Hello Everyone. First off I want to start by saying that I am very sorry that I have not uploaded in MONTHS, I had a terrible virus on my laptop and I was unable to use it for a long time. I just recently got a new laptop and started writing this chapter.

I am still here though! I hope you like this chapter, I did my best to make it a lot longer than Chapter 1. So I don't really know where I am going with this story yet, so if you have any ideas please message me. (:

Also I want to say thank you so much to everyone who reviewed and favorited this story, it means a lot to me. Now I'm going to shut up and let you read!

Finn's felt like the world was spinning. He didn't know how to respond to the crying cheerleader in front of him. How could she be pregnant? He thought back to the night of the party.

Finn pulled onto the street and he could already tell which house he was headed to. The street was filled with cars, so he ended up parking on the next street over and cut through someone's yard. The house was glowing with lights and the music was so loud that you could hear it a block away. Brittney was known for throwing the best parties every year.

He walked into the house and saw tons of people crowded around in the living room, everyone with a drink in their hand. Finns mind was telling him to be the responsible one and not to drink, but he couldn't help but want to forget the horrid fight he had with Rachel earlier that day. He walked up to the keg and filled up a cup. One beer lead to another and another, and before he knew it he was stumbling around, drunker than he had ever been before.

He spotted the familiar blonde cheerleader in the corner of the room sitting by herself with a drink in her hand. Finn walked over to Quinn and held out his hand. "Wanna dance?" he slurred out. Before Quinn could respond she had found herself in the middle of the room with Finn dancing up on her. Sure Quinn was drunk, but at least she could keep her balance, unlike Finn over here who looked like he was going to topple over at any second. Quinn looked around for Rachel, expecting her to come grab Finn away from her. When she realized that Rachel wasn't actually at the party, Quinn eased up a bit and danced along dumbly with Finn. Finn took Quinn's hand and led her upstairs into one of the bedrooms. He closed the door and pushed Quinn up against the door kissing her. Quinn, being too drunk to think about what was going on, kissed him back. Quinn began unbuttoning Finns shirt and he spun her around so that she landed on the bed.

Finn pulled himself out of his thoughts and back into reality. He pulled Quinn into a tight hug. "Shhhh. It's gonna be okay." Quinn sobbed into his shoulder. Finn and Quinn stood in the hallway for almost 5 minutes with Finns arms wrapped around Quinn. He was already 10 minutes late to class, but school was the last thing on his mind right now. He had never known was it was liked to be truly speechless before, he wished that he believed the 'it's going to be okay' that was coming out of his mouth on a loop, but he honestly didn't know if it really would be okay. He had cheated on his loving girlfriend! It wasn't supposed to happen like this, it was only a onetime thing, and it meant nothing to him. Well okay it was his first time his girlfriend, Rachel, had wanted to wait until they were married, probably so a situation like this wouldn't happen.

Finn couldn't help but feel like this was all his fault, he should have been more careful. Quinn began to pull away from Finns' embrace, her eyes were bloodshot from crying and he could see the tears that stained her pale face. She instantly began to wipe her eyes, and slowly spoke "I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this."

"No Quinn, this is all my fault and I'm gonna be here for you every step of the way. I promise" he said grabbing her hand a giving it a soft squeeze. She looked up at his big brown eyes and gave him a gentle smile. Finn put his arm around her and they began to walk to class. He walked her to her 1st period class, but before he let her walk in, he embraced her in another hug and kissed her on her forehead.

The first half of the day went by in a blur for Finn, he couldn't focus in any of his classes, the only thing on his mind was Quinn and the baby. He was sitting at his usual Lunch table staring of into space, when Rachel came and pulled him out of his trance. "Hey Babe!" she said leaning down to kiss him on the cheek, and then sat her lunch tray down and took the empty seat beside him. He flashed her a soft smile. Rachel began to ramble on about how her day was going. Finn fell back into his daze, his mind was thinking at a million miles per second, unware that his girlfriend was waving her hand in front of his face trying to get his attention. "Finn are you even listening to me?!" she angrily let out.

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course babe." He replied without even looking at her. Rachel could read him like a book, and she could tell something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" she asked with a reasonable amount of concern. Finn thought long and hard about how to answer that question. Of course nothing was okay, he had gotten the Captain of the cheerios pregnant. She was so innocent and undeserving of this, but of course he couldn't let Rachel know anything about this.

"Yeah, of course!" He replied faking a wide smile. He picked around at his food, not really eating anything. Rachel began rambling on again, as he looked around at the full cafeteria. He spotted the center table with all the cheerleaders sitting around it, and he couldn't help but notice that Quinn wasn't there.

"Have you heard from Quinn today?" Rachel asked him. Finns' eyes grew wide at her question. Did she perhaps see them in the hallway after she left? Was she about to go all crazy jealous on him? His mind began racing even faster than it was before.

"N-No, why?" he stuttered out with his voice shaking.

"Well today in English she ran out looking like she was about to vomit. I bet she got food poisoning from that gross gas station restaurant that we all went to after glee practice the other day." She replied simply before taking a sip of her diet lemonade. Finn knew exactly why she getting sick, and it was definitely not food poisoning.

"Do you know if she's okay?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"I don't know, I heard she went home early." She said. "Anyways what do you think of the Invitational playlist Mr. Schue has laid out for us?"

"Um it's cool, I guess." He said, glee was not one of his concerns right now. He wanted to know how Quinn was doing. Just then the bell rang indicating that Lunch was over. Finn quickly got up and grabbed his bag off the ground, he was ready for this day to be over. Rachel came up behind him and they interlocked fingers like usual. He walked his girlfriend to class and gave her a short and sweet kiss before she strutted through the door. Finn then walked to his class and continued on with this never-ending day.

By the time glee practice rolled around, Finn was exhausted, he didn't even want to sing. He also noticed that Quinn wasn't there either. Mr. Schue began talking about the lesson that week for glee, something about doing Don't Stop Believing again. Glee went by in a flash and Finn was the only one left sitting in the choir room. He wanted to scream, yet he also wanted to breakdown and cry. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "You okay buddy?" Mr. Schue said sitting down in the seat next to him.

"Honestly? I don't know…" He started. "I keep telling myself that it's gonna be okay, but I really don't know if it will be." A tear started to roll down his cheek. "How could I be so stupid?" He said putting his head in his hands.

"Finn, I'm not following. What's going on?" Mr. Schue said.

"Quinn's pregnant. A-and I'm the father." He stuttered out, about to start bawling. He sat there for what felt like hours, just talking to Mr. Schue. He explained everything and talked about his feelings. It felt really good to let it all out. He looked at the clock and it read 6:00, Glee practice had ended 2 hours ago and he knew his mom was probably wondering where he was. He began to collect his stuff and got up from his seat.

"Everything is gonna be alright you know. You'll get through this, you're strong. I mean you are the Finn Hudson right?" he said letting out a small laugh.

"Thanks Mr. Schue." He said with a smile.

"And if you ever need anything, my door's always open." Mr. Schue said before turning off the lights in the choir room.

Finn walked out to his truck in the parking lot, he climbed up inside of it and started the engine. He started for the path home, but then decided to make one last stop before returning home.


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Chapter 3 should be soon! (: