I do not own Five-0 or any of its characters. No copyright infringement intended.

******* Now that we know that Steve and Wo-Fat are not related (THANK GOD!) here is another idea of the possible connection between the two men *******

It was early Saturday morning and Steve returned from his run ready to face the task in front of him.
Catherine had left earlier in the week on a three month deployment and he had decided that this weekend he was going to go through his office and pack up some of his Dad's things.

It had been a little over three years since Wo-Fat had orchestrated his Father's death at the hands of Victor Hess. He had made very few changes in the house since he moved in, finding comfort in being surrounded by his Father's belongings. As the years passed though, and his own things began to compile, he was just running out of room.

After showering, he poured himself a cup of coffee and moved into his den.
He turned on music and grabbing a box he moved to the bookshelf and began packing the books away.
He took his time, looking at the books as memories of his Dad flooded his mind.

A couple of hours passed before he took a break and decided to clean his guns. Pulling the cleaning equipment from a nearby cabinet he then unlocked his gun cabinet and taking out his numerous weapons he spent the next hour cleaning them. Leaving the guns on his desk, he turned his attention back to the books.

He was singing to Bruce Springstein when he reached back onto an upper shelf and grabbed a black, leather-bound book. Pulling it down, a folded piece of paper fell from the pages to the floor. Opening the book, the reality of what it was hit him…..it was a journal. Picking the piece of paper off the floor and grabbing his cup of coffee he moved out into the living room.

Placing his cup onto the coffee table he sat onto the couch and stared at the unopened book for several seconds. He closed eyes and then he sighed deeply and setting the book next to him, he unfolded the letter and tears welled in his eyes as he looked at his Dad's perfect handwriting.

The letter was dated 9-17-10….three days before he was killed.

'My dearest son,

When I sent you and your sister away twenty years ago I thought I would never have to do anything more painful and difficult in my life….but I was wrong.
For twenty years, I searched tirelessly for the people responsible for planting the bomb in your Mother's car. I wanted nothing more than to find out who had killed your Mother and destroyed our family. Now, what I have discovered is absolutely unthinkable and I know that my life is in great danger.

I know that you will be upset that I did not contact you about this, but I hope and pray that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Steve, I never meant to hurt you or Mary. I sent you away to keep you safe. If I had known the truth…oh God son, if I had known the truth I would never have wasted twenty years of my life. Twenty years without you and your sister. Twenty years of pure torture.

Steve…I have discovered that your Mother is alive. You know that I met her through your Uncle Joe and that she was a school teacher, but before I met and married her, your Mother was a CIA agent. In her final mission she was involved with, she killed the leader of an international drug cartel.

Her real name is Paula Shelburne and to protect her, the CIA changed her identity and I married Doris Rosemark. For the next seventeen years we lived an idyllic life together raising you and Mary.

When the bombing occurred I knew in my gut that it had something to do with that case and I was terrified for you kids. I had to send you away….I had to give you both a chance to live.

I finally found the name of the drug kingpin, Feng Wo-Fat….'


Steve's hands were shaking as he looked down at the letter. He ran his fingers across the words written in black ink that were smeared in several places from the tears his Father had shed while writing them. He tipped his head back and as tears slid down his cheeks his Dad's final words to him echoed in his head, 'I'm sorry I lied to you son…I love you champ' His Dad knew? His Dad knew about his Mother's past and he had kept it from him.

He took a deep breath and turned back to the letter,
'I finally found the name of the drug kingpin, Feng Wo-Fat. I have discovered that Wo-Fat has two sons, Cheng and Hu who were fifteen and thirteen years old when their Father was killed. Cheng Wo-Fat is now the leader of the drug cartel that his Father once led.

I contacted Joe and he confessed to me that he had been contacted by the CIA twenty years ago with word that Cheng Wo-Fat had been searching for his Father's killer. He had been given the name of Shelburne and he was closing in on Doris. With Joe's help the CIA planted the car bomb and faked your Mother's death. He helped her disappear and for the last twenty years he's been employed by the CIA to keep your Mother one step ahead of Wo-Fat…and to keep me off the trail.

I feel so stupid Steve…and so used. Your Mother betrayed me and Joe betrayed me. The two people I trusted most in my life. Joe told me to lay low and that he would be here next week. I don't know if I can even face him Steve. They kept this from me…both of them. For twenty years I thought your Mother was dead and I stayed away from you and Mary to protect you.

I will listen to what Joe has to tell me and I will talk to your Mother.

This is the most painful and difficult thing I have ever had to do. I'm writing this letter in case something goes wrong. I should never have lied to you about your Mother's past Steve. You need to know that I kept this information from you and I sent you away to keep you safe. You are my son and I love you with every ounce of my being. When I held you in my arms seconds after you were born I promised you that I would always keep you safe…..I just never thought that doing that would literally destroy my soul.

Please forgive me and know that I could not be prouder of the man you have become. You are an American hero, and you are my hero. I love you son'

Steve was sobbing as he folded the letter and held it to his chest.
His Mother had betrayed him….
Joe had betrayed him…..
and his Father had betrayed him….

Joe had always told him that his Father was the most decent and honorable man he knew, but he also told him that he might not like all the answers he might find…
And Wo-Fat…..his words sent chills down Steve's spine, 'You can't handle the truth Steve'

Wo-Fat was wrong though, he COULD handle the truth and now more than ever, he needed to know the truth….the whole truth.

He sat on the couch for a long time and it was before noon when he grabbed his first two beers from the fridge and walking down to the water's edge he sat in his chair and looking out over the vast Ocean he tried to come to grips with what he had just read.

****** So, any initial thoughts? I'd love to hear what you think! ******