Literally the only reason it took me so long to write this was because I couldn't think of a good opening. Once I had that it took me maybe an hour to write and edit this.

Anyway, here's the bonus chapter at last! This is the chapter where we finally get to find out what happened that drunken night when they got married.

If someone had asked Seijuro why May 5th was an important day for him he would have had no idea what they were talking about. Had he been old enough to drink he might have thought of May 5th as a holiday people used as an excuse to get absolutely sloshed. But at this point in his life and on this present day, which just happened to be becoming May 5th in fact, Seijuro had absolutely no idea why that day should be so significant.

Not that he was thinking about very much at all in his current state of mind.

Seijuro stumbled more than walked his way down the street. He tottered to and fro, transgressing his way from one side of the street to the other but still managing somehow to move forward. For some reason he seemed incapable of moving in a straight line. The side walk seemed to be dodging his feet. He bumped into a light post which appeared out of nowhere. "xcuse me ma'am," he slurred an apology.

Next to him Gou let out a twitter. Her giggles had been nearly nonstop since they had left the bar, though when that was Seijuro had no idea. She kept laughing at everything or absolutely nothing. Maybe both.

"I think it's tis way," said Seijuro, though where they trying to get to he had no idea. He rounded the corner and utterly froze, finding himself suddenly caught up in a blazing light. For a moment he was stunned, convinced God had descended down to heaven before him. Or aliens. Or a searchlight searching for some escaped criminal. Each was equally as plausible.

Then his eyes adjusted and he saw the light was coming not from any of those but from a church. Well, not a church per say. At least not like one he had ever seen. This church was exceptionally gaudy, with horrendous purple accents and a steeple that was strangely phallic looking. In front of the little building was a large neon sign, the source of the blazing light. In glowing iridescent letters it read 'Marriage 24 Hours'.

"Hey," said Seijuro. "Hey, you know what would be really funny?"

"What?" Gou came to a staggering halt next to him.

"It would be really funny if—" Seijuro struggled to get the words out past his own giggling now. "It would be really funny if we were to get married!"

Gou's eyes widened to an impossible degree. "O—oh my god!" She took a step backwards. "Oh my god! That is—that is such a great idea! Let's do it!"

Seijuro offered her his arm and together they tottered their way into the gaudy church like they were going to prom rather than making one of the most momentous decisions one makes in life.

"Hello!" Seijuro waved cheerfully to a man they encountered inside, a man who might have been the clergy or priest or even a janitor. In Seijuro's alcohol addled mind any three of them would have worked. "We want to get married!"

The man only stared at them and it occurred to Seijuro that he likely did not understand Japanese. He managed to get his point across by mimicking sliding a ring onto both hands and then clasping them together.

"Ohhh yes!" The man clapped his hands. "Yes, yes, I do for you!"


"Wait," interjected Gou. "Wait a second here." She was blinking methodically, eyebrows knitted together like she was thinking very hard about something. "How much does this…How much does this cost?"

The man shrugged. "Twenty dollar?" It sounded more like a suggestion than the actual price.

"Wow," hiccupped Seijuro, digging into his wallet. "Weddings sure are cheap."

"No kidding!" said Gou. "I don't know what everyone's complaining about them being so expensive for. Look how cheaply we're doing it!"

The church didn't have a tux big enough to fit Seijuro but they did have an atrocious clip on neck tie for him to borrow, and for Gou a cheap looking veil. There were papers given to each of them that they had to sign, and while it all looked very official Seijuro could barely scrawl his own signature much less read them. For all he knew he was giving away his entire life saving's and signing up for a time share.

"Now!" said the man once all the papers had been signed. "Three witnesses we will need!"

He had already delivered two women to serve, one being the receptionist and the other what must have been the actual janitor if the broom she was holding meant anything. They still needed one more witness.

Gou giggled. "Maybe we can get my brother to come."

Seijuro had a much better idea. "I'll be right back." He stepped out and a moment later he came back with an extremely inebriated Noro leaning heavily on him. "Here you go! Your third witness! I caught him while Nakagawa was in the bathroom! Hahaha!" He laughed uproariously.

Noro hiccupped. "Wuzzis, Capt'n?" he slurred.

"I'm getting married!"

"Oh," said Noro. "Conflagrations!"

Seijuro was pretty sure Noro meant congratulations but nobody bothered correcting him.

Seijuro and Gou moved over to stand in front of the altar, the three witnesses gathering in a pew, the two women supporting Noro.

The chuch man cleared his throat. "Do you Seijuu—" He stopped. "Seeeeeeejuuuuuro," he tried again, making Seijuro's name about three times longer than it needed to be. He seemed to give up and threw the paper he had been trying to read off of into the air.

He gestured to Seijuro. "Do you?"

"I do!"

"Do you?" He pointed to Gou now.

"I do!" Gou managed to giggle out.

"Then you married!" The man clapped once more. "You may now kiss!"

Seijuro puckered up and leaned in. Gou, giggling a bit more bashfully now, did so too. Their kiss was nothing more than a brief peck on the lips, a kiss two five years old may give each other. If they had been competitors in a kissing competition they would surely have been booed off stage.

"Yay!" The receptionist and janitor threw confetti.

"Mozzletoff!" said Noro.

"That was sure quick," marveled Gou.

They were forced to give back the tie and veil before departing. "Wait," said Seijuro before Gou could hand back the veil. "Throw it like it's a bouquet!"

Gou did so. The receptionist, who had been waiting to collect the items, caught it. "Yay!" Seijuro and Gou both cheered. "Now you can get married next!"

"She already is," said the church man but neither of them were listening.

"Yay," mimicked Noro, who seemed to be slowly becoming more and more disconnected from reality. He was so disoriented he probably thought he was back in Japan.

The church man handed Seijuro a piece of a paper. "Your certificate," he said. "Please make sure and keep, very important. Congratulations on your new marriage!"

Seijuro looked hazily at the paper. He recognized his signature and Gou's, but outside of that he was much too drunk to make any sense of it. The church man seemed to think it was significant though so he tucked it safely away into his jacket pocket.

"Where to now?" asked Gou once they stood outside on the church steps.

"Home of course!"

"You mean your house?"

"Of course! We're married now, right?"

Gou considered that for a moment. "You're right!" she said. "Let's go!"

By some miracle they made it to the house Seijuro was currently staying without getting lost too heavily or distracted by anything else. Noro was lost along the way but neither of them could exactly remember why he had been with them in the first place.

After trying several times, Seijuro finally managed to unlock the door and once inside he gave her a quick tour. "Here's the kitchen and the bathroom! And the bedroom! The closet is pretty big, huh?"

Gou stared into the closet. For some reason a scowl was developing on her face. "I don't like it," she declared.

"Don't like it? You mean the closet?"

"No, your clothes!" She gestured to the clothing hanging in there. "There are way too many that have sleeves. I don't like when you wear sleeves. They just get in the way. I can't see your muscles when you wear sleeves."

"My muscles?"

"Yeah, your muscles." She let out a stray giggle. "I really like them!"

In that case…Seijuro chucked off his shirt. He struck a strong man pose one might see at a body building competition. "Is this better?"

"Hahaha, yeah!" Gou clapped delightfully, giggling all the while.

"How about this?!" He nearly face planted himself into the wall in the effort to remove his pants. Left in only his boxers he struck a variety of muscle flexing poses. "How do you like this?!"

Gou was descending into maddened giggles, her clapping becoming steadily off kilter as she kept missing her own hands. "Hahaha, that's great!"

Seijuro suddenly swayed a little. He was way too drunk to be doing any sort of work out routine, even one as simple as muscle poses. Somehow he suddenly felt utterly exhausted. He collapsed backwards onto the bed. "Come here." He beckoned. "Come lay down with me."

Gou, still giggling, managed stand and totter over to him. She collapsed onto the bed next to him.

"You can sleep here."

"Is that really okay?"

"Of course it is!" said Seijuro. "We're married now!"

Gou smiled. "Okay." She moved closer to him and Seijuro wrapped his arms around her.

Gou let out another giggle. "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"Me too." Seijuro yawned, sleep already pulling at him. "Let's have more fun tomorrow."

Another giggle. "And the day after that, and the day after that."

Seijuro smiled sleepily. "And the day after that. For all days."

"Because we're married now, right?"

"Exactly." He pulled her closer, smiling.

Surely tomorrow would be just as great as today had been. Surely it would be.

There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong, right?

In Seijuro's alcohol induced mind he was utterly certain of that.