The Doctor's daughter goes to Hogwarts
The loud chanting of, "Exterminate! Exterminate!" filled my ears as a mass of Daleks chased after me. I bobbed and weaved to avoid their constant firing lasers. Unluckily I didn't miss all of them. One hit the middle of my back, sending agonizing pain though my entire body. My life was quickly slipping away. No! My inner voice screamed and my regeneration process started. Gold swirling light consumed my body, bursting forth from the ends of my limbs. The power of the blast incinerated all the Daleks. With the last of my strength I stumbled the last few feet to my Tardis. How pathetic, to die so close to the thing that would have promised my continued life. I barely took a full step inside before I crashed to the ground, unconscious.
When I awoke, an undesirable time later I could tell the Tardis had taken me somewhere else. I arose slowly; pressing my hand to my head as it dully ached. I walked through the control room to my infinite closet and glanced at the full-length mirror I had off to the side. My headache vanished and I bolted forward to take a look at my new self.
I had shoulder length snow white hair that fell in perfect ringlets. I touched my face covered in extremely fair skin and noted that my eyes were a shocking emerald green. I nose was so petite I giggled while patting it with my fingertips. My cheeks held a warm rosy color, standing out quite well against my skin. I glanced at my hair again and grumbled aloud, "Still not a red-head! Why never a red-head! Red-heads are hot!"
I folded my arms and looked at my reflection again, I had a well-enough figure, but I looked young. Very young, roughly thirteen if I had to guess. I then noticed my cloths falling off me. I ginned widely. Time to find the new me's outfit.
I dove into my closet and quickly found an outfit that screamed at me. Dressing quickly I ran to the mirror again to assess my new look. I wore a green tank-top underneath a V-neck fitted t-shirt. Over that a dark green fitted leather jacket that complimented my eyes. Following that I wore black jeggings and red high-top converse were on my feet. Something was missing though, I glanced around and saw the metallic glint and spotted a silver pocket watch. That's it! I grabbed it and clipped it to my jeggings before slipping it into my front pocket.
I clapped my hands, very satisfied. I made guns with my hands and shot them off at my reflection, sound effects included of course.
I twirled around on the ball of my feet and pointed to the front of my Tardis. "Now to see where I have landed!"
~Dumbledore's POV~
A loud crash jolted me from my reading. Curious I closed my book and put it gently down before going off to investigate. On the far end of my office I saw a tall white box. How curious? I walked over to it and pulled out my wand. I gently tapped it before a door appeared and flew open. I couldn't reach fast enough so it whacked me directly in the face, knocking me to the ground.
The world spun and a blur of white and green moved in front of me. A peculiar voice slowly made its way to my ears, and it was frantically chanting. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it, I swear!"
Blinking my vision became clear and a young girl with stark white hair and stunning green eyes was bent over me, her hands waving about frantically. I waved my hand dismissively and she stopped, "It's quite alright."
She calmed at my voice and extended her hand down to mine. I took it and she hefted me up with a surprising strength. Once standing she introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Kali. Kali…um…Smith. Yeah Smith!"
"Albus Dumbledore," I replied and we shook hands. Hers were thin but warm.
She gazed around taking in the details of my office, "So where am I?"
I raised an eyebrow in silent question before replying, "You are at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry."
A befuddled look crossed her face momentarily before she stuck her tongue out and seemed to taste the air, "Magic?" she mused.
She was quite different from others I have met, I would certainly want to keep a close eye on her, I think to myself, unconsciously stroking my beard.
"Would you care to attend my school?"
A bright smile enveloped her lips and an excited twinkle appeared in her eye, "Yeah, I'd like that a lot."
I hummed happily and went back to my desk to have all the paperwork arranged.
~Kali's POV~
Albus walked off and I retrieved my sonic screwdriver and activated it. I changed the setting to 'stealth mode 9.3' and pointed it at my white Tardis. The Tardis responded accordingly and turned into a miniature version of itself, with a ring at the top. It looked like a necklace charm. I smiled and pulled a green string from my pocket and slipped it through that hole. I then swiftly tied it around my neck and walked off in the direction that adorable old man went.
Empressofxing's editor here. Most of the chapter is my work, but the idea is completely her's. All in all the story is great and is going to be a blast. She promises to work harder on the next chapter so I don't have to edit so much. That's fine by me, less work to do. :) So read, enjoy, and please review. We love reviews almost more than we love cookies...or the Doctor.