Let the record show: I don't own Scandal, unfortunately.

"Jackson!" Olivia had almost been hit right in her face by a black and white ball that whisked past her doorway as she went to step into the hallway from her bedroom. It zipped by at the speed of light- or at least that's how it seemed. "That's why it's against the rules to kick the soccer ball in the house!" She scolded her son who was built just like Fitz, floppy hair and all, but more of a caramel complexion, and light brown eyes.

"Sorry!" he replied quickly. "But, I didn't even kick it that time! Dad did!"

Olivia turned her head down the hallway in the opposite direction of her son to find Fitz frozen in place, as if a sudden lack of movement would make him instantaneously invisible.

"Really?" Her dry tone and serious face were impossible to go unnoticed. Fitz knew he was in the wrong, so he opted for his next move. He relaxed his body and gave a sweet grin while sauntering over to their bedroom doorway.

"I was just showing him some new techniques," he said in a calming manner. He easily slid an arm around her waist and tightened his jaw when he gently pulled his petite wife's body into his – a move that always threw Olivia off her game.

"Yeah," Jackson called from the other end of the long hallway, "he was just showing me some new techniques. It's not-"

"Jackson," she cut him off, a hint of softness in her voice, "take the ball outside. Please." Jackson sighed and slumped his shoulders, picking up the ball and walking past his parents' doorway. "Thank you, sir." She watched him head into his room to grab his shoes and then turned her attention to Fitz before speaking lowly in a serious voice. "And you know better."

She walked out of Fitz's grip and turned around, heading back into their bedroom. He took the hint and walked over to poke his head into Jackson's doorway, whispering quietly. "Let me do some damage control with Mom. I'll meet you outside in a few."

"Okay." Jackson was an easy going kid, so getting disciplined rarely phased him.

"Practice that move I just showed you, bud. I'll make my way out there in a bit. Promise."

"'Kay, Dad. But hurry before Aubrey sees me and wants to play."

Fitz laughed to himself and shook his head. "I got ya." He rolled his neck from side to side as he walked into his bedroom, preparing himself for his seemingly moody wife.

"Hey beautiful," he said lowly in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her midsection from behind. Fitz swept her shoulder length straight hair to one side, resting his chin on her other shoulder.

"Don't try and sweet talk me." She was folding a pile of clothes and organizing them, adding to the heap of outfits sprawled across their white comforter.

"I'm not," he simply stated, giving her body an extra tug towards him. "I'm just saying hi and reminding you that you're beautiful."

"Mmmmhmmm." Olivia wasn't letting up, ignoring his attempts and continuing with the task at hand.

His lips began exploring the soft brown skin of hers, just below her ear, starting a trail of kisses down to her neck.

"Fitz, stop," she unconvincingly pleaded with a sly smile creeping at her mouth, barely trying to escape his hold. "I need to finish packing."

"Packing can wait, Liv. Jackson's outside and Aubrey's down the street at Taylor's house. We should…ya know." He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck deeply, basking in her warmth, like a moth to a flame. "Some mommy daddy time would be good right now."

"This luggage isn't going to fill itself, you know." Olivia turned around to face Fitz for their conversation. She crossed her arms in front of her body while speaking. "It was your idea to do New Years in St. Baarts, Fitzgerald." He winced in pain at the sound of his full name. "We agreed to split the packing fifty/fifty. And-"

"No," he stopped her midsentence before she started on one of her tangents. "That's not how it went down. You promised to *ahem* let me do that thing," he wiggled his eyebrows profusely, "every night, for a full week, in turn for me packing for vacation. Now, I was totally happy with that wager, except for the fact that you haven't let me actually cash in on it." Olivia rolled her eyes and gave a blank stare. Fitz reached out and began rubbing soothing patterns up and down each side of her arms.

"I've been up to my eyeballs in cases, preparing for being away from my job for vacation. Taking that much time off, without leaving my office in shambles, takes diligent work. But, that's kind of beside the point. Because, really, I shouldn't have to bribe," she accidentally let out a giggle as she was making her point, due to Fitz's wandering hands. She stepped back out of his reach, causing him to roll his eyes and cross his arms like hers. "I shouldn't have to bribe my husband to pack clothes for his children's vacation."

"I don't know why you're bothering packing their clothes for them anyway. They're more than capable of picking out a couple of outfits and some swimsuits."

"Right." She clearly didn't agree. "If we let them do that Jackson would wear the same pair of underwear for eight days straight and Aubrey would be walking on the beach in her pink tutu, grey Uggs, a tiara, and that stupid Selena Gomez tshirt." Olivia hated that shirt. So, naturally, Aubrey thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

"Don't crack on my baby girls fashion sense." Olivia wasn't finding the humor in their conversation. Fitz groaned, accepting that he had his work cut out for him before they'd be able to enjoy their vacation. "Okay. Tell me how to help and I'll do it."

"I already folded their clothes and put a checklist in their rooms. Just make sure they have everything, including toiletries. And make sure to keep their travel outfit unpacked so that there's little to no hassle in the morning. Don't forget our flight is early, so make sure their carry-on backpacks are set and good to go."

As Fitz listened and watched Olivia go down the list he couldn't help but hold a smirk on his face.

"What Fitz?"

"You're such a good mommy," he said genuinely, with as manly of a pouty face as one can have. "The best mommy."

"Mhmmmm." After years together, she knew to expect his sweet talk tactics. "Are you helping with the packing or no?"

"Okay, so. I'm going outside to play with Jackson," Olivia looked at him, completely unconvinced, forcing Fitz to raise his hands up in innocence, "only because I promised him…I'll only be thirty minutes. And then I promise to take care of all of the kids packing. Deal?"




Fitz took one step and pecked her lips quickly before turning around to leave the room. Just as he reached the door, Olivia called out.

"Hey, Fitz?"

"Ya." He turned around, expecting to be told to do something else. He was pleasantly surprised to see his wife dangling what appeared to be a new piece of lingerie from her pointer finger. The lavender lace material was barely sewn together, something she knew he'd love to see her body in.

"I can't wait for some mommy daddy time this week." Her head was tilted to the side as she licked her lips seductively and bit her bottom lip. Fitz's mouth went dry at just the thought of how good their trip would be.

"I'm going to give it to you so good, Liv. You better be ready."

"Oh, I am," she replied with a wink. "And there's more where this came from." Fitz gulped as he tried to control himself.

"Okay, I've given you a glimpse. Now hurry up and play so that you can pack."

"Yes, ma'am."


"Bre, come here," Olivia called out from her beach chair under the umbrella. She wore an oversized tan hat and sunglasses with a white swimsuit that was technically a one-piece but had cutouts in it for a more modern look. Aubrey came running over from the sand castle she was building to where her parents had been lounging all morning. "Time for more sunscreen." Olivia reached into one of the beach totes they had and pulled out a tube of lotion that she began rubbing into her daughter's skin, which was getting darker by the minute. "You having fun baby girl?"

"Yeah!" Aubrey replied enthusiastically. Jackson casually walked over with his aviator sunglasses that his Dad surprised him with before the trip. Jackson was known for stealing his dad's things, so Fitz thought it would be cool to get him a pair of his own. Olivia commented on how cute they looked with their matching sunglasses. As she watched him walk closer, she couldn't help but think about how big both of the kids were getting. Before her emotions could get away from her, Aubrey had something to say. As usual. "Mommy? You said there's gonna be fireworks when we came on vacation."

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"Statement. But, I have a question. Where are the fireworks?"

"Its not New Years yet, Aubrey," Jackson answered as he sat on the edge of Fitz's lounge chair. "Not for another three days. Duh!"

"Hey. Be nice," Fitz said drowsily, keeping his eyes closed. He was barely awake and was trying to tune everyone out but he knew he couldn't let that one slide.

"C'mere Jackson. You need some more too." Olivia patted Aubrey's thigh to signal for her to switch with her brother. Their youngest immediately went over to Fitz and laid flat against his body, playing with his chest hair. Fitz didn't bother opening his eyes yet, letting his daughter explore as she typically did.

"Daddy, when's Uncle Cy bringing Ella and Nick?" she asked.

"They're plane lands today. They'll be here for dinner."

"When's Karen and Freddy coming?"

He sighed quietly, still refusing to open his eyes. "They'll be here when you wake up tomorrow."

"I thought Jerry was gonna be here when I wake up. So which one is it?"

Olivia laughed to herself at Aubrey's constant slew of questions and need for thorough explanations. She watched as Fitz finally gave in and opened one eye to peek out of.

As soon as he did that, any feeling of irritation drifted away. His daughter looked up at him with the richest brown skin, her eyes that matched his, and her curly brown and gold hair. With the bright blue ocean and white sand as her backdrop, he couldn't help but share a smile with her. "Hello, Aubrey Grant."

"Hi Daddy!"

"To answer your question, everyone will be here for brunch. Karen, Fredrick, Jerry, Uncle Cy, Uncle James, Nick and Ella."

"Yay! Can we come to the beach when everyone gets here? Please, please, pleaaaaasseeee?"

"I think we can arrange that."

Fitz looked over to Liv who was sitting back against her beach chair in an upright position, and Jackson in between her legs as he rested with his back to his mom's chest. She had her arms around his, and her face resting against his head as he looked out to the ocean.

"I wanna go back in the water," Aubrey stated, rolling off of Fitz and standing in front of everyone.

"Daddy will go with you guys," Olivia mindlessly replied.

"Oh, Daddy will?" Fitz looked over at Olivia with an eyebrow raised. Jackson followed his sister's lead and stood in front of their parents, ready for some fun in the waves. But, Fitz didn't have any plans to budge and he had a feeling that Olivia knew that. "Daddy thinks Mommy probably wants to play in the water for a bit," he said, not turning his attention from her direction.

Olivia subtly shifted her neck and head back, not expecting his comment. "Oh, really?" She said looking at Fitz, never taking her eyes from his, despite her oversized sunglasses. "Mommy thought Daddy would want to. Especially after Daddy's special present from Mommy right before we came to the beach."

"We got presents?" Jackson asked, genuinely confused about what was happening.

"Presents?!" Aubrey exclaimed excitedly, before realizing what she had just said. "But, Christmas was only a few days ago. We're getting more presents for New Years?" The two children looked at each other equally confused, their parents completely ignoring them.

"Daddy didn't ask for that present. Mommy just gave it to him." Fitz said cheerily, trying not to have them pick up on the true nature of the conversation.


"You two," he said looking at the kids, "go play at your sandcastle and we'll all go in the water in a few."

The two youngest Grants did as told and ran to their sandcastle which was a good bit further towards the shore.

"I think I need some more sunscreen."

"Come here, troublemaker." Fitz stood and ended up sitting in the same spot Jacksons had just left in between Olivia's legs. She squeezed a healthy amount of cream on her hands and began rubbing it deeply across his toned back.

"Mmmmm. That feels good."

"You're getting burned."

"I'm white."

"Really?" She playfully poked his side which made him twitch with a small laugh. She didn't let up with making sure that every inch of his upper body was generously rubbed with sunscreen. Fitz felt like he was getting his own personal beach massage as she rubbed his shoulders and neck, his head rolling forward as he enjoyed the treatment.

"Liv, please don't make me get in that water right now. I was about to fall asleep. I just want to chill, and relax."

"I was about to fall asleep, too. And my sleep trumps your sleep because as previously mentioned-"

"You practically begged me to let you do that. So, don't even act like that was all me." She laughed a little to herself, knowing that he did have a point.

"You just looked so beefy in your swim trunks. I had to do something before we were in public all day with me drooling over you. My sexy beach babe." Olivia let her hands lower to massage Fitz's lower back and slipped a hand under his swim trunks. She subtly shifted her hand forward to give his softened length a few light taps and squeezes.

"Jesus, Olivia. Don't do that unless you want to give that family over there a show." In the far distance was another group of people, who had rented the villa next to theirs. But, they were far enough that everyone enjoyed their own section near the water.

"They're way too far to see anything. And don't do what? This?" She shifted her wrist so she could get more of a handful.

"Goddddd. Liv, I swear to you, I will flip you over in this chair so quickly. Don't tempt me."

"You wouldn't dare," she said lowly in his ear.

He grabbed her wrist to halt her movements. "Keep it up and see what happens."

"Okay, okay," she replied with a smile, "I know how you can get. I'll stop."

"Always the tease." He stood up and rearranged himself, his bulge slightly noticeable. Olivia bit her lip and gave a taunting smirk as he put his hand out for hers. "Let's get in the water."

"I really do want to sleep."

"Come on. You know we are going to get plenty of sleep the next two days." Olivia sharply raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips. "What? I'll let you sleep."


"After I have my way with you," he said with chuckle. "A couple of times."

They had plans to go to a secluded beach house when everyone else arrived. Two full days of just Olivia and Fitz with no one around. They'd return to join everyone for New Year's Eve.

"Come on!" He pulled her up from her chair and kissed her temple. "Let's go play with those good looking kids we made." They walked side by side towards the sand castle that Jackson and Aubrey had worked on for hours.

"We do make some ridiculously beautiful children." She looked at their two kids, with their kissed from the sun glow and crazy hair, loving the sight before her.

"Number three?" Fitz asked, knowing he was pushing it.

"Hell. No." She didn't even blink at his suggestion. It wasn't the first time he had mentioned something along those lines.

Fitz playfully bit his bottom lip at her defiance and slapped her butt. Hard. Olivia let out yelp and a laugh as she stumbled to the side at the sudden feeling of his hand striking her cheek. She laughed the kind of laugh that came from the bottom of her soul. If he could have taken a snapshot of that moment, he would have. But, a mental image would have to suffice. He linked his fingers with hers as they shared a wide and care-free smile before turning their attention to the kids.

"Who's ready for the water monster!?" Fitz growled as he ran up on the two kids and picked both of them up in each arm, wildly running into the water as the turquoise blue waves crashed into the sand. Jackson and Aubrey laughed and screamed for mercy as their dad roughly threw them into the waves. Olivia walked into the water, playing with them, splashing water all over the place. The foursome played like that until they were all exhausted and couldn't take any more fun.


"Cy! You missed dinner."

"We had…..technical difficulties."

"Tell them why, Cyrus! Go ahead! Tell them!"

"I…there was a small hiccup."

"A small-? A small hiccup?!" James questioned in a frantic manner. "He forgot our suitcase at the house. And didn't even realize it until we pulled up to the airport!"

"Hi, James," Olivia said while chewing on a piece of leftover asparagus, not concerned about the argument on the other end of the phone. Cyrus and James were presumably in a car, a car that had a surround sound speaker system.

"Hey, Liv. How's everything?"

"Wonderful. And relaxing. And perfect. We spent the day at the beach. I wish you guys could've been here for dinner. Aubrey and Jackson have been asking for Nick and Ella since we landed."

"Thank your dear old pal, Cyrus Rutherford Beene, for that one!"

"Will you pipe it down," Cyrus said. "It's really not a big deal, honey."

"Cyrus. If I had done the same thing-"

"Bottom line, Liv," Cyrus interjected calmly, "We'll be there for breakfast tomorrow."

"You'd better. Fitz and I have that private house rented for two days. And, I intend on using it to the full for those two days."

"Yeah, yeah," he responded with disinterest. "I know we're on kid duty until New Year's Eve. Don't remind me."

"You'll get over it when you and James are enjoying your little getaway in a month or so for Valentine's Day."

"If we're still married by then."

"You're getting a divorce?!" A tiny little voice yelped in shock and horror from the background.

"Ella. No. Nobody's getting a divorce, sweetie," James said, trying to convince their suddenly distraught daughter. "Daddy's joking."

"Okay, Liv. We gotta go. See you at brunch."

And that they did. Everyone had arrived by midmorning with a spread to eat from that was fit for kings. Karen and Jerry enjoyed time with their younger siblings along with Nick and Ella. Cyrus loved the fact that he had Fredrick on the trip - someone to gossip about the latest DC news and happenings. James was busy getting cooking tips from the personal chef that had been hired for the duration of the trip.

Before they knew it, Fitz and Olivia were packing their bags and being driven to the secluded location of the private house for the two of them.


"This. Is. Incredible." Olivia and Fitz stood side by side on the back deck of their rented villa which was nestled in the heart of a tropical paradise. Just the two of them, relaxing and looking out into the mountains as the sun was setting, leaving hues of bright and warm colors to fill the sky. The warm island air provided to perfect breeze for relaxation.

"We needed this," Fitz responded, linking their fingers together and leaning down to kiss her temple.

"We did." Olivia let out a relaxed sigh and snuggled her body into Fitz' much larger frame. She buried her face into his side and closed her eyes as she relished in the feeling.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Fitz asked after a few quiet moments of standing together.

"Our children drive me crazy," she plainly said, lifted her face so their eyes could meet, "but, I almost don't know what to do when they're not around."

"I can think of a couple of things."

"Of course you can."

"Liv, it's me and you for forty-eight whole hours. When was the last time that happened?"

"I….it's been a while."

"Try a long while. We are in a gorgeous house, the closest person is a mile away, I have my sexy ass wife with me, there's music playing, and good food-"

"And whipped cream."

"Mmmmm," he pulled her as close as possible and lowered his voice. "And whipped cream." Their bodies swayed effortlessly together, staring at one another, both feeling completely content.

Olivia smiled from ear to ear. "I love you."

"I love you more." They shared a sweet and simple kiss. Fitz leaned back and stared at her mouth. "Let's go break in that hot tub."

They changed and relaxed in the warm tub of bubbling water. Sitting directly across from each other, talking and laughing, as the night drifted away.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked as she suddenly saw Fitz fidgeting with his lower half. "Did you just-?"

Fitz smiled wickedly and let the material now in his hands float in the water.

"You took your trunks off," she said, seemingly impressed at the thought.

"Mmmhmm." Olivia bit her lip and crossed her legs at the ache she suddenly felt between them. "I don't like how far you are from me, Liv." She raised an eyebrow as she untied the top of her bikini and threw it in Fitz's direction.

"Then maybe you should come a little closer." Fitz wasted no time putting himself in her space, caging her in with both arms on either side of her body. His palms were flat against the same space she sat on and he put his face directly against hers, their foreheads resting together.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi," she replied, stroking one side of his face with the back of her fingers

Fitz kissed her gently, pecking her lips over and over again with his. His kisses were slow and wet as his mouth shifted from her full pout, to her jaw, to a gentle assault against her neck.

"God, Fitz," she airily whispered. Olivia held his head at the base of his neck with one hand, scratching her nails through his hair in the same spot over and over again- a sign for Fitz that he should keep going. Her hand dropped to his stiff member which stood at full attention under the water. As she grabbed him her hands began squeezing it, stroking it up and down.

He mumbled and groaned in pleasure in between his kissing, licking, and nibbling of her neck. She gave a tight, unexpected squeeze at his tip, which resulted in a bite to her sensitive skin. Olivia let out a sigh that left her short of breath.

"Fitz." His name barely escaped her mouth. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him slowly and deeply, slipping her tongue into his mouth, tugging at his bottom lip in between her teeth. She pecked it gently to sooth any sting that he felt. "I want this in the bed."

He kissed her lips sweetly before responding. "Your wish is my command, my queen." Olivia gave lifted her hands to hold Fitz's face as she leaned forward and kissed his nose.

Moments later she laid with her back against the bed. Fitz hovered above her, holding himself steady with his palms flat against the mattress. He lowered his face to the side of hers before sucking her lobe and whispering quietly in her ear, "Open your legs."

Just the sound of him saying that made her body tingle, and he had barely touched her. He began his journey to his final destination by kissing her ear, neck, chest, abdomen, hipbone, and inside of each thighs. As he settled, his face inches from her aching core, she lifted her head from the mattress, barely able to breath at the sight of her more than sexy husband about to do what he did best - pleasure her. He blew cool air on her hot center, earning a whimper from the back of Olivia's throat. "Lay back, Liv. Just relax." She did as told, attempting to control her staggered breathing. "You ready, baby?"

Olivia was looking straight up at the ceiling as she replied in an exhalation and barely noticeable response. "Yes."

"Good." Fitz leaned his face as close as possible to her center, and flattened his tongue, licking in an upward motion. He knew that would drive her wild, and it did. As he repeated that motion over and over again at a torturously slow pace, Olivia found it near impossible to keep herself quiet. She held back a loud moan as she clenched her teeth and bit the inside of her lip. "Don't hold back, baby. Let me hear you."

Just then, he took one hand and used his fingers to spread her wide, slowly sticking his tongue in the tight wet walls that her body offered. He grunted at how good she tasted, and how warm she felt, pushing his face into her further. Olivia screamed out, immediately arching her back and slightly sitting up as her legs rested atop his shoulder.

Fitz pulled back and kissed in the same spot as he locked eyes with his wife. "Somebody's sensitive tonight," he said lowly with a devilish smirk.

"Shut up," Olivia responded faintly with an expression that mirrored his.

"You shut up. And lay back. I'm not finished here yet."

Olivia did as told and suddenly felt two of his fingers entering her deeply, twisting in and out of her. "Jesus, Fitz," she groaned loudly and slowly as her eyes fluttered closed. "You're trying to kill me."

"Mmmhmm." He latched his mouth on her sensitive bud and sucked, gently at first, but picked up the intensity with a harsh suck against her. He didn't let up pressure as he began to plunge his fingers in and out of her rapidly. Olivia whimpered as her body began to react to Fitz and his handiwork, her back arching and flattening subtly before what felt like an electric shock course through every last inch of her soul. She let out a quick and sharp scream before going silent and tensing completely, enjoying the ripple effect through her body. The explosions behind her closed eyelids went on for and extended time as she struggled to breath.

She suddenly went limp against the bed, her hands tugging at her own hair. "Ohhhhh, God, I love St. Bart's."

Fitz crawled his way up Olivia's body, her essence still shining on part of his lips. "You love St. Bart's, huh? Not me?"

Olivia giggled as she wiped his lips with her thumb. "You too. I love you too."

"Oh, well, thanks." Fitz leaned down, lowering all of his weight on her body as he held her face in place and kissed her. It didn't take long before it turned into a tongue battle, both dueling for dominance. Fitz began grinding into her center, Olivia wrapping her legs around his waist to match his hip movements.

Almost in a flash, she had him on his back, as he looked up at his tiny wife in shock, and, naturally, incredibly turned on.

"I've got to stop letting you work out with me," he joked as he greedily grabbed onto each of her thighs.

"I thought you like it when I work out with you," she said with feigned offense, lowering her face to his, so their naked chests were pressed against one another's.

"I do. I love watching you. Especially when you do squats and lunges." As soon as Fitz said 'squats' his hands found their rightful home on her ass. He gave a strong squeeze and then slapped a cheek unexpectedly. Olivia bit his chest and laughed as she lowered a hand to grab onto his raging erection.

She put her face closely to his and made sure that his eyes were locked to his as she lined him up to her center. "Wanna know a secret?" Fitz gulped and tightened his jaw in anticipation as he nodded his head. She lowered her face to his ear and whispered, "I love it when you watch me." Just then she slowly lowered onto his member, letting him fill her completely. Fitz groaned loud enough for anybody on the entire island to hear, the veins in his neck bulging out. Olivia smiled to herself and kissed the side of his face, barely moving her body.

"Livvie. You're killing me," he said in a strained voice, still kneading the flesh of her ass. "I need you to move baby."

"Tell me what to do."

"Ride me. Slow."

And that she did. She pushed up with her tiny palms against his broad chest and sat up straight on top of him. They watched each other as her legs straddled his waist, and their hands met to link fingers. She began riding him, and he watched, completely hypnotized by the sight before him. Her tan lines from their time at the beach were obvious, and although the room was warmly lit, he could still notice the perfect bronze glow that radiated from her brown complexion. Her dark hair settled against her shoulders, and her full lips hung open as she relished in the feeling of them being connected. His hands guided her hips through each slow and deep motion that brought them closer to the edge. Olivia threw her head back in pleasure, riding her husband with the perfect rhythm. Fitz brought one of his hands close to her center, to touch her in the most intimate of ways. He was so close, and he wanted to feel her at the same time.

She was becoming unraveled, yet again, her body reacting to Fitz as it always did. He watched her, knowing that she was getting close, completely hypnotized by her perfect breasts that subtly shook at her smooth movements. Fitz was losing it, but refused to finish without his wife.

"Come for me, Olivia," he said in a gruff, barely noticeable voice. "Come for me, baby."

She picked up the pace and his thumb rubbed deep circles at the same rate, both of them now staring at each other, knowing what was about to happen. "I'm…." she was speechless as she felt the first wave of her orgasm strike. Her face almost looked in pain as she felt it completely, screaming his name and moaning simultaneously. Fitz couldn't hold back any longer, moaning her name as he was consumed by his own orgasm, holding Olivia in place by her waist and filling her up over and over again with his seed.

She collapsed against his chest, struggling to catch her breath. The rapid sound of Fitz's heartbeat matched her own as she settled against his damp skin. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped both arms around her, consuming her body. Neither spoke for moments as they came down from their natural high. Finally, Fitz went to move, but Olivia complained with a faint whine. He laughed quietly.

"You don't want to move?"


"Okay," he conceded as he kissed her forehead. "We can stay like this."

And they stayed like that, dozing off into the early morning hours, until they woke, only to explore one another's bodies again. And again. And again.


The whole crew was back together for New Year's Eve, enjoying fires on the beach as they awaited the fireworks show over the ocean. Various groups of friends and family from nearby rented villas partied together on the beach as they waited in excitement. The energy was booming with everyone's fire pits going, drinks in hand, laughter and smiles being shared by all. The island officials made special accommodations at this specific location and beach due to the high profile guests that had vacationed there for the holiday, including actors, wealthy businessmen, and politicians.

The Grant, Beene-Novak crew were enjoying the warm evening weather as everyone relaxed on beach chairs and shared conversations as they awaited the midnight show.

"Why do they call em' smores?" Aubrey had sticky fingers and chocolate smeared on her cheek as she walked over to her mom.

"I…." Olivia looked at Karen for assistance. They had been talking the night away except for the random interruptions from Aubrey who was making her rounds. "I'm not really sure, actually."

"That sounds funny. S'mores. Smooooores. Smooooooooooooo-"

"Bre. Go play." Aubrey shrugged and walked away saying the word "s'mores" in as many different ways as possible. Just as she walked away, Jackson walked up with Nicholas behind him.

"Can we have a hermit crab?"

"Oooooo hermit crabs are cool!" Karen chimed in, before Olivia could respond. "Jerry and I had some as pets when we were your guys' age." As she looked over to Liv, who gave her a knowing look, she noticed that she probably spoke too soon.


"Go ask Dad." That was the easiest response to get out of the pet conversation. Jackson walked a few feet over to the other side of the bonfire, where Fitz sat with the guys smoking cigars.

"Dad, can we have a hermit crab?"

Fitz raised an eyebrow at the random request. "Give me a kiss first." Jackson kissed his dad's cheek and waited for an answer. "Now go ask your Mom."

"But she told me to ask you." Fitz let out a small laugh under his breath as he looked at his boy.

"Go play. We'll talk about it later." Jackson went skipping off to where the other kids were running around. Fitz scanned his eyes to look where Olivia was sitting. She was in conversation with Karen as the two women laughed about something. She must have felt him watching because suddenly her eyes were locked with his in an intense gaze through the flickers of the burning fire. Fitz gave a smug expression and curled his finger towards him, motioning for her to come over. She complied and excused herself from the conversation before walking over to him through the sand, her black flowing wrap dress exposing her toned thigh with every step she made. Fitz subconsciously licked his lips at the sight before him.

"Did you just summon me?" She asked as she sat on his lap, sideways to get a good look at him.

"I didn't summon," he said lowly as he nuzzled his face in her neck. "I beckoned." He kissed her neck and leaned back to look at her, admiring her beauty. She did the same as she settled her eyes on his mouth.

"They want hermit crabs," she dryly stated.

"I heard."

"Should we get the deposit back on the dog?"

"A hermit crab instead of a dog? That's boring."

"I agree."

"So what do we do?"

Olivia looked off into the water which perfectly reflected the brightness of the moon as she thought about their options. "Let them keep asking for the hermit crab. They'll bug us every minute of every day once we get back. And then when we surprise them with the puppy they'll completely forget about any notion of a crustacean as a pet." She looked back at Fitz and raised her eyebrows, curious if he was on board.

"I like the way you think."

She lifted her hand to brush back an unruly curl with her fingertips. "I like the way you do a lot of things," she said lowly, giving Fitz instant flashbacks to all of the naughty moments they had enjoyed during their alone time. James was right next to them in his own beach chair and growled in disgust at how lovey-dovey they were being before standing up to go hang with Karen. Fitz and Olivia looked at each other, momentarily feeling bad before giggling and sharing a kiss.

"Mom! Dad! The countdowns about to start! Come on!" Jackson and Aubrey jumped up and down in place as their parents made their way over to them, with Fredrick and Cyrus right behind them.

They started at the one minute mark, but it was now down to the last ten seconds. Fitz put his arm around Olivia's shoulder as she wrapped her arm around his waist. He looked around at the people who he was able to spend this holiday with, and couldn't help but have a beaming smile from ear to ear. Just then, the sky was filled with bright explosions of every color imaginable, bringing in the New Year with fireworks that were awe-inspiring. The kids were running around, high on sugar and all of the excitement that the event brought. Fredrick set them up with sparklers as they laughed and jumped all over celebrating with other kids that were there with their own families. Olivia looked up to Fitz who was ready to explode with happiness. He looked down in her brown eyes, which reflected the flicker of the fireworks and sparklers. His hands cupped her face as she smiled back.

"Happy New Year, Mrs. Grant." Olivia's heart warmed at that title, one that she had wanted for so long, and had the privilege of having for some time now. She put her arms around his midsection and held on tightly, the fireworks still lighting up the sky above them.

"Happy New Year, Mr. President."

YA'LL! I just NEED Shonda to get on board with Olivia and Fitz as a couple so that we can have this! Like, who WOULDN'T watch a show with them like this? Granted, its not much of a scandal, but still. Kids? Dogs? Vacations? Silly arguments about packing for said vacations?! I NEED THIS! Or, I can just keep making it up and writing about it, because that's normal:/ Special shoutout to the reviewer who asked for smores and hermit crabs in St. Barts. Anyway, I hope you like this update. I actually had a lot of fun writing it. For that love scene I just played Rocket by Beyonce on repeat as I typed away. Just, had me all UP in my feels. Anyway, leave a review! Let me know what you think! It helps me write more of these little chapters, as well as stay inspired for more chapters of Collide. So drop me a comment if you like! Thanks!