Me: I believe after this chapter the story will be wrapped up!

Randall: AAAWWW!



Red Pine: Oak dude, just let it go!

Yellow Zelkova: Yeah, we pretty much lost our power after Sonic X.

Dark Oak: Fine...whatever! least we're taller than Kingstriker.

Me: What does that have to do with anything?

Dark Oak: Just saying!

Randall: *Facepalms*

Chapter 9: Starscream and Bumblebee Bond

WARNING! I have never done this at any point during my time writing stories...but near the end I just think that pairing up Starscream and Bumblebee would make an unexpected twist. You'll see why near the end. But if you guys don't like it, I will have no problem changing the final scenes. No problem at all!

For the final day, the gang had decided to get some souvenirs to take with them. And by souvenirs, they meant upgraded weapons and high-grade to go. Bumblebee also wanted to treat them all to the local spa before they left. Over at Ironhide's store of weaponry, they planned on buying very expensive things and having them installed. Bumblebee was looking for some good rims for his tires, Barricade looked for missile launchers, fusion cannons and other guns, Starscream looked for cooler wings, Soundwave checked out some upgrades to his sound systems, Whirl examined a few machine guns and Shockwave was interested in some more tools and supplies for his lab but Makeshift wasn't interested in anything.

"Are you sure you don't want to check for anything Makeshift?" Ironhide asked.

"I'm sure, I mean look at me, I look good already. All painted black with spikes and horns covering me. I used to scare younglings all the time!" Makeshift bragged.

"Yeah you're right Makeshift, even I don't need anything do anything to myself!" Shockwave said placing a hand to his chest.

Ironhide considered Bumblebee his best customer since he had a whole lot of money to spend. In total, he had spent like only half of his money. He had to remember he stored more of it back home safely locked away. The gang left the shop with large boxes of things they bought which was like nearly half of what the shop owned.

"Come again Bee!" Ironhide waved.

"We will man!" Bee waved back.

"These are going to do wonders for me!" Barricade said. "No one would dare get away, plus I'd get to scare them!"

"Just try not to actually shoot anybody unless it's very necessary." Makeshift reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know!"

Back at the mansion, Bumblebee wrote down everything they had done.

"Okay, we fought at the bar, got drunk...several times, some of us played at the casino, hung around a giant mansion, danced at a party, threw up, had hangovers, trashed a candy store, beat up roller coaster operator and bought a bunch of weapons and upgrades. I say that's one heck of a week." Bee said.

"Yep, thank you Bee for everything. I'm surprised you barely got to spend all the money. I mean most of the stuff we did is free." Soundwave said.

"True, but it's more for us!" Bee shrugged.

"Hey Soundwave, can we see that tape from two nights ago?" Starscream asked.

Soundwave played the recording. In the video, they apparently did more than they thought. Besides the electrocuting, smacking, sleeping, throwing up, and Bumblebee and Starscream kissing, they saw that Whirl was singing random songs and dancing around. Shockwave was spinning around on the floor while yanking on his own antennas. Barricade had taken one of Soundwave's tentacles and was using it like a guitar. Makeshift was crying in a corner cuddling with Optimus and Megatron. But Starscream and Bumblebee had gone back to kissing again but this time much longer.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! SOUNDWAVE ERASE THAT! ERASE IT! I CAN'T LOOK AT THAT!" Starscream yelled banging his fists on the floor.

"MY OPTICS! THEY'RE BURNING!" Bumblebee yelled running around the room.

The recording eventually showed Soundwave grabbing Barricade and strapping him to the wall, grabbing Starscream and throwing him in the air out of the way and ripping off Bee's tires to sleep on. The video cuts to black.

"Wow, just be glad Arcee isn't here!" Soundwave chuckled.

Bumblebee and Starscream sprint to the bathroom and brush their teeth fiercely then clean their tongues with soap.

"Ugh, Bumblebee, we need to get out of here!" Starscream groaned.

"I know, before we all go insane!" Bee agreed. "But first, a nice repainting can do us some good. Get freshly cleaned up." Bee said.

"Ooh, yeah we can do that!"

Much later, Bumblebee and his friends were at the spa feeling great. Jazz and Mirage were there too. They enjoyed getting any dirt and grime out of their wiring. Massages were the best thing too and just the feel of any stress or pain going away was awesome. The workers were very nice and very gentle with each mech. Whirl especially felt better after realizing that much of his wiring was twisted in knots which was changing his personality. He felt better and like a new mech when they were untangled. After a bit of washing, re-painting, sharpening of everyone's claws (minus Bumblebee), and an energon break, they all felt so much better.

"Oh Bumblebee, that was...the best experience I ever had!" Barricade vented happily.

"I know right, and totaly worth it!" Bee said.

"I feel like all the craziness had left me!" Whirl said.

"I could come here more often!" Makeshift said.

"I know, I haven't seen my own reflection in my arm so clearly before." Soundwave said.

"Thanks to them my claws are sharper than ever!" Starscream admired them.

"You're telling me!" Shockwave looked at his own.

"Well you guys, it's about time we head home I guess!" Bee said.

"It's been great having you Bee!" Jazz said.

"Likewise!" Bee nodded.

"So, mabye you'll come again next summer?" Mirage asked.

Bumblebee looked at the others who actually nodded.

"Sure!" Bee said.

By nightime, the mechs had arrived at the train station. All the mess from the first time was cleaned up and a new train arrived. Once again, they were alone.

"Man, nobody takes the train anymore?" Soundwave thought.

"Guess not!" Shockwave said.

During the train ride, everyone was starting to go to sleep. Whirl thought about taking control of the train again...but he found himself...not wanting to. Soundwave and Shockwave were listening to music again while Barricade and Makeshift watched some TV. Bumblebee noticed Starscream was alone in the back looking out the window. Bumblebee sat beside him.

"You okay?" Bee asked.

"Yeah, know...everything that happened back there...must stay back there!" Starscream said with concern.

"Of course man, we were only drunk dude. We're not really in love with each other." Bee chuckled but looked away when he did.

"Right..." Starscream said.

" are things with you and Arcee?" Bumblebee asked.

"Not so good, I mean, it's like...we lost the spark. I don't know...I guess it wasn't going to last long!" Starscream said tears forming in his optics.

"Did one of you do something wrong?"

"No, it's just...we realized...we're not right for each other..." Starscream said.

"It's okay Starscream, not every relationship works out."

"True, but...what do I do? I mean me and Arcee are still good friends...very good friends...but...not really lovers no more. We've moved on."

"I see."

"Bumblebee, have you...had some...weird little...thought know...loving someone you've known for years, mabye the same sex?" Starscream asked surprising Bee.

"Well, not really. But...mabye...once." Bee said. "But it was before high school."


They looked around the car to see everyone was asleep now, the lights of the car cut off for the night. All that could be seen was the dim lights of the other mech's bodies and they could only hear the sounds of the car racing down the tracks. Starscream had started to notice how Bumblebee's optics glowed in the night and Bumblebee was thinking the same about Starscream's optics. They were starting to feel a strange tug on their sparks as they looked at each other. They thought it was wrong...but they couldn't help themselves. After getting drunk and seeing what they have been doing, it was like...mabye it was right. Both were extremely good friends and were like brothers. There was nothing they wouldn't do for each other. Their bond was getting stronger and stronger all week, but mabye...too strong?



"Do you even remember the...kissing?"


"Did you like it?"

Bumblebee was shocked at the question.

" be honest...mabye..." Bee began to blush. "Did you?"

Starscream's optics widened.

"Mabye..." He smiled.

This was crazy, Starscream, a ladies man, ladies were all over him! He only had one problem, he couldn't choose, he chose Arcee, but it wasn't working out. Bumblebee, not really interested in romance, but did wish to have girls all over him like Starscream did. And now both of them together...nothing working about apart...but together? Before they could say anything else, Bumblebee's mouthplate was lowered and he was already kissing Starscream. None of them resisted, they had given up. But after a few minutes they broke the kiss.

"Sorry, I..."

"I know..."

"Mabye...we should just keep this to ourselves."

"Yeah, let's do that!"

The two eventually fell asleep while holding each other's hands. A few hours later, the gang arrived back in Iacon. Nothing looked out of place. Mabye they could count on Bulkhead and Elite more often.

"Well, I guess we should head to bed." Shockwave said.

"Yeah I agree!" Whirl yawned.

"Wait Whirl, are you leaving after this summer?" Bee asked.

"Nah, I think I'll stick around here, besides, I'm just glad you all like me now." Whirl said.

"Yeah, just try to remain calm!" Soundwave said.

"I know, trust me, I'm all good now!" Whirl said as he and Shockwave left.

As they left, Makeshift and Barricade turned to Bee.

"Hey Bee, you coming?" Barricade asked.

"Uh give me a minute, I'll meet you over there!" Bee said.

"Alright goodnight!" Makeshift said and they left.

Optimus and Megatron came by talking with Arcee, Bulkhead and Elite.

"So, I guess you guys did a good job!" Bee said.

"Told you, it was hard, but we managed!" Elite said.

"Yeah, but now we're so tired we can barely stand, so I'm going to get home before I collapse." Bulkhead said.

"Hey Starscream." Arcee said.

"Hi Arcee, what's up?" Starscream asked sadly.

"Just wanting to see if you were okay know!" Arcee sighed.

"I'm doing fine Arcee, everything's okay! We'll always be friends!" Starscream smiled.

Arcee nodded and smiled before going to bed with Elite, Optimus and Megatron in tow. Soundwave noticed Starscream and Bumblebee holding hands.

"I knew it all along!" Soundwave said.

"WHAT!" They gasped.

"Come on guys, after the years, you two grew closer and closer." Soundwave said demonstrating by slowly closing a fist. "But don't worry, I won't say anything!"

Soundwave left and Bee and Starscream looked at each other.



When they departed for bed, Bumblebee got back home and hopped onto his bed. Winning the lottery was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Of course, now he had to figure out how to spend the rest of his money. But as long as he was spending it with his friends, it didn't matter what he bought. His friends were more important than money but his friends were considered family...his family. And he loved them all like a family should.

The End...officially.

DON'T HATE ME FOR STARSCREAM AND BUMBLEBEE ROMANCE! DON'T HATE ME! I just wanted to put a little twist in is all since this is the official final one. Though I will never try to put two male characters together again. I didn't like the StarscreamxArcee thing a lot anymore so I wanted to change it. They're not going to be super in love with each other, they were just experimenting.

Randall: Dude, I've been shipped with Johnny Worthington and Sullivan! I'm used to it!

Dark Oak: You're not used to romance stories are you?

Me: I don't make stuff like that. At least I try not to. I mean, I did put Zim and Tenn together in my two Invader Zim stories.



Me: Shit, where did they come from?

Randall: You left the window open. Oh Tak is here too!

Tak: Hey!

Me: DAMN! I should've shut that window.

Tak: And that explains how Zim got in here.

Zim: HEY!

Kirby: So...are we done?

Me: Yep!

Whirl: I'M BACK!

Metarex Leaders: GET HIM!