****** Here is the FINAL chapter (I know, it's a much shorter story than I usually write) I hope you've enjoyed it though and thanks for reading! ******

About an hour later as they sipped beer and watched a basketball game on TV, Steve suddenly spoke, "Danny, it's just so hard to take man"
Picking up the remote, Danny pressed the mute button and sitting upright on his bed he turned towards Steve, "I know it is babe. I'm so sorry this all happened"
"I'm not Danny…..I mean, I'm not sorry that I found out everything….I had to know"
"Do you think she told you everything?"
Steve chuckled, "God, I sure hope so! There's not much she didn't do is there?"
Danny smiled softly and said, "She loves you. You DO know that right?"
"Yeah, I know…..she loves me in her own way"
"In her own way? What do you mean by that?"
"Come on Danny, Doris is hardly a 'normal' Mother you know"
"Yeah, I can agree with you there, but you heard her Steve. Your childhood years were the happiest years of her life. You do believe that, don't you?"

Tears welled in Steve's eyes and he said softly, "Yes…I believe that" He sighed and ran a hand across his face, "She was a good Mom Danny…..she really was. This afternoon I sat against a tree and my mind kept taking me to the good times, and there was a lot of good times partner there really were. Over the years I've seen so many people who've had horrific childhood's…but I didn't Danny. It was really wonderful"

Danny smiled, "I'm glad you've got those happy memories partner"
Steve sighed, "I am too but you know, those good times we had make her actions even more painful. I just don't think I can ever forgive her for what she did to Dad…..am I wrong for that?"

"No, you're not wrong Steve and even your Mom said so. She and your Dad raised you to be a man of impeccable integrity and ever since you were sent away at sixteen you have honored them with your actions. What your Mother did to your Dad and to you and Mary IS unforgivable and you have every right to cut your ties with her"

"But she's my Mother Danno"
"Do you remember shortly after she reappeared, you were still pretty angry and you wouldn't call her Mom. You said that your Mom died when you were sixteen?"
"Yes, I remember"
"Well buddy, you were right. Your 'Mom' did die and Doris returned. Being a Dad, I've never been able to understand how she could have left you kids. She had to know what it would do to you and when your Dad continued his search…for her to use him like that….man, I just don't get it. She's your Mom and if someday you decide you can forgive her, I guarantee you she'll be there with open arms. Hell partner, she left you for twenty years…you don't owe her a damn thing and you have nothing to feel guilty about. This is about YOU now, not her. We all have to pay for the decisions we make in life, and Doris is no different"

Steve wiped tears from his eyes and said emotionally, "Thanks D'"
Danny then said, "You said that you've seen so many people who've had horrific childhood's, while I have too…..you can say it goes with the business I guess. You're lucky that she didn't leave earlier in your life. I don't diminish your pain at all, but if you had been younger….well you could have really grown to be fucked up"

They both broke out in laughter and Steve said "Thanks a lot buddy!"
Danny smiled broadly, "I mean, hell babe you're an animal now!" Danny sighed and continued, "Hey in all seriousness babe, I have never met a man like you and I'm damn proud to call you my partner and even prouder to call you my brother. You're going to go through some crazy emotions as you process all this and it's going to take time. I'll be here for every step of the way, we all will be"

"I don't even know what to say Danny, thank you and I love you. I feel very blessed"
Danny stood and as he set down his beer, Steve also stood and the two embraced as Danny said "I love you too partner"


The next morning Danny woke to Steve entering the room carrying his laptop and two tall, black coffees.
"Hey buddy, good morning!"
Pulling the pillow over his head, Danny mumbled "You're awfully bubbly this morning"
"Rise and shine partner. Our flight leaves in three hours"
"What? What have you been up to?"
"I want to get the hell out of here babe, the sooner the better"
"Okay, we're outta' here" Jumping out of bed Danny added, "Let me hop in the shower"

An hour later after dropping off their rental car and grabbing a bite to eat Danny followed Steve through the airport terminal. As Steve set down his bag in front of Gate C12, Danny asked "What are you doing? This isn't the right Gate. This plane's going to Detroit"

"Yeah, and we're going to be on it"
"What are you talking about?"
"While you were sleeping in this morning partner, I was scouring the internet and I was able to score us a couple of tickets to tonight's game"

Danny couldn't have contained his smile if he had tried, "The Yankee game? The Yankee PLAYOFF GAME? Are you messing with me Steve, because this would be a horribly cruel joke?"

"No joke partner. But it's the first game I've ever been too. I hope the tickets are good?"
Danny's excitement was palpable as he said, "I'm sure they're perfect…..why, where are they?"
Steve smiled slyly, "Four rows up, 1st base line, behind the Yankees dugout"
"Oh my God, Oh my God!" The Jersey detective was waving his hands around wildly. He then grabbed his partners face and pulling him down, he kissed his forehead "Oh God, I LOVE YOU STEVEN!"

"Hey what's that! I thought I'd get my kisses from Gracie!"
"Oh you still will. She loves giving her Uncle Steve sugar"
Steve smiled widely at his best friend and said, "I guess I did okay, huh?"
"Oh yeah, you did just fine buddy…...just fine!"

….THE END…..

******* I hope you all enjoyed the story and I hope you'll give me a review with your final thoughts!

THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL with the 5-0 Ohana helping Steve in his search to bring Wo-Fat to justice. The first chapter will post in the next day or two, I hope you'll watch for it! *******