Hello! This is my first story after a very, very long hiatus! The last time I must have been on was 2 or 3 years ago! People must have thought I was dead or something. I actually deleted all my past stories - none of them were really popular anyway - and decided to start fresh. This is my first story after my triumphant revival!

I picked this anime because I'm watching Rainbow Live right now. I love watching children shows even though I'm 16 but who cares? And yes, this is my OC fanfiction but it does have the Rainbow Live characters in it. Honestly, I'm going to do what I want to do. This is most likely going to follow the anime. So far, the only confirmed pairing I'll spoil is ItoxKouji since it's confirmed in canon. They are the only characters who actually get together. Thankfully, I don't like Ito that much so she'll barely come out. Yay :D (sorry to Ito fans)

Well, this may as well be an odd choice to resurrect myself with but who the heck cares? Let's hop into the prologue and go with the flow!

One more note is that I update very irregularly. . . You have been warned.

Important Notice

For all songs except for the one in chapter 2, the links to hear them will be on my profile so there's no need to look anymore! Yay!

Prologue A Heavy Heart

A young boy ran around in the starry, cold night. His heart slowly crumbled as guilt consumed his very being. The lights of the town shined on him, unable to show the troubled thoughts that swam through his mind. His light blue eyes kept scanning sidewalks, alleyways, a pet shop, a building's roof, and even a busy four-way intersection.

The boy could remember the accident, the disappearance. How did this all happen? Why, why, why?! WHY couldn't things go right? If he could just find his friend, they could go back home. The boy would apologize profusely, and his friend would unmistakably forgive him. He could forgive anyone, trust anyone, and love everyone. Curse his naivety.

'Where is he?!' The boy's mind screamed the question infinitely. 'Oh God, it's all my fault. If he can't do a Prism Show anymore . . . I don't know what do to if I actually find him. . ." He shook his head "I can't think like that!" He quickly hit both cheeks too focus on the task at hand. Passersby would stare as he desperately ran everywhere around the town. And, before he knew it, his exhausted feet brought him his final destination.

A small playground.

Brushing his hand through his light brown hair, he slowly turned his head to the right. The swing set was empty, but the boy's mind and heart was filled with hope. However, the last place his friend, and partner, always visited looked dull and dark. The moon's beams softly covered the lonely, red playground set.

The boy fell to the ground and a waterfall of tears fell down a face filled with despair.


Small waves washed up and lightly hit a young, silver-haired teen. The river seemed to have guided him far away from home.

And, miraculously, he was still alive.

However, he had did have some injuries and was cold to the touch. The most noticeable injury was the one on his head. The boy looked as though he was in pain, and his face was contorted despite being unconscious. There were unmistakable hospital clothes on him.

A woman with pink hair, styled into a curly bob hair-cut, was passing by in a car. It was extremely late at night, and she barely got her manuscript in before the deadline.

Well, a little past. At least it was turned in on the same day.

But, she could see something. Not physically, but mentally. The woman stopped her car abruptly. It was like a vision, the ones she used to have when she performed Prism Shows. The woman could swear that she could hear the voice of a young boy, and the only colors she could see was black and flashes of random colors. Then, the woman looked to the side and spotted the injured teen. No one else was around to help. The streets were empty, and people were asleep. That's why she was the only one who found the boy. She quickly ran out of her car approached him. Gently pulling him completely out of the water, she shook him carefully.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Getting no answer, she examined the boy carefully. The woman saw his wounds and grimaced at the sight of them. Securely getting him onto her back, she gave him a piggy back ride. The trek back to her car was slow.

The pair made it, and he was laid on the passenger seat with great care. The woman quickly rushed to the hospital, and signed him in under her name.

Yoshino Naru, formally known as Ayase Naru.

. . .

Violet eyes flashed open. They quickly looked around, and fear overtook them. The teen couldn't move at all. He felt too weak and knew that lifting a finger would take most of his strength. He could feel how his long hair that grew while he slept. For how long? He didn't know.

That was the problem. He couldn't remember anything. Not even his name.

Depressing, isn't it? Wow, that started of on a sad note. Well, review and please keep reading on!

With lots o' love, LDT (LightDawnTwilight) Yeah, I know Twilight is spelled wrong. I wasn't really paying attention typing in my username.