Chapter 1: English

Clarisse's POV

This sucks. I'm in English in my school. Of all things. Sure, I can speak English, but do you know how hard it is to write it with all the ADHD and Dyslexia? The only thing I can read, speak, AND write is ancient Greek. And no English teacher will ever accept that. Now, I have to write multiple poems for my English class. I have absolutely NO poetic inspiration, and I don't understand how to properly write or type in English without having multiple mistakes. The only reason why you can read this is because of AUTOCORRECT. I've tried explaining that to my English teacher, Mr. Andersen, but no I need to try.

"I know it's hard Clarisse, but you have to try, even if you have ADHD and Dyslexia." Mr. Andersen said.

"Crap." I muttered.

"Yes, it is shit, but I can't control the school system's policies." He said.

That's the only thing I like about him. He's my only teacher who swears and doesn't usually get me in trouble for swearing. Silena hated swearing. Silena.

"Clarisse, are you okay?" Mr. Andersen asked.

I must've had a funny look on my face when I thought about Silena.

"Fine." I said in response.

"Look, just write about something you care about. Even try having someone help you. Just get it done." Mr. Andersen said.

"Whatever." I said and walked out to go to my Greek language class. They actually have that as a course, and I think that's the only class I have a perfect grade in.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I couldn't think of anything else after I got my mind on Silena. I'll never talk about it outloud, but I miss her. She was my best friend. I still beat up people who say that she died a traitor. She was a hero. I beat up Drew more than anyone, and she still hasn't learned her lesson.

I'm at home now, I just pulled up in my chariot. In case you're wondering, the chariot turns into whatever "mode of transportation" I want, kind of like Ares' chariot.

As soon as I walked through the door, "I need to talk to you." Mom said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your school called." Mom said.

"I swear I haven't had violence problems at school since last year." I defended myself.

"It's not about that. Although that's strange too. It's about how your teachers are worried about you." Mom said.

I put my stuff down by the couch.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"They said that you occasionally tend to 'space out' when they say certain things to you, and you seem deep in thought. Then when they ask you if you're okay, you say you're fine in a way that makes them think something's wrong." Mom said.

She never beats around the bush.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied.

"Bull crap. Tell me what's wrong." Mom said.

Funny how normally she would swear. I told her not to swear so it'd be easier for me to stop for Silena. Silena.

"See, that's the look that your teachers said you get." Mom said.

"It's nothing." I lied again.

"Does it have to do with Nutty Nacho?" Mom asked.

"Please stop calling him that. His name is Chris. And no, it has nothing to do with him." I said.

"What's wrong?! You never seem upset beyond complaints about life and anything to do with Chris." Mom demanded.

She called him Chris. She must really think something's really wrong.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Tell me, or I'll explain that Percy Jackson is your friend and why he is, to anyone I can get a hold of." Mom threatened.

"I don't care." I said.

Mom gave me a funny look.

"Wow, something is really wrong." Mom deduced.

I picked at the friendship bracelet Silena gave me before she died. Normally, I wouldn't wear bracelets, but this one's special, and it's not as girly as I'd expect it to be.

Mom noticed it. "You miss her, don't you?" She asked.

I was silent for a moment.

"Yes." I said.

"You could talk to me or Chris about it. I'd listen, and I'm pretty sure that Chris would too." Mom suggested.

"I know, but I don't want to talk about it. I guess I'm just another stubborn child of Ares." I said hopelessly.

Mom grabbed my chin. "Don't you dare say that. You're nicer somewhere deep, deep, ... deep down inside your heart. Plus, you're pretty and their ugly." She said.

Thunder boomed. Ares probably stole one of Zeus' fake lightning bolts so he could show Mom he was angry at that statement.

"Why should you care? You supposedly hate your children. And quit eavsdropping stupid. Or were your ears burning?" Mom insulted Ares by looking up as she said it.

It was quiet, so he was 'admitting defeat'.

"I don't care. And why are you calling me pretty?!" I asked in confusion.

"Because you are, and this isn't exactly the first time I've said it." Mom said.

"Whatever." I said.

"Talk. Or I tell everyone about the pink walls you've had in your bedroom since you were 5, and how you picked it out yourself. Plus, those teddy bears you still sleep with..." Mom was cut off by me screaming, "Okay! I get it! I'll talk!"

She was truly evil. Yes, I have pink walls, but I was a 5 year old girl, and I didn't want to repaint because I was... nostalgic in my bedroom. And it's only one teddy bear that I occasionally sleep with. Most of the others are on the shelf inside my closet. Why did I just admit that? Ugh, never mind.

"I miss her. That's it. Nothing else to say." I lied.

There's a lot I should probably tell someone.

"Tell me the truth, or Berry goes bye-bye." Mom said as she held up my favorite teddy bear.

Now, because I'm a teenage girl, you probably think I just rolled my eyes and called her bluff. Well I didn't. I snatched Berry away from her and held him close enough that she couldn't snatch him back.

She smirked.

"You planned for this situation, didn't you?!" I asked.

"So. It's easier to get information this way because you won't talk to me." Mom said.

Then she got a look of pain on her face. I felt guilty. That's the same look Silena got when I said I wouldn't help the rest of Camp. Right before she... Oh no.

Ten minutes later...

I woke up with Mom putting a cold washrag on my forehead.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'd like to ask you the same question. You passed out." Mom said.

"Oh." I said.

Now I remember. I was thinking about... it. That's a safe way to say it.

"So what were you thinking about?" Mom said.

"Uh..." I started, then cut myself off.

"Her dying?" Mom addressed the elephant in the room.

"Yes." I muttered.

"I know this is going to make you nervous, and you'll probably say no, but... I think that considering you pass out and space out whenever you think about her, it's time we got... proffesional help." Mom said a little nervously.

I got wide-eyed.

"What are you suggesting?!" I asked.

"A therapist." Mom said.

Hell no. I mean, heck no.

"What?!" I asked.

"I already have some... 'friends' who are therapist, and these people won't bug you like most therapists would. But which one to take you to?" Mom started thinking.

"No!" I said.

"It's no longer optional." Mom stated.

"I'll tell you anything you want!" I begged.

"You're going!" Mom's word was final.