Hey I am very sorry. I planned to discontinue my works because my sister deleted all my works and plans in my dad's iPad which she uses everyday like its hers. So yeah... But after I read my works... I laughed, smiled and felt my OTP feels... Even if I'm still not quite used to typing with android and I dont have much inspirations left, I am willing to write more. I am currently writing at Wattpad already... two stories, one in mine and the other in my bestfriend's. So, as you can see I am already busy. Tho I miss writing KnB and AkaKuro, so yeah, I will continue it. Tho to continue my works. I need all of your help... I am gonna make my works slightly easier by making it a question thingy for the characters. So, Please send questions to ask the GoM and/or Kagami (Just state it for whom you ask the question to), and ask it in Life In Kuroko no Basuke. As for AkaKuro shippers, you can ask questions to the wonderful couple in AkaKuro Love! :3. If you are gonna ask via Review, Please look carefully and send questions carefully, if the question is for GoM and Kagami its supposed to be in LIKnB, if its for the AkaKuro pair and its a lovey question its in AkaKuro Love. If you are gonna ask via PM anything will do just state to whom the question is directed, I will be the one dividing it. Make my inbox explode, its okay. Thanks for waiting... and supporting me always, by my side. Arigato Gozaimasu, minna! Suki Da Yo! TvT -Honored Maxine