Susan: Hello, mates! My name's Susan and I live in the outback
*crickets* Okay, not really. But today, I was so bored, I decided to check out some of the common myths you fans have on the transformers. *pats pocket* And I'm gonna record it all on this camera here

Wheeliefan101: Oh, a few quick things, please no slash, swearing, or the abuse of donuts

Susan: Uh, who are you an' when did you get here?

Wheeliefan101: I was never here *squinty eyes* *starts to fade into nothing* *whispering* Like a ninja!

Susan: 0_0 O...kay...
Anyway, you know what to do! Send in your questions, and I'll give you answers! *grabs vine* Until next time, this Susan Parks, saying *swings on vine then slams into tree* ...oh mah leg...