an anon sent me this fantastic prompt:

Dani walks San home and they end up in bed and in the middle of it it comes up that dani slept w Rachel which catches Santana off guard (and she finds it super hot obvs) cuz she had no idea Rachel slept with girls. Dani notices that Santana really likes it and runs with it, telling her she likes it and she keeps asking her if she'd want Rachel to join. Next time, Rachel walks in and joins in. Is that a prompt? Maybe. Idk.

i haven't exactly followed it, but it was very inspiring.


Santana is ridiculously cute.

Dani actually has to force herself not to just grin stupidly at her all the time, which isn't a problem she's really had before, but seriously, so cute. She thinks it's because Santana doesn't realize she's being cute, putting on a big show of how she totally told off some guy at her audition for being a jerk.

"I swear, if one more casting director spends my entire audition staring at my boobs, I'm going to go complete She-Hulk on them. Just rip these ten thousand dollar sacks of silicone right out of my chest and beat him with them."

"You have implants?" Dani asks, still trying not to laugh at the way Santana's practically flapping her hands as she mimes assaulting someone with what Dani can only call a really good investment.

"Yeah," Santana shrugs. "It was… I don't know, probably really stupid at the time. But I like them now. It's a good place to hide a wire," she adds, hands coming up to cup her own breasts, "and I don't have to carry a wallet when I go out."

It's the combination of unexpected openness and hilarious self-deprecation that finally sends her into a fit of laughter, and she clutches at Santana's arm to keep from doubling over.

"You're ridiculous," Dani says when she catches her breath, "but it's cute. I can see why Rachel thought I'd like you."

"Rachel thought you'd— what?"

The start of the morning shift is her favorite, but only because the first hour she's pretty much getting paid to fill the salt shakers and drink free coffee. Everything else is the same old crap she deals with in this job, including the regular parade of newbies who only last a week.

At least this week's is cute.

Dani watches the girl flit from table to table in the otherwise empty diner, wiping each one down and straightening the condiments in a completely anal manner that makes Dani snort.

"This isn't as exciting as I thought it would be," Rachel says when she's made her way through all the tables and back to slump against the counter. "I don't know what I was expecting. Working in a diner is exactly the kind of life experience I need to portray the struggles of the average American, but it's so mind-numbing I'm finding it difficult to really capture anything in particular about the whole thing. It just seems so pointless, especially when all I have to show for it is $42 in tips and sore feet. Perhaps if I wore my hair down it would increase my tips—"

"Maybe that's the point," Dani says, interrupting before Rachel builds up some steam for the third time in the hour. "The average American experience is mind-numbing."

Rachel frowns at that, head tilting to the side in thought, and Dani finds herself adding, "And I think you should wear your hair down."

They grab a really late dinner a week after their first shift together. Rachel asked, but Dani probably would have if Rachel hadn't beaten her to it. She's intense, which Dani likes, and the place Rachel leads her to has amazing sushi, but it doesn't feel any different to the times they've spent chatting at the diner as they work.

Which is why Dani's surprised when Rachel kisses her as they're standing at the intersection waiting for the lights, and even more so when she says, "You should invite me to your place."

Her apartment is a mess, because she really wasn't expecting this, but Rachel doesn't seem to care, wandering through the living space to perch at the end of the bed that isn't even made. "I feel like I need to be honest," Rachel says, and shit, she should have known Rachel was straight. "I'm not straight."


"But I'm not, you know," Rachel waves her hand. "Experienced."

Dani takes a seat beside her. "Are you going to freak out?"

"I'm not going to freak out," Rachel says in a tone so convincing that Dani kisses her.

"Well okay then."

"My roommates will freak out but—" Dani kisses her again. "Okay, I'm done talking now."

Rachel's fun in bed. Like, really fun. She's kind of bossy but good with directions. She laughs when Dani says she's hot even as she blushes all the way down to her chest. And when Dani takes her by the hips and devours her, Rachel pulls at Dani's hair and laughs when she comes.

"Oh my god, your mouth," Rachel moans, and Dani snorts at the way the words come out sounding like Fanny Brice. "You know, you would probably like Santana."

That's a weird thing to say, considering their current circumstances. She's still between Rachel's legs, and, "I'm sorry, who?"

"My roommate," Rachel says, sitting up to lean against the headboard. "She works at the diner; I'm surprised you haven't met her. Snarky, beautiful, and despite the nails is actually a lesbian."

Dani sits up too, but keeps her place between Rachel's legs. "The one who will freak when they find out about-" She waves her hand between the two of them—"this?"

"I think you two would get along," Rachel says.

"And you thought this while I was going down on you?"

"No," Rachel says pointedly, a cheeky grin softening the tone. "I was thinking it when you were being incredibly nice to me."

"You and Ra—" Santana's voice breaks, and Dani presses her lips together.

"Just the once," she replies, attempting not to laugh at Santana's dazed look of arousal.

"You and Rachel."

Dani just grins. "Mhmm."

"You," Santana breathes. "And Rachel."

"Oh boy." She takes Santana's hand, pulling her up the stoop and into her apartment building. "Let's get you a seat."

"She was pretty good in bed, you know."

It could be weird to mention that about someone's roommate, but the way Santana had practically tackled her once they got inside has Dani thinking Santana won't mind hearing this.

The strangled moan as she sinks down further onto Dani's fingers is all the confirmation she needs, and she drags her thumb across Santana's clit in slow, teasing circles that have her straining forward to get even the smallest amount of relief.

They've been together a few times already. Rachel was totally right; Dani does like Santana, and Rachel gave her a few tips about how not to scare her away that she's grateful for because, yeah, it's been worth it. Santana's not just cute, she's also endlessly sweet under her cranky exterior, and it turns out being told you make someone's boobs sweat is totally flattering.

"She was very enthusiastic," Dani continues conversationally. "Kind of bossy—" Santana lets out a sound that could almost be called a whimper. "But totally eager to get into it, if you know what I mean."

Santana leans further forward, bracing her weight on the pillow beside Dani's head. "I have no idea what you mean," she gasps. "None."

"Well," Dani says, her hand picking up speed. "Let's just say that, for a first timer, Little Miss Rachel Berry knows how to use that mouth of hers."

"I'll bet she does," Santana groans and, with another roll of Dani's wrist, comes so hard Dani has to ease her down onto the bed. When she finally catches her breath she glares up at Dani. "You're evil."

"I know," she says with a shrug. "But you want to bang you're super hot roommate, and I am totally okay with that."

Dani touches her fingers to Santana's chin, closing her mouth with a quiet click. Seriously, so cute.