character Sonic the hedgehog?" she asked, holding her breath as she waited for his answer, but she never got to hear it because just in that moment the waitress came. The different thing about her was that her brown hair was covering her face. Wait, did she even have brown hair? She looked quite different, "Your food will be here in a few minutes, is there anything else you want?" she asked "No, thank you." the boy with speed said but Ashley eyed the waitress. The waitress gave her a smile and waved when Sonic wasn't looking. "Sophia?! What the-?" she whispered but Skies quickly left as the real waitress came with their food. Hedgehog looked at her confusion, "Didn't you just come a few minutes ago?" he asked as the 15-year old fighter quietly cursed her hyper friend, she looked at him like he was crazy, "No sir." he shrugged and turned his attention back at the window.

Once they started eating their food, they stared talking more. Ashley told him some of her adventures with her group of friends, "Then Nick was all in her face and yelled, 'I dare you!' so, to all of our surprise she retorted, "Oh, I'm going to beat you up so bad that your own mother won't even recognize you...not like she ever recognized you anyway." Sonic eyes widened and covered his mouth from spitting out his food. Ashley laughed, "If you choke I won't save you!" that made him laugh harder and know he really did look like he was about to choke. "Oh crap! Sorry! I didn't know every word I say would kill...unless you're already dead, but you're not right?" the boy with looks put up his hand and laughed even more. After what seemed like a full minutes he calmed himself and swallowed the food in his mouth. "That hurts, you know I could have choked, right?" Tigers gave him a teasing smile, "Wasn't that the point?" he chuckled, "You think you're funny don't you?" she shrugged, "Just one of my special talents. Besides, aren't you supposed to be the funny one?" he raised an eye brow, "Who told you that?" she closed her eyes and leaned back, "Just a guess." suddenly, there was a loud knock on the restaurant window. The Tiger Fighter looked behind and saw Sophia motioning her to come. "Uh...I have to use the restroom for a second." Ashley said and left the table, leaving Sonic with his thoughts. She is pretty funny, I guess she is really the one I am looking for...should I tell her? No...I'm pretty sure she wouldn't accept...but she's so cool...so beautiful so..."Hi Sonic!"

Hedgehog jumped and yelped when he heard the voice. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Amy entered the restaurant. Once he recognized who was standing in front of him. "Oh...hey Amy." he said, still embarrassed about her scaring him. Rose gave him a sweet smile, "Did I scare you? Sorry! I just stopped by to say hello." she looked around "Who are you waiting for?" she asked whiling plopping on the seat in front of the boy with speed. Sonic was a little confused that Amy came like that, but he ignored it, "I'm just waiting for my friend to come back." The pink haired girl eyes twitched as she heard the word, "Friend" she knew real well that Sonic liked Ashley more than a friend, why would he would be taking her out the first place? But there was no time for questions, she had to get her plan in action.

Once Ashley arrived, Sophia squeezed her into a tight hug, "Soph...Can't...breathe..." she said as her friend was trying to hug her to death. Finally, she let go and gave her a smile," You two are such a cute couple! "Tigers rolled her eyes, "Were not a couple, but enough about that...why did you tell me to come out here?" Skies eyes lit up when she said this, "Oh! Right!" she dug in her black purse ( for it can match with the spy suit! XD) and took out a piece of paper. She handed it to the Tiger Fighter for she could read it. At the top it said "Songs"

1. Can't Fight This Feeling Any Longer.

2. My Heart Will Go On.

2. Ain't missing You At All.

4. I Miss You

5. Give You're Heart A break.

6. Heart Attack

7. Wish You Were Here

8. You Belong With Me.

9. I'm Just the Girl Next Door.

10. The DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again.

11. I Will Always Love You.

12. Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)

13. Love Story.

14. Mio

15. Heule a Peligro

16. Temblando

17. Baby, baby

18. What the Heck.

19 Counting Stars.

20. Demons.

21. Grenade

22. Just The way you are.

23. What Makes You Beautiful

24. Taylor Swift Songs.

25. Demi Lovato Songs

26. Corazon Serrano songs

27. Avril Lavigne songs

28. Adele Songs

29. One Direction Songs.

30. Katy Perry Songs

31. Thousand Miles.

32. Justin Bieber Songs

When she was done, she gave her friend a confuse look, "Why did you give me song titles?" The romantic one smiled, "You're going to sing these songs! Don't worry, I gave your boyfriend a list to sing too." Ashley blushed, "He isn't my boyfriend!" she said but it sounded like Not exactly. "Yeah suuure...anyways you better look up the lyrics for these songs because you're going to have to sing it!" Tigers eyes widened, "What?! Why?!" "Because, it will be very useful! All these songs have stages of love. When you have to get your emotions out, SING! For example." the hyper girl tapped her chin and was looking for a song. After what seemed like forever, she started dancing making Ash confused, but that all stopped when she became to sing

"I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying this is it, I've had enough, 'cause like
We hadn't seen each other in a month
When you, said you, needed space, what?"

She started twirling around and running to the park, Ashley following.

"Then you come around again and say
Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change
Trust me, remember how that lasted for a day
I say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you"

She got a leaf and pretended it was a phone

"Oooh we called it off again last night
But Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk
To my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together"

Suddenly, Sophia climbed up a tree and sat on a branch,

"Like ever..."

She jumped down and sat on the grass and waved her hands

"I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
And me, falling for it, screaming that I'm right
And you, would hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than mine"

She flipped her hair and got the same leaf to use as a phone

"Oooh you called me up again tonight
But Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together"

The crazy girl grabbed Ashley and pointed to her

"You go talk to your friends talk
To my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together"

She ran to a pole and leaned close to it

"I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever
And I used to say never say never"

Sophia fell as Tigers grabbed her,

"Huh, he calls me up and he's like, I still love you
And I'm like, I'm just, I mean this is exhausting, you know
We are never getting back together, like ever"


"We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk
To my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together"

Soph grabbed the Tiger Fighter and started dancing with her as she had a WTH face

"We, oooh, oooh, not back together, we
Oh, getting back together"

She skipped back to the restaurant with a huge smile

"You go talk to your friends talk
And my friends talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together"

She smiled at her friend, "So, what do you think?" Ashley still had the WTH face and replied, "I think that I'm not doing that." Sophia's smile turned into a frown, "Oh come on! It was so much fun! You see how I expressed my emotions?" "Yeah, but its ridicules!' the hyper girl gave her puppy eyes, "Please? I promise it will help you! Please, please, please, please!" Tigers glared at her but sighed "Fine..."


Skies pulled her into another tight hug which made the girl with speed laugh, but that ended when she saw Amy with Sonic. "Oh no..."

Sonic was drumming his fingers on the table, waiting for Amy to get bored and leave but she was waiting until her enemy to come out of the "Bathroom". Finally, Ashley came in with a hint of anger on her face. Now it was time, Rose jumped up and pressed her lips against Sonic's who had his eyes wide open. The pink-haired girl expected the girl with looks to freak but all she did was calmly walked over and crossed her arms, waiting for Amy and to notice her. "Excuse me?" The Tiger Fighter said with a steady tone. The Sonic obsessed girl pulled away and glared at her, "What? Don't you see that I'm with my boyfriend?!" the boy with speed shook his head to show she was lying. "Yeah, I see that but you do realize that you're humiliating yourself?"


"Ok, how many people are staring at you?" she looked around and saw thousands of eyes on her. Amy glared at them, "What?! Is it bad to kiss my boyfriend?" they all looked away and continued with their regular lives. "What do you expect them to do? They see a girl who kisses a guy out of nowhere in front of a random girl. Isn't that pretty weird?" she bit her bottom lip. Ashley raised an eye brow as Sonic tried to take the taste of the kiss out of his moth. Suddenly, Rose bolted out the restaurant without saying anything. The girl with speed sat down and continued eating her food, quietly. Finally, Hedgehog asked, "Are you mad?" all she did was give him a glare, which probably mean a yes but he didn't know. "How come you didn't started yelling at me or anything?" "Because, why would I get mad? We aren't dating or anything. Plus, you expect me to eat in front of two people who are making out?" he smirked, "Maybe." she rolled her eyes, "Yeah right."

After a while, things got back to normal. They were back to cracking jokes and laughing. Soon they were done with their food and were preparing to leave. "Anyway, let's get out of here, I am full." Ash said then, a haunting thought came to her mind. "Crap!" "What?" "Who's going to pay the bill?! I didn't bring my money!" Sonic smiled, "I'll take care of that." he called the waitress which made Ash nervous. "Ready for you bill, sir?" she asked Sonic gave her a wink, "Actually, I was thinking we could pay another way." she looked at her with confusion, "How?" he stuck his hand in his jean pocket and pulled out a small red gem that shined in her eyes. "I found this and I thought I could give it to you. It would be a great necklace." The waitress almost squealed and nodded her head, "Thank you! Have a wonderful evening you two!" she said and literally ran back to the kitchen. "Sonic! You know how rare those red gems are?! Why would you waste it for one simple dinner?!" All he did was let out a chuckle, "I always find these when I go to my adventures. There not rare if you go all over the world." she chuckled," Alright, I guess I won't complain."

Once the left the dinner, they raced all the way to the park and started chasing each other. Yeah, they knew they were acting like little toddlers but it's good to stay young. "Man that was pretty fun wasn't it?" Sonic asked as he lay on the grass, Ashley beside him. "Yeah, I haven't had that much fun since my last adventure." she smiled and looked at the bright stars. "They're beautiful huh?" "Yeah...I used to talk to the stars and make wishes, hoping that they would grant It." he faced her with a warm smile and she gave him the same look. "And...what kind of wishes would you say?" the 15-year old girl eyes lit up as she remembered those things she said, "Well...when I was about 6 years old I would sneak away from the house and go outside and ask the stars to help me succeed in life and this crazy thing...

....to understand love"

The athlete's heart started to beat faster as he heard this and his cheeks were getting really hot. Now he knew, there was no question about it, Sonic was in love with Ashley Tigers. They just meet but her humor, her looks, her attitude, her speed...it was the girl he has waited for his whole life. The girl he stared at in fifth period, the girl that could catch up with him, the girl who got angry at him almost all the time, the girl who he had his first date with. Who knew she would be the one. With all these thoughts, Sonic was silent and so was Ash. She couldn't help but think that maybe the guy who was l beside her really was Sonic the Hedgehog, just in human form, which she was okay with that. If he was close to her, she felt more than happy. Finally, after a while of thinking, Hedgehog spoke, "Have you ever been in love?"

With no hesitation she said, "No..." a pair of green eyes looked in her' and she got a little nervous. "You sure? I know you're blushing." Ashley bit her bottom and tried to hide her face but his eyes wouldn't let her, so she just stood there, staring at him and he stared right back. Before he knew what he was doing, Sonic got a little closer to her face and slowly closed his eyes. Tigers blushing more than ever as she knew that her first kiss was coming in any second now, but deep inside...she was waiting for this a long time, so she leaned in too. They felt their nose touch and breathes on their face as the two lips were about to connect...


The two racers quickly separated from each other and faced the direction where the voice came from. An angry Nick Starstricker was above them with his arms crossed and giving Sonic a death glare. He grabbed the girl with look's arm and pulled her behind him, "What were you doing kissing my girlfriend?" he told the boy with speed, but the 15-year old girl pulled her arm away from the jealous boy "WHAT? I'm not your girlfriend, and let go of me!" she got in front of Hedgehog and glared at her friend, "What are you doing here, Nick? Were you spying on me?!" Now, his death glare turned into a nervous smile, "Maybe..." Ashley gritted her teeth, "Are you serious? If you were one of my family members than I would understand why you would be stocking me, but you're not! What gives you the right to see every move I do?!" she crossed her arms to show she had a point. Ashley's boyfriend wannabe knew that she was right and left, but giving Sonic a last glare to show him this wasn't the end.

"Sorry about that...he gets on my nerves sometimes." Tigers said with a sigh, "I feel pretty bad yelling at him like that but he needs to understand..." she gave the boy with speed a sad smile, but in return he gave her a grin and a thumbs up, "Hey, I get it. Amy is just like that! Thanks for stopping a fight, Ash! I owe you one!" the Tiger Fighter laughed and now gave a real smile, "You're welcome! So, you want to have another race to my house?" he nodded and before she get start running, Sonic picked her up bridal style and dashed off. She laughed and playfully punched his shoulder, "Hey!" he chuckled, "What was that for?" Ash grinned, "That's for giving me the best date I ever had." In a matter of seconds, they were in front of the door of Ashley's house, "Thanks for the ride." she said and gave him a small peck on the cheek before going inside her house. Sonic stood there, his whole face red as he touched his check. That was one of the greatest presents he ever gotten in his whole life, and he knew it deep in his heart.

"Ashley! You're home!" an elderly but beautiful women greeted, "Hi Grandma., where's Grandpa?" she pointed to an office that had an old man writing in a big white board, mumbling to himself. Tigers walked over and knocked on the transparent door. The man turned around and smile as he saw his granddaughter, "Ashley Tigers! How come you're so late?" he asked as she took a seat, "Well, I went on a little date..." his eyes widened a little, "A date? With a boy?" she nodded her head and gave him a nervous smile. Grandpa walked over and closed the door behind her and sat on his fancy chair. "So, tell me about this boy. Is he smart?" the 15 year old bit her bottom lip as she heard this. Is he smart? I don't know I mean I never asked about his grades...but if he has a little brother that is pretty smart, he should be smart too, right? Yeah. I guess. "Yes." he smiled, "Ok, just asking. Because you don't want a dumb boyfriend, do you?" The Tiger Fighter blushed, "He's not really my boyfriend...just a friend." Mr. Tigers nodded as he understood completely, then he leaned in, "What made you take him out on a date?" "No, he asked me, all I did was accept." "And what made you accept?" Ashley touched her cheek to see if she felt any heat because for some reason it became really hot in here, "Um...he is funny and fast...and he really treats me well so I thought, why not? Plus, I rather go out with him then with Nick."(Nick: Not cool.)

"What's his name?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yeah. Not like his name is something embarrassing, right?"

"Oh..ok...his name is Sonic Hedgehog."

Grandpa's smile faded a bit, "The bird that you hated when you were 13 years old?" Ashley gave a giggled as her family member called Sonic a ''Bird'' and nodded, but what surprised her was when he asked, "Are you sure the guy is not on drugs?" "GRANDPA!" she laughed as he chuckled, "Just checking." Once that weird conversation was over, the girl with looks went over to the kitchen and grabbed a banana, "So, who's the special someone?" she looked at her Grandma with a confuse look, "You heard?" "Well you guys were so loud I couldn't help myself, so who is it? Is he smart?" that question was getting a little annoying to her, but she didn't show it, "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Mrs. Tigers let out a sigh of relief, "Ok, good, because if you two do get married I am not paying for a marriage that has a dumb guy in it." Ashley dropped her fruit on the floor and quickly picked it up, "Right...um, I need to study. Could you please call me when the food is ready?" she said and tossed the now dirty banana in the trash then ran upstairs.

"Man, why does everyone care if he's smart? If he is so what? What if he's mean huh?" she mumbled to herself as she got into her room and opened her book. After a few minutes of working, somebody quietly opened the door. She looked up and saw her brother, "Hey Allen." he smirked, "So, you have a boyfriend." her eyes were giving him daggers, "Wow, does every word I say is broadcast all over the house or something?" he laughed, "Calm down, I'm only going to say one thing." "Spit it out." 'Is he smart?" "IS THAT REALLY IMPORTANT?!" Ashley screamed and stabbed her pencil in her book, his eyes widened, "Ok, ok! Just asking!" she closed her eyes and twisted her pencil to calm herself down. "Sorry, it's just getting a little annoying..." The sword fighter nodded, "Alright I'll leave you." he said as he opened the door to leave, "Oh. You should probably get another book." "Why?" Tigers looked down and saw her pencil went through the thick 1000 paged book. She groaned, "Oh great..."

Sophia: I smell SonAsh!

Nick: You do? I smell torture.

Sophia: Are you always going to do this?

Nick: Maybe.

Sophia: LOL! Anyways, you probably see that I don't like Amy and I think she is sort of a bad guy, but the real evil one is Mr. Fatty!

Nick: Yes, Eggman will make an appearance in this story, just not yet.


Nick: Yeah, I guess.

Sophia :( Squeezes Nick) I'm so HAPPY!

Nick :( Chocking) Help...me...