Wow... Sir Sleeps-a-lot has been sleeping way too long... at least on this stuff.

The truth is, I've been writing a lot, but it's a slow process... however, I have like 3 more chapters for TFPD, and I'll be posting them soon enough.

But in the meantime, here's a new chapter of Damn That Guy! Sorry for the delay, EXPERIMENT 2.0.

"It's way too hot!" Nagase Jun pulled off the head of the costume she was wearing, revealing her thoroughly wet face.

Working at a convenience store had tested her many times… From having to clean God knows what from the bathroom… to Rikiya-san, her co-worker who just wouldn't take no for an answer. Then there were those customers who seemed to just exist to make her life difficult…

But as much as that frustrated her, she'd clean anything… she'd spend the whole day making small talk to Rikiya-san… she'd even let people verbally abuse her for things she didn't even do…

Just if she'd never have to wear this outfit again… this flaming hot, ugly, embarrassment which the creators themselves must have regretted making.

But there was no reprieve from this outfit or this role. This role… as Nikumi, the meat bun…

Which convenience store even advertises their meat buns?

"Nagase-san, please refrain from removing your head outdoors. If you need to freshen up, there is the changing room inside…" Jun gave the cashier who had said that a dark look before stomping in, her leather feet squeaking against the linoleum floors.

"This'll be fun…" she imitated her friends sarcastically, "a convenience store is a perfect way to make quick money…"

'Not if she didn't make minimum wage!' she thought angrily, chucking the costume head onto the bench.

Looking at the mirror, she wondered why she'd become so jaded. She was Jun Nagase, teacher extraordinaire and the most positive and idealistic person she knew… Why was it that a single week of wearing that costume had broken everything she'd lived and worked toward for years?

No, she splashed water on her tired face, she was still that person! If she could just think about the job positively, she'd get through it, and hopefully not die of heatstroke. First, she'd need more water… and more sugar…

After downing a whole energy drink and washing her face vigorously, she felt alive again.

"This one's for the kids," Jun said with a smile, shoving the meat bun head over her own, now ready to face the world.

Back on the streets, it was still burning hot, but Jun wasn't going to let it bring her down. She cheerfully greeted all the customers, while unsubtly recommending the new pork curry flavour. Her only motivation being the smile and waves the young kids would send her way…

Ah, it was a pity she was teaching teenagers… she wouldn't have actually minded teaching little kids, either.

"Waah, Chihiro-san… don't push me!" A loud voice came from the corner, distracting the young lady… that sounded familiar…

Way too familiar…

A moment later, three familiar faces turned the corner, causing the costume clad, teacher-in-training to go pale. W-what were students from her teaching prac doing here? Narusawa was so far away from their school…

Though when she got over the shock, the answer was clear… one of the faces was actually familiar to her… she had been here a few weeks ago with a different friend…

While she could see the relationship between the two girls, the third was still a mystery… if she remembered correctly, the boy was… Katsuragi… the problem child from the class she was teaching… and he actually had a sister in that class.

Oh yes, the pony-tailed girl who was getting pushed by her friend was the sister… not that it really mattered, but Jun was pleased to make that connection…

Actually, no she wasn't! Those were students from her class! And she was dressed up as a meat bun, for God's sake! How embarrassing is that!?

Still, the deep breath she took to calm herself helped significantly. While it wasn't fresh or cool, it just reminded her that she was still in her suit, and her identity was hidden. They wouldn't need to know it was her, and that meat bun obsessed girl could just try the new flavour and be on their way.

'Just smile and wave,' she told herself. With a slightly twitching eye, she waved to them… for some odd reason, the girl who was doing the pushing, took that as a cue to go speak to the mascot herself.

"Ni~ku~mi~chaaan!" the girl was suddenly at her side, holding onto her hand, which caused the person in the suit to wince, "Can you sing the Meat Bun Jingle for me?"

Jun looked at the excited girl who was still clutching her hand, a childish smile on her face… was this seriously happening for real?

And she wanted the jingle… which was even more embarrassing than the outfit… No way would she debase herself in front of students…

"Chihiro-san, you mustn't bother people while they're working…" the other girl joined her side, which Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes drifted up over the two girls to see the other boy approaching them, his eyes not rising from his gaming console.

"Can we get those meat buns already!?" he retorted. The girl turned around suddenly, her grip not falling.

"Eh, Otamega… I expected you'd be more excited when you tried it… could it be that you really like meat buns!?" a single one of Jun's eyelids went up… not to say that the girl was very calm before, but she seemed weirdly chipper at that guy's remark… she didn't even turn her head at her friend's remark.

"No, I want to go do my shopping… you've taken enough of my time already…" the girl turned to him angrily.

"You're just stingy with your time… why the hell would you want to spend your youth in that dingy shop anyway?"

"Because I don't have to encounter real people like you!" He retorted back. The two teenagers glared at each other, making an almost visible current of electricity between their eyes.

"Now now…" Nagase put a hand on both their shoulders, "why don't you two make friends over our new pork curry buns…" she put her hand up as if she was telling a secret, "you didn't hear it from me, but they are divine…"

The girl cheered and grabbed her friend's hand to drag her into the store, leaving Katsuragi outside, looking a little baffled.

"Do I know you?" he asked questioningly. Jun could feel herself start to sweat… how did he even recognise her voice after all that time? Her voice fell an octave down for the next sentence.

"E-everyone knows Nikumi, kid… now go get your meat bun, and I'll even treat you if it means you and your friends will go away…"

Keima's eyes widened. Even with the lower voice, he recognised it perfectly.

"You're N-"

"You know what!" Jun near ran inside, "since I like you all so much, let me get you those meat buns on the house… please just don't come back…"

She dashed behind the counter with some difficulty, but as soon as she was there, she quickly scooped up the piping hot buns and threw them into packets, hygiene equipment be damned.

"B-but I love the meat buns here…" the noisy girl replied as Jun put the packet in her hand.

"Oh no, you're welcome… just don't bring your friends here…" the girl lit up.

"See Otamega…" she looked over her shoulder, "even workers find you creepy…"

Katsuragi smirked… he knew the creepiness was the least of her thoughts.

In fifteen seconds flat, the three of them were by the door, with the one girl waving 'Nikumi-chan' goodbye, and promising she'd be back, while the other Katsuragi just looked baffled at her meat bun. The bell dinged as they left, and Jun breathed a sigh of relief, before freezing at the sight of her manager by the staff room, an evil look in his eyes and gesturing for her to come to her death…

Nagase Jun gulped…

Outside, Katsuragi Keima was chewing on his meat bun as his classmate and so-called sister chatted animatedly in front of him, none the wiser about what had gotten them their free meat bun.

Who knew teachers had to work part time… though he smiled evilly… next time Nikaido confiscated his PFP, he would be sure to bring up that embarrassing outfit.

In the staff room, Jun sat on her knees as the manager went about freebies and work hygiene; a talk that may have been going on forever, considering the pins and needles that were forming. Between the discomfort and annoyance, a single thought stuck in her head.

Damn that guy!

Man, poor Nagase... Keima didn't even think it was her...

That being said, I hope you enjoyed a new chapter after nearly a year and a half. That must be the longest break I've actually had between updating something. In any case, please review... lemme know if you want any girl or any story, and I'll be sure to give it a try. Recently, my brain has just been running off inspiration, so I'll strike while it's still hot.