Hey friends. Guess who has a laptop. ME. THATS WHO. GIHEE. Basically I am on the honor role right now, like this very second. And I was like "Hey mom can I open my laptop because I'm on honor role." AND SHE WAS LIKE OKAY. Actually, she denied me for like 12 hours but eventually she wanted me out of her business and BOOM laptop. So, after about a year, I finally am back! I have all my fanfiction files on my laptop, and its totally tricked out with a Kiki's Delivery Service wallpaper. Because dang that girl is adorable. SO LAST CHAPTER AND STUFF THANKS FOR READING. Also who likes proofereading? HA. Not me. ~Hana

Levy stirred in her sleep as she smelt something. Her eyes opened, but immediately shut because of the harsh light. What time is it? She thought to herself before she remembered the activities of the previous night. Was that just a dream? She mustered up as much strength as she could to lean up in bed, only to receive a shocking pain in her tail bone area. "Ohh" she breathed out as she looked down at her lower body. She found that her upper half was inside a large black hoodie that was clearly not hers, and she had a white sheet lightly covering her otherwise naked lower body. Daring to peek under the sheets, Levy was not greeted by something she expected. Her hips had bruise marks the size and shape of a mans hands, while the sheets under her had blood stains. "So it wasnt a dream..." She said to herself lightly as she brought her knees up towards her face, and leaned into them. Levy took a deep breath before she heard a small noise downstairs. It sounded like sizzling, or something to the effect. "Is there someone else here?" Levy thought out loud. She heard the sound stop, and footsteps walking. Levy quieted her breathing as she listened to them. "Its not Natsu, or Lucy..." She said as she put her legs down, to lean towards the door in hopes of hearing better. "The footsteps are too heavy for them. Is it Gajeel?" She thought before she heard a knock on the door. Levy yanked the sheets up, and held them tightly by her collar bone.

"So youre finally up, eh Shrimp?" Gajeel flashed a smile as he peeked threw the door.

"Gajeel." Levy breathed out.

"Who else?" He said as he walked towards her with two plates in his hands. "Here, eat up." He said as he handed the girl a plate with a decedent breakfast. "I made your favorite."

"You remembered?" She giggled to herself as she admired the plate. Scrambled eggs and fruit salad that consisted of cantaloupe, and honeydew melon.

"Of course I did. What, you think I cant remember something as simple as eggs and fruit?" He laughed at the small girl as her face lit up after one bite.

"So, about last night-" Levy started

"Eat first." Gajeel interrupted.

"But-" Levy protested.

"Trust me. You wont want to eat much after." He said. Levy puffed out her cheeks and ate her melon salad. I missed you shrimp. Gajeel thought. The rest of the meal was silent. Levy ate, and snuck small glances at the large Dragon Slayer at the foot of her bed. "Hey shrimp." Gajeel said getting Levy's attention. "Is there something on my face or what." He laughed to himself, causing Levy to blush.

"N-no..." She said quietly. "Its just good to see you is all." She added before thinking of what she had said. "Well... I mean I saw you all week... but I didn't... and well I just..." Levy stumbled over her words as Gajeel leaned to place his plate on a stack of books nearby.

"Listen Shorty." Gajeel said, and Levy shut up.

"Okay..." She said, pulling her knees up to her chest once again to settle in for the story.

Gajeel took a deep breath, and exhaled. There was silence afterwards.

"Well..." Levy said.

"I dont know where to start." He said, rubbing his head. "Actually." He said leaning towards Levy, and before she realized it Gajeel was wrapped around her in a hug. "Im so sorry Levy." He said as he resed his chin on the top of Levy's head.

"Levy?" She asked.

"Levy." He repeated for her.

"Not, Shrimp. Shorty? Half pint? Pipsqueak? Small fry? Not even-" Levy started listing all the nicknames Gajeel had give her.

"I mean if you don't like it, we can always go back to-" Gajeel said.

"No... Levy is... Fine." She said, half resistant to give up the nicknames. Little did she know, they wouldn't be too far away.

"Listen here, and listen good. I don't know how to explain it, but I guess I should stat by saying this is all my fault. The whole reason you were... hurt... and that other Gajeel was here, and I caused Mira a lot of trouble too..." He listed.

"Why not just, start from the beginning?" She suggested.

"This is why you're the smart one." He laughed to himself. "So, I was born in-" He started.

"Not the very beginning." She said. "I don't think I have that much time today." She giggled.

"Alright, alright." He smiled at the girl in his lap.

"I went on the mission, 'member?" He asked, and Levy nodded 'yes'. "So on the mission I ran into one of my old housing Ladies who I stayed with after Metalicana disappeared. I stayed there and did chores. Easy ones, ya know? Building a shed, re-roofing her house, nuthin too big." Those tasks weren't exactly what Levy would call 'easy'. "Anyways, so I told her about how I was now, and all about Fairy Tail. Then I ended up stayin' too long, and had to go and actually do my job, which was easy. That monster never saw me comin', gihee." Gajeel laughed remembering the fight. "After I beat up the monster, I went back to the woman and talked for a little bit and she started tellin' me 'bout Roxanne, this girl I had a huge crush on when I was younger. Man was she awesome. She told me she recently broke up wither her boyfriend and I should 'give it a go'." Gajeel said in a high pitched voice, imitating the old woman. Levy's face fell at the thought of Gajeel's fondness of this Roxanne girl.

Did they have a relationship? Was she pretty? Man I bet she was really pretty. Levy thought.

"Then I had to explain to the old hag that I already had a girl back home 'n Magnolia." He groaned. "And we got in this big fight, and she was like 'whats her name' and I told her I wasn't tellin' her nuthin. Then she told be to at least stay for dinner. And get this, that ol' hag put some powder on my dinner that was suppos'd to make me confess to her all the details. But shes not what one would call an alchemist. In fact, I think she just guessed an' hoped for the best." Gajeel gruffed. "Basically the potion went south, and by south I mean all hell broke loose and I just fixed it. Damn that woman." He added.

"I see." Levy said for the first time since the story started.

"Okay, this is where it gets screwy." Gajeel said.

"Oh, so it wasn't screwy before." Levy smirked up at him.

"Hey, don't get all sassy on me." He laughed. "Geez, I'm gone for a few days, and that guy turns my sweet little shrimp on me."

"You were gone a while. I missed you." Levy said the last part quietly, but Gajeel caught it clearly. Deciding not to day anything, Gajeel just squeezed her tighter.

"So, on the train ride home, I was feelin' a little sick. I figured that firehead idiot's motion sickness just rubbed off on me. Then when I got to Magnolia, I felt like throwing up or somethin' in the streets. So then I decided to go 'n see Mira. She usually picks me up when im down. Unless im hungover like hell. Then I go to Cana." Levy could feel Gajeel smile on top of her head. "Then when I got to the door, It just hit me like a wave of pain, and all these gashes just like exploded randomly all over my body. Turns out that thats where that other Gajeel kinda... came out of me." Gajeel cringed at the thought of that bastard. "Then I blanked out, and fell forwards. Next thing I rememeber was waking up, and rushing to you." Gajeel ended. "I beat up that bastard, forced him back inside me, and then I took a nap, and made breakfast. The end." Gajeel wrapped up the story, leaving put details, and hoped Levy wouldnt ask the obvious.

"So then how did you know I was in trouble." She asked.

Damnit. He thought. Then he laughed. "There was one small detail I may have left out." He rubbed the back of his head. "So... yeah iluhmyu." He said quickly.

"What." Levy said. "Speak up."

"ilahyou." He said louder and a little slower, but not slow enough for Levy to hear.

"Okay, now slower." She sad, talking him through it.

"I." He said.

"Yes, you." She commented.

"Love- your new curtains, I mean like are these new because..." Gajeel chickened out.

"Thats not what you said." Levy crossed her arms. "And you've never been in my room before." She added.

"Okay, you caught me." He said. "Just..." He scratched his head again. "Augh, damn why is this so hard." Gajeel said as he put his hands around Levy's face, and pulled her lips to his own. Levy's eyes closed and fireworks exploded in the darkness. This was her first kiss. Her first real kiss. Lips connected, feelings rose, and before she could even react, Gajeel pulled away blushing. "I love you Levy." He said as he stared into her eyes.

"I..." Levy's mouth was open in shock.

"Listen I know some weird stuff just went down, and that bastard kind of raped you, but I mean." Gajeel took a deep breath and slowed down. "I just want to say you're amazing and I want to be around you all the time, and I'm really sorry for hurting you twice." He said as his emotions ran wild. "And I think that youre cool and. Just. Levy McGarden, will you please go out with me." He finally finished.

"Gajeel." She said causing his crimson to meet her chocolate. "Of course I will. I love you." She said.

"Also..." Gajeel started. "Actually, I dont think you need to know that." He said before pecking Levy's cheek.

"Okay. Do you want your sweatshirt back? I think ill go take a shower." Levy questioned.

"Will you be okay to stand, let alone walk?" Gajeel said.

"Oh. Well... Do you want your sweatshirt back? I think ill go take a bath." Levy said, correcting her sentence.

"Nah, you keep it." Gajeel said as he stood up, bring Levy up with him princess style.

"Woah!" She said. "What are you doing?"

"You said you wanted to take a bath, right?" Gajeel asked.

"Well, yeah." Levy said.

"So I'm taking you to the bathroom." Gajeel stated as he walked down to hallway before stopping in front of the door.

"This is far enough, thank you." Levy said as she tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"Hold on, impatient are we?" Gajeel said as he reached for the nob.

"No!" Levy said, but it was too late. The door opened to real Levy's bathroom, filled with books.



"Why are there books in your bath tub..."

"Oh. You know. They were dirty." Levy laughed as she looked away from the man holding her.

"And in the sink?" He asked.


"How about on top of the toilet."

"Its a good spot for stacking."

"And on the rug."

"It was convenient." She said.

"Convenient for who." He asked.

"Me?" She questioned her own answer.

"I think im going to help you clean youre house when you get back on your feet." He stated.

"But, its not that bad!" She defended.

"Levy. There are books. IN your bathtub."

"Its not that bad thought!" She said again.

"Were cleaning it." He said as he put her on her feet, and the sweatshirt fell to her knees.

"Fine." She said as she took the books off the toilet as Gajeel closed the door.

And she doesn't have to know about you. Gajeel thought.

Listen Gajeel. I didn't do anything wrong. I just did what you were too scared to do. The other Gajeel said inside Gajeel's head.

And if you ever do that again, ill do worse that lock you up in the back of my mind, alright.

Yes, yes. But, shes suck a pretty little thing don't you think?

Shut up.

So laptop. This is fun. So far its all black with a navy blue Fairy Tail sticker on the front. Pretty badass if I do say so myself. Anyways, now that I have my laptop (Named Kahuna) I can write more facfiction! And watch more anime! And BE MORE AWESOME. Thanks for reading! Bring in the dancing lobsters! ~Hana