A/N: Er- hey there... Um, long time no see?

Disclaimer: Not mine. Rick Riordan's. Not mine.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Leo hit his head repeatedly against the piece of paper in his hands.

It was pitch black outside and he had only the stars for company. The ship was sailing smoothly and everything was peaceful.

Well, except for the son of Hephaestus sitting in the engine room. His ever-growing frustration contrasted with what he felt he should be feeling.

I should be happy. I should be elated. I should be filled with joy and all that.

And don't get him wrong, he was, truly. By some impossible blessing from the gods he had made contact. Made contact with her.

The girl he had crashed in on. The girl he had annoyed. The girl he had worked with. The girl he had left. The girl he had loved. The girl he still loved. The girl who loved him back.

But there was one thing that was continued to frustrate him: words.

All Leo Valdez wanted was to write a letter. All wanted was to formulate his thoughts into word to send to her, but he just didn't know what to say. How to say it. All he had was her name at the top of the new piece of paper.


Leo let out a resentful groan at his lack of the capability to write down something, anything. He had tried time after time again. Sometmes he'd get a few sentences down other times maybe even a paragraph. But each time he just couldn't write what he wanted to and it just didn't feel like how he wanted it to. Paper after paper, each one getting crumpled in a ball and burned in his hand when he realised that it all sounded horrible. It was a continuous, maddening cycle of write, burn, and restart. Never the write words. Again and again and aga-


He jumped at the unexpected voice in the doorframe, quickly shoving the paper aside and shaking the frown and upset look off of his face.

"Piper! Um, hey-didn't see you there."

She shot him a worried look as she walked in a couple steps.

"What's going on Leo? Hazel said you were acting a bit odd earlier and I noticed it too." she spoke with concern.

He let out a forced laugh and shot a smile at his friend. "Nothing, I'm perfectly fine and dandy."

She looked at him skeptically, eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Seriously Pipes, I'm alright."

She didn't believe him. He could tell. But she let it go.

"Okay, but you should really get to sleep soon." she said as she turned to leave.

"And Leo?" she stopped at the door.


"If you're ever upset, you can tell me. Or anyone else. Don't be afraid to talk to us, we're your friends," she said, looking into his eyes.

Leo nodded. "Will do Beauty Queen," he said with a cheeky grin.

A small smile found its way onto her face. "Now get to sleep for gosh sake!" she called over her shoulder as she walked out.

"Affirmative." He said, saluting her as she left, smiling.

Once she was gone he thought about what she said. She was right. About the talking part and the sleep part, actually.

He couldn't keep this from the crew like this, though. From his friends. It wasn't fair to any of them. They'd already noticed and it's not like he could keep from them forever.

But first he needed to figure out what to say to Calypso.


Leo Valdez froze as an idea hit him, his eyes widening with the epiphany.


"That's it," he said in disbelief.

If he can't translate his thoughts onto paper maybe, maybe just maybe he can speak them.

His mind raced back to the warning message he sent to Percy right before arriving with the Argo II at Camp Jupiter.

The video message.

His spirits rose. It was worth a shot. It might be easier than trying to force his words onto a paper. This way he can just say them out loud.

Might the same thing happen where he's incapable of conveying his thoughts?

Probably, he thought. It was a possibility, but he didn't care. Leo was determined to contact Calypso and this just might be the way to do it. He could easily use the sphere, some tools, and other things lying around to record and make it.

This was it. This was his way to talk to her! His giddyness rose as he started think of the ways to use the sphere, running his hands all over it.

"But first," he decided as he stopped and caught sight of his reflection on the side of the sphere;


A/N: Again, um hello. I don't really know what to say to you guys, I feel so bad about just kind of forgetting about this story. A couple times I have had a slight urge to continue it, but I just feel kind of guilty for letting you guys down. But today I decided that this time I would write this chapter and I would post it. Because honestly, I've missed this and I've missed you guys. So um, I hope that this is a nice surprise for you. I hope that this brought a smile to your day. I'm not going to ask for anything, I just want to say thank you for the continuous support that I received on this story. It has motivated me :) And I hope this chapter is what you were waiting for.
