Kakashi: Author-san has gone into hiding. The story will be able to continue only through manuscripts she sends us to post.

Naruto: Yeah! She's enjoying warm American weather while it lasts and all those butts in England are freezing forever. Suckers!

Sasuke: Why do we have to do this again?

Naruto: Because it's fun!

Sasuke: Define fun.

Neji: *whispers* Shhhhh! The cousins are sleeping!

Iruka: *whisper shouts* Enjoy!

"Life is fragile

As are you

But do not worry

Because I will hold you close"

Sasuke POV

When Naruto fainted, I felt several feelings, but the biggest one was anger. Anger at myself, at Naruto, at Sasori, and just the world in general. As you may have guessed, I don't tend to be a happy type of person. I would rather sulk or train/study rather tan feel happy feelings. It's just how I am and I never question it because that would lead to uncertainty and that is something I definitely don't feel, especially as an Uchiha.

So when I went out the door of the school building with Naruto and baggage in arms, it didn't even occur to me that I didn't know where he lived so I should have brought him to the nurse's office. Frustrated, I walked the path to my house; or more specifically, the house I had been sent to live at for my high school years. Kakashi Hatake's house.

The door was unlocked as always so I just kicked it open and dumped Naruto's stuff by the door, taking care even in my silently furious state to keep a good grip on him. Suddenly Naruto nudged into my chest- I had picked him up bridle style- and made a little moaning sound. My fury dissipated as a blush took over the scowl on my face.

I bet he didn't even try to be cute, it was just so unnervingly infuriating! In case Kakashi was already home I tried to hide my blush and carried Naruto to my room. Taking him to bed already? A mocking voice sounded in my head. This of course destroyed the barrier blocking my blush from spilling out and I had half a mind to give up the useless battle if mutiny was added to the already greater forces.

Until, of course, I realized that I am an Uchiha and Uchiha's are not socially allowed or expected to give up almost as much as physically or mentally. And I am an Uchiha, so who would I be to rebel? Disowned, that's who. Good thing I'm not openly rebellious.

Going back to the matter at hand, the blush had sneakily won the war while I was caught up in battle strategies. Hmph, sneaky blush... But it would not keep it's victory so easily. Apparently everyone wanted to gang up on me today to try and make me lose my control as Naruto started shifting in my arms as he woke up.

"Hello gorgeous," I said when he finally opened his eyes and matched his cerulean ones to my obsidian ones. I did not just say that, I think. That would be stupid and imply that I thought he was gor- oh. He licked his dry lips and I was overcome by his beauty, mostly by the small appearance of his tongue.

"Why are ya holding me?" He asked suspiciously, scrunching his face up in thought.

"You fainted," I said matter-of-factly, trying not to show how much he affected me.

"No," Naruto said disbelievingly. "I don't believe you. You're a pervert aren't you?! Hentai(1)!" His face flamed as red and hot as mine felt and I would have dropped him if it weren't for his quick reaction to grab my neck. But my balance was regrettably lost, not that I regretted the outcome, of course. Your're in love, in love, a voice in my head sang.

As if in slow motion, or maybe that was just me memorizing every second, we fell. When I hit the floor, the ecstasy numbed the pain completely. For in Naruto's hurry to grab something and not fall, my neck happened to align our heads in a position most intimate. And falling was the push that literally pushed his face onto mine, mouth to mouth. Certainly not how I imagined our second kiss, not that I was thinking about that at all! You keep lying to yourself, see if it ever really becomes truth. Not that you want it too... Uwahh! That voice is creepy, creeps me out just thinking about it.

Ever rebellious today, the world continued to disobey my wishes. "Is everything okay in there?" a voice came from the living room, presumably having heard the crash from when both Naruto and I fell to the floor.

As much as I enjoyed kissing Naruto, who was now shocked and frozen in place while staring into my eyes, it was preferable to not get caught by Kakashi. "Quick," I whispered while pushing Naruto off of me. "Sit on the bed and act like we're casually hanging out!"


"Just do it!"

"Okay, okay. Pushy..." Not a second after Naruto sat down the door opened and Kakashi poked in.

"Oh? I didn't know you two were even friends. Sasuke?" Kakashi ended with a question when my face decided to defy me once more and set itself aflame at Kakashi suggesting that me and Naruto were more than friends. But you know that's what you want. If it could, my face grew even hotter.

"Yeah," Naruto added in, "do you have a cold or something?" Hmmm, apparently I was forgiven, if only temporarily.

"Hn, Uchihas don't get sick, be serious," I said in a dazed voice. I sat down quickly before my legs could make that decision and put me on the floor rather than the bed.

"Well, you do look feverish," Kakashi added helpfully for Naruto.

"'S not cause I'm sick," I struggled to stop slurring. I wasn't sick, I wasn't! Or you just like denying everything. Now you're just in plain denial.

"Uhuh," Naruto said sarcastically. "And night is day."

"Kakashi, go 'way," I unintentionally slurred. I refuse to catch a cold right now! This is ridiculous!

"Fine, fine. Naruto, take care of him and come get anything you need from me," Kakashi said as he walked out and shut the door.

"Why do I have to do it?!" Naruto whined to no one in particular.

"Ya don', so don'." I hate slurring.

"Of course I do, I'm just complaining to complain," Naruto said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ya don' even know me."

"But I'd like to- I-I m-mean that d-doesn't matter!" he ended with an exclamation that showed his embarrassment despite his obvious attempts to hide it.

"Ta what?"

"Nothing, I didn't say anything."

"Tell me."

"I don't know what your're talking about."

"Ta' know me better?"

"Still don't know what you're talking about."

"Do ya'?"


"Would you be willing to try?"


"Ya like me at all?" Woah, that was random. I think the dizziness is starting to get to me. Still in denial, loverboy? It's a good thing my face was still red from before so that the blush was not recognized.

"N-no," Naruto's shaky voice betrayed his lie. For whatever reason, this filled me with elation.

"Go out with me."

"Wha- why?!"

"Cause I like ya." I don't even know where that came from. Maybe I do have a fever and I'm simply delirious. Honestly, you just admitted it and you're still in denial. Idiot. That voice in my head is not very nice.

Naruto spluttered, obviously at a loss for words. Say yes, say yes, say yes I chant in my head, willing him to say yes despite my obvious mental denial earlier. "Wait." I hung my head in disappointment. "If I do will all the other guys leave me alone?" I raise my head again, practically glowing with renewed hope.

"Of course!" I nearly shouted in my excitement. "I mean, they won't take someone already taken especially if he's taken by me."

"Then just this once, somewhere public, so they'll leave me alone."

Kakashi: (1)Hentai is presumably the Japanese pronunciation for pervert.

Naruto: Yeah, you would know, being one yourself.

Lee: Naruto-san has a boyfriend! May they enjoy their eternal springtime of youth together!

Naruto: I said it was just for this one date, don't be stupid! It's not like I actually like him, okay?!

Sasuke: *sulks at the rejection given without a thought*

Shikamaru: Man, I feel bad for you, Sasuke, liking a guy like that... ouch.

Naruto: Shut up!

Shikamaru: Poor guy...

Kakashi: Author-san currently lacks inspiration and would appreciate ideas and constructive criticism, but never fear for there is a plan. When Naruto and Sasuke fail to provide inspiration-

Naruto: Hey!

Sasuke: *glares*

Kakashi: -other couples will be focused on.

Iruka: So review, review, review!