Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds

'Sometimes you search so hard for words. You look for a way to interpret the language of this heart and the unspoken bond you feel. But in the end you are left with nothing but silence. And deep down you hope it's understood'
-Yasmin Mogahed

It was a chilly spring day at the BAU, it has been 3 months scene Agent Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau lost her memory forget her girlfriend of 2 years Agent Emily Prentiss. As they filled around the round table confused to what was going on Emily stood up
"I have some tough news to tell you guys but please know nothing you say can change my mind" Emily said look around at the people she called her family for the past 4 years
"What's going on buttercup?" PG asked Emily took a deep breathe looking at all of the "I'm resigning tomorrow is my last day." Emily breathed she watch shock fill the face of all her coworkers even JJ's
"Why?" Reid asked, taking a deep breathe the words came out of her mouth "I'm pregnant" Emily said
"How long?" Reid then asked
"3 months 2 weeks" Emily watch as all there face took pity on her each of their hearts broke when they heard the words all but JJ's
"You're pregnant?" Morgan asked in disbelief "and you're leaving?"
"Yes but I'm going to stay in the area till I feel comfortable enough to traveling with the child" She said
"So you're not moving?" PG spoke with some hope
"Not yet, but some point I will" Emily sighed inwards. The room when silent in till JJ's phone broke "I'm sorry, but I better take this. But Congratulations Agent Prentiss" JJ said leaving the room, with that the real questions started
"The child's hers, isn't it?" PG said "You tried that new method." Emily nodded
"What new method?" Reid asked with innocent PG explained to him and the rest of the room the method of how both JJ and Emily are the baby's mothers. As Emily sat down they all looked at her, they knew that JJ not remember their relationship had taking a toll on Emily as had Will tricking JJ in to remarrying him had as well.
"You're not going to tell her are you?" Rossi asked
"No, I don't want to ruin her marriage. I'll raise the child and it'll never know." Emily said with a shaky voice
"But what's going to happen if the baby looks like JJ or looks a lot like Henry?" Morgan asked scared of the answer
"Hopefully I will have moved somewhere else or she just doesn't ask, because if this child looks like her I will have to lie to her again. And it'll kill me. But I want this child and I want you guys to know about it, I want all of you in his or hers life." PG hoped up with that "Oh my God Emily! You're having a baby! I have another child to spoil" everyone laughed at PG outburst they all congratulated her and gave her hugs offering support If she ever need it.

"Alright back to work everyone." Hotch said they all returned to their work. A haft an hour later Emily, Morgan and Reid had finished their work but still had an hour till they could leave
"So princess, are you going to raise that kid in your condo?" Morgan asks curiously Reid threw a paper ball at Morgan's head
"No, at the moment the condo is up for sale and I'm looking at a house." Morgan raised his eyebrow "A house? What's this house like?" Emily rolled her eyes at him "Yes a house" Emily's phone started ringing
"Prentiss" Emily answered
"Hello Emily?" The voice asked
"Hello Jordan" Emily said
"Hello, Im sorry if I'm interrupting something but I have news on the house." Jordan said
"You do?"
"Yes, are you and your little one sitting?"
"Of course I am" Emily laughed
"You got the house!" Jordan said
"I did?"
"Yes, you can stop by anytime to pick up the key and sign the final papers"
"Alright well thank you, I'll see you later"
"Bye Emily" Jordan said hanging up
"What's up with that Prentiss?" Morgan asked
"I'm not looking at a house anymore" Emily said
"Oh I'm so sorry Em" Morgan sighed
"I own a house" Emily smirked
"Well then tell me about your house then?" Reid spoke up
"It's a 4 bed room, 3 1/2 baths house a good size kitchen and living room. Finished basement with a built in bar and pool table, a good size yard with a pool in back." Emily said Morgan looked at her with his mouth open "you might want to shut that you don't want to catch bugs" Emily said
"Prentiss I'm so throwing a party at your house" Morgan joked "Have you started parking yet?"
"No, but I plan to tonight start sorting everything out, put some old pictures in boxes and put in the ones I use have in there, make sure I don't have any of her stuff anymore." Emily said with a sad smile
"How about PG, me and the kid come by to help?" Morgan suggested
"I think I'm going to do it alone. Changing the pictures is problem going to being back memory's that I don't want to deal with" Emily said
"Then let just me or just PG come over okay? You're going to need someone" Morgan said "Either way mama bear do you really think we are going to let you do that alone and risk something happening to you or your baby" he said trying to lighten up the tone
"You or PG what my chocolate hunk?" PG asked Morgan looked to Emily and she nodded
"Mama bear" Emily growled at the new nickname" here just bought a new house and is packing and wanted to know if one of us would help" Morgan grinned look at Emily
"Well my handsome boy, I believe I will do that because I need to spend some time with my pregnant profiler" Hotch came out of his office to check on his agents
"Why aren't you all working?" Hotch asked seeing that all his agents but Dave and JJ even Garcia is out here
"We finished all our work for today and we still have like 45 minutes Hotch" Morgan said
"Well then get out of here" Hotch said "We heard some good news and bad news, so go bother Prentiss and get out of here" Hotch gave one of his rare smiles
"Come on Mama Bear we are going to your place. You too pretty boy you're coming along and there will no argument from either of you" Emily sigh
"Fine but you have to promise to let me buy dinner" She smiled. 30 minutes later with boxes and a change of clothes they started packing little by little starting in Emily's study and move out to her living room. When they started taking down pictures of her and JJ she stopped them
"Why?" PG asked
"I want to get all the pictures of us and put them in a box and put some of the old ones and some of the new ones that will come in them" PG nodded understanding where Emily was coming from. They contained and where shocked to find how many of JJ thinks where in the apartment even after all this time. They had a large box full by the evening when the decided to stop as order some food and watch a movie.
"So what kinda food are we getting?" Morgan asked
"Well we can get pizza, Chinese, or pizza?" Emily joked
"It's up to you mama bear"
"Morgan I swear to go call me that one more time and I'll shoot you in your boys" Emily warned
"Oh my lovely brunette, I would never let you do that. Or else Penny G. Won't be able to care the handsome chocolate man's baby's" PG spoke
"Thank you baby girl" Morgan said winking Emily shook her head at the two "Why don't we vote?" Emily said "All for pizza say I" 4 I came out of their mouths and they all laughed "Okay I'll order, you guys go pick a movie and no Star Wars Reid" Emily warned the young genius who huffy an okay all but Emily walked in to the living room going to pick out a DVD when Reid saw a small blue box he took it in his hand
"What ya got there Pretty Boy? Morgan asked
"I don't know here" he said handing it to Morgan once Morgan got his hands on the small blue box he knew just what it was, an engagement ring, he slipped it in his pocket.
"Nothing pretty boy just find a movie already. The D man needs some cuddle time with his baby girl" Morgan joked
"Fine here" Reid handed him 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'
"So the pizza order have you guys decided yet Emily said sitting on her couch
"Yes the doctor here chose 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'" Morgan said Emily smiled at the chose it was one of her favorites
"Good now put it in get a blanket and sit" Emily who had PG right next to her all cuddled up ready to watch the move. About haft way through the move the pizza was delivered the each got a few slices and sat back. Morgan and Reid where on love seat leaning against each side, Emily and PG where cuddled up together on the couch each with a hand on Emily's stomach. Once the move ended Morgan pulled Emily aside
"Em, what's this?" He asked pulling the blue box out his pocket
"That would be a ring" Emily said taking the blue box in her hand
"A ring for what?" He said looking at Emily
"I was going to propose after the case we were on, the one where she loss of memory of what we had" Emily said with tears coming to her eyes she blinked them back
"Why, why didn't you stop him?" Morgan asked
"Because she couldn't remember me, and he had already taking my place. He made her so happy, who was I to stop that" A few tears strayed down her cheek "I'm going to drop off the last if her things tomorrow while she's at work I'm the morning and then I'm walking out of her life for the best"
"You really thing that's what she wants?" Emily nodded "Em, she was so hopelessly in love with you and you're just going to walk away?" Emily nodded once more
"I can get hurt again." Emily mumbled
"Oh Emily" Morgan said pulling her in to a hug
After a few minutes they stopped and all said there good byes. Emily moved to her room looking in the mirror at the baby bump that was appearing
"Hey there little one I'm your mommy, I'm going to keep you safe little one" she rested a hand on the small bumped and climbed in to bed
Emily pulled in to her exes drive way at 8:30 knowing JJ was already at work she grabbed the box out of her trunk and shut it Emily walk up the familiar stairs and knock on the door with the box in hand.
"Hello" the southern gentlemen
"I'm just here to drop off the last of her stuff Will, you won okay"
"Just like it should be" He said proudly "She away from you, thinking she was gay. There's no picture in here is there?"
"No. I chose not to let her know after what you did. It would if confused her and I'm not going to do that to her" With that Will grinned
"Here" Emily pulled out a small blue box and handed it to the man
"You should take that as well, I don't care what you do with it but its no use to me anymore" the southern man started at the box
"What's this?" He asked
"That" Emily said pointing to the blue box "Is the engagement ring I was going to propose with it" moving her sight from the box to Will "I had ask Hotch to give us a week off after the case she lost her memory in. We were going to go to Italy, and I was going to propose and tell her it worked." He frowned "What worked?" He asked with his slow southern draw
"She didn't tell you did she?" Will shook his head "I'm pregnant with her child, it worked Will, I'm carrying her child and she has no clue. So now I'm standing here pregnant with her child, and you're the one that's married to her. But I mean who cares. You won right?" With that Emily left
"Stay away you dyke, you should know not to lie." Will sneered enraged that she would lie about such a thing. Emily walked to her car and drove to work. Emily couldn't wait to be out of JJ's life at this point working with the women was one thing, seeing her marry her ex hurt but carrying her child and her not have her know killed her inside. Once arriving in the bullpen Emily looked around watching her co-workers do their work she say down finishing her last few cases before she left this place she called home for the last 4 years.

'And in the end, we were just humans. Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness'
- F. Scott Fitzgerald