"Rise and shine everyone, it's morning!" Jane cried out. It was about eight in the morning, far too early for the rest of the group to get up, but Jane had woken up so she could make some pancakes.

"Jane, perhaps it is a tad bit early to wake up." Rose yawned.

"My thoughts exactly." Kanaya agreed.

"Ugh, fine, you can all go back to bed. I'll just save the pancakes for latter." Jane shrugged as she walked back to the kitchen to put the pancakes away. The other two returned to their rooms and fell back into sleep. Jane debated wether or not to go back to bed, but tiredness got the best of her, so she went back to her room to lie down for a while.

Jane's mind flashed with vivid images of the game as she slept. She remembered some memories that she had never experienced, or at least didn't remember. They went something like her killing Karkat and bringing him back to life. She had helped capture Jake. The only thing she could remember clearly were the words 'Consume' and 'Obey' and the Condesce's evil smile.

"Jane! I'm here, you need to wake up!" called a voice, it was distant and sounded like it was in distress.

She woke up in a cold sweat and grabbed her chest. "That was a terrible nightmare."

There was a small 'tap tap' on the door, "Yo, you okay in there?" It was Roxy.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Jane answered. "She probably heard me tossing around." she whispered to herself after Roxy had left.

Jane flung the covers off of herself and jumped out of the bed. She shook her head of her dream then pushed her hair back so it was right again. She tugged on the golden sleeves of her Prospitian pajamas. The apartment had replicas of the pajamas they had worn on their moons for the kids to wear at night. Jane made her bed then looked at the one across from it. It was Roxy's and it was a mess. Her Derse pajamas were thrown into a pile on the bed and the pink and purple covers were almost all on the ground. Jane laughed at how careless her friend could be. She moved the covers back onto the bed a little bit then walked out to the living room.

They were all sitting in the living room on the floor. The plates were piled up on the end tables, most were sticky with maple syrup. Jane walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a plate. She flipped the last few pancakes onto her plate. She reached for the syrup and drenched her pancakes in it. She then walked back to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"Good morning, Jane." Jake said.

Jane stopped eating for a second, "Good morning, Jake." She continued to down her pancakes quickly. She didn't realize until now how hungry she was.

After she had taken a drink of milk, she said "I think we should walk around the city some. I really want to know what's out there."

"Jane, believe me, I'd love to do that, but we've got a slight issue with that." Terezi said. She ran her fingers over her gray skin and tugged on her horns some. "We don't exactly look like humans."

Jane put her hand on her chin and though. She was right, they looked nothing like them. The trolls had yellowed eyes and candy corn coming out of their head. Jane knew it would be easy to hide Terezi and Karkat's horns, but Kanaya was a different story.

"Well, it is possible to break off troll horns, Equius did one time on accident." Kanaya commented.

"If you're suggesting we look like these puny humans, Kanaya, then I'm out." Karkat revolted.

Kanaya took out her lipstick and fingered at the ring on it that could turn it into a chainsaw, "Karkat, you don't exactly have the biggest horns." she told him. "I don't think it will hurt of we do this."

"It's kinda shameful to think we have to do this, but I really don't want to be trapped up in this apartment for the rest of my life." Terezi said.

"Woah you guys, you don't have to do this yet." Dirk said. "Think about this before you make a decision like this."

"I did though, I really don't want to have to just sit here." Terezi said. She folded her arms and sank into the couch.

"Just remember, if you were to get rid of your horns, how would you solve the skin issue?" John commented.

"Foundation, of course," Kanaya answered as if it was obvious.

"Oh, okay, I totally knew that." John responded. He leaned over to Dave next to him, "That's makeup, right?" Dave just shrugged.

Jane laughed at the two baffled boys. "I think your plan will work. You guys can wear glasses to hide your yellow eyes."

"While those three are getting themselves ready, we should all go change into normal clothes." Rose said, "I don't think we want to be walking around in god tier pajamas all of our lives. I'm going to see if I have any clothing in my dresser. The house has everything else, so why not that?"

Everyone looked down at their clothing. They had completely forgot about what they had been wearing. Even though they wore their respective moon pajamas, they would just put their god tier outfits back on after this.

"I completely forgot we were wearing pajamas." Dave said. "No wonder why it's so comfy."

"Ever since I put pants on under my shorts, I had forgotten about that fact." Jake said.

"Whateves, I don't really care if anyone in this city sees me in my PJ's." Roxy said.

"Roxy, I really think you need to go put something real on." Dirk said. "Come on, I know you like fashion." he led her out of the room and to hers.

"Okay, when everyone is ready, we'll hit the town." John said, he walked to his room to get ready.

Everyone followed his example and went to their bedrooms to change. Jane went back to her room and looked in her drawer. Inside sat her old outfit. A white shirt with a cyan ghost on it. Her cyan skirt was in there too folded under her shirt. She took them out and put them on. She began to look through the other drawers until she found what she was looking for. She took out the old fedora hat and put it on. She took out the mustache and glasses too and put them on her face.

She looked in the mirror and laughed at her appearance. It reminded her of the good old times before Sburb took over her life. She walked out of her room to rejoin the group.

"Uhh, are you sure you wanna go out looking like that?" Roxy asked Jane.

"Well, yeah, it's funny." Jane responded.

"Jane, even if you're my BFF, I gotta draw a line. People here might think you're a freak. We all know you're just playing, but others might not." Roxy said.

Jane sighed, "Fine, whatever you think is best." She walked back to her room. "I'll just wear it some other day without her knowing."

Jane took the mustache and glasses off and put them back in the drawer she found them in. She took the fedora off, but hesitated to put it away. "I'll just wear it, she can't refuse me wearing a hat."

Jane put the fedora back on her head and walked back out of her room once again. She rejoined the others who were staring at three newcomers. Jane looked at them confused, then realized it was the trolls.

They no longer looked gray, they wore tan foundation and makeup to make them look like humans. They no longer had horns on their heads, but they were lying at their feet. They wore modern clothing, each had a jacket that matched their blood colors. They wore hats to try and hide any little bases of their horns left.

"You three look completely different." Rose said. She reached up and removed Kanaya's green and gray plaid fedora. She touched where her horns were.

"I know, I feel so weird without them on my head. It's like a small weight has been removed." Kanaya responded.

"Let's stop talking and get on with the sightseeing." Terezi said, she began to walk towards the door.

"At least someone agrees." Karkat said, he followed her to the door.

"Okay, guys, I think it's time we got going." Jade said, she clapped her hands together and walked out the door. "Opps, I almost forgot." she said, she reached up to her head and pulled her hood up to hide her ears.

Jane yankee her jacket off of the rack by the door and followed Jade. She put it on and shoved her hands in her pockets. It was a light brown jacket with the life symbol on it.

"You wanna walk around with me? Terezi and I were planing to go shopping." Jade said when she saw Jane walk over to her.

Jane looked back at her friend Roxy who had paired up with Rose and Dave and Dirk. She contemplated joining them, but decided to stay, "Yeah, sure, I'd love to go with you."

"Great, let's get going then." Jade said. She skipped down the hallway and Terezi trotted not far behind. Jane laughed a little at their energetic attitudes and followed. She could tell she liked these two already. She remembered bonding with Jade a little after they had been placed under the Condesce's control, but she had never really talked to Terezi.

Jane chased them down the hallway to the elevator. Terezi and Jade were pressing the buttons quickly seeing who's side would get there first.

Ding! "Ha, I beat you!" Terezi said harshly to Jade.

"I'll get ya next time." she said in response.

The trio hopped in the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. They just stood their in silence and listened to the soft whirl of the machine. They stepped out into the hallway and walked towards the lobby, which wasn't anything much. It was just two chairs and brochures for the complex.

The group walked out into the city, it was slightly cool out being it was the middle of spring. The trees were a vibrant green and the streets bustled with people.

"So, where are we going?" Terezi asked.

"I think I have an idea. I do hope it exists in the world." Jade said. She walked up to a pedestrian and began to converse with him about something that Jane couldn't hear. The man had on a business suit and was tapping his foot as Jade talked, he looked flustered. He eventually said something and Jade skipped back over to Terezi and Jane.

"They have a shopping area here on the lake, I've heard about it and it sounded like a fun thing to do." she explained.

"Then lets get going." Terezi said. She began to walk off down the street.

She was almost swallowed by the crowd before Jade could call out to her. "Hey, wait, it's this way!" she called to the troll.

Terezi stopped and turned on her heel, "I total knew that." she said, her cheeks had a slightly bluish tint to them as she passed them.

Jane laughed, "I'm sure you did."

After about a half hour of walking, turning around, looking at maps, asking people, and almost going home due to frustration, the trio finally reached the shopping area. Jane had seen pictures of this city in her history books back in her universe, but this was nothing like what she had expected. It seemed completely different from the pictures she had seen, much more lively and exciting. There were a few rides behind the building that carried people who yelled and screamed with delight.

"Wow, it looks so cool!" Jade squealed excitedly. Jane remembered that she had grown up on an island and had never really been in an area like this.

They waked inside and began to try and figure out where to go. Terezi was looking around bewildered at the many different stores and her nose wiggled slightly as if trying to rely on scent for sight like she used to. Jane, unlike the other two, had been to a large shopping center a few times, so this was no new experience to her, although the amount of people was still slightly overwhelming.

"Where do we even start?" Terezi asked. She looked around and walked up to a transparent glowing wall. It was a screen that you could see through that showed a map. She put her hand on it and it glowed wherever she moved her hand.

"I think we should go there first." Jade said putting her hand on a store that was listed under the 'woman's fashion' section of the list.

"Let's do it." Jane said. The three girls skipped off into the dense crowd.

A few hours latter, the girls walked out of the mall. Each were laden with at least two bags. Although the bags were large, none of them had really bought anything, they were just the over sized bags that stores gave out.

Terezi's bag was empty, she wore her red dragon jacket and held her white dragon doll in her hands. She occasionally lifted her arm so she could smell her sleeve, then giggled causing her jacket's tail to move. She would then lift it to her stuffed animal's nose to smell. She had found both sitting in a window of a store, it bummed her out that they didn't have any money to purchase the items with. She had shoved her hands in her pockets and pulled put a credit card with the words "God Cash" printed on it and a note attached to it.

The note was from Calliope. It informed the girls that because they had completed the game, they would be treated to as many spoils in this world with their limitless credit card.

Obviously, the three had to take advantage of this and bought many luxuries like clothes and stuffed animals.

"Okay, even if we got some cool stuff, I still don't get why humans shop for such dumb stuff. Seriously, who would wear shoes with a heel like that?" Terezi ranted.

"Believe me, a lot of people actually do." Jade responded.

"Next time, ask Kanaya if she wants to do such dumb activities." Terezi grumbled.

Jane just laughed at the troll's attitude, she thought it was funny. She pushed her new hat back from her eyes so she could see where she was going and looked around at the city outside the mall. There were some beggars out on the streets asking the rich shoppers for pocket change. Most people just stuck their noses up and walked on past. Jane felt a small twang of guilt inside of her as she walked past the pan handlers.

As they were walking, Terezi suddenly stopped and grabbed Jade's sleeve. "Jade, look over there." Terezi pointed to one of the beggars who was doing some little show to try and get more money.

The show included the most peculiar little black man. He wasn't dark skinned, but in fact black and dressed in extremely dirty rags. You couldn't see any details of his face except for his small white eyes. Across his rags, he had a black string with an old mayo label attached to it with an "R" drawn on so it looked like the word mayor. He seemed familiar to Jane, but she couldn't quite remember.

"It's the Mayor." Jade whispered to Terezi and Jane.

"I know." Terezi responded, "We should grab him and run."

"No, we have to tell this guy something to get him back though." Jade said.

"No, I have a better idea." Jane said. She had read about scenes like this in her old mystery books she read. It's like when a detective is trying to get information, so he has to barter for it. She pushed her hat back a little and walked over to the man.

The man looked up as Jane approached him, "Why hello there my pretty young lady. Would you like to see a spectacular show? It will only cost you a few dollars." he said, he smiled as he spoke to reveal a crooked and unkept set of teeth.

Jane recoiled at the sight and smell of him, but stood her ground. My friends really want this little guy for some reason, I gotta help them. She though to herself.

"Actually, I would like to propose a deal." she said. She sat down so she faced him and looked him in the eye, this was a tactic she had learned from her books. "I'll think of a number from one to ten, if you get it wrong, I get the little guy here." she pointed to the Mayor.

The man sat there for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, "You're kidding me, you honestly think that will get me to give away my money maker? No way, little girl." he chuckled.

This isn't working, I have to try something else. she though to herself. "Okay then, I guess I'll just take my ten thousand dollars and go then." she said then was standing up slowly and turning to her friends.

"Wait, ten thousand you say?" he asked her desperately. Jane smiled then turned around to face him.

"Yeah, but I guess I'll have to take it somewhere else." she turned to her friends, "Let's go guys."

"Wait, take him and give me the money." the guys said.

"Oh, I don't know, you laughed at me and I don't really want to now." she said in a mocking tone.

"Please, I take it back, give me the money and you can have him." he put his hand on the Mayor's back and pushed him to the group.

Jane looked at him for a few seconds then scooped up the Mayor in arms. "Okay, great, I'll give you the money latter." she turned and ran. "Come on guys!"

"Wait, thief!" the pan handler shouted. The other beggar's heads perked up to the girls. They stood up and began to chase them. The group ran and ran, others joined when they had heard what had happened and the fact that Jane had ten thousand dollars.

They ran through alleys and empty streets. The number of perusers grew as they ran.

"Guys, I have a plan." Jade gasped, "If we all still have the power to come back to life, we can all fly too then, right?"

"It's worth a shot, I'm not becoming a low blood punching bag." Terezi leaped into the air. She fell a few feet but then stood in mid air.

Jane leaped and flew straight up to the top of the nearest building and landed on the roof. Jade and Terezi landed beside her. They looked down at the crowd below and in exchange, got looks of amazement and surprise at how they were able to achieve such a feat.

"Witches!" "Sorceress!" "Devils!" were all some of the phrases that people shouted at them.

"Well, one of those is right." Jade said as a grin spread across her face.

"Let's just get going before the come up the steps." Terezi said.

She then reached for the Mayor and gently took him from Jane's arms and slipped him into the empty shopping bag.

The two girls then took off, leaping from building to building until they got to their apartment. They decided to walked down stairs inside a building when they were close.

"So, where did you learn that kind of a detective move?" Terezi asked as they walked into the elevator in their new apartment building.

"Um, it wasn't," Jane laughed, "I just panicked and that happened."

"Well, you come up with good plans when you panic." Jade commented. She pushed the button in the elevator for their floor. The doors moaned as they shut and they were on their way up.

The girls got out of the elevator and walked down the hall to their apartment. They unlocked the door and walked in.

"You guys will never believe who we found!" Terezi called out. "It's the Mayor, he was..." She stopped talking when she realized there was a stranger in the apartment. He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt on under it and a black tie. He had a solemn face. Dave and Dirk were sitting on the couch with their eyes looking down and the Lalondes were leaning on the back of the couch also looking down.

"Come in, I have some things I need to discuss with all of you." the man said, "Are your parents going to be home anytime soon?"