Hey guys, I'm trying to post this chapter much faster than the last one. Did I do a good job?

Another thing, did you guys like Liam and Clary? Or were they an absolutely terrible ship? Let me know, and if you hate them tell me why. Leave a review and let me know, thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything about The Mortal Instruments. If I did Sebastian would've been brotherly towards Clary, instead of the ... stuff in the books.

Now enough of my droning, chapter time!

"Clarissa, I'm going to come into your room on the count of ten. By that time you will both look proper and be six feet apart."

I glanced at Liam, who was pouting at our interruption. We had been kissing on my bed until Mr. Griswold had come. Honestly, I was thankful that he gave us a warning. Sebastian would just walk right in, and then run out screaming about his eyes. This was much better.

Knowing that he would tell my father if we didn't comply, I gave him a quick peck on the lips before moving to a chair across the room. Liam crossed his arms and complained into the pillow. I smiled at his grumpiness; it was adorable on him.

Finally, Mr. Griswold reached ten and entered the room. He looked at us, and after deciding we were decent, turned to me. "Miss Morgenstern, your father requires you in his study."

"May I bring Liam with me?"

He waved his hand to dismiss the question as he walked out of my room. "Yes, yes, your father said it was fine. Now hurry, you know that Valentine isn't a patient man."

I stood up and began walking away. Liam naturally got up to follow me. We fell into the same pace and he grabbed my hand, his thumb tracing circles on my knuckle.

Once we arrived at the study, he spun me around to face him before entering. Liam moved his palm up to my face. "Do I get a kiss since we were interrupted earlier?"

I stood up on tiptoes and moved closer to his face. Then, once my lips barely brushed his and I could feel his breath on my lips, I whispered," You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

He gulped and nodded. I smiled and started tracing his jaw line with my finger. "Do you want me to kiss you?"


"Do you really want a kiss?"


"Are you sure that you want a kiss?"

"Yes, Clarissa, yes! I want a kiss!"

I smiled even more and just barely pressed my lips against his. Then I turned the door knob and ducked into my father's study. I giggled as Liam growled. "Clarissa Morgenstern! That was just cruel!"

I sat down in front of my father and stifled laughter as Liam stalked into the room. He had a murderous look on his face as he sat in the chair next to mine. I intertwined my leg with his and gave him my best apologetic look. His face immediately softened and he reached for my hand.

My father cleared his throat with an amused look. "A lovers' spat?"

I blushed as Liam smirked and looked at me from the corner of his eye. "I guess you could say that."

There was an awkward silence for a moment. So, I turned to my father. "Anyway, why did you call me here?"

Liam glared at my dad. "Yeah, we were sort of in the middle of something."

My father gave Liam a fierce glare. "Then, I'm glad I sent for you when I did. Now, back to your question Clarissa, I just want to make sure that you two are ready to depart tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, father, we're ready to go."

"Do you have your knives?"


"Shadowhunter gear?"


"Your leather jacket?"


"How about your hair dye?"

"Yes, dad, I've got everything! Is that all you needed?"

He let out a sigh, and ran his hand through his graying hair. "Clarissa, I want you to know that I never would've asked you to go back if it wasn't my only option. Are you sure you want to do this?"

I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I'm positive dad, you don't need to worry. I'll be fine.

He smiled in relief, and then I smirked. "Besides, I've been looking forward to kicking those NY jerks' butts for years. Why do you think I trained so hard?"

The portal appeared before me as I drew a rune. I turned back to say goodbye. We would be communicating, but this is the last time I would see my family in person for a while.

Sebastian opened his arms wide, and smiled sadly. "A hug for your brother?"

I ran into his arms and squeezed him tightly. He held onto me rubbing circles on my back as he tried to calm me down. I soaked his shirt with my tears. When I pulled back there was a large wet spot on his shirt. "Sorry about your shirt."

Sebastian smiled at me. "No problem sis."

I started to turn away when he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, be careful, alright?"

My eyes started to tear up again and I turned away. I was going to miss him so much.

My father gestured me over. "Come here, Clarissa."

He engulfed me in his arms as we hugged. I closed my eyes and tried to capture this moment. Maybe later, if I tried hard enough, I would remember it later and it would feel like I was back here in my father's arms.

I pulled back from our hug. "I have to go."

He smiled sadly. "I know, good luck. We'll be waiting for you when you come back home."

Liam was waiting for me by the portal. So I picked up my luggage and, with one last wave at my family, walked over to him.

I inhaled a deep breath through my nose. "Let's get this over with. Come on Liam."

He pecked my cheek and gestured to the portal. "After you, dearest."

Liam laughed as I glared, and I turned to the portal anyway. I closed my eyes and stepped through with my bags in hand.

I'm going to give you the most important piece of advice that you'll ever hear: Never step through a portal with your eyes closed. It will end in disaster. I would know.

When I stepped out into the alley beside Pandemonium it was raining. If I had been looking I would've seen the slippery cement. Instead, I stepped through the portal and fell flat on my back. It hurt, a lot.

I heard Liam come out behind me, and not slip. He rushed over to me. "Clarissa, are you okay?"

He got a groan and some mumbled swear words. Laughing, he reached out a hand. "Come on, let's get inside the club and out of the rain."

Once I was up again, I checked to make sure that the portal had closed. It had, so I turned to our bags. With a quick ruin they shrunk to pocket-sized luggage. We put them in our pockets before walking over to the entrance. As we passed the lines, angry shouts could be heard, I just kept walking. The bouncer waved us in, as he knew we were Shadowhunters.

Inside, we took off our coats and we shrunk those too. We were left in club outfits. I had already done my makeup and hair too.

Liam swung me around for a kiss. In the background, people cat called and whistled. I threaded my hands through his hair and I could feel his palm on my lower back. It was one of our best kisses so far.

He pulled back just a bit, and we were both panting. Liam managed a smirk anyway. "You look beautiful tonight."

I smirked right back and stepped away, fixing my hair. "Don't I always, dear?"

Liam laughed, and put his arm around my shoulders. "Care to dance?"

"Later, I promise. Right now, I have to go catch a few demons."

That is exactly how I ended up dancing with this repulsive creature. On the surface, he is actually quite good looking. I can see underneath the glamour though, so he looks like a foul creature with warts to me.

He leaned close to my ear. "Hey, let's go somewhere private, babe."

I turned to him and gave him what I hoped to be an alluring smile, it always worked with Liam. "I know the perfect place."

The demon let me take his hand and lead him towards the supply closet, where I had agreed to meet Liam. I pulled the demon inside and left the door open a bit behind me.

He turned to me with a creepy smile. "Finally alone."

Then he pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me viciously. It was absolutely disgusting. I could see Liam creeping in from the corner of my eye. I waved him away, it wasn't time yet.

After a little bit more of the demon making out with me, the door finally creaked open. I smiled; it was time for some action.

"Baby, you know what I've wanted to do since I met you tonight?"

He mumbled against my lips. I smiled as my hand crept to my thigh holster. "I've wanted to slit your throat with my knives, demon."

The demon growled as I drew my knife and pushed him back. "Come at me, big guy. Do you think you've got what it takes?"

"Puny Shadowhunter, I should've known. No matter, you are no match for me. Do you know who I am?"

I raised an eyebrow lazily. "Please inform me."

"I am a Greater Demon! All fear me!"

As he started to grow in size, I turned to shout over my shoulder. "Hey Liam! Now might be a good time for some help!"

He was instantly by my side. "Did you miss me?"

"Help me fight, lunatic."

We turned to face the demon. The following battle was a blur of our knives and his claws. Eventually we stood over his form, ready to deliver the killing blow. "Greater demon, never mess with Liam and Clarissa again."

The demon merely whimpered as I stabbed him with my knife. He dissolved into goo, which splattered all over the room. Even onto our observers from the New York Institute.

"Ew! Gross, slime all over my new outfit! Disgusting!"

I smiled a cruel smile as I turned to their hiding spots. "Enjoy the show, Shadowhunters?"

They climbed out from behind the shelf and looked at me. All three of them, Isabelle, Alec, and Jace, were there. "Who are you?"

Liam stepped up and put his arm around my shoulder. "We are Liam and Clarissa, the greatest Shadowhunters of this day and age. Perhaps you have heard the Downworlders speak of us?"

They merely nodded. I stepped forward and smirked. "Hey guys, tell me that you remember me?"

Isabelle and Jace gave me puzzled looks. Alec however stepped forward with a small knowing smile. "I'm sorry about everything. I hope you know that."

"I do, Alec. Maybe in time you can gain my trust. It's only because you never came to torment me in my cell."

Jace looked at Alec. "Who is this, Alec? And how do you know her?"

"You know her too, and you're being very rude."

They gave an incredulous look. "I think we'd remember meeting the best Shadowhunters in existence."

Alec sighed at his siblings' ignorance. "Fine, I'll be the polite one. It's nice to see you again, Clary."

Isabelle and Jace stared at me in shock. "Clary?"

"The one and only. Now if you'll excuse me, we'll meet you at the Institute later. My boyfriend and I have to clean ourselves up."

Liam and I sprinted out of the room laughing. It's good to be back.