Hey Guys! This is my first fanfic, so please review my chapter so I know how to do better and fix my mistakes. Enjoy!


Percy was a son of Poseidon, the god of the sea, but now, that didn't really help him. He was drowning. It was horrible. He was miles under the ocean's surface, suffocating with no air left in his lungs. He thwarted his arms back and forth, uselessly struggling to reach air. He was coughing and sucking more water inside. Percy looked around, hopelessly trying to find aid, and got a glimpse of his father, laughing at him. Then he felt his heart stop beating, and he slowly fell to the bottom of the ocean.

Percy woke up with a start. It was in the middle of the night, and he was sitting in his bunker, sweating and breathing heavily, remembering what he had just witnessed. Next to him, lay his sleeping girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. Her bright blonde curls frizzy and spread across her pillow. Slowly, she stirred from her sleep.

"P-Paurcaey…?" she asked, yawning, "Why are you up?"

He looked at her, and the dread from the dream disappeared. "Nothing," he said," just a bad dream."

She looked at him, her grey eyes pink from sleepiness, "Well, here," she pulled the blankets over him, "come closer and I will make those dreams go away."

He smiled, and cuddled in with her, both drifting back to sleep.

They woke up this morning to a sounding alarm. Three consecutive alarm bells; that means the camp is under attack. Percy immediately jumped out of bed, and grabbed his orange T- shirt and a pair of training shorts, then he yelled at Annabeth to get out of bed.

"Annabeth come on! Can't you hear the bells?!" he shouted as she got out of bed, "Hurry!"

As she took of the blanket he couldn't help but admire her body. She wore a tight, bright pink tank top and a pair of short pajama pants. Since she trained a lot her arms and legs were muscular, but just in the right amount and her stomach had faint signs of abs. Also, her bra size wasn't too small. As he starred he found his mouth hanging open and immediately closed it. He turned around and grabbed their armor as Annabeth got dressed.

They sprinted across camp, and immediately heard the roar of the monster. It was the minotaur, and behind him two Scythian dracaenae. Many campers surrounded them, slashing with their swords and knives, but the monsters kept going, viciously slashing the demigods. Percy saw Clarisse up front, jabbing her electric spear into the Minotaur's thigh; he bellowed in rage, and slammed her into a far tree.

"Okay, Percy," Annabeth said, her grey eyes storming as she took the scenery in, "You go help the guys in the front," she pointed at the Stoll brothers, Clarisse (who had managed to get back on her feet, Jake Mason, and Lee Fletcher, "and I will use the invisibility cap and sneak from behind."

"Sounds good to me," he said, and they both ran into battle.

Percy ran through the line of Apollo kids who were shooting arrows at the monster, and came right in between Connor and Jake.

"Hey Perce," said Connor, breathing heavily, just as he took another shot at the Minotaur, and missed. "Thought you'd never come." Percy noticed his armor was torn, and his shoulder was bleeding.

"I would never miss killing this stupid beast for the world," he smiled, and shouted to the Minotaur, "Hey you brick-head! Forgot your pants today?"

The Minotaur roared and started throwing raging fists at Percy, but before he managed to make contact, he suddenly evaporated into yellow dust, and the only reminder of the great beast was a large, black horn. Right behind the pile of dust, Annabeth appeared out of thin air, holding her Yankee cap in her hand.

"Listen guys," she yelled over the dracaenae hisses, "we gotta take care of the others now, half of you get the dracaenae on the left, and half go to the right."

Everybody listened and we split into two groups; Annabeth and I took the right dracaenae. I slashed Ripitide back and forth yelling insults, while Annabeth disappeared with her Yankee cap trying to steal hits without the monster seeing her.

Eventually, after a few minutes of fighting the monsters got tired, and I managed to get a clear shot to her heart and pierced it with my celestial bronze; the dracaenae soon became a pile of yellow dust, sharing the Minotaur's fate. I turned around and saw that my friends needed no help, since their dracaenae was just cut in half by Travis's sword.

Slowly, everyone got back on their feet and looked around; there seem to be no one seriously injured, but some had various cuts on their bodies.

Suddenly, I noticed something. "Where was Chiron when all of this was happening? This isn't just a regular attack, those are pretty serious monsters."

Everybody seems to have the same puzzled look I had on, so I took matters to my own hands. "I will go check in the Big House, everyone who is hurt go to the infirmary immediately." As I finished talking everyone headed either to their cabins to wash off or to infirmary.

"Percy, wait up!" yelled Annabeth, trying to get through the crowd. She stood next to him and took his hand.

"You think something's up too?" I asked her, as she combed her blonde, princess curls.

"I don't know, I really don't." she responded, looking at the floor.

They walked quickly toward the Big House, passing next to the Dining Hall, which empty since everyone were still resting. As we got close to the house, we saw Chiron standing in front of two demigods, one he recognized as Nico di Angelo, and the other one was a young, brunette girl.

"This doesn't happen often, very rare actually," I heard Chiron saying, "she is very power, attracting monsters left and right."

That got me interested, but I guess Annabeth was quicker than me. "Who is powerful?" she asked, her eyes glancing at the newcomer, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh, Annabeth, Percy, nice for you to join us," Chiron said, smiling, but I could see frustration in his eyes.

"Yeah," I said, "We just returned from fending off those monsters, no help needed of course," I said sarcastically.

"I know, I'm sorry but something came up," he explained.

"Something more important than protecting our campers?!" I asked incredulously.

"Something pretty much equivalent to it," he said, and pointed at the brunette girl. "Percy, this is Lucy Evans."

"She is a new camper?" I asked.

"Yes, and not only a new camper, but one that radiates the amount of power of the Big Three."

Now you should start thinking of a review…