Warning: Another Rated M chapter...

Will awakens as sunlight begins to sneak through the curtains. Staring at the window, he is afraid to roll over, for fear that it has all been a dream. A wonderful, glorious dream, but a dream nonetheless. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he turns to Sonny's side of the bed. Before he can even open his eyes, a smile creeps across his face. The feeling he gets, being just inches from Sonny, is all that it takes to know. He opens his eyes to that same shoulder that teased at him the night before. Leaning forward slightly, he presses a kiss to the tanned skin. Sonny remains still, arm lying across the length of his side. Will gently places a few more kisses on the bare skin before placing just his fingertips on Sonny's bicep. He slowly glides his fingertips down to Sonny's hand and back up. He closes his eyes as he makes several loving strokes up and down Sonny's arm. After several strokes, when he reaches Sonny's hand, Sonny takes Will's fingers between his own.

"Good morning," Sonny says, sleepily.

"Good morning…but not as good as last night," Will says burying his head in Sonny's neck.

Sonny smiles, knowingly, "Mmmhmm."

"Oh good. You remember it too, huh? I was afraid it was a dream."

Opening his eyes and glancing back over his shoulder at Will, Sonny runs his tongue over his lips, "Oh it was..."

Will feels his cheeks begin to redden, "Well, lucky for me, it came true."

"Lucky for us."

Will props himself up on his side and lays his head on Sonny's shoulder as they rub each other's fingers. His thumb begins to wander from their handholding, rubbing along Sonny's hip bone. With no protest from Sonny, Will extends his range to just above the waistband of his boxers. After a few moments, his index finger joins in the teasing. Just then, Sonny releases his grip on Will's hand. Afraid he has gone too far, Will begins to pull his hand back, only to be caught in Sonny's grip once again—this time with Will's hand on the bottom.

Sonny pulls Will closer, moving their still-connected hands to his chest.

"You feel that?" Sonny asks, breathlessly. Will's hand rests over Sonny's heart, its beats becoming increasingly faster.

Will nods, his eyes fixed on Sonny's chest, sure that his heart will not be held in the constraints of his chest much longer.

"That's you. That's all you. That's what you do to me."

Will raises his eyes to meet Sonny's in a heated stare. They lie in silence, Sonny's heart beating under their hands.

Finally, Sonny slowly guides Will's hand, palm down, across his chest to his stomach. He pauses, takes a deep breath, and then runs Will's hand along the front of his boxers, then back up to his stomach. Their eyes still locked, Will swallows a moan before Sonny guides his hand down once again.

"That…That's what you do to me too," Sonny says, releasing his hand to let Will take over.

Will's hand slips down between Sonny's legs and gives a gentle squeeze. Sonny jerks and lets out an audible moan at the sensation. Will feels the tug at the front of his own boxers become more pronounced—desperate to be released from its confines.

Rubbing his hand along Sonny's length, Will becomes increasingly needy for the touch of Sonny's skin. He leans in for a slow kiss. Breaking contact with his lips, Will leans his forehead against Sonny's before sliding his lover's boxers down, allowing him taking Sonny in his hand. Sonny's mouth drops open as he inhales deeply. Taking advantage of the moment, Will slides his tongue into Sonny's mouth and their tongues begin to explore. The kiss starts out slow, but quickly becomes panting and passionate. As Will runs his tongue around the tip of Sonny's tongue, he stops his stroking to run a single finger around the tip of Sonny's length. Connecting the two motions in his head, Sonny moans into Will's mouth as Will's finger slides through the first droplets. Will cannot stand take the strain against his clothing any longer, and frees himself, pulling down the front of his boxers.

Sonny breaks the kiss, looking at Will frantically.

"I'm not…I won't…Trust me…okay?" With Sonny's boxers pulled down, backside exposed, Will's length rests perfectly against him. "I'm just going right here, okay?" Sonny nods, then pulls Will back into their kiss. As much as he wants to pull them completely off and feel Sonny in that way, that is something they will do when the time is right. Will glides his hand up and down Sonny's length, while rubbing his own up against Sonny. At the first thrust, Sonny reaches back and runs his hand up Will's neck and into his hair, gently tugging at it. After a few moments, he shudders, followed closely by Will.

Sonny rolls to his back, and Will wipes his hand on the sheet before placing it by Sonny's far shoulder. His chest leaned over Sonny, Will leans in for a long kiss.

Still propped up on his forearms, Will smiles at Sonny, who smiles and bites his lip.

"Good morning."

"Yes, yes it is," Sonny agrees.

"We should, uh, probably take a shower. I mean…you should..I should…"

Sonny laughs, "I knew what you meant."

"Oh, except…you don't have any clothes," Will says, trying to sound disappointed.

"It's okay, I can put on what I had on last night…I'd just put them on before I came over," Sonny explains.

"Um," Will says, running his hand down Sonny's side until he reaches his boxers, close to his knees, "I don't think these are gonna work for you though."

Sonny smiles, embarrassed, "Um, no…probably not."

"It's okay…you can borrow some…if that isn't too weird for you?"


"Wow? Wow, what?" Will asks, confused.

"We've waited all this time and…"

Becoming nervous, Will asks, "And what?"

"I get to get into your boxers twice in one day," Sonny laughs.

Will rolls his eyes and pushes himself up off of Sonny. He wipes himself off on part of the sheet and pulls up his boxers. He climbs out of bed and grabs clothes for after his shower. "The day is young, my dear, the day is young," he says, winks at Sonny, and heads for the bathroom, reclosing the door behind him.

Sonny laughs and shakes his head. He too cleans himself up—front and back—as well as he can with the sheet, and pulls up his boxers. He then begins to take the sheets off of the bed. He is taking the fitted sheet off when he hears the door open behind him. "That was quick. Or did you think you could still convince me to join you?" Sonny says, turning around.

"Oh…oh my…uh, sorry…I uh," Chad winces. He turns his back, but leaves the door open, "Sorry, I heard the shower running, so I assumed it was Will, and I'm not used to anyone else…I was just gonna steal his headphones to go to the gym..but, hey, you don't need to know all of this and I'm just making things increasingly awkward, so, I'm just gonna close the door and we'll just pretend this didn't happen? Okay? Okay."

Sonny stands, frozen, as he watches the door close. He is still standing there when Will returns, drying his hair with a towel. "It's all yours! Here I'll get you some—" He stops and looks at Sonny. "What? What's wrong? You okay? You aren't regretting—"

"No, no, not at all. It's just…"

"Just, what?" Will asks, concerned.

"Chad," Sonny says, pointing out to the hall.

"What about him?"

"So, I was taking the sheets off—"

"Thank you for that, by the way, I'll make sure they get washed today."

"Yeah, no problem. Anyway, he came in…I thought it was you…"

"Oh my god!"


"You and Chad?!"

Sonny closes his eyes, shakes his head, and laughs. "No, Will…"

"I know, I'm just messing with you. So…Chad knows…"

"That we…" Sonny says, opening his eyes wide and motioning toward the bed.




"You aren't…like…"

"What? Embarrassed? Mad? No, hell, I'd scream it from the rooftops if I could…and if it wouldn't embarrass you. I'm ecstatic it happened."

Sonny smiles but stares down at the floor.

"Did I want really want Chad to know this morning? No…but he would have known anyway, after he saw this smile on my face. He knows me too well."

Will walks over to Sonny, takes his hands, and rests his forehead against Sonny's. "Chad is on our side. He was rooting for us all along. So, he knows? So what? It might be awkward at breakfast…and maybe for a few days…weeks, tops."

Sonny snickers, lifting his head so they are eye to eye.

"Besides, he's going to have to get used to you being here…a lot," Will smiles. "If I have anything to say about it anyway."

Sonny smiles and nods, and leans in for a quick kiss.

"Now…" Will says, walking to his dresser and digging in the top drawer, tossing something to Sonny, "go take a shower, and get in my boxers."