THEY'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! No seriously, they are. This franchise has proven to be extremely popular with a lot of people, I mean a lot! And after a lot of thinking, it took a lot, I've decided to make ONE MORE SEQUEL! Here with me again as a guest is Randall Boggs from Monsters Inc/University.

Randall: WHAT'S UP GUYS!

Me: It's been awhile Boggs!

Randall: It has Striker! I'm ready! By the way, aren't you a vehicon now?

Me: Yep, all of my OC's convinced me to be reformatted into one. So I am.

Randall: I see.

Me: More characters will be added to this story including SkyQuake and Dreadwing from Prime, and Whirl from the MTMTE comics. For those who may have forgotten, Shockwave is in his Animated form and will be added to the main cast for this kinda replacing Optimus as a main character. This will mark the return of the popular fan-named vehicon Steve and my OC's Kenny and EC who will be renamed to Elite.

Randall: Those troublemakers!


Transformers Prime Alternate Story 4: Evolution

Chapter 1: Big Plans, New Enemy

A year after TFP: Alternate Story 3: Friends United...

Iacon, home to probably the most craziest mechs ever...and by crazy I mean Bumblebee, Optimus, Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream and Shockwave. For the past few months Bumblebee, his brothers, and his friends have been playing the lottery hoping they would win. Right now, the amount of money of credits you could win was exactly $100,000,000,000 credits. Bumblebee was over at Shockwave's house with the others planning what they would do if they won. They sat on the large couch downstairs in the basement.

"Okay, so of course we'd go to best city around!" Bee wrote down.

"Yes, but don't forget a nice hotel." Starscream said.

"Indeed, we also have to waste some of the money at the casino of course!" Shockwave added.

"And get into a fight at the bar!" Bee said.

"Oh yeah, yeah, and we have to get very drunk to the point we throw up." Soundwave said.

"Ooh this is going to be so exciting, if we ever win!" Bumblebee sighed.

"Yeah, and too bad Optimus and Megatron are leaving on a road trip. But hopefully they can catch up if we win this time." Barricade said.

"Megatron? High grade? Not a good combination!" Makeshift said.

The mechs sighed sadly. They really wanted to win for once. Each have entered for better chances but lost. Bumblebee wanted to leave town for awhile, to get away from all the crazy events. But has had no success. The winner this time would be announced at the end of the week. Bumblebee had planned to bring along up to six people. With Optimus and Megatron away for awhile, Bumblebee had planned to invite Soundwave, Starscream, Shockwave, Barricade and Makeshift, but he couldn't figure out who the sixth person should be. He'll figure that out later.

"Well, I believe we got a good list so far. " Bee said folding up the list.

"Yeah, we work more on it tomorrow!" Soundwave said.

"We better win this time!" Starscream sneered.

"Ugh, I just hope my brother doesn't find out about this!" Shockwave sneered.

"Who's your brother?" Soundwave asked.

"Whirl. He's nothing but a psychotic illogical bully...and a criminal, last year he went to jail for fighting and stealing. But I guess he was let out early. He's coming over this summer to stay and knowing him he's going to reek havoc all over Iacon. And think if he came with us on the trip? We will never have a good time." Shockwave explained.

"I see, well we'll be sure to look out for him! What does he look like?" Bee asked.

"He's about my height, pincer claws, one optic, transforms into a helicopter. You'll know him when you see him!" Shockwave said.

"Yeah we probably will!" Starscream said.

"And Bumblebee, please do not let Steve and Kenny know about this. Ugh, it would feel great to be away from them for once!" Barricade said.

"Chill bro, they'll never find out!" Bee assured.

Later, Shockwave was outside his home reading a book with Soundwave when Whirl finally arrived. Whirl's main goal was to cause some trouble and he wanted to start with his own brother.

"Hello brother!" Whirl said with his happy but sarcastic tone.

Shockwave sighed and looked at Soundwave.

"Here we go!" Shockwave said. "Hey Whirl."

"It's been awhile bro, ah, still the reader I see!" Whirl said snapping his pincers.

"Ugh, still the troublemaker I see!" Shockwave retorted back.

"Who's this?" Whirl pointed to Soundwave.

"This is Soundwave, my best friend!" Shockwave introduced him.

"Another Wave...interesting!" Whirl slowly snapped a pincer. "Anyways, I guess I'll be around...mabye having some way!"

"Whirl, I'm warning you, don't you dare mess with my friends!" Shockwave snarled walking up to him.

"We'll see!" Whirl sneered in his face.

"Come on Shockwave, let's go!" Soundwave said pulling him away.

Whirl chuckled and went to explore the town. Meanwhile, Starscream was talking to his cousin and former rival EC about winning the money.

"EC, if we win, I'll give you $1000 credits if you make sure Steve and Kenny never find out or follow us." Starscream made a deal.

"Oh it's done, you won't be hearing from them!" EC assured patting Starscream's back.

"By the way, you really should change your name, do you still consider yourself Eradicon Commander?" Starscream chuckled.

"I guess you're right, but what should I be called instead of EC?" EC asked.

"How about...Elite?" Starscream said.

"Huh? That's not bad!" Elite said. "Yeah, I can go with that!"

"Nice, then it's settled." Starscream smiled.

Over at Soundwave's house, Bumblebee was visiting him since he was bored and his brothers were cleaning the house. He found Soundwave, Starscream and Shockwave in his room playing on his Wii.

"Hey guys what are you playing?" Bee asked.

"Kirby's Return to Dreamland, why?" Soundwave asked.


"HELL YEAH YOU CAN!" Soundwave said.

"Heh, I bet your brother is getting beaten up somewhere!" Starscream smirked.

"If he comes back to my house injured, I'll owe you $10." Shockwave said.


Whirl in fact was stirring up some trouble near Starscream's house with some of Starscream's vehicon cousins...including Steve and Kenny. Whirl didn't see the vehicons as much of a threat and had been picking on a few of them angering the vehicons. This time however was going to be different. Whirl walks back towards Screamer's house when he saw Steve, Kenny and two more blocking the sidewalk talking in a circle.

"HEY! You guys are in my way!" Whirl sneered shoving one of them who happened to be Steve.

The vehicons stop talking and turn to the crazy mech. Turns out Whirl was the same height as them.

"Excuse me?" Steve sneered.

"Did I studder?" Whirl said.

The other drones murmered over who he was.

"Who the hell are you?" Kenny asked.

"I'm Whirl, Shockwave's brother! But that's not important right now. What you four need to do is get out of my way!" Whirl said snapping his pincers.

The vehicons began to laugh at him. Were they really going to listen to this guy? Kenny stepped up.

"You got a lot of nerve talking to us like that!" Kenny said.

"More than you four have together!" Whirl sneered.

The vehicons were getting angrier by the minute and were now itching for a fight.

"I suggest you leave before we beat your ass!" Steve said trying to size up Whirl.

"I can take on all four of ya!" Whirl challenged.

The vehicons thought he was nothing but a joke...and a waste of their time...but then again...they were just challenged. Steve then took a swing and knocked Whirl back.

"Haha, is that all you got?" Whirl laughed staggering foward.

Kenny ran up and punched him back but Whirl only laughed some more.

"Hah, Shockwave can punch better than you weaklings!" Whirl said.

In a flash all four vehicons tackle Whirl starting a big brawl. About 20 minutes later, Shockwave was walking home when he came across Whirl battered and beaten while sitting on front steps of Shockwave's house with energon leaking out of a few places.

"Great, I owe Starscream $10." Shockwave face-palmed. "Whirl what did you do?"

Whirl was still laughing somehow and seemed excited.

"Hah, now that was a beating!" Whirl sighed.

Shockwave was aware of Whirl's love of beating up mechs...and getting beaten. He wasn't normal.

"Whirl, who beat you this time?"

"Four pissed off vehicons! Hah, I've been beaten way worse than that! Like I said before...WEAKLINGS!" Whirl yelled thinking they could still hear him.

Shockwave rolled his one-optic and picked Whirl up.

"Whirl, you're going to get killed doing shit like that!" Shockwave scolded him.

"Whatever! They'll be back! I want a Round 2!" Whirl said.

Shockwave now felt like snapping Whirl's head off but he resisted.

"Ugh, I'm going home!" Shockwave walked away.

Whirl, unfazed by his beating, walked off to cause more trouble!

To be continued...

Randall: Hah, Whirl never learns.

Me: I know, he's insane.


Randall: So?

Kirby: I didn't know Soundwave liked my franchise.

Me: Neither did I!

Optimus: Why am I being put out like this?

Megatron: Yeah what gives?

Me: It's just for right now, you'll get your parts!

Whirl: Not if I have anything to say about it!


Whirl: MAKE ME!

Meta Knight: *Takes out Galaxia*

Whirl: *Whimpers* I'M GOOD!