The Alchemist Who Couldn't Perform Alchemy

Chapter One – The Absorbing Substance Bomb

Edward Elric was running out of time.

Not only was he on another one of those stupid missions that he received from the Colonel, but he was also being chased down by the deadly Bearing Claws Alchemist, famous for tearing his weak victims apart. And just when he thought that was bad, he was given news from the terrible Alchemist that there was a bomb located underneath Central, and when it went off it would make things "Go Splat".

He was now running under the sewers looking for the man frantically while Alphonse was fighting the man above ground. The sewers were really nasty, and the water that everyone thought was supposed to be clean was a dark and slimy green. On top of that the concrete floor was covered in goo and before entering he had fallen in the mess which left him covered in the stuff too. Oh and if things couldn't get was pitch dark inside the long tunnels.

"Damn it! How am I supposed to find this stupid bomb in here! I'm running out of time and if I don't hurry that idiot's plan will come true!"

He sadly was always left to the dirty work. What was so frustrating was that they didn't have time to go warn the military about the bomb so everyone was clueless that their lives were in danger. Furthermore, Edward didn't even know how to diffuse one.

"And I've only set the time to three hours and two of those hours have already passed! Good luck trying to find it in time in a dark and repulsing sewer!"

He snorted as he thought of the crazy man's words. If he hadn't left in such a hurry to find the stupid thing he would've beaten his face in...and not with his flesh hand either.

Suddenly, as he walked he began to hear light ticking. It wasn't hard to tell that the bomb was somewhere close, and if he had been keeping track of time correctly, there was only three minutes until the bomb exploded.

"Where is it? Wher- AH HA!" his hand bumped into it as he touched the wall. Luckily for him, the buttons were glowing so it gave him an advantage. He could see how to defuse it!

He looked closely at the time, realizing that he had been miscounting. There was actually only 56 seconds left! He panicked loudly trying to look for a way to turn it off, but he knew that the Bearing Claws Alchemist wouldn't make it that easy. Taking a closer look, he opened a small hatch revealing a blue cord and a red cliché.

"Ok, I've seen this on TV before, so apparently the blue cord is always the bad cord...they want you to think that...right? His eyes kept switching.

Red! Uh...

Blue! Wait!

Red! Eh...

No! Blue!

Edward screamed out of frustration but then panic when he saw that he only had ten seconds.

10... "Ok it has to be the Blue one!"

9... He quickly transmuted his Auto-mail into a long blade.

8... He looked at the blue cord trying to rethink his plan.

7... His blade quickly shot down towards the red cord but he stopped.

6... "No! What if that isn't it?!" he screamed.






Before the timer could hit zero he slammed his blade down, taking out both of the cords. He shielded his face and out of pure fear backed away. The bomb was ticking fast and before he could run away a small amount of green liquid blasted over his entire body.

He fell and landed on his back, feeling his hands vibrating rapidly and his vision swirling. "S-stupid! It wasn't a bomb! It was a stupid decoy...oh no! Alphonse!" he shot up from the ground and not realizing that he was growing weak he hurried back out to find his Brother and the insane Alchemist.

~ Central: Downtown ~

Alphonse quickly clapped his hands while dodging the attacks of the Bearing Claws Alchemist. His Alchemy was very unique, with just one swipe of the wind he could create sharp razors in mid air and slice everything and anything, including Al's armor.

"What's wrong Alphonse Elric? Do you need Fullmetal to help you?"

"It's not like that! I'm sure I can handle myself! Besides, your time is up! Its been three hours now and the bomb hasn't went off!"

The Alchemist smirked, his face hiding in the shadows, "Well then my mission is complete." He jumped onto a nearby building and threw up his arms, "Thus ends the life of Glory for the Fullmetal Alchemist!"

Alphonse yelled at him, telling him to stop. But in the back of his mind he was questioning his words, wondering if his brother was ok.

And just when he had thought that he was about to make his escape, Al saw the Colonel appear behind the rouge Alchemist.

"Well, Adam Schools. I thought you had died back in the war. But it seems that you lived and you're on a killing spree huh?" His gloves moved right towards the man's face.

"Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. Why did I know that you were going to be the one to stop me?" he threw his hands down and held them in front of him, "Very well, my job is done. You may arrest me now."

Mustang looked at him, but then pulled out his handcuffs and separated his hands and stripped him of his cloth that contains his Alchemic circle.

And once they made it down to ground level, the military took it from there.

"Where is Fullmetal?" Roy asked.

Alphonse hung his head, "He went to go defuse the bomb but hasn't come back yet sir. I'm worried about him."

"He won't be the same," Roy and Al looked over and saw Schools about to be put in the prison truck. He was looking at them with his flashing green eyes.

"What do you mean? That's the second time you've said something about this. And on top of that you willingly let the military take you into custody."

"That bomb did make something go splat."

Alphonse gasped, "What did you do?! What happened to my brother?!"

"I'm...right here..." all three of them looked back and saw a tired and out of breath Edward looking at them with his dull yellow eyes.

"Brother? What happened to you?" Alphonse ran over to him, looking at the substance all over his body.

"And what are you covered in?" Roy's face turned red, as if he were about to burst into laughter.

"That...stupid bomb exploded this crap on me...look I really don't feel like explaining what happened. I'll just write it down in a report...whenever I feel like writing that. I'm really tired and I want to go home."

He staggered past them, while wiping his heavy eyes, unaware that Schools was looking at him with an uncomfortable smile.

"(That's it Edward, go home and get a goodnights rest. You'll need it for the long days to come)" the soldiers slammed the truck shut and hauled him away.

As for the Elrics they quickly headed back to their dorms to get Edward cleaned up and into bed. But the Colonel just couldn't help but wonder if something more than a sticky situation happened.

Hello, I'm Kok0roxGuardian! Thanks for reading the story! I really appreciated it. This is based off a short story I wrote called "Alchemist = No Alchemy" But I changed the plot a little. It's also supposed to be really short but I made it longer too~! If you already know me then you should know that I'm not a big fan of Brotherhood, but this is the first Brotherhood story I'm writing because I like Olivier! So anyway, please enjoy the series! Remember, the more reviews and favs. I get the quicker I upload! Thanks! :D

To Be Continued...

P.S. Don't worry I already completed this story! I love to upload many things at once! XD
