It was always said that love could ignite the flame in an average person. It is said that love is something that someone would die for letting the passion engross them to the point of death. To point where they would rather die than be with out the other. Many years love has caused civilizations to collapse. It causes the old traditions to die out and go extinct. There were many a structure to the way things were done. Yet, it would be no more. The tale of an innocent rose and a fiery dragon with the inevitable passion and love that could never be or was not supposed to happen. Yet it is argued that love prevails in it's own ways no matter who attempts to intervene.

For ice and fire were never supposed to compliment each other. There was once a beautiful maiden who's name was Lyanna Stark. Her northern looks outshined the other beauties of Westeros, yet there was something about her that could not be tamed. She could never sit at home married to a stag. The House Baratheon seeking her alliance. She could never love him. Around him she felt icy like the northern wall blocking Westeros from those things out there. "Lyanna!" her father roared. "Come to supper!" Lyanna shuddered for she could not stand to sit on the edge of the table furthest away from the head of table as a lady. If only she were a male. They said the way she rode was faster than any man who dared to challenge her. Some said that if she came up against the Mad King Aerys himself, she would defeat him and never allow the king victory. She casted her ice blue eyes down on the ground as she humbly approached the table hoping to not lose her temper tonight.

"Come sister." Ned said with a gentle smile on his face taking her arm to the table. Eddard was her favorite brother because he had more honor than Brenden and Benjin put together. Ned seemed to have a tranquil and wise air around him. Lyanna walked with her brother. "Father has good news for you, me, Bran, Benji, and Robert. Do try and behave just for one night." He said with a slightly amused chuckle.

"I'll try." Lyanna said hesitantly. "I do not guarantee that I can behave." She smiled sweetly at her brother with her mischievous grin.

"Lya. Just spare us one night." Ned begged.

"Oh brother, very well, I shall. Though I only behave for you, my patient brother." Lya responded.

"Someday you'll be married to Robert." Ned said with a sigh.

"And he will never stick to one bed." She replied knowing about Robert's bastard daughter and his habits.

"He'll be more kept with a wife." Ned said though Lyanna did not believe him.

The two of them paused in the dinning hall of Winterfell and took their seat amongst the heap of Starks smiling passively, though a numbness spread over Lyanna when she looked at Robert. In a way she felt sorry that he would be condemned to a life with her, a wife who could never love him the way some dainty southern woman could. For her ways were northern and her blood was northern. She would be contempt riding in the solitude. Yet she will never have what she wants secretly, love. The stories she had read about love conquering all. However, it was all so complicated. Complicated to a point where her comprehension could never meet it. It was as though she was destined elsewhere. "Lyanna!" her father said breaking her train of thoughts. "Glad you are here my sweet little wolf." Lyanna smiled though she partially rolled her eyes knowing that her father would love her more if she played her role as a Stark woman. "I have wonderful news."

"What is it father?" Brandon asked boldly knowing he would be the one assuming Winterfell on his father's death bed. Ned had a calm and collective look about him as their father proceeded.

"My children." Lord Stark said. "There is to be a tourney at Harrenhall hosted by the royal house Targaryen. The Mad King is already suspicious enough as is to the point where he will kill the houses that do not show. I want House Stark to make an appearance for the safety of our northern lands."

"I agree father." Ned said but Lyanna casted her eyes down in shame knowing that she was about release treasonous thoughts yet they were her honest thoughts.

"We go to a tournament because we are afraid." Lyanna said passionately. "Why don't they burn us? At least we will go down with honor."

Brandon chuckled. "Lya, now is not the right time."

"It never seems to be." She retorted. Her fiancé grew more infatuated with her. Robert looked at her meeting her fierce ice blue eyes.

"Spoken like a true northerner." He said laughing. "Yet we can refuse when we have gathered up enough men to fend off the dragonspawn."

Lyanna looked down defeated and sighed. She had no place because she was a woman. Perhaps someone would and do what she had dreamed of doing. Become a female swordswoman. "The Starks will attend, and that is my final decision." Her father stated. Yet he was too old to travel, therefore his children would all go.