This was ridiculous.
See, there was this giant black reptile with wings and razor sharp teeth bared at Jack.
Because Jack had the wonderful idea to poke the big fire-breathing dragon with a stick.
" No, Toothless!" Hiccup shouted, throwing himself in front of the dragon and waving his arms frantically, " No!"
Hiccup turned his head slightly so Jack could see his narrowed eyes, " You idiot! Haven't you ever heard the expression, 'don't poke a sleeping bear with a stick'?!"
Jack snorted, " I didn't poke a bear, I poked a dragon."
" I did say expression," Hiccup grumbled, still trying to push back Toothless, who was growling and roaring ferociously. " C'mon, bud, I said no!" He gave the Night Fury a tremendous shove and Toothless tumbled back and rolled onto his haunches.
He gave an annoyed snort and went off to sulk.
Did that really just happen?
" Uhm? J-Jack?"
Jack looked up, " Yeah?"
" Vampires are supposed to have... inhuman strength, right?"
Jack rolled his shoulders in a shrug, " Yeah, we're undead. That means we're technically not alive, but still animated. And that means we're not bound to the limits of living people. So we're stronger, faster, our senses are sharper-"
" Wow, me, strong. Ha, next thing you know Snotlout will be a genius," Hiccup cut in, laughing slightly.
He sucked in a sudden breath at the thought of his cousin.
Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, Dad, Gobber... Astrid...
What were the others doing? Did they miss him?
" And do we really suck people's blood?" Hiccup blurted awkwardly, feeling a shudder go through him at the thought.
Jack chuckled a little, " Well, yeah. If you're hungry. You could always just feed on little woodland creatures, if you're too queasy."
His manner was joking and easygoing, but Hiccup didn't like the idea of sucking anything's blood.
" Riiiight," he swung his skinny arms by his side, " I think I can just take a little, ah, thirst." He tapped his fingers together.
Jack laughed, but this one was bitter, " You say that now, but when you're starving, your instincts kick in. You sorta lose it."
Hiccup frowned, " Instincts?"
Jack's eyes were sad, " It's like werewolves on the full moon, they can't resist the pull. Vampires can't resist the blood."
Hiccup didn't know what to make of this.
Could it be true?
Every sense of reason and morality would fly from his mind for a drink of blood?
That didn't sound possible.
But, then again, he was a vampire now, anything was possible.
" Are there others, Jack? Vampires, I mean?" Hiccup asked, curiosity creeping up his chest.
There was so much to know about his new world.
Vampires, were supposed be to legend, folklore about evil creatures who hunted humans by night.
Jack didnt seem evil. Maybe the legends were wrong?
Hiccup scoffed to himself, wouldn't be the first time.
" Sure there are," Jack answered, " Tend to avoid them, though."
" Why?"
This kid sure asks a lot of questions. " We don't really see eye to eye."
" How d'you mean?"
Jack huffed, " They tend to stick together, in clans and stuff, and they hide. They don't feed on humans, like I do. I'm too wild. I'm a "danger to our kind", I guess."
Hiccup shook his head, " Well, I can't say that I disagree with them about the whole 'feeding on humans' thing, but I don't think you're dangerous."
Jack averted his gaze, " How would you know? You just met me. For all you know, I'm plotting your doom. For all you know, I'm an uncontrollable monster."
Hiccup half-smiled. " I don't think you're plotting my doom, and I don't think you're a monster, either."
" Oh yeah?" Jack countered, throwing a fierce look in his direction, " And why not?"
Hiccup shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes were bright and glittering with determination, " You saved me,"
Well yeah...
" And I believe in you."
Okay. This guy's too good to be true. " Still," Jack raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly now, " You never know," he threw an arm around the smaller vampire, " I could be biding my time, waiting for the chance to take you out!"
He was joking again. Hiccup liked it better when Jack was joking.
" As if you have the brain to make a plan like that, " Hiccup rolled his eyes, elbowing the taller immortal in the ribs.
A few feet away, Toothless still growled at Jack.
Hiccup turned to chide him, " Toothless, I told you not to kill my friend,"
Jack took a few steps back in surprise, " F-friend?"
Hiccup looked back, " Yeah," he said, shrugging as though this word didn't mean the world, " He's very protective, dragon urges and all. Plus he's the only one of his kind and..."
But Jack had stopped listening.
He just sort of stared at Hiccup, who was still rambling about Toothless' overprotectiveness.
Hiccup called him his friend.
That was a foreign concept for Jack.
Jack had always been alone, unseen, invisible to even his own kind.
And yet, here was this boy, this freckly, twiggy little weirdo with the nasally voice and the bright green eyes and hand gestures as big as the sky, who wanted to be his friend.
The boy that was like Jack now.
Jack supposes Hiccup, clever though he was, had a lot to learn about being a vampire.
So, Jack decides that, maybe just maybe, he'll stop being alone...
Maybe he'll start a clan...
Maybe it is time for Jack Frost the Cold to have a friend.