Author's Note: I will be honest: I had this idea where I wanted to do a vanity project with my OC where I would see what tropes I evoked with the OC that I had created, both in regard to the character themselves, as well as their position in this story regarding the plot and character interaction. Upon finishing my Fushigi Yuugi fan fiction, I decided to do this for Yuri. Doing this was not easy at all, because I pretty much ended up going through a very long list from TV trope and even though it was fun, I probably won't do it again anytime soon.
Yuri: originally a princess of Kutou who married Hotohori due to a political treaty three years ago, becoming the Empress of Kounan. She is also known as Ranhin-teiki or Hourengou.
Abandoned area: After her death, her whole quarter in the palace would become this. Even though servants would still tidy and maintain it, it is no longer inhabited by anyone.
Abdicate the throne: subverted in her relationship with Hotohori, because he actually choose the kingdom over her, which would be why she had to go back to Kutou despite not wanting to.
Abusive Parents: On the occasions that she sees her father, she seems to have received numerous mental abuse, as he would even mock her about her mother's death.
Adoption is not an option: the issue of having children is something that would become very dominate for her, and it needed to be a child that has royal blood. As a result, people were pushing for Hotohori to have children with other women if Yuri was not able to do this.
All abusers are male: averted. Not only did she mention that her sisters are cruel to her, she also said that there were a lot of abuses done by the women of the harem. There is even the implication that her mother did this to other women as well.
All men are perverts: her background resulted in her belief of this, which would be why she is so surprised that Hotohori is the complete opposite, as he would refuse to even talk about sleeping with other women.
Aloof dark haired girl: to people that does not know her well, she could appear as this.
Altar Diplomacy: her marriage with Hotohori started as this, as it was part of the agreement in a treaty that he marry a princess of Kutou, it just so happened that Hotohori decided to choose her.
Bonding over missing parents: both she and Hotohori lacked proper family affection. One of the most noticeable moments of this troop was when she told him about her mother's death.
Broken treasure: her qin, which has blood splattered with the strings broken, would become this to Hotohori after her death.
Bury me not on the lone prairie: in addition to Hotohori's wish of her being buried in Kounan, he does not want her to be buried under the cherry blossoms. This resulted in him asking her brother to chop the cherry blossoms in Kutou and plant lotuses there, and he would then do the same when her body is returned to Kounan.
Canine Companion: Yuri has a dog who is often beside her. Her dog also started to bark on the day of her death even though the dog was not by her.
Celibate hero: her death would cause Hotohori to do this, as he would even dismiss the harem he has and refuse any marriage alliances from the other kingdoms.
Cherry blossoms: Yuri would have an aversion for cherry blossom, having seen her mother being executed under one. Yet she also met Hotohori underneath a cherry blossom the first time, as well as dying under one. Due to her dislike, her brother and husband would actually cut down the cherry blossoms tree near her grave.
Cry laughing: she does this a few times
Dark and troubled past: as a child, she witnessed her father's abuse of Nakago, and then was present when her mother was executed
Dead person conversation: Hotohori would have this with her when he is dying, and by that time, she would have been dead for sixteen years.
Decadent Court: her father's court is pretty much this.
Deceased parents are the best: even though Yuri clearly preferred her dead mother, it is pretty reasonable given that her father is a fairly abusive man. Interestingly, she does not idealise her dead mother, as she is quite honest in the other's shortcomings and faults.
Desperately craves attention: she grew up very lonely and after the death of her mother, did not receive any affection or love. In the beginning of her marriage, she was very eager to love Hotohori for the sake that he showed her affection.
Dysfunctional family: Yuri's family is pretty much this. Her father have numerous concubines and her siblings try to compete with one another. One of her sisters' husband actually slept with her other sister's in-law. In addition, her mother had numerous adultery.
Easily condemned: upon the failure of summoning Suzaku, a lot of people blamed her for being a spy, even though there was no base for this, and she was even in a hostage situation due to Amiboshi.
Everybody has lots of sex: averted, as she and another of her sister seemed the only ones out of her family that was not doing this.
Evil parents want good kid: her mother was actually most likely a nasty woman who committed severe adultery, yet it was her mother who told her that she must only sleep with her husband.
Face death with dignity: When she died. She would even tell Nakago that she would face whatever it is that he would do with dignity.
Father, I don't want to fight: her country is one that is known for military power but at the end, Yuri would tell her father that she and her husband have no intention of fighting, and merely wish to summon the gods to ensure the country's peace. Even as a child who grew up in a place where people fought one another, her strategy was to avoid everything by hiding.
Finally found the body: she died in Kutou and it took fifteen years before her body was found and returned to Kounan for a proper burial.
First love: Hotohori is her first love and depending on how you interpret Hotohori's view regarding the miko, she could be his first love too.
First name basis: Hotohori always calls her Yuri, rarely by her title. Likewise, she is one of the few who calls Hotohori without any honourific.
Five second foreshadowing: shortly before her death, one of the strings of her qin broke and cut her, causing her to feel that something bad was going to happen. However, Nakago then come before she could do anything.
Floral theme meaning: her name Yuri means lily, while her title Hourengou has the character lotus in it.
Flower motif: her title as the empress includes the lotus and there is the theme of whether she is like lotus by remaining uncorrupted despite what the rest of her family is like. There is also the issue of cherry blossoms.
Forced to watch: as a very young girl, she was forced to watch how her mother was executed in a very painful way.
Garden of evil: it was said that a lot of people were buried in the garden of Kutou, including Yuri and her mother, as that is why the cherry blossom of Kutou are especially red.
Ghost reunion ending: Hotohori would see her again just before he dies
God save us from the queen: subverted. Even though her mother was said to have been a very bad empress, Yuri was actually quite a good empress in that she did supported her husband, and was even trying to deal with the issue of concubines when Hotohori did not want to. She would even choose to go to Kutou in the hope that this would make Hotohori's reign more stable.
Good is boring: this is something that her sisters and even father constantly say to her.
Go out with a smile: upon realising that she would be killed, she declared out that she has no regret with her life due to meeting Hotohori, and died with a smile.
Grand romantic gesture: due to her not liking the cherry blossoms, Hotohori has offered to cut down all the said plant in his garden. When she was to be buried in Kounan, Hotohori would do so, as well as making the garden into a pond so that he can grow lotuses there, as that was her favourite flower. In addition, he would plant lilies there as well.
Graving marking scene: even before she was buried in Kounan, Hotohori would go to the place they last met, as well as the place she would eventually be buried in, on the anniversary of her death. In addition to constantly going there, Hotohori would also die beside her grave.
Harp of femininity: she plays the qin, although in her reincarnation, she would be playing the erhu.
Hated hometown: her native Kutou. When she had to go back, she made it clear that she would be waiting to come back to Kounan, and that she is not going back to Kutou, as that is no longer her home.
Hostage situation: what Amiboshi did briefly
Hot consort: both her and her mother can be said to be this due to being quite beautiful.
Hot guy, ugly wife: even though she is by no means ugly, her husband is still much more better looking then her.
I am not my father: there are many times when she is regarded as manipulative and scheming due to this is what the rest of her family is like
I believe that you believe it: she actually is rather sceptical about the tales of the gods saving them, but due to Hotohori being very devout, she does try and pray for his sake.
Important hair accessory: the phoenix crown that Yuri wears is the crown that only the empress of Kounan could wear. The servant who found her body would recognise her due to seeing this crown.
Lonely rich kid: like her husband, she is this. Despite having had a really lonely childhood after the death of her mother, she admitted that she was never starved in any of the material way.
Long hair is feminine: she has very long hair and does spend a considerable amount of time to make sure that it is properly styled and decorated.
Love hurts: at one stage, she would tell Hotohori that things would be less painful if she did not love him, as she would not be bothered by him having concubines
Marriage before romance: she got married and only started to love her husband one year after the marriage.
Not afraid of you anymore: at the beginning of the story, she was very frightened of Nakago, but shortly before her death, she declared out that she was not afraid at what he would do.
Parental favouritism: she is the favourite daughter of her mother, which then resulted in her being severally disliked by her father.
Parental hypocrisy: her mother made her promise to only sleep with her husband, but Yuri's mother was actually a woman who committed severe adultery with numerous lovers
Peaceful in death: not only did she accept her death, she was even smiling as she dies.
Perfectly arranged marriage: she and Hotohori ended up loving one another greatly, and she even said that if she could go back in time, she would let her past self knew how lucky she was in regard to her marriage. At the end of his life, Hotohori said that if he was able to have a second chance, he would still choose to be with her.
Prayer is a last resort: Yuri does not really believe in the legend of the gods and when she starts to pray, it is usually because she truly does not know what else to do.
Redemption equals death: she had to leave Kounan due to being suspected as a spy and being untrustworthy. Yet after she died, her action of going to Kutou for the sake of Kounan made her become regarded as an ideal empress, even though she was constantly criticised when alive.
Reincarnation romance: she and Hotohori would be reborn as childhood friends who married one another.
Royal blood: she is the daughter of an emperor and empress
Royal harem: she grew up in one, and would later be in one again
Ruling couple: even though she rarely interfered or participated in the issue of ruling, Hotohori does regard her as his partner in ruling and would often discuss issue of the state with her.
Ruling family massacre: Nakago will end up killing the majority of her family: her, her eldest brother, her eldest sister, her second elder sister and her father.
Second love: if Hotohori's first love is the priestess of Suzaku, then she is actually this to him.
Sheltered aristocrate: she does live in a very sheltered way as the princess, and due to her mother's death, she basically lived with little interaction with the servants. As a result, she is ignorant of a lot of basic things, such as kite flying and hide and seek. On the other hand, she does have a fairly extensive knowledge of sex and lust due to what the royal harem of Kutou was like.
Sibling murder: her siblings do end up plotting against one another, with some succeeding in their goal of killing the other.
Sibling rivalry: something that the majority of her siblings are involved in. Most notably her two eldest sisters.
Sins of our father: her death is pretty much due to this. Nakago kills her due to him hating her whole family for what her father has done to him. In addition, he also hate her for seeing the abuse her father inflicted on him, as well as having a title that was the reminder of his tribe's destruction, both are the result of her father's actions
Talking in bed: this happened in the earlier times of her marriage when Hotohori told her that he simply wishes to spend every night with her, and she would be surprised that he does not wish to do anything more. As a result, the two of them would often end up talking to one another
Talking to the dead: Hotohori will does this to her after she dies
Vengeful widow: she will cause Hotohori to be a vengeful widower, this become severe to the stage that both her maids and the priestess of Suzaku would be very concerned at Hotohori being too emotional
Virgin shaming: both her sisters tease her for remaining one
Vow of celibacy: Yuri promised her mother that she would only sleep with her husband and stay a virgin until she marries. In the harem she grew up in, adultery and premarital sex were both widely practiced
What does she see in him: a case of 'what does he see in her' in this case, as Hotohori's officials would be very surprised at how devoted he is to her, to the stage where he refuse to have an concubines