Who is the worst fanfiction writer ever? Me. I'm so sorry this is so so late you guys. Life got messy. I'm going to try to update more regularly now, but it's going to be hard to get back into the fanfic grove. But all of you who have stuck around for a year waiting for me to update, thank you. So consider this my Christmas present. Marry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Please enjoy and review.

Artemis awoke to a loud knocking on the door. Groaning, she flipped onto her back and yelled,

"Go away!"

"Hurry up!" The panicked voice of Kyle Rayner shouted back.

"They're leaving!" Artemis shot up, grey eyes wide awake.

"Coming!" She shouted, rolling out of bed and pulling her pale hair back into a ponytail at the same time.

Artemis quickly pulled a pair of long black pants over her bed shorts, before shooting out the door, nearly knocking down the young man standing outside.

"Lets go!" She flew down the hallway, Kyle on her heels. Together they flew down hallways, gliding past large doors and paintings, heading towards the docking bay.

They approached a large group of lanterns, huddled around 3 men. Kyle and Artemis slowed to a stop, before landing and running over to the group. Shoving through the crowd they made it to the center, where Hal, Guy, and John were saying good bye. The second he saw Artemis, Hal scooped her up in his arms and lifted her off her feet like she weighed nothing. A couple days ago she would have struggled, but now she returned the embrace, burrowing her face in his neck.

"Bye Hal" Artemis breathed as he put her down. He grinned at her, before ruffling her hair.

"Bye kid."

Next she embraced John, as Kyle moved to say good bye to Hal. John didn't pick her up, but his embrace was warm and familiar. She squeezed him once before moving on to Guy. No words were needed.

Guy opened his arms, expecting a hug as warm as the ones she gave to Hal and John, but instead felt a small foot collied with his abdomen, sending him flying back several feet. He groaned and got to his feet, but cowered when he saw Artemis standing over him.

"You asshole!"

Guy flinched, and prepared to be punched, but instead felt two arms wrap around for a moment, before pulling back. He opened his eyes to see Artemis smile her shit eating grin down at him.

"Stay safe on Earth."

Hal and John laughed, before helping Guy to his feet and boarding the plane. They waved to the lanterns outside, before flying the ship out of the docking bay.

"What a time to be assigned back to Earth."

Kyle sighed as he walked Artemis back to her room.

"You mean the yellow energy?"

Recently, a classified Green Lantern had gone on a mission, and was attack by a hooded figure wielding yellow light, the greatest weakness of the green lantern core.

The Guardians had tried to keep the attack secret, but of course whenever the guardians try to keep something secret the corps is going to find out. So everyone was in a uproar.

Artemis didn't really see the big deal. Surely more people could wield different colored energies. John had told her about the Red Lantern Corps, who's members could channel red rage energy, and the Indigo Tribe, who's members could channel the violet light of compassion. However, according to John, no one had ever tried to channel the yellow light of fear. No one had ever taken such a bold stand against the corps in recent memory.

"Yeah. I mean, it's crazy. How could anyone try to wield yellow energy?"

Kyle ran a hand through his black hair. Artemis shrugged.

"Super villains back on earth could do the same thing. You think you defeat them, and bam! Suddenly they get a power upgrade. It isn't fair."

"Oh well." Kyle slung an arm over her shoulders. "Let's move on to less depressing topics. How are you doing on your Sector report?"

Artemis frowned. "Sector 002 is a pretty boring sector, until about 15 years ago. All the information from then on is gone."

She had spent hours in the library, trying to find information about the sectors recent history. but nothing had come up. She had even interrogated, I'm sorry, questioned, Laira about it but he wouldn't tell her anything.

"Well, that sucks. Hey, I gotta go. Gonna do more research."

"Does any of the research involve Soranik?" Artemis teased. Kyle flushed an interesting shade of red. "No, and I still don't understand how you figured that out."

"Anyone with two eyes could see it, Kyle. It was no secret." Kyle frowned, but still made her promise they would go out for Geromine.

...Friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself. -C. S. Lewis...

Hal carefully made his way through the Cave, listening for the sounds of teenagers. He heard them in the docks. Hal crept down the hallway, trying to keep his feet and breathing as quiet as possible. Maybe, just maybe...

"Hi Hal."

The man in question whirled around to see Robin hanging upside down behind him. He chuckled.

"Never could sneak up on you, could I." "Nope!" Robin agreed, before swinging down to his feet. "How's Artemis?"

Hal smiled. "That's what I'm here to talk to you about. Gather up the team. Green Arrow will be here shortly."

It was October 7th, 2 weeks after Artemis left earth. It was weird, Hal mused, how in only 48 days on the team Artemis had carved a hole for herself on the team that could not be filled by Red Arrow's presences. He had joined shortly after Artemis, well, left and it had been bumpy ever since.

The team was still trying to get over the trauma of seeing one of their own almost killed for the first time, and add in a angsty, rebellious Red Arrow, sparks were going to fly. The team was divided. Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin stood with Red Arrow, and Miss Martian and Superboy stood with Artemis. Black Canary assured him things would work itself out, but as the team entered the room, lines clearly drawn, Hal wasn't so sure.

Superboy, (Conner, Hal reminded himself) sat cross legged on the floor of the hanger, Miss Martian curling her knees up delicately beside him.

Meanwhile, Aqualad and Red Arrow remained standing as Kid Flash raced in with Robin on his back.

"How is she." The speedster asked as Robin flipped of his back. Hal suppressed a chuckle. Who would have thought Kid Flash was interested in the youngest green lantern. Of course he would have to fight all 4 male earthling lanterns before he would even be let near Artemis, but by then he would be so destroyed he wouldn't stand a chance against her.

Hal understood that Artemis and Wally had fought a lot, but recently she had mellowed out a lot, and of course, fighting can lead to flirting which can lead to love. Hal thought of his girlfriend, Carol, and realized they were very much like Wally and Artemis when they first met. Look at them now.

He realized had been lost in thought for a while when Green Arrow cleared his throat. Hal hadn't even heard him come in.

"Alright team," he coughed. "I was just going to tell you how Artemis was, until her teacher gave me an idea."

Carefully he pulled the bag he was carrying of his back, and pulled a small jar out. "This is a memory storer. It is used by Artemis's teacher, Laira's people. You can store memories inside of it. I've had a couple lanterns she gotten to know over the last couple weeks record memories. Come around folks."

The team crowded around, but Red Arrow stayed closer to the back. Hal noticed the two sides were hardly interacting, but he choose to ignore it and opened the first memory jar. The memory projected up high into the air, creating a 3D image. He grinned. It was his. Artemis was sparring against Laira in this image. She wielded a long sword made of green light, and Laira a spear.

Kid Flash murmured half heartedly that the purple chick was hot, but all of his attention was on Artemis. All of them were focused on her. She didn't look very clean, her long white hair with pale green streaks in it tided up, sweat soaking through her grey tank top and black shorts. However, Kid Flash was looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Yup. Hal thought. I am so making a betting pool about this, league rules be damned.

The team gasped as Artemis ducked gracefully, barely dodging the sharp end of the spear. They were entranced as she moved, as graceful and deadly as snake. Artemis tried an over head strike, and Laira blocked, moving the spear so they were hilt to hilt, face to face. It was a power struggle for a minute, until Laira backed down, her spear breaking into green dust. Artemis did the same. They bowed to each other, and you could hear clapping in the background. Memory Artemis turned and smiled at Hal. The team just about passed out from the shock, from seeing Artemis smile.

Hal just shook his head, and pulled another jar from the bag.

They went through maybe a dozen memories. From the time Artemis first saw the Green Lantern Library (the awestruck look on her face almost made several audience members cry) to her almost daily battles with Guy Gardener. The team saw the best and the worst. When it was over, M'gann was wiping tears of her face. Robin was smiling. Conner didn't look so cold. Aqualad seemed calmer. Kid Flash had the most star stuck look on his face, like he just had the biggest revelation ever (Hal think he knew what that revelation was.) Even Red Arrow seemed a little less harsh. One by one the team stood up. They thanked him, before leaving the room. Green Arrow put a hand on his shoulder, and told him to talk to him later. Miss Martian asked if he thought Artemis missed them. He answered,

"I'm sure she misses all of you every day." The green girl cried a little more and hugged him. The team continued to leave. Finally, Wally was left. Hal kept waiting for him to leave, but he stayed still for a long time. Longer then Hal thought was possible for the young speedster. However, when he did move, he surprised Hal. "Can I take those?" Hal raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Wally turned to look at him. "Souvenir."

...Distance is a test to see how far love can travel -Unknown...

Millions of light years away, Artemis awakens. Tears rush down her face, and she smiles. They remember her.