Just a warning I am Dyslexic so my stories will not be perfect but I now have one Beta reader to help me along the way :D
Thank you so much to rsrdiall for offering to work with me :D
Hello my sweeties,
It's my birthday today :D
can't believe I'm 27! -_-
so to stop me feeling depressed here is a little birthday special :P to enjoy!
Neh xxx
I do not own Skip Beat!
Birthday special :D
She wanted to deny it, she really did. As Riona looked into those captivating golden eyes of the number one Love Me girl who had refused to graduate the Love Me section, deciding to wait for her friends to graduate also.
"So this is the talent section, run by Sawara-san. He is a wonderful man and if ever you need any help all the people here are friendly."
Kanae snorted slightly, it had only been moments before one of the new interns had tried to grab her arse. Chiori and Riona chuckled slightly as Kyoko kept up her running commentary. No one could bring Kyoko down from her constant high as of late, but no one felt they should.
Kyoko was even more beautiful and radiant in love. Kanae and Chiori were starting to count the number of hearts she would break each day as people realised she truly was taken. And by a man who himself had broken millions of hearts by loving Kyoko first.
Riona herself could not help but love the girl who seemed so familiar and yet so different. Although no one spoke of it, Riona felt she was accepted by all of the Love Me girls and Japan's number one actor for more than just being a new colleague.
They were approaching the lobby heading towards LA Hearts for lunch when Kyoko froze in her stride and simply stared at a man standing in the lobby. Riona almost stepped back as the very air around Kyoko darkened for a moment, before it shifted once more. Then it was as if nothing had happened.
Yet the furious look on the face of the young man that approached them said differently. Kyoko stood to her full height and waited for him to come to her.
"Well you did a wonderful job of keeping your promise Kyoko. You know what that means now don't you?" Sho asked with a smirk as he grabbed Kyoko's arm hard enough to make the young woman wince.
Without further words, he began dragging Kyoko towards the exit. It was as if she was made of liquid as Kyoko removed herself from Sho's grip and stood tall as he turned to her, her face full of rage and indignation.
"Get walking now Kyoko! You lost the bet and now you are going to do exactly as you promised and return to Kyoto!" Sho half shouted.
It had been too much for him to comprehend to see the love in Kyoko's eyes for the man he hated. It had been so much that Shoko had finally seen red and quit as his manager. It had been so much that the president of Akatoki had said if he did not shape up there would no longer be a place for him at their agency, whether he was talented or not.
"Are you insinuating that I should tolerate such insolence from a mere speck of insignificance as you?" Kyoko asked as she placed her hands on her hips and stared up at Sho.
The look in her eyes was one he was sure he had seen before. People around them had stopped to watch and would have sworn that suddenly Kyoko was taller than Sho. Looking down on him as Sho gawked like a fish for a few moments.
Kyoko continued. "You are labouring under great misapprehension." Kyoko leaned forwards and smiled wickedly at the boy before her.
"And for your information Sho, I did not lose! You said that if I was to fall in love with Ren I would have to return to Kyoto." Kyoko watched as Sho's face turned red at the use of Ren's names without honorifics.
"And you have! So I have won and you will return!" Sho shouted, losing the last of his control over the pain his heart was feeling at his loss.
"No I didn't lose Sho. You did. I fell in love with Kuon, not Ren."
And at those soft and very seductively spoken words Kyoko pushed past Sho and continued on her way without further thought. Before he could lunge for the young woman walking away from him a hand grabbed his shoulder.
"I would not do that Fuwa-san," a voice he knew very well spoke softly yet with a deadly intention lying beneath as Kanae, Chiori and Riona followed after the chestnut haired golden eyed beauty.
Sho turned slowly and met the eyes of the woman he had once thought he could rule as he had Kyoko. Yet another woman he had hurt and pushed away when truly he needed her just as badly as Kyoko, even if it wasn't in the same way.
"Shoko-san!" Sho cried as he looked at the woman that had once been his manager.
"I ask that you do not bother my charge when she is working, Fuwa-san. It would not do you any good to receive anymore bad publicity would it now?" The woman questioned as she looked upon the boy before her coldly.
Sho didn't move as Shoko walked away toward the cafe. He had lost everything: his friend, his love and his muse because of his own stupidity. As he watched them until they were out of view, Sho wondered just what he could have become if he had kept both women at his side. Instead, now he had lost them both. With his head down, Sho walked out of LME.
It would be many months before he could write a song that Akatoki thought of as good enough to be released to the public.
'Let Her Go' opened up a new type of music for Sho. Although his career had taken a dive during his absent months, his new music and feelings in his songs slowly brought the boy into the world of men where for once he stood alone without aid. Sho's heartbreak, like Kyoko's, had only made him stronger. He continued on with his life the way Kyoko had shown him: with steel like guts and hard work.
Riona looked at the woman walking beside her and she could not help the words as they slipped from her mouth when she looked once more into those golden eyes.
"Nice to see you again, Setsuka-san. I hope you're well?"
Kanae and Chiori chuckled as Kyoko smirked that famous sexy smirk for a few seconds before she relaxed into a more Kyoko like smile.
"Very well thank you Riona-san."
Riona didn't need to ask who had been the man behind the Cain Heel mask. If Kyoko was Setsu there was only one man who would be able to walk beside her if he had anything to say about it.
But it wasn't like Riona was going to let that little secret out now was it?
}~~~~ Fin }~~~~
Well I hope you enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
and thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed and reviewed this story it has been wonderful xxx
But now I had better get off to bed as my little girl had a big day planned for me for my birthday XD
I'm not sure if i should be scared or not :P
thanks for reading
Neh xxx
Comments and reviews please, I will happily reply to PM's and questions